How is a smooth web page scrolling effect created in windows browsers? - javascript

I have seen a few themes that have managed to implement a nice smooth scrolling effect on web pages that you usually get with mac's and not windows based browsers:
Can anyone enlighten me as to how this is best achieved? Thanks!

The watch website is using this jQuery plugin:


pagePiling.js pp-scrollable not working for mobile devices

I have been using the pagePiling.js library for creating a scrollable website, and used the pp-scrollable class for allowing scroll for contents that are huge so that the user can scroll through the section content before moving on to another section.
The functionality is working fine on desktop browsers but isn't working on mobile browsers.
Has anyone had any similar issues with the plugins, if so please any help or tips is welcome.

Custom page slide transition for PhoneGap App without any UI Frameworks

I need a custom page slide transition for my new PhoneGap Project, Please help me to how to create a custom page slide transition using html5, css3 and javascript
Thanks advance..
I would recommend PageSlider by Christopher Conraets (an Adobe employee and strong proponent of PhoneGap - check out this talk by him about good rules for PhoneGap development if you're interested).
I'm using this at the moment. It feels good and is very easy to work with.
Check out this plugin pagingSlider.
slide to pages with touch swipes
auto switch to pages by clicking menu item
animated mobile pagebrowser
integrated touch events with QuoJS
shafi plz use
transform translate3d 3d in css3
to translate the pages left to rigth and rigth to left
You can use Jquery Mobile transitions :
IScroll4 is a good tool for you。

page transition like iphone app feedly on phonegap

Can anybody recommend a plugin,css3 or javascript library which will allow me to implement the same page transition (scroll up&down) as the iphone app Feedly?
To be used in phonegap as html5 app.
jquery mobile didn't work will
I don't quite get what your asking for ?
As in the style of Titlebar and Tab Bar ? They can be achieved natively using Phonegap plugins - a google for that will find it pretty quick.
Otherwise for natural touch based slides between pages I recommend IOS Slider as it works well.
If this helped upvote or accept as the answer.

Android and iPhone drag (touchmove,sweep)

I'm developing HTML5 app for Android and iOS. All I need is to slide hidden menu by sweeping it right and hiding it back with a left sweep.
I can use CSS3 transition for the animation so what I'm looking for is really simple framework which provides the javascript events or if someone has experience.
Thanks in Advance.
If you're familiar with jQuery in any sense, then zepto.js would be good enough (and light-weighted) to get your problem solved.

ipad Javascript slider

I'm looking to create a slider/scroller with javascript for the iPad. I created one using JQuery UI, but it's not supported on iPad.
I'm looking to create something simple, where the user can drag an image left and right along a track. I've looked all over the place for some simple insight on how to do that, all I find are tutorials or links to jquery plugins.
I'm not sure I can use the built-in slider from jquery-mobile, as I have specific images to use, and it doesn't look like it can be skinned.
Any help is welcome.
jQuery Tools Scrollable is iPad/touch friendly.
As an example, checkout the custom scrollable slider on (works on iPad) that I built with jQuery Tools.
I recently used a plugin called Flexslider ( that supports swiping between images on iOS.

