How to play a video from begining after it was paused? - javascript

I am using the following code to play a video. What i want is to stop the video and when I rollover to start again. Now if I rollover after the video start it will continue from the point was paused
function hide_wrap () {
var wrap = $('#wrap');
if ('hidden')) return;
wrap.animate({height: '-=250px'}, 'slow');
$("#button").hide();'hidden', true);
function show_wrap() {
var wrap = $('#wrap');
wrap.animate({height: '+=250'}, 'slow');
$('#videoContainer').css('display', 'block');
$('#button').css('display', 'block');'hidden', false);

You just need to set
$("video")[0].currentTime = 0;
and there you go.


HTMLMediaElement.duration returning NaN for audio file

I have the following JavaScript to play a sound when a button is clicked on the screen, however I'm only getting NaN for the duration.
$(document).ready(function() {
function play_sound() {
var audio = new Audio("assets/sound.ogg");;
var duration = audio.duration;
$(document).on("click", ".box", function(e) {
In my research I found this answer which uses the "loadeddata" event, however I'm not sure how to incorporate that into my code. Should I use an <audio> element in my HTML?
Here's my shot at it:
$(document).ready(function() {
function play_sound() {
var audio = new Audio("assets/sound.ogg");
audio.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function(_event) {
var duration = audio.duration;
$(document).on("click", ".box", function(e) {
Added the eventListener and it works perfectly.

Start and stop with the same div (javascript-jquery)

I want to start and stop an animation when click on the same div.
//if is the first click -->do animation in loop
//if is the second click--->stop animation
How do u do it?
I had resolve only the animation start with loop:
var play = 0;
function myAnimateGreen(){
while(play==1) {myAnimateGreen();}
play = 1;
But I can't resolve the stop!
You can use the :animated selector to detect if the animation is currently happening
if( !$(".green").is(':animated') ) {
//Do animation
} else {
//Stop animation
function animateGreen(el) {
var delay = 500,
time = 1000,
distance = 150;
el.animate({left:'+='+distance+'px'}, time, "linear");"anim_green", setTimeout(animateGreen, time+delay, el));
$('green').click(function() {
var self = $(this);
if ("anim_green")) {
clearTimeout("anim_green"));"anim_green", false);
Should do it, just paste! Proof:

jQuery fade image loop

I want to make a loop in my function so that the slideshow effect always restarts.
Here's my fiddle :
It's all good for the image 1 to go to image 2, but I want it to fade it back to the image 1, and then go the image 2, and so always loop like that.
What do I need to add in my code to make this work?
Don't use a loop, just ask the browser to repetitively call your animation step :
// your animation (in fact just a step)
}, someDelay);
Demonstration :
In this precise case, the animation is done with :
$("#top").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr('src', '').fadeIn().delay(1000);
}, 4000);
see this jquery cycle plugin:
may be this is what you want
You can create a function that does the transition, which has a callback function as part of the fadeIn method that will call back to itself to trigger the next transition, and it would just be in a constant loop.
Here's your modified jsfiddle:
<img id="top" src="" width="300" height="300" />​
function transition(first)
var src = first ? "" : "";
$("#top").delay(1000).fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr("src",src).fadeIn(function() {
I just made this code:
// images in the pool
var images=[" I/AAAAAAAAAR4/R6hOP7lffx0/s1600/apple-logo.png",
// next image to display
var next = 0;
// interval beetween images
var INTERVAL = 1000;
// main function
var doCarrousel = function() {
$("#top").fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr("src", images[next]).fadeIn(
function() {
setTimeout(doCarrousel, INTERVAL);
if (++next >= images.length)
next = 0;
//start carrousel
I would use a plugin. But you can do it by hand. I just recommend against changing the src of the images, because some browsers don't handle it very well, like safari not firing load event.
Instead, have all images inside a container, and cycle their visibility:
var currentImage = $("#images img:first");
currentImage =;
currentImage = currentImage.siblings().first();
}, 1000)
See fiddle:
Quick and dirty: jsFiddle example
function swap(img) {
img = (img == '') ? '' : '';
$('#top').delay(2000).fadeOut(function() {
$(this).attr('src', img)
}).fadeIn(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);

jQuery video onpause play animation

I am building a site that has thumbnail based navigation and a large image or video as the background. See it here
Right now I have it so that if you click on a video the navigation menu animates out of the way so that you can see the video better. I want to make it so that on pause the menu animates back in.
Here is the code
//clicking on a thumb, replaces the large image or video
$list.find('.st_thumbs img').bind('click',function(){
var $this = $(this);
var src = $this.attr('alt');
if (/\.(mp4|ogv)$/i.test(src)) {
var $currImage = $('#st_main').children('img,video').first();
$("<video class='st_preview' controls='controls' id='video' preload='auto'>").attr({ src: src }).insertBefore($currImage);
setTimeout('playVid()', 5000);
$socialLinks.animate({ 'left': -($socialLinks.width()) }, 500);
$("video").bind("play", function() {
$list.children().each(function(i,el) { // loop through the LI elements within $list
$("video").bind("pause", function() {
$list.children().each(function(i,el) { // loop through the LI elements within $list
else {
$('<img class="st_preview"/>').load(function(){
var $this = $(this);
var $currImage = $('#st_main').children('img,video').first();
$socialLinks.animate({ 'left': '0px' }, 1000);
setTimeout('$("a.st_img_download").attr("href", "image_download.php?image="+$(\'#st_main\').children(\'img:first\').attr("src"))', 500);
if (video.paused) {
//show menu

Cancel scrolling after user interaction

My webpage animates scrolling when users click on links to the same page. I want to cancel this animation as soon as the user tries to scroll (otherwise the user and the browser are fighting for control) – no matter whether with the mouse wheel, the keyboard or the scrollbar (or any other way – are there other ways of scrolling?). I managed to cancel the animation after the mouse wheel or keyboard are used, how do I get this working with the scrollbar?
Here is how my code looks for the keyboard:
$(document.documentElement).keydown( function (event) {
if(event.keyCode == 38 || 40) stopScroll();
function stopScroll() {
$("html, body").stop(true, false);
I also tried a more elegant way of doing this by using scroll(), the problem is that scroll() catches everything including the animated and automated scrolling. I could not think of any way to let it catch all scrolling except the animated scrolling.
you need animation marker, something like this
$("html, body").stop(true, false).prop('animatedMark',0.0).animate({scrollTop : top, animatedMark: '+=1.0'})
Here is the code, the code was mix of GWT and javascript so moved it to js, not fully tested, please try it
var lastAnimatedMark=0.0;
function scrollToThis(top){
// Select/ stop any previous animation / reset the mark to 0
// and finally animate the scroll and the mark
$("html, body").stop(true, false).prop('animatedMark',0.0).
animate({scrollTop : top, animatedMark: '+=1.0'}
//We finished , nothing just clear the data
$("html, body").prop('animatedMark',0.0);
//Gets the animatedMark value
function animatedMark() {
var x=$("html, body").prop('animatedMark');
if (x==undefined){
$("html, body").prop('animatedMark', 0.0);
x=$("html, body").prop('animatedMark');
return x;
//Kills the animation
function stopBodyAnimation() {
$("html, body").stop(true, false);
//This should be hooked to window scroll event
function scrolled(){
//get current mark
var currentAnimatedMark=animatedMark();
//mark must be more than zero (jQuery animation is on) & but
//because last=current , this is user interaction.
if (currentAnimatedMark>0 && (lastAnimatedMark==currentAnimatedMark)) {
//During Animation but the marks are the same !
Here is the blog about it!canceling-jquery-animation-after-user-interaction
Here's a jquery function that should do the trick:
function polite_scroll_to(val, duration, callback) {
/* scrolls body to a value, without fighting the user if they
try to scroll in the middle of the animation. */
var auto_scroll = false;
function stop_scroll() {
if (!auto_scroll) {
$("html, body").stop(true, false);
$(window).on('scroll', stop_scroll);
$("html, body").animate({
scrollTop: val
}, {
duration: duration,
step: function() {
auto_scroll = true;
$(window).one('scroll', function() {
auto_scroll = false;
complete: function() {
callback && callback();
always: function() {
$(window).off('scroll', stop_scroll);
It's not very elegant, but you could use a flag of some kind to detect what type of scrolling you're dealing with (animated or 'manual') and always kill it when it's animated. Here's an untested example:
var animatedScroll = false;
// you probably have a method looking something like this:
function animatedScrollTo(top) {
// set flag to true
animatedScroll = true;
scrollTop : top
}, 'slow', function() {
// reset flag after animation is completed
animatedScroll = false;
function stopScroll() {
if (animatedScroll) {
$("html, body").stop(true, false);

