Rethinkdb append to array if exists - javascript

In RethinkDB, I have a table authors with the following layout:
id: 12,
videos: [1,2,3]
Now I get new authors with objects like this:
id: 12,
videos: [4,5]
If the author now already exists, I want to append the new videos 4 and 5 to the list of videos.
If author not exists, just insert the document like it is.
My approach was the following, but it didn't work.
r.table('authors').getAll(4, 3, 2, 1, {index: 'id'})
.replace(function(author, index) {
return r.branch(
id: index,
videos: [1,2,3]
-> Response:
"deleted": 0 ,
"errors": 3 ,
"first_error": "Expected 2 arguments but found 1." ,
"inserted": 0 ,
"replaced": 0 ,
"skipped": 0 ,
"unchanged": 0

Your logic is very good. It is just some syntax issue.
Given an author, if the author isn't existed, insert it, otherwise, append the video array, here is what I think of, using your logic:
var author = {
id: 12,
videos: [9, 10]
function (doc) {
return r.branch(doc('inserted').ne(0),
r.expr({inserted: 1}),
r.table('authors').get(author["id"]).update(function(doc) {
return {videos: doc('videos').union(author["videos"])}
If the insert is sucesfully, it means we have no document with the same id, we don't have to do anything. Otherwise, we will update the document and append the videos into it.
To updare an array of multiple author, we can use foreach and expr to turn array into ReQL object. However, in this case, we use bracket to get field instead of using [] as in JavaScript object
var authors = [{
id: 12,
videos: [90, 91]
id: 14,
videos: [1, 2]
r.expr(authors).forEach(function(author) {
return r.table('authors').insert(author).do(
function (doc) {
return r.branch(doc('inserted').ne(0),
r.expr({inserted: 1}),
r.table('authors').get(author("id")).update(function(doc) {
return {videos: doc('videos').union(author("videos"))}

Something like this should do it:
r([4, 3, 2, 1]).foreach(function(id) {
return r.table('authors').get(id).replace(function(row) {
return r.branch(row.eq(null), {id: id, videos: [1, 2, 3]}, row);

lambda for replace method has only 1 argument. But you are trying too pass 2 args: author, index.


How can I group specific items within an object in the same array and delete them from the core array?

I am trying to achieve something a bit complex.
I am working on a grouping feature where I have to get the items containing the key checked: true then I need to put them together within the key/array named questionGroup in the first item in the array with checked: true and then deleting the other items that were grouped.
See the structure of the data:
const dummyQuestions = [
id: 1,
checked: false,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 2,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 3,
checked: false,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 4,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 5,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
So lets say you clicked on a certain button which fires a grouping function, as you noticed index 1, 3 and 4 have checked: true, so this must happen:
const dummyQuestions = [
id: 1,
checked: false,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 2,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: [
id: 2,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 4,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 5,
checked: true,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
id: 3,
checked: false,
question: {...},
questionGroup: []
That's how the data must be after grouping it.
Do you get the idea?
I created a reproducible demo =>
This is the relevant code:
const handleGroupQuestions = (): void => {
const questionAddedCopy: VariableConfig[] = [...questionAdded];
// Only the questions with checked === true will be grouped.
const filteredCopy: VariableConfig[] = questionAddedCopy.filter(
(q: VariableConfig) => q.checked === true
const grouped: VariableConfig[] = [
...questionAdded.filter((q: VariableConfig) => filteredCopy.includes(q))
for (let i = 0; i < grouped.length; i++) {
// Here I compare the ids and I put them together into the key questionGroup
if (filteredCopy[i].id === grouped[i].id) {
// I had to set any instead of VariableConfig type because otherwise TS throws an error
addQuestion((q: any) => {
const questionsCopy = [...q];
const mergedQuestions: VariableConfig[] = [
{ ...grouped[i], questionGroup: grouped }
// With this `unique` function what I am trying to achieve (which I am not) is
// to have a unique ID per every question/item in the array.
// I need to add the questions to questionGroup to the highest item containing check = true
// I need to delete from the main array, the items going inside questionGroup.
const unique = [
...mergedQuestions.filter((c) => !== questionsCopy[i].id)
return unique;
And to explain more in deep and to answer your questions.
We see that the first item in the array with checked: true is the item with the id 2, so that will be the place where I have to stored the other items with checked: true because that is the highest item in the array, then I need to delete from the array the items that were grouped into questionGroup.
The id 2 in this case is repeated and that is a requirement, because one id is for the parent and the other one within questionGroup is its own child, get it? Like if it is storing itself into questionGroup.
This is just a grouping functionality where I am saving some steps. Imagine every item contains a checkbox, so the items that you want to group, you have to check them first, then click the GROUP THEM button, the checked items disappear and then get together into the highest checked index, keeping its id and storing itself as well.
Take a look at the arrays I posted. There you can see what is the exact output I need.
Here is one technique:
// helper function
const addChecked = (q, qs) =>
({...q, questionGroup: qs .filter (p => p .checked)})
// main function
const nestChecked = (qs, found = false) =>
qs .flatMap (q => q .checked ? found ? [] : (found = true, [addChecked (q, qs)]) : [q])
// sample data
const dummyQuestions = [{id: 1, checked: false, question: 'foo', questionGroup: []}, {id: 2, checked: true, question: 'bar', questionGroup: []}, {id: 3, checked: false, question: 'baz', questionGroup: []}, {id: 4, checked: true, question: 'qux', questionGroup: []}, {id: 5, checked: true, question: 'corge', questionGroup: []}]
// demo
console .log (JSON .stringify (nestChecked (dummyQuestions), null, 4))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
We have a simple helper function that groups all the checked elements of the input into (a copy of) a specific question.
Our main function iterates over the questions with .flatMap, which allows us to do a filter and map in a single traversal. We maintain a flag, found which tells us if we've already handled the checked elements. For each question, if it's not checked, we simply include it, by returning it wrapped in an array, as [q] from the flatMap callback. If it is checked, we evaluate the found flag. If that is set to true, then we return and empty array. If it's not, we return the result of calling our helper function above, again wrapped in an array. (These array wrappers are not specifically needed for this problem; but I like to return a consistent type in the flatMap callback.)
We could easily inline that helper function, as it's only called once. In fact that's how I originally wrote it. But it feels cleaner to me separated.
It's not clear to me if there is some iterative process which will then further nest these. If so, you might have to do something more sophisticated in the helper function dealing wit already-populated questionGroup fields. But that would probably be for a different question.
Finally, we also might want to avoid that default parameter. There are sometimes good reasons to want to do so. I leave this change as an exercise for the reader. :-)

Update MongoDB in Mongoose with two arrays

I am new to mongodb and couldn't for some reason find anything in the documentation (Maybe I looked in the wrong places).
I got two arrays, say:
ids = [1, 2, 3, 4]
values = [12, 33, 44, 11]
Currently I am looping through the list ids and am updating the DB for each entry which seems incredibly inefficient:
For that I am using an object for each iteration (Simplified):
update['values']['duration'] = values[i];
This is how I insert into the DB
await CollectionName.updateOne({ids: ids[i]}, {$set: update});
Any pointers? Thanks! :)
Example 2:
ids = [4, 7, 9]
values = [
"preference" : "test",
"1Duration" : 55,
"2Duration" : 66
"preference" : "test",
"1Duration" : 22,
"2Duration" : 33
"preference" : "test",
"1Duration" : 78,
"2Duration" : 11
Your code should look something like this:
{ }, //This is where you could insert into a spesific record
{ $push: { ids , values },
(err) => {
if (err) throw console.log('found errors');
console.log('record created')
You can use $in operator in this case.
await CollectionName.updateMany({ids: {$in: ids}}, {$set: update});

Converting Array to Object for selecting objects (Refactoring / Optimizing)

While I was facing slow loading time when it iterate array to render objects, I want to change its data structure. I show table of contents for seasons. When user clicks an item, the item is marked as selected.
Here is current data structure (Array)
const seasons = [{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
}, {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
}, {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
}, {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
}, {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
I'm storing selected Season Ids as an Array now
state = {selectedSeasonIds: []}
When selectedSeasonIds has id, I want to remove the id from it. Otherwise, add the id to selectedSeasonIds. (This is current approach)
if(_.includes(this.state.selectedSeasonIds, id)) {
let newSelectedSeasonIds = _.filter(this.state.selectedSeasonIds, (curObject) => {
return curObject !== id;
this.setState({selectedSeasonIds : newSelectedSeasonIds});
} else {
let newSelectedSeasonIds = [...this.state.selectedSeasonIds, id];
this.setState({selectedSeasonIds : newSelectedSeasonIds});
And here is my pseudo-code for refactoring to convert my arrays to object structure for performance. (I found searching on an object is MUCH faster than searching on the array)
Changing the array to object
const seasons = {
6 :{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
7: {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
8: {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
9: {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
10: {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
Changing Selected Seasons <- I want to store only the key(id) of the objects. But I want to use it as an object
state = {selectedSeasonIds : {}} Can I store object type state?
Here is expected logic which can be 50 times faster than array search.
if(selectedSeasonIds[id]) {
return _.omit(state.selectedSeasonIds, id); < is this right?
} else {
return {...state.selectedSeasonIds, [id]:id} <- Does this look ok?
Well if you think this is right, you can copy and paste my code to the answer (I will edit my question too).
Otherwise, Can you provide better suggestion or find the error?
Thank you so much
I guess you have to loop through seasons in order to render them.
My first suggestion is to add selected prop in each one of them so you don't have to check in selectedSeasonsIds on every render.
In case this is not an option, you can still keep the key value approach.
onAdd(id) {
selectedSeasonsIds: {
[id]: this.state.selectedSeasonsIds[id] ? false : true
When checking for specific season whether they are selected or not, simply:
render() {
const { seasons, selectedSeasonsIds } = this.state
return (
{Object.keys(seasons).map(key =>
Maybe something like this? I'd recommend storing arrays and then converting as necessary for lookups.
const seasons = [{
id: 6,
value: 'All',
}, {
id: 7,
value: 'Spring',
}, {
id: 8,
value: 'Summer',
}, {
id: 9,
value: 'Fall',
}, {
id: 10,
value: 'Winter',
const seasonsHash = _.keyBy(seasons, 'id');
// check for existence
const hasId = _.has(seasonsHash, id)
// remove and convert back to array
_.values(_.omit(seasonsHash, id))
// add new id
_.concat(_.values(seasonsHash), id)
<script src=""></script>

combo of async map, recursion and callback in function- nodejs

I have a function which computes a value and after the computation returns value with a callback to a another function.
The situation is starting to get pretty mixed where I have 2 nested for loops and recursion inside this.
Error is: uncaughtException: Callback was already called.
First let me write the sample of the code.
functionTest (array, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
nresponse.success(res, result);
function dependicies(array, callback) {, function(item, outerNext) {, function(value, innerNext){
dependicies(array, callback);
innerNext(); //should I write this after or before the recursion call?
outerNext(); //where should I call the outerNext?
}, function(err, result){
callback(null, sthComputedInMap);
As I write in comments, should I write innerNext after or before the recursion call? In addition to the this question, should I call outerNext after the scope of second map?
Things are pretty messed. How am I gonna clear up? I'm looking the document.
** isn't this a place where it's the end of the first I think the problem is this is called for each of the recursion. What I want is to call this as break.
In code I try to loop through an array. Assume I try to get list of name fields of one document's starting from itself to its last grand grand children. The array's structure which I trace is like this;
{id: 1, childrenIds: [3, 4, 5], name: ""},
{id: 3, childrenIds: [8, 5], name: ""},
{id: 21, childrenIds: [ 5], name: ""},
{id: 7, childrenIds: [5], name: ""},
{id: 5, childrenIds: [], name: ""}
first is for traversing each document, the other one is for traversing its children array.
I hope it helps :)
You can mix loops, recursion and callbacks using SynJS. Below is a working example to illustrate. setTimeout is just used as an example of asynchronous function that returns result via callback.
global.SynJS = global.SynJS || require('synjs');
function processOneDoc(modules, documents, doc, childNames) {
for(var i=0; doc.childrenIds && i < doc.childrenIds.length; i++) {
var currDoc = documents[doc.childrenIds[i]];
if(currDoc) {
var chNames=[];
setTimeout(function(){, null, modules, documents, currDoc, chNames, function(){
function processAll(modules, documents) {
for(var d in documents) {
var childNames=[];,null, modules, documents, documents[d], childNames,function(){
console.log(new Date().toISOString(), d, childNames);
var modules = {
SynJS: SynJS,
processOneDoc: processOneDoc,
var documents = {
1: {id: 1, childrenIds: [3, 4, 5], name: "name of 1st"},
3: {id: 3, childrenIds: [8, 5], name: "name of 3rd"},
21: {id: 21, childrenIds: [ 5], name: "name of 21st"},
7: {id: 7, childrenIds: [5], name: "name of 7th"},
5: {id: 5, childrenIds: [], name: "name of 5th"}
};,null,modules,documents,function () {
It would produce following output:
2017-01-06T18:50:57.750Z 1 [ 'name of 3rd', [ 'name of 5th' ], 'name of 5th' ]
2017-01-06T18:50:59.785Z 3 [ 'name of 5th' ]
2017-01-06T18:50:59.800Z 5 []
2017-01-06T18:51:01.831Z 7 [ 'name of 5th' ]
2017-01-06T18:51:03.863Z 21 [ 'name of 5th' ]
Based on my understanding for what you have provided in your question. Your recursion call is not on the right location. One way to solve your problem is as:
function dependencies(array, callback){
outerResult =, function(item, outerNext){
var innerResult =, function(value, innerNext){
//recursive_call_condition == true
// for instance you want to check if value has an array further
dependencies(value.members, callback);
innerNext(null, innerResult);
outerNext(null, outerResult);
}, function(err, finalResult){
// `finalResult` is your result

RethinkDB - Updating nested array

I have a survey table that looks like so:
id: Id,
date: Date,
clients: [{
client_id: Id,
contacts: [{
contact_id: Id,
score: Number,
feedback: String,
email: String
I need to updated the score and feedback fields under a specific contact. Currently, I am running the update like this:
function saveScore(obj){
var dfd = q.defer();
var survey = surveys.get(obj.survey_id);
.pluck({ clients: 'contacts' })
.then(results => {
results.clients.forEach((item, outerIndex) => {
item.contacts.forEach((item, index, array) => {
if(Number(item.contact_id) === Number(obj.contact_id)) {
array[index].score = obj.score;
console.log(outerIndex, index);
return survey.update(results).run()
.then(results => dfd.resolve(results))
.catch(err => dfd.resolve(err));
return dfd.promise;
When I look at the update method, it specifies how to update nested key:value pairs. However, I can't find any examples to update an individual item in an array.
Is there a better and hopefully cleaner way to update items in a nested array?
You might need to get the array, filter out the desired value in the array and then append it again to the array. Then you can pass the updated array to the update method.
Let's say you have a document with two clients that both have a name and a score and you want to update the score in one of them:
"clients": [
"name": "jacob" ,
"score": 200
} ,
"name": "jorge" ,
"score": 57
] ,
"id": "70589f08-284c-495a-b089-005812ec589f"
You can get that specific document, run the update command with an annonymous function and then pass in the new, updated array into the clients property.
.update(function (row) {
return {
// Get all the clients, expect the one we want to update
clients: row('clients').filter(function (client) {
return client('name').ne('jorge')
// Append a new client, with the update information
.append({ name: 'jorge', score: 57 })
I do think this is a bit cumbersome and there's probably a nicer, more elegant way of doing this, but this should solve your problem.
Database Schema
Maybe it's worth it to create a contacts table for all your contacts and then do a some sort of join on you data. Then your contacts property in your clients array would look something like:
id: Id,
date: Date,
clients: [{
client_id: Id,
contact_scores: {
Id: score(Number)
contact_feedbacks: {
Id: feedback(String)
database schema
"clients": [
"name": "jacob" ,
"score": 200
} ,
"name": "jorge" ,
"score": 57
] ,
"id": "70589f08-284c-495a-b089-005812ec589f"
then you can do like this using map and branch query .
.update({"clients": r.row('clients').map(function(elem){
return r.branch(
elem.merge({ "score": 100 }),
it works for me
contacts: r.row('Contacts').changeAt(0,
r.row('Contacts').nth(0).merge({feedback: "NICE"}))
ReQL solution
Creating a query to update a JSON array of objects in-place, is a rather complicated process in ReThinkDB (and most query languages). The best (and only) solution in ReQL that I know about, is to use a combination of update,offsetsOf,do,changeAt, and merge functions. This solution will retain the order of objects in the array, and only modify values on objects which match in the offsetsOf methods.
The following code (or something similar) can be used to update an array of objects (i.e. clients) which contain an array of objects (i.e. contracts).
Where '%_databaseName_%', '%_tableName_%', '%_documentUUID_%', %_clientValue_%, and %_contractValue_% must be provided.
r.db('%_databaseName_%').table('%_tableName_%').get('%_documentUUID_%').update(row =>
.offsetsOf(clients => client('client_id').eq('%_clientValue_%'))(0)
.do(clientIndex => ({
clients: row('clients')(clientIndex)
.offsetsOf(contacts => contact('contact_id').eq('%_contactValue_%')))(0)
.do(contactIndex => ({
contacts: row(clientIndex)
.changeAt(contractIndex, row(clientIndex)(contractIndex).merge({
'score': 0,
'feedback': 'xyz'
Why go through the trouble of forming this into ReQL?
.pluck({ clients: 'contacts' }).run()
.then(results => {
results.clients.forEach((item, outerIndex) => {
item.contacts.forEach((item, index, array) => {
if(Number(item.contact_id) === Number(obj.contact_id)) {
array[index].score = obj.score;
console.log(outerIndex, index);
return survey.update(results).run()
While the code provided by Jacob (the user who asked the question here on Stack Overflow - shown above) might look simpler to write, the performance is probably not as good as the ReQL solution.
1) The ReQL solution runs on the query-server (i.e. database side) and therefore the code is optimized during the database write (higher performance). Whereas the code above, does not make full use of the query-server, and makes a read and write request pluck().run() and update().run(), and data is processed on the client-request side (i.e. NodeJs side) after the pluck() query is run (lower performance).
2) The above code requires the query-server to send back all the data to the client-request side (i.e. NodeJs side) and therefore the response payload (internet bandwidth usage / download size) can be several megabytes. Whereas the ReQL solution is processed on the query-server, and therefore the response payload typically just confirms that the write was completed, in other words only a few bytes are sent back to the client-request side. Which is done in a single request.
ReQL is too complicated
However, ReQL (and especially SQL) seem overly complicated when working with JSON, and it seems to me that JSON should be used when working with JSON.
I've also proposed that the ReThinkDB community adopt an alternative to ReQL that uses JSON instead (
The solution to updating nested JSON arrays should be as simple as...
clients: [{
client_id: 0,
contacts: [{
contact_id: 0,
score: 0,
feedback: 'xyz',
tfmontague is on the right path but I think his answer can be improved a lot. Because he uses ...(0) there's a possibility for his answer to throw errors.
zabusa also provides a ReQL solution using map and branch but doesn't show the complete nested update. I will expand on this technique.
ReQL expressions are composable so we can isolate complexity and avoid repetition. This keeps the code flat and clean.
First write a simple function mapIf
const mapIf = (rexpr, test, f) => => r.branch(test(x), f(x), x));
Now we can write the simplified updateClientContact function
const updateClientContact = (doc, clientId, contactId, patch) =>
( { clients:
( doc('clients')
, c => c('client_id').eq(clientId)
, c =>
( c('contacts')
, c => c('contact_id').eq(contactId)
, c =>
Use it like this
// fetch the document to update
const someDoc =
// create patch for client id [1] and contact id [12]
const patch =
updateClientContact(someDoc, 1, 12, { name: 'x', feedback: 'z' });
// apply the patch
Here's a concrete example you can run in reql> ...
const testDoc =
{ clients:
[ { client_id: 1
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 11, name: 'a' }
, { contact_id: 12, name: 'b' }
, { contact_id: 13, name: 'c' }
, { client_id: 2
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 21, name: 'd' }
, { contact_id: 22, name: 'e' }
, { contact_id: 23, name: 'f' }
, { client_id: 3
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 31, name: 'g' }
, { contact_id: 32, name: 'h' }
, { contact_id: 33, name: 'i' }
updateClientContact(r.expr(testDoc), 2, 23, { name: 'x', feedback: 'z' });
The result will be
{ clients:
[ { client_id: 1
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 11, name: 'a' }
, { contact_id: 12, name: 'b' }
, { contact_id: 13, name: 'c' }
, { client_id: 2
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 21, name: 'd' }
, { contact_id: 22, name: 'e' }
, { contact_id: 23, name: 'x', feedback: 'z' } // <--
, { client_id: 3
, contacts:
[ { contact_id: 31, name: 'g' }
, { contact_id: 32, name: 'h' }
, { contact_id: 33, name: 'i' }
Better late than never
I had your same problem and i could solve it with two ways:
With specific client_id
.update({'clients': r.row('clients')
return r.branch(
contacts: elem('contacts').map(elem2=>
score: 99999,
feedback: 'yourString'
Without specific client_id
.update({'clients': r.row('clients')
contacts: elem('contacts').map(elem2=>
score: 99999,
feedback: 'yourString'
I hope that it works for you, even when happened much time ago

