getting data from database and displaying on another page - javascript

I have been developing an appointment system over the past few weeks using php, mysql and javascript. I've come across a problem when trying to insert data into a table. I am using javascript on a php page to send a GET request to a php file which generates a table from database records. I have

I can't understand some of questions but as far as I know you want to call a data from the page?
You want to call the data from the specific users? If yes, you must use $_GET to get ID then you can call the data you want.
Please elaborate more regarding your question.


Updating a page from another page whats the best and easy way?

So my problem is if there are 2 pages for example. PricePage.html has the list of prices and UpdatePrice.html has the input text and etc. If I use the UpdatePrice.html to change the prices of PricePage.html, whats the best way should I use? via php to php or via php to mysql or theres even an easier way to do it. Sorry for my bad english.
Don't think of it as updating one page from another. Think of it as two separate pages that both interact with a database.
Store your price information in a database (such as MySQL).
Have PricePage query the database to get the price information, and generate the HTML to display it. (This means the page can't be just static HTML; it needs to use something like PHP that can generate HTML dynamically.)
Have the UpdatePrice page store the new price information in the database. (This doesn't directly modify PricePage, but next time someone views that page, it'll retrieve and display the latest information in the database.)
If you want the data to get updated in real time like once the data is updated it gets reflected on other page,then you can use sockets which will listen for the update event and once the event is fired the contents will get updated.
One of the most popular framework for this business is
I would suggest you to have a look to it.The benefit for using this approach is that you save a lot of resource and the functions work in realtime.

get data of mysql database and display on html page

My Question is simple: which programming language do you recommand me to do what I want below.
I have an html page and some javascript. On the html page you see a card game and some actions of the card. In my javascript I hardcoded for the moment the cards of every players. In the future I don't want hardcoded decks. I want to get the info of which players has which cards in his hand from a mysql database.
I don't think javascript (or jquery) is the way to do it. What do you recommand me to use?
I think you need Ajax Calls, a MySQL database with phpmyAdmin for example and some php.
Ajax 101:
You can consider nodejs. The package mysql can allow you to insert data into the database and read them when needed.
Use PHP to retrieve info of which players has which cards in his hand from your MySQL database.
For further reference please refer

PHP code to write current score to MySQL database

I have a website where you need to create an account and login to play the game. I have PHP that refers to a MySQL database with a column for UserId, Username, firstname, lastname, password and score. The login works fine. Then, you are taken to the html document that contains the game. It is somewhat like cookie clicker, where your objective is to get the highest score possible through interacting with an object.
I have a score variable called "clicks" which increases quite rapidly.
I have some javascript code that reads;
if (clicks%5==0) {
What this means is when clicks is divisibly by 5 it activates a function called sendScore. It activates the function every 5 increments because I assume sending data to the table multiple times a second would be demanding too much from the server. This function will write the current players score to the MySQL table column named "score", the row in relation to the players UserID. UserID is a number that is generated when an account is created so that the user's account can be easily referred to.
I know its just me overthinking it, but I cannot seem to write a working piece of PHP code that I can link to the sendScore() function that sends the player's current score ('clicks' javascript variable) to their score column in the MySQL database.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
The request to send info has to be an AJAX request. Maybe this is why it doesn't work. I am used to writing forms, but forms would refresh the page. Can anyone help write an AJAX request for this situation?
What is your current sendScore function?
It is kind of hard to give a detailed answer without more of your code, but I'll try:
Your sendScore function will need to send a request to the PHP script that will handle this request. You can do that either using pure JavaScript, using XMLHttpRequest. More on that here: However, you can also use a framework such as jQuery to do some of the heavier lifting. More on jQuery and AJAX functions (specifically post-requests) can be found here:
Then you'll need a PHP function that can handle the request. You have to point your JavaScript function (that performs the POST request) to the URL of this script. Then you can process the information sent by your JavaScript just as you would process a 'normal' form.
To get your values from JavaScript to PHP and vice versa, it's probably easiest to use JSON, as both JavaScript and PHP handle JSON nicely these days, and it's a lot easier than XML.

Inserting PHP variables in jQuery

So I found this Pie Chart that I would like to use on my website (
I've already adapted the code to where it establishes a connection to the MySQL database gets the information I need from and I've saved those as variables in PHP and displays them within the Pi chart. So far so good!
Now I've really like to make this a little bit more real-time as the information changes quite rapidly, so I was thinking, of having the jQuery update its information on a regular basis. Preferably every 1000ms or so. How would I go about achieving this?
Thanks for your suggestions!
Basically you will need to establish an ajax data flow:
your main page will contain only the graph, but skip the data
request the data by sending an ajax request to a separate page
the data page should return your data object in JSON format (use json_encode())
With periodicalupdater you can update your data in the interval of your choice and automatically adjust this interval to reduce the load on your server.
There's a worked example in the documentation:
Basically, you need to use JavaScript and more specifically Ajax to query the server continuously and fetch new data in JSON format. Then update the chart using the brilliantly named 'updateChart' method. :)

How do I populate form fields on a page from a database based on the page url?

Hello first I’d like to say, please excuse my ignorance to this all, as I’m very new to this all. I just started and still trying to understand this.
So far I have a database set up and I’m trying to retrieve values from a database to fill in a form on a page when it loads. The record or row/values that need to be retrieved from a database depend on the page’s URL.
I’m ok with html and css but still trying to learn more about jquery, JavaScript, sql, php and so on and so forth. I realize I have a ways to go and honestly some of the guides and tutorials online are kind of confusing because everyone has a different way of coding. So I’m a bit confused.
I’ve included a simple chart to breakdown what I’m trying to do.
If someone could point me in the right direction I’d be really grateful! Thanks.
If I understand you well, you want to setup a form and populate some fields of this form with a query forms a database, the primary key of the record being relative to the url.
The first step is to build the url, you can pass some parameters to an url by adding a ? at the end of the url followed by the parameter name, the = sign and the parameter value. If you have more than one parameter, you should separate each parameter with the sign &.
So your url could be something like this :
Then, you'll have to choose if you want to build the page on the server side with a language like php, in which case you retrieve the parameter, query the database, build the html form and send it to the client.
You can also go client side with plain javascript or jquery, in which case you will still have to do some server side programming to query the database but will use an ajax call to get the data and will populate the fields in Javascript or JQuery.
You can do this using Javscript(using Ajax)
U need the key to search for get the results from database
Using ajax call get the data, You might have to write code to get the details from database using any server side prog language
Using javascript to fill the form input with the received data.
Google for jquery ajax examples, and how to populate input using javascript.
There are many frameworks out there that have DataBinding built-in that do the same job a lot easier. My favourite would be Angular Js, you can try Ember and lot more out there, choose the one you feel comfortable with.

