Is there some SVG processor? [closed] - javascript

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am searching for a cross-browser client-side library to build SVG a similar way SASS/LESS/SCSS build CSS.
Do you know something like that?

There is SnapSVG. It is not a preprocessor but Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more.
SnapSVG Demos:
Getting Started with SnapSVG:
SnapSVG Docs:

You're looking for a solution for generating SVGs on the server. Frankly there doesn't seem to be much out there for you.
I did a bit of googling, and the best I came up with was this article which describes using PhantomJS to run the standard client-side libraries on the server. It's not the answer you're looking for, but it's the best I've been able to find.


Best Java Script Plugin for Image compression with many browsers support [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can someone suggest a best Java Script Plugin for Image compression with many browsers support?
I searched and find many and not sure about the drawbacks and advantages of using it.
If someone already uses it, please suggest.
Write you own code with HTML5 Canvas, file and Blob Url.
All this code will take half of screen). If you working with very large images, e.g. 6000x9000 for better quality you should use this lib instead of canvas.
This is most powerful lib that i know at js. Lib with several resize algorithms for people who knnow the difference.

Browser feature detection in code base - Am I using ...? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this question is a very helpful tool to figure out which browsers/versions support a specific CSS, HTML, JS feature. What about a tool that parses my code and tells me what features I'm actually using? If you have a large codebase, finding out post-hoc which features you're actually using can be very tedious if done manually. How would you go about that?
I'm not asking for feature detection at runtime, I know Modernizr but what I need is the exact opposite of that. A solution to find out which tests I need to add to the Modernizr config.
Modernizr might still help you to get there although you would use it in a different way. You could configure it to detect all features and run that in the set of browsers that your project needs to support. Then do something like
if ( ! Modernizr.flexbox ) {
for all of the features and you'll quickly find out which features your codebase is using.

Javascript documentation generators like or YARD? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I really need a nice Javascript documentation generator for an upcoming Javascript library I'm working on. Obviously, I need documentation for my library in order for people to understand it. I'm having a lot of trouble finding a good library for documentation, I've looked at many different projects but they're not what I need.
Is there any nice documentation generators for Javascript that create a or YARD style documentation in Javascript? Thanks.
Not exactly same as YARD style, but more natively for Javascript and less Javaish IMHO
There is also
Appears to be very experimental still and depends on the parsejs which is not available as a gem yet. But for JS projects that use some sort of class construct and do not mind the ruby dependency this direction might be worth pursuing.

Javascript GUI like Yahoo Pipes [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop a GUI like Yahoo Pipes.
Can anyone suggest some library or framework?
I was about to ask this same question whenever I came across an awesome library myself. I know this response is way late, but hopefully it will help others looking for a similar resource.
The library is called WireIt and is released under the MIT license.
WireIt Library
jsPlumb is also a great library for "yahoo pipes"-like GUI: You can use it with mootools, jquery or YUI. It works on SVG, Canvas or VML. iIt does not include forms but I guess you can open one with some attached event on connectors.
I'd probably start with Raphaël

Javascript library for dockable panels/tabs? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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In the process of converting a .NET rich application to Javascript. One of the GUI features folks liked a lot was to rearrange their application layout. In .NET this was accomplished via Sandock:
Anything like this for Javascript?
The closest I know to that is the javascript library ExtJS. I've used it in a few projects very successfully since it allows you to create rich Web UIs very similar to windows UIs (or widgets).
The learning curve can be a bit steep though if you aren't that familiar with javascript, however the community is quick to respond and helpful.
If ExtJS is not your cup of tea, there is a rather nice jquery port of the same concept.
Demos here: (particularly this)
I needed this very thing, and did not find any to my liking so I decided to write my own. It is almost complete, but you can check it out here:
Edit: Still being developed actively, but fully functional now.
If you are still looking for a javascript dock panel implmentation, I just created one myself. You can find it at

