Javascript GUI like Yahoo Pipes [closed] - javascript

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to develop a GUI like Yahoo Pipes.
Can anyone suggest some library or framework?

I was about to ask this same question whenever I came across an awesome library myself. I know this response is way late, but hopefully it will help others looking for a similar resource.
The library is called WireIt and is released under the MIT license.
WireIt Library

jsPlumb is also a great library for "yahoo pipes"-like GUI: You can use it with mootools, jquery or YUI. It works on SVG, Canvas or VML. iIt does not include forms but I guess you can open one with some attached event on connectors.

I'd probably start with Raphaël


Best Java Script Plugin for Image compression with many browsers support [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Can someone suggest a best Java Script Plugin for Image compression with many browsers support?
I searched and find many and not sure about the drawbacks and advantages of using it.
If someone already uses it, please suggest.
Write you own code with HTML5 Canvas, file and Blob Url.
All this code will take half of screen). If you working with very large images, e.g. 6000x9000 for better quality you should use this lib instead of canvas.
This is most powerful lib that i know at js. Lib with several resize algorithms for people who knnow the difference.

Is there some SVG processor? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am searching for a cross-browser client-side library to build SVG a similar way SASS/LESS/SCSS build CSS.
Do you know something like that?
There is SnapSVG. It is not a preprocessor but Snap.svg is designed for modern browsers and therefore supports the newest SVG features like masking, clipping, patterns, full gradients, groups, and more.
SnapSVG Demos:
Getting Started with SnapSVG:
SnapSVG Docs:
You're looking for a solution for generating SVGs on the server. Frankly there doesn't seem to be much out there for you.
I did a bit of googling, and the best I came up with was this article which describes using PhantomJS to run the standard client-side libraries on the server. It's not the answer you're looking for, but it's the best I've been able to find.

Looking for Flipbook frameworks. Any alternatives to Turn.js? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been looking for some time now and can't find good alternatives to Turn.js. Turn.js seems fine, but I'd like to see some alternatives before spending the cash. If there is opensource alternatives that would be even better.
The main features I'm looking for are:
No flash (not mandatory)
Ability to customize layout
If you're okay with flash check FlashPageFlip, there's a free version available to commercial projects, it feels pretty fast and supports zoom.
There's also WowBook a paid jQuery plugin that's pretty nice.

Free javascript tree view library with checkbox/multiselect [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I want to find a javascript library that supports folder-like tree view with checkbox/ multiselect. There are quite a number of libraries, such as, but lots of them requires purchase or including advertising link.
Can I find any free javascript library that support tree view with checkbox?
try this one
it support checkbox, and more feature
the project's home page is
I've used with great success. The default UI might throw you off (it doesn't look like a tree) but when you consider mobile users this look actually works much better.
I've never tried using checkboxes with it but I doubt it would be a problem.

Looking for lightweight modal popup JS library that runs stand alone [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need a pointer to a library to show modal dialog popup with HTML content. The library should be able to work in random websites without relaying on a library like jquery etc..
My requirements:
1. beautiful design (shadow is a plus for example).
2. compatibility with arbitrary doctypes
3. lightweight and quick to load.
I had a similar need and put together the following modal library:
Non jquery reliance will really limit the options nowadays - but simplemodal is pretty nice if you rethink your jquery reliance requirement

