Keeping javascript minified inside the database - javascript

I have written a script that is placed on different websites. It puts some html/css there. I have also written a website that enables to configure this html/css for each website.
That's why the script has to load html/css from the database. And that's why I have to keep javascript inside the database, and then use some eval to fire it from the script.
My question is - how can I keep something like this minified in the database, and then display it nicely formatted in some wysiwyg editor?
Sample text:
var el = document.createElement('body');
el.innerHTML = 'foobar';
This is what I want to get in my wysiwyg editor, but in DB I want this:
var el = document.createElement('body');el.innerHTML = 'foobar';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(el);
So I have to somehow convert between those two.

I think you can use a regular expressions to do that (if you just want to place all code at the single line into the DB):
To store from the editor to the database do
var codeToDB = WYSIWYG_value.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g,"");
To restore from the database
var codeToWYSIWYG = codeFromDB.replace(/;/g,";\n")


Accessing a local file using HTML/javascript

I am trying to access local files. The method works with Firefox (and was surprised Edge) but not Chrome.
The files in question are 2 html files each containing a huge tables that are used as databases. The tables are basic tables (table, tbody for each group, tr's, and td's with data).
The method I am using is to load the html files into 2 hidden iframes then accessing the tables inside - html file 1 is a master spell list and html file 2 is similar file for a pencil and paper RPG. Works beautifully in Firefox - tables are read into memory, selects/options are all loaded up, popups and page modifications (showing results of what you selected, memory versions of tables modified as needed, generated customized function working - if this file exists at loadup it automatically updates the memory versions of the tables, if the tables are modified - user is shown the function and can copy/save by using a text editor to local file system). Again beautifully.
But Chrome is a different matter. I can load the files in the iframes, but can't access the tables within. It throws an error about cross server access even though all files are in the same directory (the master html file, functions.js file, 2 table files, and if generated and saved by user the customization.js).
So my question is: is there a way to load/import/access a second or third html file in the main html that will work in FF, Chrome, Edge, and most other modern browsers without changing any security settings?
I would love something as simple as how js and the iframe files can be loaded () and accessable. Can xmlrequest work on local files (I could load and render the tables)?
I would like to share the files with the other players, but can't assume browser choices, security settings, and some may not be technically minded enough to make or want said changes.
PS: I am not looking to write any files back to file system, user is the only one with those options.
OK, the other methods (using new tag attributes) failed so looking into a way to hijack the tag and use JSON.
Another user here posted this code (I have cleaned it up - easier to read - and added the suggested but not included part of the code - adding/initializing rowIx and its incrementer)
function getTable() {
var jsonArr = [];
var obj = {};
var jsonObj = {};
var rowIx = 0
//this assumes only one table in the whole page, and table has column headers
var thNum = document.getElementsByTagName('th').length;
var arrLength = document.getElementsByTagName('td').length;
for(i = 0; i < arrLength; i++){
if(i%thNum === 0){ obj = {}; }
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('th')[i%thNum].innerHTML;
var content = document.getElementsByTagName('td')[i].innerHTML;
obj[head] = content;
if(i%thNum === 0){
jsonObj[rowIx++] = obj;
return JSON.stringify({"Values": jsonObj})
the caller then displays (in a P tag using .innerText since .innerHTML tries to render the data; there are p and br tags in some of the table cells) the returned value so it can be copy/pasted/saved in a separate .js file.
Testing the JSON.parse function in the original HTML (that contains the table I want to later import elsewhere) works just fine, although not like the original: array.Values[x].property vs array.rows[x].cells[y].innerHTML but I can work with that.
{"Values":{"numeric index":{7 key/value pairings},{pattern repeated 122 more times}}}
But when the data is placed in a separate js file, it won't parse back to the original data (error is found when developer options/web console is activated, see below).
source HTML file (has the table database, generates the JSON data for copy/paste/save)
large Table (style="display:none;" which hides it, 123 rows by 7 cells each)
the above function getTable
var test1 = getTable()
update p tag using .innerText for copying with test1 data
var schematics = JSON.parse(test1)
(all of that works)
js File contents (schematics.json.js)
var schematics = JSON.parse( copy/pasted data goes here );
html file
<script language="javascript" src="schematics.json.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
alert(schematics.Values[0].name); //data restored test
function rebuildTable(){
//use schematics data to rebuild hidden table
<script language="javascript" src="_functions.js"></script>
all other code is in the last script tag
Web Console, reported error
unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
So what am I doing wrong with the JSON containing js file or secondary HTML page?
This is a difference in the security models and choices of Firefox (and Edge) vs the more strict Chrome. You could argue for the utility vs security of either approach.
To make this work with Chrome the way the other two browsers do, you'll need to disable that security measure with a command line flag when you start Chrome:
> chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
The other alternative is to run a local webserver (e.g. WAMP or XAMPP) and load your files via http://localhost/.
Ok, found a way that works.
In the two webpages that function as my databases, I added code to read the tables into a 2-dimensional arrays (row by cells).
These are then JSON.stringified and "var variableName = " is tacked on the beginning of the returned strings. All this is then added to a p tag (.innerText since there is also HTML code in the JSON data, rendering is not desired).
The presented data is then copied and saved using a plain text editor in a JSON.variableName.js file (the JSON in the name is to remind me what's in the file). Loading it is as easy as loading javascript code using a script tag with src="".
Also, now everything works in Firefox, Edge, and Chrome. I don't have Safari or other browsers. Bonus for me, it works in Android Firefox as well.
The two database webpages can be easily updated and they will generate the new JSON data output.
All in all, there are 6 base files: the main webpage, functions.js, two JSON variable js files, and the 2 database/JSON generator webpages. All local, and no additional webserver needed.

How to access the TYPO3 settings in JavaScript

In my project we're using TYPO3. We're getting some data from the backend and they're assigned as follows in the html page itself.
var items = {};
items.item1 = {settings.item1};
items.item2 = {settings.item2};
items.item3 = {settings.item3};
and then the values are being assigned to the buttons. Those values will be sent back to the JS when an action has triggered. The {settings.item*} comes from the TYPO3 backend. What I wanted to know is how can I add the above code block in a separate JS file rather than adding it in the HTML page. When I tried adding it directly, it doesn't work as the {settings.item*} comes from TYPO3
You have to pick up your settings from the HTML since this is what TYPO3 will render for you. but you could rather make use of the data-attributes of HTML, e.g.
You could also render the whole {settings} array as a JSON string into a data-attribute and pick that up with your JavaScript.
You can use javascript on html file (templates , partial , layouts )
You need to add javascript code between the
<![CDATA[ javascript code ]]> TYPO3 Code <![CDATA[ javascript code ]]>
<script type="text/javascript">
var items = {};
items.item1 = ]]>{settings.item1}<![CDATA[;
items.item2 = ]]>{settings.item2}<![CDATA[;
items.item3 = ]]>{settings.item3}<![CDATA[;
I hope it helps !!
Can you define the context more precisely? Where are the settings defined, inside of TypoScript, Flexform, PHP (Extensionmanager)?
If you have settings defined in TypoScript you can use:
page.inlineSettings {
setting1 = Hello
setting2 = GoOnTop
To make them available in JavaScript as:
TYPO3.settings = {"TS":{"setting1":"Hello","setting2":"GoOnTop"}};
Perhaps this will be removed in future versions as it's purpose is usage via ExtJS. Also it's not possible to use stdWrap and such.
Another, more flexible, way is using
page.jsInline {
10 = TEXT
10.stdWrap.dataWrap = var pageId = {TSFE:id};
This allows you to use full TypoScript like TEXT, dataWrap, etc.
I wouldn't write JavaScript from PHP just for some configuration. I would store them in data-attributes of a DOM element and grab it via JavaScript. Maybe this is also an option for you.

IOS UI Automation - working with external Data

Is there any way to work with external Data, for example Textfiles ?
With JS there isn´t any option to do I/O, for a good reason.
The purpose is, that i want to validate data from a file or a database with the data represented in the APP (comparison tests)…
Is there any trick for the UI Automation tool ?
Text file
This is something I came up with based on performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout method:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var host =;
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout(
"/bin/cat", ["/Users/username/Documents/test.txt"], 5)
var content = result.stdout;
Content of the test.txt:
Hello World!
This is a test.
And this is how it looks in the Editor Log:
The downside is that you'll have to manually parse file's content.
The only feasible option I can see, is to use this same method in conjunction with Command Line Shell For SQLite. But, alas, I haven't tried this approach, so I can't guarantee it'll work.

simple js source mapping

I'm developing a tool that dynamically load javascript in the browser.
I want to allow users to debug generated code, but I also want to hide some of the generated line while debugging.
Example of the generated source:
define('simple','simple',function(module) {
module.exports = function gogogo() {
var a = require("./a");
var b = require("./b");
return a + b;
Ideally, I want the first and last line to be hidden while debugging in devtools.
I know I could use source mapping, but I want to know if there is a simple way to just hide some line in debugger, or if there is some tool to generate a source map for this simple use case.

Tipue Search (Jquery)

I'm trying to customize a Tipue search script.
Currently the script is searching the entire HTML file (including metadata) and triggering false positives on the search results. I'd like to eliminate the metadata from the critera or only allow the script to search a specific DIV (i.e. #pagewrap).
Here is a link to the current script:
(Lines 37-77)
The pages are being indexed in a separate file, but I think the problem lies in the file listed above.
I think you need to change these lines:
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<title>');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('</title>', t_1 + 7);
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<meta name="description"');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('"', t_1 + 34);
I'am also searching a way how to modify this engine to out results from page body.
For others who are interested:
The developer finally updated the search script to target only a specific DIV. The updated code can be downloaded from their site:

