simple js source mapping - javascript

I'm developing a tool that dynamically load javascript in the browser.
I want to allow users to debug generated code, but I also want to hide some of the generated line while debugging.
Example of the generated source:
define('simple','simple',function(module) {
module.exports = function gogogo() {
var a = require("./a");
var b = require("./b");
return a + b;
Ideally, I want the first and last line to be hidden while debugging in devtools.
I know I could use source mapping, but I want to know if there is a simple way to just hide some line in debugger, or if there is some tool to generate a source map for this simple use case.


Keeping javascript minified inside the database

I have written a script that is placed on different websites. It puts some html/css there. I have also written a website that enables to configure this html/css for each website.
That's why the script has to load html/css from the database. And that's why I have to keep javascript inside the database, and then use some eval to fire it from the script.
My question is - how can I keep something like this minified in the database, and then display it nicely formatted in some wysiwyg editor?
Sample text:
var el = document.createElement('body');
el.innerHTML = 'foobar';
This is what I want to get in my wysiwyg editor, but in DB I want this:
var el = document.createElement('body');el.innerHTML = 'foobar';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(el);
So I have to somehow convert between those two.
I think you can use a regular expressions to do that (if you just want to place all code at the single line into the DB):
To store from the editor to the database do
var codeToDB = WYSIWYG_value.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g,"");
To restore from the database
var codeToWYSIWYG = codeFromDB.replace(/;/g,";\n")

How to read and write to a file (Javascript) in ui automation?

I want to identify few properties during my run and form a json object which I would like to write to a ".json"file and save it on the disk.
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var properties = new Object();
var jsonObjectToRecord = {"properties":properties} = "My App"
UIALogger.logMessage("Pretty Print TEST Log";
var str = JSON.stringify(jsonObjectToRecord)
I tried :
// Sample code to see if it is possible to write data
// onto some file from my automation script
function WriteToFile()
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
set s = fso.CreateTextFile("/Volumes/DEV/test.txt", True);
function WriteFile()
// Create an instance of StreamWriter to write text to a file.
sw = new StreamWriter("TestFile.txt");
// Add some text to the file.
sw.Write("This is the ");
sw.WriteLine("header for the file.");
// Arbitrary objects can also be written to the file.
sw.Write("The date is: ");
But still unable to read and write data to file from ui automation instruments
Possible Workaround ??
To redirect to the stdout if we can execute a terminal command from my ui automation script. So can we execute a terminal command from the script ?
Haven't Tried :
1. Assuming we can include the library that have those methods and give it a try .
Your assumptions are good, But the XCode UI Automation script is not a full JavaScript.
I don't think you can simply program a normal browser based JavaScript in the XCode UI Automation script.
set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
Is not a JavaScript, it is VBScript which will only work in Microsoft Platforms and testing tools like QTP.
Is an ActiveX object which only exists in Microsoft Windows
Only few JavaScript functions like basic Math, Array,...etc..Are provided by the Apple JavaScript library, so you are limited to use only the classes provided here
If you want to do more scripting then Try Selenium IOS Driver
Hey so this is something that I was looking into for a project but never fully got around to implementing so this answer will be more of a guide of what to do than step by step copy and paste.
First you're going to need to create a bash script that writes to a file. This can be as simple as
echo $1 >> ${filename.json}
Then you call this from inside your Xcode Instruments UIAutomation tool with
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var host =;
var result = host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout("your/script/path", ["Object description in JSON format"], 5);
Then after your automation ends you can load up the file path on your computer to look at the results.
EDIT: This will enable to write to a file line by line but the actual JSON formatting will be up to you. Looking at some examples I don't think it would be difficult to implement but obviously you'll need to give it some thought at first.

Import image in Acrobat using JavaScript (preferred on document-level)

I am going to implement a dynamic legend using JavaScript in Adobe Acrobat.
The document contains a lot of layers. Every layer has an own legend. The origin idea is to implement the legend so, that it contains the images in a dialog box for the visible layers.
I can only hide/show the layers by setting state to false or true (this.getOCGs()[i].state = false;) on document-level.
Question 1: Can I extract data from layer somehow for legend establishing? I think no, as we only have these function on layers: getIntent(), setIntent() and setAction(). Right? Therefore I decided to arrange it so, that all needed icons for every layer are saved in a folder with corresponding names. JavaScript should import the icons and I build the a dialog window with icons of visible Layers and place a text(description for this icon).
I tried all possibilities of image import described here: I got only one way (Convert the icons as hexadecimal strings). This way isn't good, as it is too much work to create with an other tool a hexadecimal string from a images and place it into a javascript code.
Unfortunately, I cannot import image using other methods:(. Since the security settings in Adobe are changed after version 7 or so, it is not possible to use functions like app.newDoc, app.openDoc, even app.getPath On document-level. I decided to implement the import on a folder level using trusted functions like this:
Variant 1:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var myDoc = app.newDoc({
nWidth: 20,
nHeight: 20
var img = myDoc.importIcon("icon", "/icon.png", 0);
return img; });
var oIcon = importImg();
The settings in Preferences->JavaScript-> JavaScript Security are disabled (Enable menu item JS execution privileges, enable global object security policy)
NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
Variant 2:
var importImg = app.trustedFunction(function() {
var appPath = var phPath = app.getPath({
cCategory: "user",
cFolder: "javascript"
try {
var doc = app.openDoc({
cPath: phPath + "/icon.png",
bHidden: true
} catch (e) {
console.println("Could not open icon file: " + e);
var oIcon = util.iconStreamFromIcon(doc.getIcon("icon"));
return oIcon;});
var oIcon = importImg();
Could not open icon file: NotAllowedError: Security settings prevent access to this property or method.
At least it allows the execution of all these functions like app.newDoc, but in the second variant it says, wrong range of content or so. Maybe is here the pdf from an image created false? I just took the image and printed it into a pdf.
I tried all these possibilities with .jpg, .png, .pdf. with different sizes(big images and 20x20), It doesn't work.
Could somebody help me, as I spent a lot of time with trying different possibilities. It would be actually better to implement the main goal described above on document level, is it possible?
Thank you and kind regards,
Do you have the Console fully activated in Acrobat? If not, do so and look for error messages you get.
The first variant does not work, because myDoc is not defined (unless you have done that before you call the importImg function).
If you want to import the image into the newly created file, you will have to make a reference to the Document Object you create with newDoc(). Actually, that would make the link to myDoc, as in
var myDoc = app.newDoc(1,1)
(are you sure you want to create a document measuring 1x1 pt?)
The next issue with the first variant is a bug in Acrobat, which discards "floating" Icon Objects when saving the document; you'd have to attach the Icon Object to a field to keep it; this field can be hidden, or even on a hidden Template page in the document.

NetUtil.asyncCopy from one file to append to another in Firefox extension

I'm trying to use NetUtil.asyncCopy to append data from one file to the end of another file from a Firefox extension. I have based this code upon a number of examples at, particularly the 'Copy a stream to a file' example. Given what it says on that page, my code below:
Creates nsIFile objects for the file to copy from and file to append to and initialises these objects with the correct paths.
Creates an output stream to the output file.
Runs the NetUtil.asyncCopy function to copy between the file (which, I believe, behaves as an nsIInputStream) and the output stream.
I run this code as append_text_from_file("~/CopyFrom.txt", "~/AppendTo.txt");, but nothing gets copied across. The Appending Text and After ostream dumps appear on the console, but not the Done or Error dumps.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong here? I'm fairly new to both Firefox extensions and javascript (although I am a fairly experienced programmer) - so I may be doing something really silly. If my entire approach is wrong then please let me know - I would have thought that this approach would allow me to append a file easily, and asynchronously, but it may not be possible for some reason that I don't know about.
function append_text_from_file(from_filename, to_filename) {
var from_file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
var to_file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
dump("Appending text\n");
var ostream = FileUtils.openFileOutputStream(to_file, FileUtils.MODE_WRONLY | FileUtils.MODE_APPEND)
dump("After ostream\n");
NetUtil.asyncCopy(from_file, ostream, function(aResult) {
if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aResult)) {
// an error occurred!
asyncCopy() requires an input stream not a file.
you can do this:
var fstream = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream);
fstream.init(from_file, 0x01, 4, null);
NetUtil.asyncCopy(fstream, ostream, function(aResult)....

Tipue Search (Jquery)

I'm trying to customize a Tipue search script.
Currently the script is searching the entire HTML file (including metadata) and triggering false positives on the search results. I'd like to eliminate the metadata from the critera or only allow the script to search a specific DIV (i.e. #pagewrap).
Here is a link to the current script:
(Lines 37-77)
The pages are being indexed in a separate file, but I think the problem lies in the file listed above.
I think you need to change these lines:
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<title>');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('</title>', t_1 + 7);
var t_1 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('<meta name="description"');
var t_2 = html.toLowerCase().indexOf('"', t_1 + 34);
I'am also searching a way how to modify this engine to out results from page body.
For others who are interested:
The developer finally updated the search script to target only a specific DIV. The updated code can be downloaded from their site:

