Cherry pick the tests and create suits - javascript

Is there a way to cherry pick the tests and create suits in protractor/jasmine e2e test. I know protractor accepts with wildcard specs (*.spec") in the suites, but I am looking for select few tests in spec files and create a suit to run on protractor. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

suites can only group test files. Though, I would still think about regrouping the specs inside tests, or splitting them into multiple files so that suites can be used here - it is a great way to organize your tests and group them logically.
If you want to run specific it() blocks/specs from different files as a part of a group - tag them:
describe("test1", function () {
it("should test something (#mytag)", function () {
describe("test2", function () {
it("should test something else (#mytag)", function () {
And run with --grep:
protractor conf.js --grep "#mytag"
See also:
Running specs by tag
Alternatively, use focused specs (fdescribe/fit, or ddescribe/iit):
describe("test1", function () {
fit("should test something", function () {
describe("test2", function () {
fit("should test something else", function () {


Does loading multiple json files in single test suit is a good practice in cypress?

Does loading multiple json files in single test suit is a good practice in cypress?
Something like this:
before(() => {
cy.fixture('productCatalogData').then((datajson) => {
recipeData =;
return recipeData;
cy.fixture('loginData').then((datajson) => {
loginData = datajson;
return loginData;
If you need both the json files in one suite, I don't think there should be a problem using fixtures multiple times. However you can shorten the cy.fixture() code a bit like this:
before(() => {
it('Access fixtures data', function () {
// The test has to use "function" callback to make sure "this" points at the Mocha context
//Access fixtures data using this.productCatalogData and this.loginData
But one thing to add here, cypress removes aliases after every tests. So if you have just one test inside the suite then before() will work fine, but if you have multiple tests you have to use beforeEach().

jasmine angular testing - is it possible to add a attribute on a describe method?

I am new to jasmine testing and coming from a xUnit .Net background.
Is it possible to label a test or a suite of tests in such a fashion:
describe("A suite", function() {
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {
Does jasmine support any sort of attributes or identifiers? My goal really is to run a describe group of tests twice, with a different setting between test runs. I did not want to duplicate the tests. Is it possible for a test to kick off other tests?
This question is assuming that I am satisfied with duplicating a build step to run the test suit twice, just with a subset of tests for the second run.
Edit: More realistic example of how I would hope to consume it
describe("A suite", function() {
beforeEach(() => {
configureTestBed(/*someHow get input*/);
it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {
What you can do is to define separate functions which will accept parameters from somewhere else in your code.
Something like this would do:
describe('Sample describe', () => {
function testFunction(param1) {
it('should execute test with params', () => {

Is there a way to get current Mocha instance and edit options at runtime?

Let's say you have a simple mocha test:
describe("Suite", function(){
// here be tests
In this test I can change the timeout by adding this.timeout(VALUE); anywhere within the describe function.
However, besides the timeout value, there are plenty of other Mocha options that can be exclusively declared either from the command line or from a mocha.opts file that lives in the test folder (./test/mocha.opts).
What I want is to change some of these options at run-time (for example, the reporter) and not in command line / mocha.opts file.
From my research of what's possible, I found that there is an article explaining how you can use mocha programmatically, which would allow changing these options at run-time, but you need to create the Mocha instance yourself, whereas in an ordinary test one doesn't have direct access to the Mocha instance.
So, is there a way to get the Mocha instance from an existent test and change some of these options like reporter at run-time during a test?
I would like to have an option that doesn't require to modify the source code of Mocha in any way (I suppose I could tamper with the Mocha instance to implement a way to get an instance directly in the Mocha constructor).
The best way that you can achieve that is by using Mocha as per the wiki link that you have already referenced, which is using Mocha programmatically.
So to your inquiry on changing the reporter parameter here is a brief example that would do what you want, in order to run the tests against a theoretically already existing file named test-file-a.js that contains your tests:
var Mocha = require('mocha'),
mocha = new Mocha(),
path = require('path');
mocha.addFile(path.join(__dirname, 'test-file-a.js'));
Besides that there are plenty other options that you can use and also there are some listeners for events, like test that you may want to do something during a test, for example:
.on('test', function(test) {
if (test.title === 'some title that you want here') {
//do something
Please note that you can define the options per each Mocha instance that will run again a test suite, but not during the runtime of a test suite, so for example if you start your tests for test-file-a.js with the option reporter('list') as above you cannot change it while the tests are running to something else, like you may do for example with the timeout option where you can do this.timeout().
So you would have to instantiate a new Mocha instance as the examples above with different options each time.
No, you cannot. without changing the code.
In short, mocha is created in a scope you cannot access from tests. Without going in details, the objects provided in your scope cannot change the options you want. (You cannot do this: link)
But there is a way to define your own reporter and customize the output for each test:
Create a file called MyCustomReporter.js:
'use strict';
module.exports = MyCustomReporter;
function MyCustomReporter (runner) {
runner.on('start', function () {
var reporter = this.suite.suites["0"].reporter;
runner.on('pending', function () {
process.stdout.write('\n ');
runner.on('pass', function (test) {
var reporter = this.suite.useReporter;
if(reporter == 'do this') {
else if(reporter == 'do that'){
process.stdout.write('\n ');
runner.on('fail', function () {
var reporter = this.suite.useReporter;
process.stdout.write('\n ');
process.stdout.write('failed ');
runner.on('end', function () {
When you run mocha, pass the path of MyCustomReporter.js as reporter parameter(without .js), eg:
mocha --reporter "/home/user/path/to/MyCustomReporter"
The default mocha script actually tries to require a reporter file if it is not found in the default ones(under lib/reporters), github link
Finally, in your tests, you can pass some parameters to customize the output of your reporter:
var assert = require('assert');
describe('Array', function() {
describe('#indexOf()', function() {
this.parent.reporter = 'do this';
it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {
this.runnable().parent.useReporter = 'do this';
assert.equal([1,2,3].indexOf(4), -1);

Nightwatch - Determine if tests have passed or failed

I'm trying to integrate my test suite with Saucelabs and to determine if the tests have passed or failed I need to do this myself.
Here is the code for the test that I have (notice I'm using Mocha):
describe('Smoke Test', () => {
describe('Login', () => {
it('Should login', (client) => {
pages.login(client).validLogin(client.globals.users.SMOKE.USERNAME, client.globals.users.SMOKE.PASSWORD);
after((client, done) => {
client.end(() => {
Is it possible in the after block to know if the test have passed or failed?
From some examples that I found, including Saucelabs example I've seen this line:
However currentTest have only name and method attributes.
Well, this might be late reply for you. Hope this is useful for other viewers.
afterEach will have results. Add afterEach to your example.
Apart from this, you can also get results in runner itself. Explore 'reporter' file in mocha-nightwatch. It is in your node_modules.
There are events like
runner.on(start ..)
these will trigger for each tests. Give a try.

Reuse scenarios by using mocha

Recently I've started to use JS and mocha.
I've wrote some tests already, but now I got to the point when I need to reuse my already written tests.
I've tired to look for "it" / "describe" reusing, but didn't find something useful...
Does anyone have some good example ?
Considering that if you only do unit testing, you won't catch errors due to integration problems between your components, you have at some point to test your components together. It would be a shame to dump mocha to run these tests. So you may want to run with mocha a bunch of tests that follow the same general patter but differ in some small respects.
The way I've found around this problem is to create my test functions dynamically. It looks like this:
describe("foo", function () {
function makeTest(paramA, paramB, ...) {
return function () {
// perform the test on the basis of paramA, paramB, ...
it("test that foo does bar", makeTest("foo_bar.txt", "foo_bar_expected.txt", ...));
it("test what when baz, then toto", makeTest("when_baz_toto.txt", "totoplex.txt", ...));
You can see a real example here.
Note that there is nothing that forces you to have your makeTest function be in the describe scope. If you have a kind of test you think is general enough to be of use to others, you could put it in a module and require it.
Considering each test is only designed to test a single feature/unit, generally you want to avoid reusing your tests. It's best to keep each test self-contained an minimize the dependencies of the test.
That said, if you have something you repeat often in your tests, you can use a beforeEach to keep things more concise
describe("Something", function() {
// declare your reusable var
var something;
// this gets called before each test
beforeEach(function() {
something = new Something();
// use the reusable var in each test
it("should say hello", function() {
var msg = something.hello();
assert.equal(msg, "hello");
// use it again here...
it("should say bye", function() {
var msg = something.bye();
assert.equal(msg, "bye");
You can even use an async beforeEach
beforeEach(function(done) {
something = new Something();
// function that takes a while
something.init(123, done);

