jQuery menu in need of additional functionality - javascript

I wanted to create a small and lean as possible menu that hides itself on scroll at certain viewport height, shows itself after You click a button, and I did, but I have 2 problems with it:
Here is a Fiddle for You to follow along.
When you show the menu by clicking the button it appears, but the only way for it to go away is if You scroll down or up. How can I make it dissapear if I click somewhere out of the #sideBar container e.g. the site.
When You refresh the page using a soft-refresh (F5) the menu appears because the browser understands that as if the page have been scrolled. Is there a way to bypass this as well?
Here is some code, just because the fiddle requires it:
$(document).scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y > 400) {
} else {
Thanks in advance!

Test the target:
function hideIt() {
function showIt() {
$(document).scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y > 400) {
} else {
if ($(document).scrollTop() < 400) showIt(); // show at start
$(document).on("click",function(e) {
var target = $(e.target);
var show = target.is("#sideBar") ||
target.is("#menuButton") ||
if (!show) hideIt();
Here is a shorter version
function toggleIt(show) {
if (show) {
else {
$(document).scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
toggleIt(y > 400);
$(document).on("click",function(e) {
var target = $(e.target);
var show = target.is("#sideBar") ||
target.is("#menuButton") ||
if (!show) toggleIt(false);

I can help with the first question, you can change your JQuery code below so that when the parent 'content' container is clicked the menu slides up.
I'm not sure I follow the second question? Please can you provide more information on what you mean.

For Question 1, Just put the following code in ready function
For Question 2, put following code in ready function
In short, your ready function should look like

A child, combination of #mplungjan and #Gagan Jaura's responses seems to do the job:
function hideIt() {
function showIt() {
$(document).scroll(function () {
var y = $(this).scrollTop();
if (y > 400) {
} else {
showIt(); // show at start
$(document).on("click",function(e) {
var target = $(e.target);
var show = target.is("#sideBar") ||
target.is("#menuButton") ||
if (!show) hideIt();


Adding code to existing .js to collapse navbar when click outside menu

Currently I use .js for my sticky navbar in Bootstrap 4.1.3 which works as desired. I have tried to insert a function in the script, which makes the navbar bar collapse on mobile phones if you click outside the menu. However, without luck. https://biogenity.com/RC19/index.html
The code I am currently using is:
$(document).ready(function () {
var stickyToggle = function (sticky, stickyWrapper, scrollElement) {
var stickyHeight = sticky.outerHeight();
var stickyTop = stickyWrapper.offset().top;
if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= stickyTop) {
else {
$('[data-toggle="sticky-onscroll"]').each(function () {
var sticky = $(this);
var stickyWrapper = $('<div>').addClass('sticky-wrapper');
$(window).on('scroll.sticky-onscroll resize.sticky-onscroll', function () {
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(this));
stickyToggle(sticky, stickyWrapper, $(window));
I want to be able to implement a similar function as the following. It is not certain that this is the best solution for "collapse when you click outside the menu".
$(document).on('click', function(event){
var $clickedOn = $(event.target),
$collapsableItems = $('.collapse'),
isToggleButton = ($clickedOn.closest('.navbar-toggle').length == 1),
isLink = ($clickedOn.closest('a').length == 1),
isOutsideNavbar = ($clickedOn.parents('.navbar').length == 0);
if( (!isToggleButton && isLink) || isOutsideNavbar ) {
Thanks in advance.
Based on your code, try this:
$(document).click(function (event) {
var clickedOn = $(event.target),
isNavbar = clickedOn.hasClass('navbar'),
// Target only nav links not all links
isNavbarLink = clickedOn.closest('.nav-link').length == 1,
navbarCollapse = $('.navbar-collapse'),
isNavbarOpen = navbarCollapse.hasClass('show');
// if its not navbar and navbar is opened
if (!isNavbar && isNavbarOpen) {
// if the user is not cliking on the nav links
if (!isNavbarLink) {
// thes close the navbar

jquery works on scroll

I attach the link of my code here. in this, the slider animates correctly when clicking on the corner but I need is that working on the scroll.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.corner').click(function() {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if ($parent.next().length){
} else {
Try out this:
$('.corner').bind('mousewheel',function() {
var $parent = $(this).parent();
if ($parent.next().length){
} else {

Timeline change css on enter view port

Am trying to change the background color of the timeline on scroll like on this site.My replication of the sample is development site. Take a look at the codepen I tried using. The closest I have come to replicating it is with the code below which makes the change in color on each timeline circle flicker on/off on scroll.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function onScroll() {
$('.cd-timeline-block').each( function() {
if( $(this).offset().top <= $(window).scrollTop()+$(window).height()*0.05 && $(this).find('.cd-timeline-img').hasClass('cd-inactive') ) {
} else {
I have made some modification to the above code.
CodePen link:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var $timeline_block = $('.cd-timeline-block');
var firstelm = $timeline_block.first();
//on scolling, show/animate timeline blocks when enter the viewport
$(window).on('scroll', function() {
var _win = $(window), iselm = null;
$timeline_block.each(function(index) {
var _this = $(this);
if (((_this.offset().top - _win.height())) <= (_win.scrollTop())) {
iselm = _this;
if (_win.scrollTop() < $(firstelm).offset().top) {
iselm = $(firstelm);
if (iselm) {
if ((iselm.offset().top - _win.height()) > (_win.scrollTop() * 0.75)) {
Continuing each loop on scroll might not work properly.

Animate my scrollTop function in this code

I have this function to scroll through a div. The function at this point does exactly what I want it do except for one thing. I want the scrolling to happen animated. How can I implement this in this code?
$(function() {
var ele = $('#scroller');
var scroll = 20;
$('.scroller-btn-up').click(function() {
// Scroll the element up
ele.scrollTop(ele.scrollTop() - scroll);
$('.scroller-btn-down').click(function() {
// Scroll the element down
ele.scrollTop(ele.scrollTop() + scroll);
$('.scroller-btn-up, .scroller-btn-down').bind({
click: function(e) {
// Prevent the default click action
$(function() {
var ele = $('#scroller');
var scroll = 20;
$('.scroller-btn-up').click(function() {
// Scroll the element up
ele.animate({scrollTop : ele.scrollTop() - scroll});
$('.scroller-btn-down').click(function() {
// Scroll the element down
ele.animate({scrollTop : ele.scrollTop() + scroll});
$('.scroller-btn-up, .scroller-btn-down').bind({
click: function(e) {
// Prevent the default click action

make 'each' cycles occur consecutively

I have two actions I need to apply to a set of DIV's, but I need one cycle to happen before the other is finished.
Here is my code:
//do stuff first
//do stuff next
but at present, do stuff next happens before do stuff first finishes. Anything I can do to stop this?
Full Script
if($(this).html() === "yes"){
if($(this).html() !== "yes"){
Knowing that you want to fadeIn and then set height, will this do what you require?
var divs = $('div');
divs.fadeIn(function () {
Using each to allow different settings for different divs:
$('div').each(function () {
var div = $(this), toggle = true;
div.fadeIn(function () {
if (toggle = !toggle) {
} else {
Seeing your code snippet I believe I got it now:
var yesDivs = $('div').filter(function () {
return $(this).html() === 'yes';
yesDivs.fadeOut(time, function () {
$('div').filter(function () {
return $(this).html() !== 'yes';

