Pass information to bootstrap modal from Angular.js controller - javascript

Simplified problem
I have a store. For a product to be included in the store there needs to be a shelf for it. So, to add a new product to the store the workflow is:
Add a shelf
Add product to that shelf
(The workflow can not be changed)
The shelf is realized by a row in a table, which in turn is controlled by an Angular.js controller (each shelf is an object in an array). To add an product the user selects "create product" in a drop-down menu that is present on each row. This will show an bootstrap modal where I have from a controller added a tab for each product that is possible to add (since each product needs configuration :) ) , then when the user presses a "create" button in the modal a JavaScript method is called interfacing a REST interface to add the product (the UI is updated by a event send from the server when the product has been added successfully.
The JavaScript method (CreateProduct) needs to now what row (R) was affected as well as what tab (T) was selected so that the "onclick" method for the button is CreateProduct(R, T);
My current solution is pretty ugly imho, I have two global variables for R and T, then I use jQuery to capture show event and tab event from the modal, the link in the dropdown has a field "data-row-id" that is identifying the row
HTML (Jade) snippet from dropdown menu:
a(data-toggle="modal", href="#createProduct", data-row-id="{{row.RowID}}") Create Product
var R = null;
$('#productModal').on('', function(e) {
R = $(e.relatedTarget).data('row-id');
var T = null;
$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
T =;
I hope there is a better solution to this, I probably am just thinking a bit upsidedown due to inexperience with Angular.js , perhaps there is a way to pass these through the model? Perhaps add these to the modal controller, but then, how to pass the row? My dream would be something like this on the button code
button(type="button", class="btn btn-default", data-dismiss="modal", ng-click="storeCtrl.CreateProduct({{modalCtrl.shelf, modalCtrl.Product)") Create Product

I found a better way (at least I don't need to use jQuery) using ModalService
I created a CreateProductModalController having a variable selectedProduct, this is set on a ng-click event in the tab
ul(class="nav nav-pills", id="tabContent")
li(ng-repeat="prod in products", ng-class="{active: $index == 0}", ng-click="activateTab(")
a(href="#{{}}", data-toggle="tab") {{}}
The ModalService is called with the rowID that was clicked.
The only problem I have now is that all must be in $scope, I want it to be more encapsulated


Django Modelmultiplechoicefield Checkboxselectmultiple Problem Getting Selected Checkbox

I have been working all day to try and get the selected values on one set of checkboxes on my Django form and copy the selected ones only to an identical checkbox on my form. If a user clicks on a checkbox in defined below, I want the same identical checkbox to automatically be checked on form.favorite_author defined below.
I've tried a JQuery approach as documented here...Copy Selected Checkbox Value From One Checkbox To Another Immediately Using JQUERY but no luck so far. I've recently begun exploring an avenue with the Modelmultiplechoicefield and the checkboxselectmultiple parameters within the form itself. From what I can tell, when I am using JQuery and trying to check a box on the form, the value is coming back as undefined which is most likely why it is not propagating the checkbox selection to the other checkbox.
Here is my form....
class ManagerUpdateNewAssociateForm(forms.ModelForm):
class Meta:
model = Library
self.fields['author'] = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
self.fields['favorite_author'] = forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField(
My HTML...
<div class="spacer83">
{{ }}
<div class="spacer83">
{{ form.favorite_author }}
When I tried to trace JQuery, it told me the checkbox selections are undefined. I did read a bit about how Modelmultiplechoicefield, since it uses a queryset it doesn't show the selections, but I can't figure out how to get it to.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts.
In combination with the other issue included in this one, I went back to the JQuery route and explored further. From what I can tell, I was not able to use the class for the input because of the way the HTML for Django forms is generated in this use case. I ultimately was able to leverage the input name and then used the code below to interrogate the checkboxes accordingly:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("[name=author]").change(function() {
let selectedValA = $(this).val();
let isAChecked = $(this).prop("checked");
$(`[name=favorite_author][value="${selectedValA}"]`).prop("checked", isAChecked);

Stimulus: how to handle repeating items with the same target name

I have a list of items, and each one has a link to click to edit it. I am using stimulus to make the edit "modal" form visible when they click that edit link. The id of what is going to be edited is present as an id= on the corresponding link tag of the list
So, the edit link looks like this:
<a data-action="click->content#edit"
id="<%= url_for(content) %>")>
And the idea is that the content#edit action in the stimulus controller examines the and locates the id of it and uses that to edit the right row.
However the problem I am having is, I think, that as a result all the rows of this list have a data-target with the same name and the wrong one (the first one?) gets bound to the target..
However if I wanted to make each data-target different by e.g. appending the id to it, now I have a long list of targets in the controller.js so that doesn't make sense.
What's the right way to handle?
If you're using Rails as the backend like your other questions seem to indicate, there may be a simpler, non-Stimulus solution. To use Stimulus, you'd need to fetch the data for the item from the server or from the DOM, display it in a form, then submit the correct form with the correct ID to the server through JavaScript. Why not just have a remote link_to button to the edit action for each item? Rails gets a JS request to the edit controller action, and you can load the modal form with the data that you have from your Ruby object.
If you use Stimulus for anything on the form, I'd use this opportunity to craft a Stimulus controller that listens to the ajax->send/error/complete events and automatically disables/enables buttons, sets loading spinners on buttons, and closes the modal. Those would be good areas to sprinkle in some functionality that Stimulus makes very simple.
This is actually a good use of Stimulus since it is modular. You add a controller for each row instead of having the controller around the page or table.
<tr data-controller="content">
<a data-action="click->content#edit" data-target="content.editBtn" id="<%= url_for(content) %>")>
I was just having a similar problem.
This helped:
Basically you can loop over the targets like:
for(let tgt of this.mySameNameTargets) {
tgt.innerHTML = "Some Value"
This assuming you have this in the controller:
state targets = ["mySameName"]
You can also use "Action Parameters" to put the id in each row:
From those docs it looks like this:
<div data-controller="item spinner">
<button data-action="item#upvote spinner#start"
// ItemController
upvote(event) {
// { id: 12345, url: "/votes", active: true, payload: { value: 1234567 } }
You can set the id of the item in that row in a param, and then when they click on that row you can dig it out of the params.

Angular Material md-chips not refreshing correctly

I am developing an app that works with a "Widget layout".
The user gets a page which is a Dashboard with different widgets he can interact with, such as a table, graphs etc.
I am adding a global "filter" using <md-chips>, the objective of this is having filters that are shared by all the widgets and can be updated by all the widgets.
My Filter list uses <md-chips>, with read-only and md-removable set to True. So filters can only be deleted, or added by interacting with the widgets (so only added programmatically).
One of the feature of this "module" is to add a new filter on a field when a Graph element is clicked.
Example :
Here is my Filters list before clicking a Graph element
Now I click on a Graph element which is in a Child controller of my Filter controller, it will $emit an event to say to the global controller : "I want to update the filters ! here is the filter to add"
And the Filter Controller will get that event and update his filters accordingly ($scope.tags is the list of filters and the model used in <md-chips>)
$scope.tags = [];
$scope.readOnly = true;
$scope.removable = true;
$scope.$on('filterChildChanged', function (event, filter) {
console.log("Parent event fired !");
At that point I would expect the <md-chips>element to refresh, because $scope.tags just got a new filter :
But instead, nothing happens! and the weird part is, it refreshes when I click on one of the existing chip (I had a "test" chip) !
So when I push a test chip on the array before rendering :
$scope.tags.push({field: "testField", value: "test"});
And click on a bunch of Graph elements, $scope.tags is perfectly updated, BUT the visual stays the same until I select the chip "test", then all the <md-chips> appear just like it triggered some refresh function.
Any hint on why the <md-chips> element is not refreshed as $scope.tags (its model) is updated BUT is updated when a chip is selected ?
I tried to trigger md-on-select to force this behavior to happen every time I add a new filter to $scope.tags but I got no luck so far !
Thanks for reading !
NOTE : I am using the latest version of Angular MATERIAL (HEAD MASTER) see doc here : | built from the GitHub repository.
EDIT : The problem comes from $$hashKey not being added to the objects, they are only added when I click on one of the existing tags, I need to find a way to add this $$hashKey attribute when I add a new filter
The problem came from the absence of $$hashKey when I added a new filter to my filters model for my chips ($scope.tags).
So I just needed to change
$scope.$apply(function () {
And here is my console.log test
Good thing I learned :
the <md-chips> directive only knows it needs to be updated if its <chip> objects have a $$hashKey
See this on scope.$apply

Javascript onload in sugarcrm

I am currently customizing a SugarCRM instance. In one module I have created a few custom fields and a drop down menu. Based on the selection of the drop down menu I want to show or hide some of my fields. This works fine. My question is about the initial load of the page: In that case, all possible fields are displayed - not only the ones that should be displayed based on the default selection in the drop down menu.
My first instinct was to register the onload event and just hide whatever I don't need to see when the page is loaded. But I couldn't find anywhere to place it as I don't want to change /modules/... directly. I'd like to restrict my changes to /custom/modules...
Any ideas?
Here few ways to control dropdown visibility:
There is admin when you edit field there is formula and visibility functionality you can also try this.
Create custom edit view and add javascript code in display function of view.
class View extends View {
function View() {
function display() {
echo '';
Custom Javascript can be added to editviewdefs.php
'templateMeta' =>
array (
includes' => array (
1 =>array ('file' => 'custom/modules/<ModuleName>/js/custom.js',),

Many to many relationship events with backbone.js

I have a many-to-many relationship with two of my backbone.js models implemented using a pivot table on the serverside. I'm trying to figure out how to structure it clientside. My current structure is:
1) I have a Tag model, and a TagView which renders a checkbox and the tag label, I have a checked event on the checkbox which does nothing at the moment.
I have a TagsCollection, which holds a bunch of Tags.
I have a TagsCollectionView, which binds add, reset etc of the TagsCollection, and adds TagViews for the added Tags, renders them, and appends the html to its current html (on reset, the html is reset).
I have a global TagCollection instance which contains all the possible tags
I have a Notes Model which contains an (empty) TagCollection called selectedtags on init.
The server returns an array of selected tagids for each Notes, which I add to its TagCollection.
Now comes the hard part, tying it all together.. my NotesView has its own TagsCollectionView which is bound to the global TagsCollection (so it can list all the Tags).. now, how do I get a checked event on the checkedbox of its sub TagViews to trigger an add to this Notes model's selectedtags? Should I provide a reference to the this Notes model instance to the TagsCollectionView on init which then provides it to all the TagViews it creates, whose checked event then adds/removes items from that model? That's the best way I can figure out how to do this, any other thoughts would be appreciated.
View is only for visual display of model. Please specify the need for TagsCollectionView in more details:
Use change event for checking the checkbox.
I would advise incremental coding. First work with the Tag and TagView, As it works, continue adding collection to hold the Tags. After that you can add Notes. It's a 'divide and conquer' :)
Don't confuse with the whole design, it is very simple when you start.
I can not provide the whole design due to lack of requirement details. but, I think below code should trigger the starting point of your design.
var TagsCollectionView=Backbone.View.extend({
var Tag=Backbone.Model.extend({
// define the default properties
var TagView=Backbone.View.extend({
'change #checkBox':'customFunction'
initialize: function(){
_.bindAll(this, 'render','customFunction');
var tag=new Tag();
// code to render the checkbox and label
// whatever you want to do after checking event of checkbox
// collection to collect all the tags
var TagCollection=Backbone.Collection.extend({
var Notes=Backbone.Model.extend({
// you do not require TagsCollectionView

