ajax.googleapis.com conflicts with joomla 3 - javascript

why ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js conflicts with joomla 3 ? and how can solved this problem?
I use google map and when I add ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js the map stop work and when I remove ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js the map work but joomla "tab" and "field sql" stop working
help me please

Your Joomla site is almost certainly already loading a (different) version of jQuery, so there's probably a conflict between versions.
…the map work and joomla "tab" and "field sql" stop working
Field sql? Not even sure what you are referring to here, can you please explain. Tabs are probably Bootstrap versions, but that depends entirely on your template if you are referring to the front-end. Or are you talking about the tabs in the admin interface?


Integrating Isotope js on Joomla 1.5 site

I am trying to integrate Isotope JS on Joomla 1.5 site. (I know it's old Joomla!)
I got the code working fine on a test page on that domain (but outside of Joomla).
Inside Joomla, neither the JQuery nor vanilla JS seems to trigger.
With JQuery trigger code on, I get this error on Chrome Console:
Cannot read property 'isotope' of null
(With the vanilla JS script turned on I get a bunch of OTHER errors......)
So I'm guessing there is something wrong with the reference to $ but I'm not clued up enough to know what it is...
Any thoughts out there? Thanks for your help
(I have Jquery linked high up in the <head>, then Isotope JS link just after, then the isotope trigger JS before the bottom </body> tag)
So I discovered that it was Mootools in Joomla 1.5 that was causing the conflict.
(I just had to start taking lines of code out, one by one, until I found the one that made the difference).
I managed to find some code online that turned Mootools off for the front end, but kept it on for the back end.
Now I've managed to get the Isotope script working in my example. Now I just need to get it working with live data!

Wordpress menu links not working with left click

My wordpress site menu links not working with left click, but when I open them in new tab it works fine, I have installed a theme on it nothing custom developed.
Looks like a conflict between a theme and plugin. Try disabling plugins. Start with WP Super Minify. Its compression methods are a common source for conflicts as can be seen from its support forums.
If the problem disappears when you disable a plugin, you've identified the source of the issue. Then for the solution:
Re-enable the plugin and check its settings. Some plugins have compatibility mode options.
Report the issue to the plugin author on their support forum if plugin settings didn't help. Disable plugin until the issue is fixed.
i think this is issue with plugin you used jch-optimized try to disable it and check the links are working or not and you have option to exclude option which js is conflict with theme
Hope this help you!
I was facing a similar issue working with a premium there.
It was because of a plugin - Elementor.
Once I disabled it the theme worked as it was supposed to :)
I hope this helps you. cheers.

Facebook Comment Box Disappears in Accordian

I have two examples of Facebook comment box failing to load when an accordian is collapsed and reloaded. One HTML/JavaScript basic and the other in a Wordpress site via Visual Composer - this problem also occurs in numerous other accordions
HTML Example - http://iknowdigital.co.uk/htmlexample/
Wordpress Via Visual Composer http://thesingingmajor.co.uk/test-comment-box-martin/
I have contacted Facebook Support and Visual Composer support and neither can help out.
here are the replies
From VC
Hi Martin, The issue is not with the iframe, but the js that facebook comments use to render. It is not able to re-initialize itself when it is displayed as hidden and hence the issue occur. You can see that when you add nay iframe, it works fine without any issue. It is the js from the comments which is restricting it. As mentioned previously, it will require some custom js code to re-initialize this loading when the closed (hidden) accordion is opened. Kindly check.
From Facebook
Hi Martin,The issue here is the way the library is working. If you debug the code you'll see the plugin does not disappear, the issue is that the library is changing the width of the iframe that contains the plugin to 0 and you cannot see the comments plugin. In order to avoid this situation you will have to manually change the width value again and you'll see the comment plugin is still there. I'm going to close this bug as "By design" as this is not an issue in our side.
I'm not a javascript programmer, so am really at a loss here. Can anyone chip in with some advice here?
Thanks Martin

"Add media" button not working after upgrade to Wordpress 3.9

An automatic upgrade to Wordpress 3.9 broke the "Add media" functionality for posts on our client's site...when you click "Add media", it wasn't showing any of the photos in the media library (just had a blank area where the photos should be), even though those photos are still there when you go to the Media Library via the "Media" menu item in the main navigation.
Since then, I have tried upgrading to Wordpress 3.9.2, disabling all plugins, and setting the theme to the default TwentyTen theme. The issue still remains, and the only difference after all of that is that the upgrade to Wordpress 3.9.2 (from an earlier 3.9 version) seems to have caused a spinning icon to appear in the area where the photos should load, but it just spins forever and the photos never load.
I looked at the AJAX calls in Chrome Developer Tools and found that the admin_ajax.php call is actually returning the correct data, including all the correct image paths, so that's not the problem...I'm thinking there must be some Javascript-related issue that's causing the images not to appear.
Debugging this further, I found the initialize() function of media.controller.GalleryAdd, which is a standard Wordpress file at wp-includes/js/media-views.js. I added the console.log() function to see what was going on:
initialize: function() {
// If we haven't been provided a `library`, create a `Selection`.
if ( ! this.get('library') ) {
console.log('media.query result', media.query({ type: 'image' }) )
this.set( 'library', media.query({ type: 'image' }) );
media.controller.Library.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments );
Wordpress uses Backbone.js, and although I don't know Backbone, I found what looks like a problem here...the media.query() result has a length of 0 and its models array is empty.
I am trying to debug further to find the source of the problem, but I'm not all that familiar with the Wordpress source code and as I mentioned I'm not familiar with Backbone either, and it would be nice to get this resolved without having to spend hours upon hours debugging it more.
Can anyone provide any ideas/suggestions as to what might be the problem here?
I figured out what the problem was, and it was surprisingly simple...it was caused by extra whitespace at the end of wp-config.php! I simply removed the closing ?> tag at the bottom of the file to avoid whitespace from causing any problems in the future (I personally always omit the closing ?> tag in my own code but this site was built by someone else.) I'm guessing that the whitespace was interfering with header() function somewhere in the Wordpress code, causing the media gallery window to stop working.
I had the same issue, I fund that two jQuery files were missing jquery.ui.tabs.min.js and jquery.ui.tooltip.min.js. I found the source in Google Code. they need to be placed in wp-includes/js/jquery/ui

Wordpress 3.8 jQuery

I have a blog using Wordpress version 3.8 (http://tech-article.com). If I visit my site as a user it is working well. But if I visit my site after logging in as an admin than then hot post area JQuery effects such as rendering the post title and post avatar are not working.
I opened the console and got what you see below. May be JQuery is not working?
"undefined"!=typeof jQuery?("undefined"==typeof jQuery.fn.hoverIntent&&!function(a){a.fn.hoverIntent=function(b,c,d){var e={interval:100,sensitivity:7,timeout:0};e="object"==typeof b?a.extend(e,b):a.isFunction(c)?a.extend(e,{over:b,out:c,selector:d}):a.extend(e,{over:b,out:b,selector:c});var f,g,h,i,j=function(a){f=a.pageX,g=a.pageY},k=function(b,c){return c.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(c.hoverIntent_t),Math.abs(h-f)+Math.abs(i-g)<e.sensitivity?(a(c).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),c.hoverIntent_s=1,e.over.apply(c,[b])):(h=f,i=g,c.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(b,c)},e.interval),void 0)},l=function(a,b){return b.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(b.hoverIntent_t),b.hoverIntent_s=0,e.out.apply(b,[a])},m=function(b){var c=jQuery.extend({},b),d=this;d.hoverIntent_t&&(d.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(d.hoverIntent_t)),"mouseenter"==b.type?(h=c.pageX,i=c.pageY,a(d).on("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1!=d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(c,d)},e.interval))):(a(d).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1==d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){l(c,d)},e.timeout)))};return this.on({"mouseenter.hoverIntent":m,"mouseleave.hoverIntent":m},e.selector)}}(jQuery),jQuery(document).ready(function(a){var b,c,d,e=a("#wpadminbar"),f=!1;b=function(b,c){var d=a(c),e=d.attr("tabindex");e&&d.attr("tabindex","0").attr("tabindex",e)},c=function(b){e.find("li.menupop").on("click.wp-mobile-hover",function(c){var 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window?(e.on("touchstart",function(){c(!0),f=!0}),d()):/IEMobile\/[1-9]/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(c(),d()),e.find("li.menupop").hoverIntent({over:function(){f||a(this).addClass("hover")},out:function(){f||a(this).removeClass("hover")},timeout:180,sensitivity:7,interval:100}),window.location.hash&&window.scrollBy(0,-32),a("#wp-admin-bar-get-shortlink").click(function(b){b.preventDefault(),a(this).addClass("selected").children(".shortlink-input").blur(function(){a(this).parents("#wp-admin-bar-get-shortlink").removeClass("selected")}).focus().select()}),a("#wpadminbar li.menupop > .ab-item").bind("keydown.adminbar",function(c){if(13==c.which){var d=a(c.target),e=d.closest("ab-sub-wrapper");c.stopPropagation(),c.preventDefault(),e.length||(e=a("#wpadminbar .quicklinks")),e.find(".menupop").removeClass("hover"),d.parent().toggleClass("hover"),d.siblings(".ab-sub-wrapper").find(".ab-item").each(b)}}).each(b),a("#wpadminbar .ab-item").bind("keydown.adminbar",function(c){if(27==c.which){var 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When I used it with wordpress 3.6 it worked well. But this the problem appeared after update to version 3.8. Please give proper solution.
just took a casual look at your blog, it has jquery 1.4.2 included in your theme this is probably getting overwritten by "admin bar" javascript/jquery when you are logged in as admin. I am not sure as I never check if adminbar include it's own jquery. But remove jquery from theme and use wordpress enqueue function to include wordpress' default jquery this always ensure that you have one and latest version of jquery always included.
Really we need some more information code, server etc to provide the best help but I would suggest that it is likely once you login a new extension is becoming active. It may be loading Jquery and thus causing some sort of conflict.

