Parse dates from Javascript Date Object to regular datetime - javascript

How do I convert a date from JS Date Object to php datetime?
The following dates were converted to a Javascript Date Object from php datetimes:
"startsAt": "2015-08-15T10:46:00+00:00",
"endsAt": "2015-08-15T11:46:00+00:00"
converted using this syntax in javascript:
for (var i = 0; i <; i++) {[i].startsAt = new Date([i].startsAt);[i].endsAt = new Date([i].endsAt);
startsAt and EndsAt looked like so after the conversion:
startsAt: Date 2015-08-15T11:46:00.000Z
endsAt: Date 2015-08-15T11:46:00.000Z
Now my goal is to do the opposite in javascript (angularjs): Convert from Javascript Date Object to php datetime 2015-08-15T10:46:00+00:00. Any idea would help. Thanks

Just to fix correct an answer below:
var rawDate = new Date();
var parsedDate = [
(rawDate.getMonth() + 1), //because getMonth() starts from 0
console.log(parsedDate); // output could be: 19-08-2015 for example
or just call any of the following to convert date object to string:

You've got to parse it manually doing something like:
var rawDate = new Date();
var parsedDate = rawDate.getDate() + '-' + rawDate.getMonth() + '-' + rawDate.getFullYear();
console.log(parsedDate); // output could be: 19-08-2015 for example
Other possible ways of doing this could be found in here.


Date format conversion from "yyyy-mm-dd" to "dd/mm/yyyy" in pentaho using javascript

I have a csv file where the date field has a format "yyyy-mm-dd" and I wish to convert it into "dd/mm/yyyy" using javascript. This is the javascript it found out from this reference
"could not apply the given format yyyy/mm/dd on the string for 2015-02-04 :Format.parseObject(String) failed(script#3)"
this is the javascript code I used
var dateObj = str2date(Date_of_joining, "yyyy/mm/dd");
var newDate = date2str(dateObj, "dd/MM/yyyy");
I even tried using Select Value step and changed the meta data to date and specified the format to "dd/MM/yyyy" but still not working.How do I solve this
The date you are parsing is not using slashes, but you're defining slashes when you parse it. Switch your slashes to dashes:
var dateObj = str2date(Date_of_joining, "yyyy-mm-dd");
var newDate = date2str(dateObj, "dd/MM/yyyy");
function convertLinuxDate(linux_date) {
//linux_date = "2001-01-02"
var arrDate = linux_date.split("-");
return arrDate[1] + "/" +arrDate[2] + "/" + arrDate[0];
//returns 01/02/2001
Here we go:
Try to reconstruct DateTime string as like this:
var dateObj = new Date(Date_of_joining);
var newDate = new Date(dateObj );
var formattedString = [newDate.Date(),newDate.Month()+1, newDate.getFullYear()].join("/");
alert(formattedString );
Hope it helps;)

Convert date format 27.05.2015 01:46:32.UTC to Locale time

Can anyone help me to convert date format 27.05.2015 01:46:32.UTC to Locale time.
I tried the following code
var date = new Date('27.05.2015 01:46:32.UTC ');
This is also not working.
Even momentjs is also gives error to convert this format of date.
As per statement even momentjs is also gives error to convert this format of date, I have taken liberty and used momentjs here.
You need to use string-format moment constructor to pass string and format in which input string is.
var t = "27.05.2015 01:46:32.UTC";
//pass dateTime string and its format, it will return
//moment object
var cdt = moment.utc(t, 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm:ss');
//Get date object
var date = cdt.toDate();
//Use date variable as per requiremnt
<script src=""></script>
The format you are using for Date is DD.MM.YYYY. So you have to change this to MM.DD.YYYY for a valid java script object.
var date = '27.05.2015 01:46:32.UTC';
var date1 = date.split(' ');
var date2 = date1[0].split('.');
var date3 = date2[1]+ '.' +date2[0] +'.'+ date2[2];
var final_date = date3 + ' ' + date1[1];

How to format this JSON data to date(mm/dd/yyyy)

Sample JSON:
I have this set of dates and I want to convert it to the date format (mm/dd/yyyy). How do you do this is JavaScript?
Unfortunately parsing and formatting dates is a weak side of javascript.
So usually for that we use the 3rd party libraries like moment.js
An example of how you would do that with moment.js:
var date = '2014-05-28T01:34:00';
var parsedDate = moment(date);
var formattedDate = parsedDate.format('MM/DD/YYYY');
You may format the json string into new Date() then use js methods to get month,day,year or what exactly you need.
//format string to datetime
var DispatchDt = new Date(this.DispatchDt);
// then use this methods to fetch date,month, year needed
//getDate() // Returns the date
//getMonth() // Returns the month
//getFullYear() // Returns the year
var DispatchDt_date = DispatchDt.getDate();
var DispatchDt_month = DispatchDt.getMonth() + 1; //Months are zero based
var DispatchDt_year = DispatchDt.getFullYear();
Sample on jsFiddle
This would work
var a = "[{"DispatchDt":"2014-05-28T01:34:00","RcvdDt":"1988-12-26T00:00:00"}]";
var b = JSON.parse(c);
for (i in b[0]) {
b[0][i] = b[0][i].slice(0, 9)
console.log(b); // b now looks like this [ { DispatchDt: "2014-05-28", RcvDt: "1988-12-26" } ]
Please note the dates are stringified.

Convert datetime object into specific string Javascript

I have a date in the format dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm, for example 31.01.2014 11:24. How can I obtain, in javascript, the string "/Date(1391160281569)/"?
Here is an approach
var date = "31.01.2014 11:24";
var sp1 = date.split(/[:. ]/);
var newDate = new Date(sp1[2], (+sp1[1] - 1), sp1[0], sp1[3], sp1[4]);
var milliSeconds = newDate.getTime();
var urFormat = "/Date(" + milliSeconds + ")/";
I took me a while but i got this:
var theStringVersion = "/Date("+$.now()+")/";
Of course, for a real date, i would have to get the timestamp for it.

Javascript convert dates

I am getting this "20131218" date/time value from an API result.
What I want to do is convert this date into something like this "2013-12-18". I know this is very easy in PHP by simply doing this code:
echo date("Y-m-d",strtotime('20131218'));
output: 2013-12-18
This is what I tried in javascript:
var myDate = new Date("20131218");
But the output is Date{ Invalid Date } so obviously this is wrong.
My question here what is the equivalent of strtotime in javascript? or if there's no equivalent, how would I convert this value as my expected result(2013-12-18) using javascript?
Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Thanks! :)
The value is invalid to convert it to date. So either from your PHP code send it as a proper format like 20131218
Or convert the value you get in your Javascript to similar kind of format.
var dateVal="20131218";
// If it's number ******* //
var numdate=20131218;
var dateVal=numdate.toString();
var year=dateVal.substring(0,4);
var mnth=dateVal.substring(4,6);
var day=dateVal.substring(6,8);
var dateString=year+"-"+mnth+"-"+day;
var actualDate = new Date(dateString);
Javascript has a Date.parse method but the string you have is not suitable to pass to it. You don't really need to create a date object just to format a string. Consider:
function formatDateStr(s) {
s = s.match(/\d\d/g);
return s[0] + s[1] + '-' + s[2] + '-' + s[3];
alert(formatDateStr('20131218')); // '2013-12-18'
If you wish to convert it to a date object, then:
function parseDateStr(s) {
s = s.match(/\d\d/g);
return new Date(s[0] + s[1], --s[2], s[3]);
The reason why it is showing Invalid date is, it wants it to be in format
Following format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS
If you breakdown your string using following format just add dash at relevant places then you are good to go and use newDate.
1. var myDate = new Date("2013-12-18");
2. var myDate = new Date(2013,12,18);
Eventually you can modify your string manipulate it and use it in aforementioned format.

