Applet taking time to load in IE with java8u60 - javascript

Applet is taking time to load after installing java 8 u60 in IE 9 and above. Earlier program was working fine. Now error thrown is TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method. I tried putting settimeout() this will solve the issue to some extent. I wonder why this behavior is observed only after upgrading to java8u60? Is there any other solution? Please help.
Thanks in Advance!

Try to build your code using java 8u60.
IMHO that should solve your problem.
Although jvms are backward compatible, java 8 have some major changes that may cause the described error.
If you need your applet being able to work in both java7 and java8, then
See if you have some compilation errors during compiling your code using java8.
Try to bypass those errors using java7-compatible api methods, and then rebuild it again in java7.

For me the problem was that the applet was hidden and displayed on document load.
When I changed so that the applet is visible from the start it loaded quickly again.
Another case was caused by loading the applet in an iframe, and it was fixed by adding the applet to the iframe in the onload.
These problem only appeared in java8u60 and IE


Navigate command

I have a page which unfortunately uses the old JavaScript command "navigate" (used to redirect to another page) instead of the currently used "location". There is unfortunately no way for me to change the code so I'm left with having to use IE, which is a problem for example on my PC at home, where I have Linux.
Browsers like Chrome or FF refuse to execute this and show "navigate not defined" in the console. Just out of curiosity, can anyone think of any way how to overcome this? Maybe some extension or possibility to teach the browser custom commands? I tried searching for this but didnt find anything. But before I completely resign I thought I would ask here.
Thanks in advance

how to display javascript error while loading .js [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do you debug Javascript applications?
When there's a bug in my javascript .js file, no error is indicated, and the file just does not load.
Is there a fast way to debug something like this?
I have to temporarily delete half the file, test it, delete another half, test it, and so on until I isolate the problem.
How can I display the error when javascript loads the page?
You can see if the file isn't being retrieved in the Net tab.
You can debug it and even add breakpoints in the Script tab.
You can view any errors/warnings in the Console tab.
Try using the firebug pluggin for firefox.
You can put break point and use the step by step debug mode.
Realy helpfull.
Get a js debugger for your browser: firebug if you use firefox. Chrome & Safari have builtin inspectors that do the same thing. IE as usual is more awkward. You should also check your js at, although it gives lots of warnings you can ignore.
For Firefox: use Firebug
For Chrome: use the console
For IE: you're screwed. (place alert()s throughout your code and narrow down between the one that was called and the one that was not)
While there are many of versions of IE, this answer applies to IE 7, which is still what the majority of large corporations and government agencies use. Sure, there are workarounds, especially if you have Visual Studio, but question did not specify a browser in the first place.
IE7 has no console, thus the users is screwed and must inject his/her JS with alert()s or use a third-party tool.

ie8 javascript not running or loading

I have un-installed and re-installed IE8 a few time and javascript will not run.
I have checked jQuery and numerous sites, and run simple examples like alert("hi"); nothing works. The ie8 developer tools under script debugging says
"Breakpoint cannot be set in this location, the code in the document is not loaded"
This also happens when using the Spoon plugin and IE7 Or IE8.
also any of these scripts work just fine in firefox.
Any ideas or help is much appreciated!
Go to Internet Options, Security, Custom Level, and enable Active Scripting under Scripting.
OS: WinXp service pack2
issue in IE7 and IE8
I had spent alot of time today, uninstalling and reinstalling IE v 7 & 8. I had checked the security settings multiple times. Even disabled my firewall, nothing worked. eventually a friend of mine found the clue.
Apparently IE7 & IE8 use the same javascript registered DLL which had become un-registered for whatever reason.
To fix it:
Start > Run...
In the Run box, type in (without quotes) "regsvr32 jscript.dll"
You should receive a popup says that it registration succeeded.
I had the same problem, but the issue for me was the way I defined my block of script. I used type="application/javascript". This is supposed to be the correct way to do it, but IE only wants text/javascript.
IE -> Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced -> Disable script debugging (uncheck)
ensure tag ends with > instead of />
None of the above worked for me,
Reserved keyword
It was blocked because I tried to invoke my custom export function from my custom object. The 'export' keyword seemed to be reserved in IE.
Chrome works fine comme toujours.
In my case the problem was that IE8, doesn't support Object.defineProperty, which lead to all JavaScript not working.
I found out about that problem, when I started debugging JavaScript in IE8 and got the error Object doesn't support this action.
This helped me, apparently IE doesn't always load script when running from local drive. I had to add a "Mark of the Web".
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- saved from url=(0021) -->
for my case which was in IE11 in windows server 2008 R2
at first my site was recognized as internet zone which IE Security Level bar was configured high and not normal.
but adding my site simply to Trusted Sites which have low security via Internet options - Security tab - resolved the problem.
Looks like there can be multiple causes for the same symptom. For me it turned out to be the ActiveX controls/active content was blocked (I'm developing on local and had forgotten that IE likes to make things nice and secure from local).
Side note: With IE9 (I just upgraded) they moved the 'yellow bar' to the bottom and I was failing to notice it. MS is missing more than hitting lately on their UX/UI design
(see for example the ribbon interface visual overload
I tried
regsvr32 jscript.dll, but it didn't work.
Then I tried
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\jscript.dll
regsvr32 C:\Windows\SysWOW64\jscript.dll
And it works!
In my case, the JavaScript key const lead to an error that stop JavaScript execution. The key word is not support in the IE 10(and early version). See this for more infomation.

IE and unspecified error and in IE8 object doesn't support method

I have a big (probably) javascript problem.
i have a long and complex script on the page based on mootools framework,
in FF and other browser everything works fine, but in ie 6 and 7 i got "error:153 (sometimes 84) Unspecified error" and the strange thing is in IE8 that show me the error "Object doesn't support this property or method".
someone know the possible cause of the problem? o maybe someone know a list of IE's unsupported property or method?
In IE8 you can get the line number of the error, then right-click -> view source. IE8 has a proper source, which includes script lines, so you should quickly be able to find the source of your error.
If the script you're using isn't obfuscated or all on one line, you could use the JavaScript debugger in IE8 to pinpoint the object which is causing the error. Press F12 to open the Developer Tools, go to the Script tab, and click the "Start Debugging" option. If there's an error it may well break on the relevant line. If not you can set some breakpoints and step through the code.
You can also use IE8 developer tools to debug.
For other version I suggest you use Web developer tool bar which is similar to web developer tool bar for firefox.
Its near impossible to tell what the problem is with this information (at least for me).
For IE6/7 I suggest adding a few alerts to the javascript in intervals to find out exactly what line of code is causing your problem. If you know which object is causing the error, it is usually quite simple to find out what the exact problem is.
IE8 provides nice debugging tools, so that is a good place to start.
In my case the error was due to a $ mapping conflict.
Using jQuery instead of $ solved the issue.

Loading ActiveX object on Flex application html page

I am attempting to load an activex object on the same page where my flex application resides. Is this possible? Can I have 2 object tags on one page?
As of right now the flex application loads fine but when I attempt to access the activeX control it says its null. But if I have the same activex control on its own webpage it works perfectly fine.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.
Whoops, I found the error. It was a simple error in my javascript code. Turns out it works fine adding another Object tag and loading another activex control. Chalk this up as a learning experience.
Why don't you post your mistake, that way we'll all benefit from what you learned - maybe your mistake was common.
Kudos for answering your own question though. May want to change the title so it says resolved.
One of the issues was that my browser was caching the page, I realized that once I made a change to the name of the ActiveX object and the error thrown was still referencing the old name of the ActiveX object. The other error was I had a Var with the same name of the ActiveX object inside the javascript code, that seemed to be causing it to fail, although I am not entirely sure why. Once I removed that variable the script worked fine. I had run into that same problem the day before just didn't notice it the second time around, because I have been working on this integration for a few days straight now.

