Loading ActiveX object on Flex application html page - javascript

I am attempting to load an activex object on the same page where my flex application resides. Is this possible? Can I have 2 object tags on one page?
As of right now the flex application loads fine but when I attempt to access the activeX control it says its null. But if I have the same activex control on its own webpage it works perfectly fine.
Any Ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Whoops, I found the error. It was a simple error in my javascript code. Turns out it works fine adding another Object tag and loading another activex control. Chalk this up as a learning experience.

Why don't you post your mistake, that way we'll all benefit from what you learned - maybe your mistake was common.
Kudos for answering your own question though. May want to change the title so it says resolved.

One of the issues was that my browser was caching the page, I realized that once I made a change to the name of the ActiveX object and the error thrown was still referencing the old name of the ActiveX object. The other error was I had a Var with the same name of the ActiveX object inside the javascript code, that seemed to be causing it to fail, although I am not entirely sure why. Once I removed that variable the script worked fine. I had run into that same problem the day before just didn't notice it the second time around, because I have been working on this integration for a few days straight now.


Dojo mysteriously, persistently blanked on page

We use the dojo framework on our websites. A client has called in a panic saying their sales from users of Microsoft Edge have completely dropped off. I've found that in that browser, intermittently, the dojo variable is null after page load. So of course no interaction works for those users, so of course no sales.
But in the course of testing I found this astonishing thing in devtools:
I don't even know how I would do that if I wanted to do it. So I want to track this down but I have no clue what to look for. I might've suspected some weird, recurring setInterval code, but I would not have thought that could get between the two statements on that last console line.
There's a script line just before the </body> tag where I'm able to put a breakpoint. At that point, dojo is set as the framework as expected. So some code that loads after page load is doing it.
(EDIT: I'd be willing to do iterative, brute force breakpoints if I could. But I only have access to Edge via BrowserStack, and trying to set useful breakpoints in minified code is very difficult in Edge's dev tools.)
Does anyone have a suggestion what sort of thing I should look for?
How to debug for this? Is there a client-exposed variable where you can see the functions set to the document's onload, or a way I can put breakpoints in them?
I attempted using a watch() shim in console to watch for the dojo object being changed, but didn't have much luck with that. (but might have done it incorrectly, so if this is an idea, I might need help with proper implementation).
EDIT: There's also this, if this helps make any sense of it. After I delete dojo, setting it works as expected.
Well, I don't know what the specific problem is, but someone has at least given me a way in which this is possible:
window.__defineGetter__('dojo', function(){ return null })
This doesn't exist in the original code, but at least now I see how it's possible at all. The person who gave me this suggests that the code might be trying to get and protect its own copy of dojo, but something about it goes wrong in Edge.

Applet taking time to load in IE with java8u60

Applet is taking time to load after installing java 8 u60 in IE 9 and above. Earlier program was working fine. Now error thrown is TypeError: Object doesn't support property or method. I tried putting settimeout() this will solve the issue to some extent. I wonder why this behavior is observed only after upgrading to java8u60? Is there any other solution? Please help.
Thanks in Advance!
Try to build your code using java 8u60.
IMHO that should solve your problem.
Although jvms are backward compatible, java 8 have some major changes that may cause the described error.
If you need your applet being able to work in both java7 and java8, then
See if you have some compilation errors during compiling your code using java8.
Try to bypass those errors using java7-compatible api methods, and then rebuild it again in java7.
For me the problem was that the applet was hidden and displayed on document load.
When I changed so that the applet is visible from the start it loaded quickly again.
Another case was caused by loading the applet in an iframe, and it was fixed by adding the applet to the iframe in the onload.
These problem only appeared in java8u60 and IE

JSpdf working in Internet Explorer but not working in Chrome

Hi I am a bit stuck here, trying to use jspdf for printing html to pdf. So first of all I tried with some examples and it worked. But when I try to implement the same in My Django Website, there is an issue.
1. Its working with Internet explorer, I am able to download the Pdf
2. But same is not working with Chrome (why).
By following some post :get_URL().createObjectURL error I was able understand that:
issue is with the AJax Calls where i am changing the URL to some other
Also looked in to :window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); is undefined in my application
But it doesn't says any clear solution to the problem. How to make the things work.
So far I have checked : None of the JS files inclusion is missed , as
its working fine with internet explorer. But in Explorer my ajax Calls doesn't works
Here is the error I am getting
Any help would be appreciated :)
Not sure if I can help much, but what I understand is that the error you are seeing is caused by createObjectURL being undefined, so the first thing I would check is why this happens.
Have you tried writing something like window.ULR.createObjectURL(new Blob) in the console? Try writing this on your application page, and if it stil happens, you have something that changes the URL object.
The next step would be to temporarily remove one javascript file at a time to find out which one makes the trouble.
Note: Yes, I know the question is old, but it still deserves a solution.

Workaround for Internet Explorers java script block as control in WPF

For my project I need to show a html file which uses JavaScript to render LaTeX code. This works fine, but everytime I open this file in the browser for the first time, the yellow band pops up that active code won't be executed until the user accepts so. This is annoying in this case, although I understand the purpose, however I want to mark my code as trusted! Do you have any idea how to "hack" the control to achieve the behavior I want? Or any other suggestions?
The solution ist really stupid as the security policy is badly implemented by Microsoft. Just add the comment<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->\r\n before everything else and the IE will recognize your local file as accessed from the internet and will then execute JavaScript code as wanted. But this is a better solution than hacking the registry...

Create a Addon to modify JavaScript Data before executed on Firefox

i want to create an addon for firefox, that should check every JavaScript on a loading page. And if there is a Code, which is not allowed it should be blocked or modiefied (it is a part of XSS Protection).
But i don't know, how to implement this.
I tried to create an http-on-modify-request observer and so i have an access to the scripts. But how can i modify them before Firefox execute it?
My second trial was to create an addon like the Flashblock addon.
So i made a CSS-file and bind the script tags to a xml-file.
In the xml file i create a placeholder and replace the javascript.
When i start a page and look into DOM-Inspector it works fine... there are div-tags instead of javascript tags.
The Problem is, that Firefox still executed the original javascripts and so my trial failed.
Have anybody some tips for me?
ps: sry, for my english, but english is not my native language
I think you're looking for nsITraceableChannel:

