Using Apache Avro in javascript [closed] - javascript

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is there a means to use Avro on the client side through javascript and REST or RPC or websocket?
If so, with with js library?

avsc a pure JavaScript implementation of the Avro specification and it might be the solution you are looking for.
avsc is compatible with all versions of node.js since 0.11 and major browsers via browserify (see the full compatibility table here). For convenience, you can also find compiled distributions with the releases (but please host your own copy).
I did a small lab and shared my experimental coding with avsc in a github repo: avro-rest-js, in this demo project there are examples of both client-side and server-side-rest-API in javascript exchanging avro buffers in request/response.
An example of use of avsc for RPC websocket look at a sample Avro remote logging service running behind a WebSocket server and a corresponding client.


can some one recommend a good client library to send data over https? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Hello I'm familiar with a node js api for to make market transactions. However the api is for node. I do not wish to make a webserver but instead a client side. I am familiar with https so is there a client version of https connection that I can make get request, maybe start a webssl, where I handle application layer to https. Kinda like client side java script version of c openssl or what ever its called, secure sockets.
I used XMLHTTPRequest(). Seems pretty standard now and obvious for REST API. WebSocket() object for was.

Google Chrome app: Any SSH/SFTP JS libraries? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I've been going through the samples for Google Chrome extension/app development and liked some of them. Especially the Telnet client example here:
Is there a library/source that I can use with google Chrome for an SSH client?
Two years ago, I tried to find SSH/SFTP JavaScript Library, however, I could not find any libraries. Therefore, I created my app with libssh2. That is, I created NaCl module with C++ to use the libssh2 C library. Also, I created the SFTP client NaCl module with libssh2 library as well.
And, you can also refer the source code of SSH Client app.
Probably, it is difficult to calculate encryption/decryption for SSH2 negotiation protocol with JavaScript...

what client side javascript cache library would you recommend? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a client-side javascript cache library
Ideally, this is the feature list I'd like to have
no dependencies
time expiration support
use localStorage if available, and fallback to array
actively developed
I've found a few options, but they don't seem to be particularly active
Related questions at SO are a bit ancient too... (this is the most promising one)
What JavaScript cache can you recommend
we made a library for Javascript.
no dependencies
time expiration support
use localStorage and sessionStorage
and it has more features.
you can look from here
i just made simple js lib for caching. It support array and localStorage

Faceted search on client side [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you suggest a basic faceted search library use at client (browser) side.
I quickly looked through exhibit3, but looks heavy for my usage. It mentioned somewhere that exhibit3 can be used on client side alone, but the setup mentioned a backstage project in java.
Above is an example usage I am looking for (only the category search, no time line view, etc). If it can group data and allow faceted search from json file (independent of backend), that will suit my purpose.
Found a good walk through of one of the exhibit example here.
It pulls lot of dependencies, and wish there a minified version (ready to use :-) ). Anyone uses this for client only solution for relatively medium size data.
facetedsearch.js looks like it would be appropriate. Find it here: or skip the fancy site and go straight to the code:

Alternatives to libxmljs [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Goal: Use Node.js to access a web page, manipulate the DOM using xpath syntax, and print the new DOM.
libxmljs is okay, but it has several dependencies which NPM doesn't resolve. Which libraries do you use to xpath arbitrary HTML?
I develop libxmljs on Mac OS X, so this shouldn't be your major hurdle. You need the libxml2 library and the scons utility in order to build successfully. Both of these are available via macports or homebrew. Once you have libxml2, make sure the xml2-config command-line utility is in your path. That's what I use to get the appropriate build flags.
#mcandre I believe you're the same person who submitted a ticket to the github repo. I hope you've gotten things worked out. If not, give more info about your problem.

