Deleting a property of an object inside its definition; Why? - javascript

Looking at the recent Google Maps API loader source, I'm wondering what is the purpose of the following:
google.maps.Load = function(apiLoad) {
delete google.maps.Load;
Why would you delete a property of an object, inside its definition? I suspect it could have some performance increase, but can't figure out how a property can delete itself inside its definition.

Obviously we can only make assumptions since it's only that code author can say for sure.
If the reason was to ensure that the Load procedure is performed just once then the decision chosen is really poor.
The problem is that deletion of properties makes impossible V8 (and may be other engines) to use so called "hidden classes" (which is an optimisation method for faster object's properties lookup).
The better alternative would be
google.maps.Load = function() {};
google.maps.Load = function() { throw new Error("Already loaded") };
as suggested by #Sam in the comments.
Understanding hidden classes in v8
Fast Property Access

I'd say to only allow to be loaded once.

This is to ensure that the API is only loaded once. However, this will not throw a useful error when the function is called a second time, but it may cause an exception.
Here is an alternative solution which throws a more useful error.
google.maps.Load = function() { throw new Error("Already loaded") };


array reference javascript angular

i'm trying to reference one item in an array, and i have no idea why this is not working,
these two lines of code are EXACTLY after eachother, but the output i get from the console is the following..
Output from the console
any ideas why this is not working? the commands are exactly after each other as I mentioned before and in the same function, the variable is global in my controller.
i can add more code if you think it can help, but i don't really understand how..
some more code:
$scope.Times = [];
$scope.getStatus = function(timer){
$'getStatus.php', {timer : timer})
$scope.response = response;
if ($scope.response.Running === "0"){
$scope.model = { ItemNumber : $scope.response.Part };
$scope.loadTiming = function(itemNumber) {
$'getPartTimings.php', {itemNumber : itemNumber})
$scope.selectedTiming = response;
var i = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.selectedTiming, function(value) {
if (value !== 0)
"Process" : $scope.procedures[i],
"Duration" : value*60
$postData = file_get_contents("php://input");
$request = json_decode($postData);
require "conf/config.php";
try {
} catch (Exception $exp) {
echo "<label style='font-weight:bold; color:red'>MySQL Server Connection Failed. </label>";
$query = 'SELECT *,
FROM live_Timers
WHERE Timer='.$request->timer;
$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);
$data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
echo JSON_ENCODE($data);
thanks for your help.
OK, so more code does help. It looks like you have asynchronous logic happening here. loadTiming is fired, which does a POST and then a splice on the Times array. One console.log could be firing before this POST and the other after. There's no easy way to tell.
One possible fix would be to only log these once the loadTiming async process runs. Return a promise from the loadTiming function and then in the then callback of the promise, log your array.
$scope.getStatus = function(timer){
$'getStatus.php', {timer : timer})
$scope.response = response;
if ($scope.response.Running === "0"){
$scope.model = { ItemNumber : $scope.response.Part };
$scope.loadTiming($scope.response.Part).then(function () {
$scope.loadTiming = function(itemNumber) {
return $'getPartTimings.php', {itemNumber : itemNumber})
$scope.selectedTiming = response;
var i = 0;
angular.forEach($scope.selectedTiming, function(value) {
if (value !== 0)
"Process" : $scope.procedures[i],
"Duration" : value*60
I think your issue is a $scope reference issue.
I would try this:
$scope.vm = {};
$scope.vm.Times = [];
Adding the "." is Angular best practice when attaching to $scope. This is best described here Understanding Scopes
I have experienced a similar situation a while ago, related with this issue.
Since then, I've encountered related issues a bunch of times (AngularJS, due to its cyclic nature seems prone to produce this behaviour).
In your case, using JSON.stringify($scope.Times) might "fix" this.
Usually this happens in this context:
An async call or a expensive DOM manipulation is made.
You make 2 (or more) calls to console.log in between.
The state of the DOM or object is changed
The output shows inconsistent (and strange) results
Take this example:
After digging a lot (and talking to Webkit developers) this is what I've found:
The second call to console.log is "resolved" first.
In your case, this has to do how Console handles objects and "expressions" in a different way:
An "expression" is resolved in the time of call, while with objects, a reference to said object is stored instead
Note that expression is used loosely here. You can observe this behaviour in this fiddle
More in depth analysis
Regarding display discrepancies, the behaviour posted above is not the only gotcha with Console. In fact, it is related in how Console works.
Console is an external tool
First you must realize that Console is an external tool and not part of the ECMAScript spec. Implementations differ between browsers and it shouldn't be used in production. It certainly won't work the same for every user.
Console is a non-standard external tool and is not on a standards track.
Console is dynamic
Console as a very dynamic tool. With console you can make assertions (test), time and profile your code, group log entries, remote connect to your server and debug Server Side Code. You can even change code itself, at runtime. So..
Console is not just a static log displayer... Its dynamic nature is one its most features
Console has a slight delay
Being an external dynamic tool, Console works as a watcher process attached to the javascript engine.
This is useful in debugging and among other things prevents Console to inadvertently block the execution of the script. A simple and crude way of thinking about this is picturing console.log as a kind of non-blocking async call. This means that:
With Console, there's a slight delay between 1)call, 2)processing and 3)output.
However, calling Console is not "instant" per se. In fact, by itself, can delay script execution. If you mix this with complex DOM manipulations and events, it can cause weird behaviours.
I've encountered an issue with Chrome, when using MutationObserver and console.log. This happened because the DOM Painting was delaying the update of the DOM object but the event triggered by that DOM change was fired nevertheless. This meant the event callback was executed and finished before the DOM Object was fully updated, resulting in an invalid reference to the DOM object.
Using console.log in the observer caused a brief delay in the callback execution, that, in most of the times, was enough to let the DOM Object update first. This proves that console.log delays code execution.
But even when an invalid reference error occurred, console.log ALWAYS showed a valid object. Since the object couldn't have been changed by code itself, this proves there is a delay delay between the call of console.log and the processing.
Console log order matches the code path
Console log entries order is unaffected by entries update status. In other words,
The order of the log entries reflect the order in which they are called, not their "freshness"
So, if an object is updated, it does not move to the end of the log. (makes sense to me)
Counterintuitive behaviour
This can lead to a number of possible counterintuitive behaviours because one might expect a console.log to be some kind of snapshot of the object, not a reference to it.
For instance, in your case, the object is changed between the the call to console.log and the end of the script.
At the time of calling, $scope.Times is empty, so $scope.Times[0] is undefined.
However, the $scope.Time object is updated posteriorly.
When the Console report is displayed, it shows an updated version of the object.
In your case, transforming the object in an "expression" can solve the "issue". For instance, you can use JSON.stringify($scope.Times).
It is debatable if the way console handles objects is a Bug or a Feature. Some propose that, when called with an object, console.log should clone that object making a kind of snapshot. Some argue that storing a reference to the object is preferable, since you can easily create a snapshot yourself if you wish to do so.

Overwrite Javascript prototype with stub functions

I'm trying to run an A/B test for a new feature I'm adding to a website. In the past, our team has done something like this before showing various features on the page:
experiments.isUserInControlGroup('new-feature1') &&;
experiments.isUserInControlGroup('new-feature1') && newFeature1Obj.hide();
I have found this to be pretty kludgey, since we have to check if the experiment is enabled in every place we use the new feature. What I was thinking about doing instead something like this:
function NewFeature1(){
NewFeature1.prototype = {
//do something
//do something
//before any objects are declared
if (experiments.isUserInControlGroup('new-feature1')) {
for(var prop in NewFeature1.prototype) {
//replace with empty function
NewFeature1.prototype[prop] = function(){};
The idea here is that I'm replacing the NewFeature1 class's methods with empty stubs before I ever instantiate it, thereby ensuring that none of my calls on the object will ever do anything if the user isn't in the control group.
Is this dangerous in some browsers? I couldn't tell in my initial tests if I was overwriting Object's properties. In webkit, it didn't seem like it was hurting anything. Am I missing something? I only have to worry about webkit, FF, and IE8+.
I think it's acceptable, maybe better to stub only direct properties determined by hasOwnProperty if the class has no inherits.

What kind of pattern is this?

I've learnt development by looking at other people's codes, so I'm not very good with terminologies. Lately I've been writting my JS/Jquery this way:
$(document).ready(function() {
var testingFunc = {
$object: $('#object'),
init: function() {
var _that = this;
Can someone please tell me if this a pattern of some sort? Or can someone please tell me how to describe the code I've done above?
This particular style represented in your code is an "object literal" pattern. It differs only slightly from a "module" pattern when you find yourself not requiring specific properties or methods to be private.
Before getting into a trap of terminologies, you may want to understand (in principle) what Javascript patterns are, and then identify those which may be architecturally best-fit for your project.
You may get an in-depth understanding from this mini-book from Addy Osmani:
And a high-level article from him:
The first part is using a jQuery selector with the listener "ready". What this means is that the callback function attached to the selector and listener will run once the document (in this case the browser window) is ready (in web terms, this means when the page finishes loading).
The second part of your code is following a standard called object literal, which is a JavaScript methodology that follows the principles of key->value
Perhaps you can name it the Object Literal pattern like used by Rebecca Murphey in her article. However I do not think that it's widely adopted as an official name for this kind of code structure, but it seems appropriate.
I guess you are wondering about the ready function. In order to understand how it works, you have to know that when you load an HTML page into you browser, the HTML structure is turned into a javascript tree called "DOM" (Document Object Model). In your sample, the DOM is referenced through the variable named document. To populate this tree, each markup has to be initialized as a javascript object. Once this job is done, the "ready" event is raised, invoking every function which is bound to it. To summarize :
$(document).ready(function () { testingFunc.init(); });
// translation : Once the DOM has been initialized, call "init".
Regarding your code, $('#object') attempts to query the DOM tree to find a node with an id set to "object" (e.g. <div id="object">). However, the document is probably not yet fully initialized. As a result, this query might fail. To avoid this risk you should rather do this :
var testingFunc = {
$object: null,
init: function() {
this.$object = $('#object');
You can think of the DOM as a folder structure, where each folder and file is an HTML markup. jQuery browses the DOM tree the same way that you browse your files explorer.

"Error calling method on NPObject!" in Uploadify

I'm using Uploadify to upload file in my CMS. Everything works fine until recently. I got an error
Error calling method on NPObject
on this line
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
on this part
uploadifyUpload:function(ID,checkComplete) {
jQuery(this).each(function() {
if (!checkComplete) checkComplete = false;
document.getElementById(jQuery(this).attr('id') + 'Uploader').startFileUpload(ID, checkComplete);
I don't know why and after a day debugging and testing I found that if I remove replace(/\&/g, '\\&') from
String.prototype.escAll = function(){
var s = this;
return s.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\?/g, '\\?').replace(/\&/g, '\\&');
It then works again. I really don't know why.
Any helps would be appreciated!
I think the reason is in additional Javascript libraries you use.
Some libraries (for example Prototype.js or jQuery.js) change behaviour of your code. For example, you can't overload prototype in some cases. The result may be undefined in clear (obvious) places (like you use an array variable with wrong index). You should view the source code of additional libraries, probably they do with prototype something that breaks your code in the function you mentioned.
In my practice I had the situation when overloading of prototype worked incorrectly (it was String prototype like in your case).
So just don't use prototype.

Failure to override Element's addEventListener in Firefox

I'm trying to override the Element object's addEventListener method, in a cross-browser manner. The purpose is so that I can load some 3rd party scripts asynchronously, and those scripts call this method prematurely.
I created an HTML file that works perfectly in Chrome, but on Firefox I get this exception:
"Illegal operation on WrappedNative prototype object" nsresult: "0x8057000c (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_OP_ON_WN_PROTO)"
If you comment out the lines in the file that change the INSTANCE methods, it works. But I need to do it on the "class type" (i.e. prototype).
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Here's the file I created
<img id="testImg" src="">
function myLog(msg) { "undefined" != typeof(console) && console.log("Log: " + msg); }
function customListener(type, event, useCapture) {
// Register the event
myLog('Registering event');
this._origListener.apply(this, arguments);
// Also tried HTMLImageElement
Element.prototype._origListener = Element.prototype.addEventListener;
Element.prototype.addEventListener = customListener;
var img = document.getElementById("testImg");
// Uncommenting these lines works - but in the real case I can't access these objects
//img._origListener = img.addEventListener;
//img.addEventListener = customListener;
img.addEventListener('load',function() { myLog('load callback'); }, false);
Like Marcel says, this has to do with the way host objects are exposed. The problem is that if you override a predefined property of an interface, it doesn't get changed in the interfaces that inherit from it (at least in Firefox).
Although I agree with Marcel's remarks, there is in fact a way to do this. You should override the property of the lowest possible interface of the object you want to do this for. In your case this would be the HTMLImageElement.
This will do the trick:
(function() {
var _interfaces = [ HTMLDivElement, HTMLImageElement /* ... (add as many as needed) */ ];
for (var i = 0; i < _interfaces.length; i++) {
(function(original) {
_interfaces[i].prototype.addEventListener = function(type, listener, useCapture) {
return original.apply(this, arguments);
Please use a valid Doctype, preferably one that cast browsers into (Almost) Standards mode (<!DOCTYPE html> is fine).
typeof is an operator, you don't need the parentheses (but it doesn't hurt)
Most important: don't try to manipulate DOM Element's prototype: those are host objects and you can't rely on host objects exposing any of the core JavaScript functionality of an object. Worse, there may be a performance penalty and you might break other things. Stay away from that technique. For more information, read What’s wrong with extending the DOM.
What is it that you want to achieve, that you want your event listeners to be called automatically when using 3rd party scripts?

