Change last names into numbers, which relate and display images - javascript

Im new to JavaScript and don't have the knowledge to write this myself yet. Any help would be great.
I'm creating pseudorandom illustration generator, comprised of 3 images. They'd be chosen by their name and displayed. Live update would be the best.
I'd like to have the user enter their last name (into a field) which will be changed into an individual set of 3 numbers. From those numbers I'd like the images to be chosen, the 1st from the first etc. then display them vertically respectively.
Any input is welcome, I'm sure there's an easier way of doing it. Thanks for your time.
I'd like to change the last name that the user enters into a 3 digit number(000-999), then display 3 images based of the numbers given. If the number made is 015, then the first image displayed would be 000.jpg, the second 010.jpg and the third would be 005.jpg. Id like the same result each time a name is entered and I'd like to update on real time if possible. I hope this helps clear things up, I'm still trying to figure out the best way. Thanks

You can use the ASCII table to get the number matching with a letter.
Then, you can iterate on every char of the last name and sum it.
At the end, you might want to use the % (modulo) of the sum to get a value lesser than 1.000.
A tested code would be:
var lastName = "Connor";
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<lastName.length;i++)
sum += lastName[i].charCodeAt(0);
sum = (sum%1000);
In your case, the result would be: 623
Then, you might want to get the files: 600.jpg, 020.jpg and 003.jpg
var firstPic = (sum + "").split('')[0] + "00.jpg";
var secondPic = "0" + (sum + "").split('')[1] + "0.jpg";
var thirdPic = "00" + (sum + "").split('')[2] + ".jpg";


Generating every possible position In Tick Tack Toe

I want to generate every singe way a tick tack toe board can look. The data format i would like is a simple array that looks kind of like this:
["", "X", "O",
"", "X", "X",
"", "O", "O"]
I need to know witch ones are empty too. I have no idea how to do this. Should iterate over each one and then iterate over every one behind...
Lets say I'm at the third one. Should i then go back to number two and do one for it's every possible state and inside that go to number one?
Is a recursive function what i need?
btw this is actually a screenshot of made with JavaScript. I do have some code.
Basically you could consider to use only the numbers
0 for empty places,
1 for user which goes first
2 for user which goes second
The whole space of the board is nine fields, which can have in maximum all places filled with player 2.
The numerical value of this is 2222222223 = 1968210.
From this value you have to skip the state of board like the last one, which is not possible, because it misses the player 1 and it have to much places with player 2 on it.
To check which (end) position is valid, you need a check for containing same count of pieces for player 1 and 2 +/- 1,
var value = parseInt('222222222', 3);
To get all positions, you could iterate form zero to the 19682, convert the number to a string with radix = 3 and pad the string with zero to the lenght of 9.
Then check the board and eliminate impossible states.
function pad9(v) { return ('000000000' + v).slice(-9); }
var max = parseInt('222222222', 3),
output = '';
for (i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
// add some checks brefore output
output += pad9(i.toString(3)) + '\n';
document.getElementById('out').innerHTML = output;
<pre id="out"></pre>

calculate carriage on javascript invoice

Given the following: How would I go about making a function to calculate carriage based on user input (which I have already created with the id "carriage")?
/* Description: Update price function
* #param: $itemRow - Row Object
var updatePrice = function ($itemRow) {
// Calculate the price of the row. Remove and $ so the calculation doesn't break
var price = $itemRow.find('#itemPrice').val().replace(",", "") * $itemRow.find('#itemQty').val();
var carriage = $itemRow.find('#carriage').val();
price = roundNumber(price, 2);
isNaN(price) ? $itemRow.find('#itemLineTotal').val("N/A") : $itemRow.find('#itemLineTotal').val(price);
var update_total = function () {
var total = 0;
$('input#itemLineTotal').each(function (i) {
price = $(this).val().replace(",", "");
if (!isNaN(price)) total += Number(price);
total = roundNumber(total, 2);
$('input#invGrandTotal').val('\u20AC' + total);
First, some improvements your code:
You seem to use the same ID for inputs in multiple HTML table rows. HTML allows you to use an ID only once per document. In your case you should use classes instead of IDs.
You remove commas in all numbers. It is not clear if this is correct or not. Do you use the comma as thousands separator (then it is okay) or as decimal separator (then it is not)? This depends on your local number format.
You don't need the (custom?) function roundNumber(), you can use Number.toFixed() e.g. 10.toFixed(2) returns 10.00
In your update_total() function you remove the commas again, but you never added them when writing to each row's itemLineTotal field.
I recommend you to use a consistent coding style, e.g. you sometimes use camel case function names (updatePrice()), sometimes an underscore (update_total()).
In your code example, it looks like there is one carriage input per row. As this is not very common on invoices, I assumed that this was a mistake and there is only one such input in the whole invoice.
To calculate the grand total you have to calculate the sum of all itemLineTotals and then add the value of carriage. You should do that in update_total(). I created a fiddle which shows a working example, hope that helps:
(Perhaps you have to adapt the decimal and thousands separators as mentioned above. See lines 10, 11, 21 and 25. Also, please mind JavaScript's restrictions on floating point numbers)

Round number to two decimal places and delete any other decimal points

I have a javascript function that grabs some data from the current webpage the user is one, one thing it grabs is the contents of a element with the class name 'price'.
Currently I use:
price = price.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "");
Which will strip away anything else other than a number and decimal points from what was within the element (in theory leaving just the actual price). Most of the time this works well and you are left with something like 20.99 when the element had <br/>20.99 Is the price for example.
This works pretty well however on some websites what is left is actually a string with more than one decimal point so something like:
What I need to then do is strip away everything after two decimal places after the first decimal point so the above would become
try this:
var price = "20.9999393.9374.028";
var nums = price.split(".");
var num = nums[0] + '.' + nums[1].substr(0,2);

Chunk a string every odd and even position

I know nothing about javascript.
Assuming the string "3005600008000", I need to find a way to multiply all the digits in the odd numbered positions by 2 and the digits in the even numbered positions by 1.
This pseudo code I wrote outputs (I think) TRUE for the odd numbers (i.e. "0"),
var camid;
var LN= camid.length;
var mychar = camid.charAt(LN%2);
var arr = new Array(camid);
for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
var value = arr[i]%2;
Alert(i =" "+value);
I am not sure this is right: I don't believe it's chunking/splitting the string at odd (And later even) positions.
How do I that? Can you please provide some hints?
My goal is to implement in a web page a validation routine for a smartcard id number.
The logic I am trying to implement is as follows:
· 1) Starting from the left, multiply all the digits in the odd numbered positions by 2 and the digits in the even numbered positions by 1.
· 2) If the result of a multiplication of a single digit by 2 results in a two-digit number (say "7 x 2 = 14"), add the digits of the result together to produce a new single-digit result ("1+4=5").
· 3) Add all single-digit results together.
· 4) The check digit is the amount you must add to this result in order to reach the next highest multiple of ten. For instance, if the sum in step #3 is 22, to reach the next highest multiple of 10 (which is 30) you must add 8 to 22. Thus the check digit is 8.
That is the whole idea. Google searches on smartcard id validation returned nothing and I am beginning to think this is overkill to do this in Javascript...
Any input welcome.
var theArray = camid.split(''); // create an array entry for each digit in camid
var size = theArray.length, i, eachValue;
for(i = 0; i < size; i++) { // iterate over each digit
eachValue = parseInt(theArray[i], 10); // test each string digit for an integer
if(!isNaN(eachValue)) {
alert((eachValue % 2) ? eachValue * 2 : eachValue); // if mod outputs 1 / true (due to odd number) multiply the value by 2. If mod outputs 0 / false output value
I discovered that what I am trying to do is called a Luhn validation.
I found an algorithm right here.
Thanks for taking the time to help me out. Much appreciated.
It looks like you might be building to a Luhn validation. If so, notice that you need to count odd/even from the RIGHT not the left of the string.

Counting rounds in a tournament

I've written a huge page in JavaScript for a tournament I'm hosting on a game. I've gotten everything I really need worked out into arrays, but I want to add rounds. The whole script adjusts to tournament settings (for more in the future) and I'd like this to adjust itself as well. So, let's say the tournament settings are [game,teamsize,entrylimit]. The entrylimit will be the key to finding the solution, because that decides the rounds. It works in a tree system (or however it's called). Let's say the entrylimit is 8. That means the first round will consist of 4 matches, and the second will consist of 2. If the entrylimit were 16, then the first round would consist of 8 matches, the second would consist of 4, and the third would consist of 2. I want to find a way to stick this into my loop where matches are written, and use the entrylimit and match number to generate the round number. All I need is a formula that can use those two variables to get my desired result. Also I apologize for the excessive amount of detail.
If I understand the problem, here's an example of how the entrylimit can get the number of rounds and the number of matches in each round.
var entrylimit=16;
var amount_of_rounds = Math.log(entrylimit) / Math.log(2);
for(i=amount_of_rounds; i>0; i--)
s = 'Round '+(amount_of_rounds-i+1)+' of '+amount_of_rounds+' consist of '+Math.pow(2, i-1)+' matches';
Try this:
var entryInfo = [];
function populateEntryInfo(entryLimit)
entryInfo = [];
var i = entryLimit;
i = i/2;

