Round number to two decimal places and delete any other decimal points - javascript

I have a javascript function that grabs some data from the current webpage the user is one, one thing it grabs is the contents of a element with the class name 'price'.
Currently I use:
price = price.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "");
Which will strip away anything else other than a number and decimal points from what was within the element (in theory leaving just the actual price). Most of the time this works well and you are left with something like 20.99 when the element had <br/>20.99 Is the price for example.
This works pretty well however on some websites what is left is actually a string with more than one decimal point so something like:
What I need to then do is strip away everything after two decimal places after the first decimal point so the above would become

try this:
var price = "20.9999393.9374.028";
var nums = price.split(".");
var num = nums[0] + '.' + nums[1].substr(0,2);


Regular expression for decimals

Hi Experts,
I have a requirement where I think regular expressions might help reducing a lot of if statements and conditions in my code.
My requirement is something like this
I have a quantity field that is displayed in the UI( JavaScript) which has a control factor (based on the quantity field's Unit of Measurement) send from the backend .
Example my Quantity = "126.768"
The control factor D = "2" (which means the number of display positions after the decimal point is 2) .
Now I need a regex to find the following
Regex1 should check whether the quantity is having any decimal points at all. If so then it should check whether the value after decimal points are not just zeros (ex sometimes quantity comes without getting formatted with the full length of decimal points 145.000, which in our case should be displayed as 145 in the UI and the control factor D doesn't need to be considered). Also RegEx should consider quantity values like ".590" ".001" etc.
Since I am new to RegEx I am struggling to come up with an expression
I managed to make a very basic RegEx that just check for the "." within the quantity and all the values after the "."
RegEx = /[.]\d*/g
If RegEx1 returns a positive result . Then Regex2 should now check for the value D. It should adjust the decimal points based on D. For example if D = 3 and quantity = 345.26 then the output of regex2 should give 345.260 and similarly is D = 1 then quantity should be 345.3 ( donno whether rounding is possible using RegEx, a solution without rounding is also fine).
The first regex is
It searches for at least 1 non-zero digit after the dot.
For the second point, you can round with regex only if the digits overcomes the control factor, while for the 0-padding you can't use regex:
function round(num, control) {
var intPart = num.split(".")[0];
var decPart = num.split(".")[1];
decPart = decPart.substring(0, control); //this does the truncation
var padding = "0".repeat(control - decPart.length); //this does the 0-padding
return intPart + "." + decPart + padding;
var num1 = "210.012";
var num2 = "210.1";
var control = 2;
console.log(round(num1, control));
console.log(round(num2, control));
You shouldn't need for any check or regex,
there is a Number.prototype.toFixed method that will help you to adjust decimals.
It basically rounds a number to the nearest decimal point and returns a string. If you're working with strings, make sure you cast it before (using Number statically)
console.log(17.1234.toFixed(2)); // round it down
console.log(17.1264.toFixed(2)); // round it up
console.log(17..toFixed(2)); // Integer
console.log(Number("126.768").toFixed(2)); // from string casting

Change last names into numbers, which relate and display images

Im new to JavaScript and don't have the knowledge to write this myself yet. Any help would be great.
I'm creating pseudorandom illustration generator, comprised of 3 images. They'd be chosen by their name and displayed. Live update would be the best.
I'd like to have the user enter their last name (into a field) which will be changed into an individual set of 3 numbers. From those numbers I'd like the images to be chosen, the 1st from the first etc. then display them vertically respectively.
Any input is welcome, I'm sure there's an easier way of doing it. Thanks for your time.
I'd like to change the last name that the user enters into a 3 digit number(000-999), then display 3 images based of the numbers given. If the number made is 015, then the first image displayed would be 000.jpg, the second 010.jpg and the third would be 005.jpg. Id like the same result each time a name is entered and I'd like to update on real time if possible. I hope this helps clear things up, I'm still trying to figure out the best way. Thanks
You can use the ASCII table to get the number matching with a letter.
Then, you can iterate on every char of the last name and sum it.
At the end, you might want to use the % (modulo) of the sum to get a value lesser than 1.000.
A tested code would be:
var lastName = "Connor";
var sum = 0;
for(var i=0; i<lastName.length;i++)
sum += lastName[i].charCodeAt(0);
sum = (sum%1000);
In your case, the result would be: 623
Then, you might want to get the files: 600.jpg, 020.jpg and 003.jpg
var firstPic = (sum + "").split('')[0] + "00.jpg";
var secondPic = "0" + (sum + "").split('')[1] + "0.jpg";
var thirdPic = "00" + (sum + "").split('')[2] + ".jpg";

How to round a number up and add numeric punctuation

I've got the following pen:
I cant quite figure out how to round the number up so you don't break the punctuation. I need to round the number up as I don't want to see a value like 33,333.,333
var oNum= $(this).val(); // USE THIS NUMBER FOR CALCULATION
var num = oNum.replace(/,/gi, "").split("").reverse().join("");
var num2 = RemoveRougeChar(num.replace(/(.{3})/g,"$1,").split("").reverse().join(""));
// the following line has been simplified. Revision history contains original.
function RemoveRougeChar(convertString){
if(convertString.substring(0,1) == ","){
return convertString.substring(1, convertString.length)
return convertString;
Example input event:
If I input 5555, is expect to see (and do see) 5,555. However if I add 5555.55 I get 5,555,.55. Ideally id like to round the number up removing the decimal.
The problem isn't just with decimals, you will get the wrong formatting also by entering non digits, e.g., clicking King Kong will result in Kin,g K,ong. So, what you probably want is to filter out non-digits, which can be done by changing the line var oNum= $(this).val(); to:
var oNum= $(this).val().match(/\d/g).join('');
The value inside the match function is a RegEx object - if you never used it before then congratulations!

Javascript Regex for Decimal Numbers - Replace non-digits and more than one decimal point

I am trying to limit an input to a decimal number. I'd like any invalid characters not to be displayed at all (not displayed and then removed). I already have this implemented but for whole integers (like input for a phone number) but now I need to apply it for decimal input.
Sample input/output:
default value 25.00 -> type 2b5.00 -> display 25.00
default value 265.50 -> type 2.65.50 -> display 265.50 (as if prevented decimal point from being entered)
default value 265.52 -> type 265.52. -> display 265.52 (same as previous one)
End New Edit
I found many threads that dealt with "decimal input" issue but almost 99% of them deal only with "match"ing and "test"ing the input while my need is to replace the invalid characters.
Other than trying many regexes like /^\d+(\.\d{0,2})?$/, I also tried something like the below which keeps only the first occurrence in the input. This still isn't my requirement because I need the "original" decimal point to remain not the first one in the new input. This was the code for it:
[this.value.slice(0, decimalpoint), '.', this.value.slice(decimalpoint)].join('')
This thread is the closest to what I need but since there was no response to the last comment about preventing multiple decimal points (which is my requirement), it wasn't useful.
Any help would be appreciated.
Outline: find the first ., split there and clean the parts, else just return cleaned value.
function clean(string) {
return string.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
var value = "a10.10.0";
var pos = value.indexOf(".");
var result;
if (pos !== -1) {
var part1 = value.substr(0, pos);
var part2 = value.substr(pos + 1);
result = clean(part1) + "." + clean(part2);
} else {
result = clean(value);
console.log(result); // "10.100"

Excel to XML: Round decimals to the nearest hundredth and keep hyperlinks

I followed this guide to export an Excel Spreadsheet as an XML data file and then this guide to display the XML sheet as an HTML table on my website. It worked great. Now I "only" have to small issues remaining that I couldn't get solved.
(1) The output table contains numbers like 1.325667 but also lots of 0s. I would like the zeroes to be displayed as 0.00 and the numbers with many decimals to be displayed as 1.33. Basically, each number should be displayed with two decimals.
(2) The excel sheet contains hyperlinks to other pages on my website that I would like to keep when rendering the XML data file and then the HTML table. So far, that didn't work. Is this possible?
UPDATE I figured this part out. By breaking up the hyperlinks in just their character-strings, then adding new columns for these character strings, and then tweaking the source code to including
document.write("<tr><td><a href='");
I was able to include hyperlinks.
The Excel-Sheet is formatted with these two aspects already integrated, but the conversion to an XML file seems to be the problem.
Thank you so much for your help (again and again :-))
UPDATE I now also found a way to do the rounding in Excel, but I'm still stuck with integers and numbers with only one decimal. Basically, I now "only" need a way to show every number with two decimal points, applying to integers (e.g. 0 should 0.00) and numbers with one decimal (e.g. 1.5 should be 1.50). JohnnyReeves' answer seems to be on the right track but I couldn't get it to work. Any other ideas?
The Number Object has the method toFixed():
1.325667.toFixed(2) = 1.33.
Running inside the loop of the XML, select the URL and add it to the link:
document.write("< a href=" + x[i].getElementsByTagName(< your URL link>) + ">);
document.write("some text");
document.write("< /a>");
The Number.toFixed method will only work on floating point values (eg: 2.1), but not on integers (eg: 2, or 0). You will need to convert your number type to a string type so you can format it for display and get consistent results regardless of the input. A function like this should do the trick:
function formatNumber(value) {
var parts,
// Coerce the supplied value to a String type.
value = String(value);
// Break the supplied number into two parts, before and after the dot
parts = value.split(".");
// If there was no dot, there will only be one "part" and we can just
// add the trailing zeros.
if (parts.length === 1) {
formattedRemainder = "00";
else {
trailingDigits = parts[1];
if (trailingDigits.length === 0) {
// A dot, but no digits. (eg: 2. -> 2.00)
formattedRemainder = "00";
else if (trailingDigits.length === 1) {
// Add an extra trailing zero (eg: 2.1 -> 2.10)
formattedRemainder = trailingDigits + "0";
else {
// Just take the last two trailing digits.
formattedRemainder = trailingDigits.substring(0, 2);
// Build the final formatted string for display.
return parts[0] + "." + formattedRemainder;

