I changed my script to this and it works. Way simpler and it works.
function myFunction(valor) {
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length+1; i++) {
document.getElementById("age"+i).style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("age"+valor).style.visibility = "visible";
I have this script:
function myFunction(valor) {
alert("Has seleccionado " + valor);
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
//alert ("Tienes " + elementos.length + " elementos.");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length + 1; i++) {
var sty = document.getElementById("age" + i);
if (getComputedStyle(sty).getPropertyValue("visibility") == "hidden") {
document.getElementById("age" + valor).style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
document.getElementById("age" + i).style.visibility = "hidden";
That I control with a slider control. What I'm doing is hiding or showing some divs with depending of what I choose from the slider.
This is how I paint my data before trying to hide or shsow elements with the slider:
$(window).load(function() {
$.getJSON('http://xxxxx/xxxxx.json', function(data) {
var output = "<ul class='lista'><div class='outer'>";
for (var i in data.lbclassic) {
output += "<div style='visibility:hidden;' class='inner'id=" + "age" + data.lbclassic[i].ageinweeks + ">" + "<p>" + data.lbclassic[i].ageinweeks + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].cumul + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].perhh + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].perhd + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggweightinweek + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmasscumul1 + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmassinweek + "--" + data.lbclassic[i].eggmasscumul + "</p></div>";
output += "</div></ul>";
document.getElementById("placeholder").innerHTML = output;
This works great until one point - once I get to the last element (90 in this case), it won't show up.
Isn't it more easy to use the css "display:none;" feature for hidding your element.
just edit the class with js
Link to CSS
function myFunction(valor) {
var elementos = document.getElementsByClassName("inner");
var i;
for (i = 1; i < elementos.length+1; i++) {
document.getElementById("age"+i).style.visibility = "hidden";
document.getElementById("age"+valor).style.visibility = "visible";
An inline configured ckeditor has its toolbar attached to document body. Unless the user didn't focus the editor the toolbar is hidden. If we have multiple inline editors on same page, there will be the same number toolbar DOM elements attached to the body - each one with specific identifier. My question is, if there is a way to have a single toolbar DOM element for multiple inline ckeditors? I know (and I'm using in different context) the shared space plugin which does that, but the drawback is that one should provide an element to which the single toolabar would be attached. That's OK, but it is static and stays at the place where it's placed in the DOM order and I'd like it to be repositioned next to the currently focused editor.
Seems like I either have to use the default inline behavior or to use the shared space plugin and to reposition the single toolbar instance myself.
Any ideas on this issue or something I'm missing?
No, every CKEditor creates its own toolbar. But you can create your own plugin for this which is actually just displaying the toolbar of the active element. I have created one have a look. You do require to configure the your editor config too.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('grouplabel', {
init : function(editor) {
function getCorrespondingName(no) {
var tempNo = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < editor.config.toolbar.length; i++) {
if (editor.config.toolbar[i].groupName != undefined) {
if (tempNo == no) {
return i;
function toggleGroupDisplay(evt) {
if (evt.data.isMinimized) {
} else {
$('.' + evt.data.grpID).each(function() {
function resetAllAbsolute() {
function toggleGroupDisplayInd(obj) {
var idM = $("#" + obj.id).parent().attr("id");
$("#" + idM + "> span").toggleClass("displayNone");
$("#" + idM).toggleClass("toggleMargin");
$("#groupLabel_" + idM).toggleClass("toggleMargin");
$("#groupLabelArrowBtn_" + idM).toggleClass("groupLabelArrowDown");
var openContainerArray = [ "CHARACTER", "TEXT ALIGN" ];
function createMainGroups() {
for (var j = 0; j < editor.toolbox.toolbars.length; j++) {
var grpId = editor.toolbox.toolbars[j].id;
var conNo = getCorrespondingName(j);
var isGroup = editor.config.toolbar[conNo].groupNR;
if (!isGroup) {
createMainGroup(conNo, grpId);
function createMainGroup(conNo, grpId) {
// console.log(conNo, grpId)
var name = editor.config.toolbar[conNo].groupName[0];
var className = editor.toolbar[conNo].name;
var name = editor.config.toolbar[conNo].groupName[0];
var elementDiv = groupLabelElementDiv(grpId, className);
var textDiv = "<div class='textGroupLabel'></div>";
var arrowDiv = "<div id='groupLabelArrowBtn_" + grpId
+ "' class='groupLabelArrowUp'></div>";
$("#" + grpId).addClass("editorGroup transitionType");
if (editor.config.showIconOnly) {
$("#" + grpId).prepend(elementDiv);
$("#groupLabel_" + grpId).append(textDiv);
if (!editor.config.showIconOnly) {
$("#groupLabel_" + grpId).append(arrowDiv);
addNameOrIcon(editor, name, grpId);
$(" #groupLabel_" + grpId).unbind("click").bind("click", {
grpID : "groupLabel_" + className,
isMinimized : editor.config.showIconOnly
}, toggleGroupDisplay);
var bool = false;
if (!editor.config.showIconOnly) {
for (var k = 0; k < openContainerArray.length; k++) {
if (name == openContainerArray[k]) {
bool = true;
showGroup(bool, grpId);
function detachAndMakeAbsolute(grpId) {
var divId = "absoluteToolCont_" + grpId
var absoluteDiv = "<div class='displayFlexAbsolute"
+ " absoluteToolCont' id='" + divId + "'></div>";
$("#" + grpId).prepend(absoluteDiv);
var detachedDiv = $("#" + grpId + "> span").detach();
// console.log(detachedDiv)
detachedDiv.appendTo("#" + divId);
function showGroup(bool, grpId) {
if (!bool) {
$("#" + grpId + "> span").toggleClass("displayNone");
$("#" + grpId).toggleClass("toggleMargin");
$("#groupLabel_" + grpId).toggleClass("toggleMargin");
$("#groupLabelArrowBtn_" + grpId).toggleClass(
function addNameOrIcon(editor, name, grpId) {
var groupName = $("#groupLabel_" + grpId + ">.textGroupLabel");
var divId = "absoluteToolCont_" + grpId
if (!editor.config.showIconOnly) {
} else {
var clsName = name.replace(/ /g, '');
var detachedDiv = $("#" + divId).detach();
$("#groupLabel_" + grpId).prepend(detachedDiv);
groupName.html("<div class='iconToolbar " + clsName
+ "'></div>");
var overFlowRObj = "#cke_" + editor.name + " .cke_inner "
+ ".cke_top";
function groupLabelElementDiv(grpId, className) {
var elementDiv = "<div id='groupLabel_" + grpId
+ "' class='groupLabel transitionType groupLabel_"
+ className + "'></div>";
return elementDiv;
function createSubGroup() {
var loopVar = 0;
var divEle = '<div class="subGrpLabel textGroupLabel">' + "Font"
+ '</div>';
* for (var k = 0; k < editor.toolbar.length; k++) { if
* (editor.toolbar[k] != "/") { for (var l = 0; l <
* editor.toolbar[k].items.length; l++) { if
* (editor.toolbar[k].items[l].type == "separator") { //
* console.log("sep") // $(editor.toolbar[k].items[l]).text("name"); } } } }
editor.on('destroy', function() {
/* alert(this.name) */
var undoName = "undoRedoCont" + editor.name;
$("#" + undoName).remove();
editor.on('instanceReady', function() {
// console.log(previewSeen);
function undoRedoButtonSeprator() {
var undoRedoContEle = "<div class='urcEle' id='undoRedoCont"
+ editor.name + "'></div>";
var ele = $("#" + editor.ui.instances.Undo._.id).detach();
$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name).append(ele);
ele = $("#" + editor.ui.instances.Redo._.id).detach();
$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name).append(ele);
$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name).addClass("displayNone");
function focusEvent() {
var editorObj = /* parent. */$("#cke_wordcount_" + editor.name);
.addClass("vertical-align-middle").addClass(" flexHCenter")
.css("width", "160px");
var undoRedoCont = /* parent. */$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name);
editor.on('focus', function(e) {
editor.on('blur', function(e) {
function onBlur(e) {
var editorObj = /* parent. */$("#cke_wordcount_" + e.editor.name);
$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name).addClass("displayNone");
* if (e.editor.config.customInline) {
* $("#toolbarEditorInline").addClass("displayNone"); }
function onFoucs(e) {
var editorObj = /* parent. */$("#cke_wordcount_" + e.editor.name)
$("#undoRedoCont" + editor.name).removeClass("displayNone");
* if (e.editor.config.customInline) {
* $("#toolbarEditorInline").removeClass("displayNone"); }
+ 'css/style.css');
I got webpage with JS code that get randomize Object from array and show it's value with Jquery .html() code in some div.
That work great.
When I click on a another page on the website it also look great, but when I click back on the browser, the code what created max the JavaScript Variables and I get the wrong text in the wrong placement
Any Tip what should I look for?
function showMoodaa(size, divID, countshow) {
if (typeof(countshow) === 'undefined')
countshow = 1;
var rndBanner = "";
var htmlcode = "";
if (modaoot[size] != undefined) {
if (countshow > 1) {
var countMoodaa = modaoot[size].length;
if (countMoodaa > countshow) {
countMoodaa = countshow;
rndBanner = Math.floor(Math.random() * modaoot[size].length);
for (i = 0; i < countMoodaa; i++) {
if ((rndBanner + i) >= modaoot[size].length) {
htmlcode = htmlcode + (modaoot[size][rndBanner + i - countMoodaa].html);
window.numBanner = window.numBanner + modaoot[size][rndBanner + i - countMoodaa].id + ",";
} else {
htmlcode = htmlcode + (modaoot[size][rndBanner + i].html);
window.numBanner = window.numBanner + modaoot[size][rndBanner + i].id + ",";
} else {
rndBanner = Math.floor(Math.random() * modaoot[size].length);
window.numBanner = window.numBanner + modaoot[size][rndBanner].id + ",";
htmlcode = modaoot[size][rndBanner].html;
} else {
htmlcode = "<!-- no size like this in array-->";
$("#" + divID).append(htmlcode);
showMoodaa(2, "pos1");
showMoodaa(2, "pos2");
showMoodaa(10, "pos1", 2);
I am trying to use dynamically created IDs in javascript function, but it's not working. I thought that prepending # to string id should work, but it's not.
var IterateCheckedDatesAndUncheckWithSameValue = function (elementNumber) {
idCheckBoxToCompare = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + elementNumber.toString();
if ($("'#" + idCheckBoxToCompare + "'").prop('checked') === false) {
textBoxID = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + elementNumber.toString();
textBoxValue = $("'#" + textBoxID + "'").val();
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
if (i !== elementNumber) {
idCheckBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + i.toString();
idInputBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + i.toString();
inputBoxValue = $("'#" + idInputBox + "'").val();
if ($("'#" + idCheckBox + "'").prop('checked') === true) {
if (inputBoxValue === textBoxValue) {
$("'#" + idCheckBox + "'").prop('checked', false);
I've tried to build same id as this is:
so usage would be:
But it's not working. How to use properly dynamically created IDs?
Your code is look complicated with too many " and '. Also Javascript can concat string and number by just use +. No need to convert it to string first. So, I updated it to make it more readable.
Try this
var IterateCheckedDatesAndUncheckWithSameValue = function(elementNumber) {
idCheckBoxToCompare = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + elementNumber;
if ($('#' + idCheckBoxToCompare).prop('checked') === false) {
textBoxID = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + elementNumber;
textBoxValue = $('#' + textBoxID).val();
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
if (i !== elementNumber) {
idCheckBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + i;
idInputBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + i;
inputBoxValue = $('#' + idInputBox).val();
if ($('#' + idCheckBox).prop('checked') === true) {
if (inputBoxValue === textBoxValue) {
$('#' + idCheckBox).prop('checked', false);
console.log('#' + idCheckBox); //print here just to see the id results
ID in html can be only one element per page. So please make sure that the ID you generate from this method not match with other.
Jquery selector can read String variable.
So you can just do var id = "#test". Then put it like this $(id).
var id = "test"; then $("#"+test).
Use this,
var IterateCheckedDatesAndUncheckWithSameValue = function (elementNumber) {
idCheckBoxToCompare = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + elementNumber.toString();
if ($("#" + idCheckBoxToCompare).prop('checked') === false) {
textBoxID = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + elementNumber.toString();
textBoxValue = $("#" + textBoxID).val();
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
if (i !== elementNumber) {
idCheckBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_chkDNDRDay" + i.toString();
idInputBox = "CMP_KD1_tcDE_tctpDNDR_txtDNDRDay" + i.toString();
inputBoxValue = $("#" + idInputBox).val();
if ($("#" + idCheckBox).prop('checked') === true) {
if (inputBoxValue === textBoxValue) {
$("#" + idCheckBox).prop('checked', false);
I face the same problem using Jquery .Try $(document).getElementbyId('myid'). Hope help.
Change :
$("#" + idCheckBoxToCompare) by $(document).getElementbyId(idCheckBoxToCompare)
refreshFileList = function() {
$("#filedetails tr").remove();
for (i = 0, j = fileDetails.length; i < j; ++i) {
$("#filedetails").append("<tr data-filesize='" + fileDetails[i].SIZE + "' data-filename='" + fileDetails[i].KEY + "'><td><strong>" + fileDetails[i].FILENAME + "</strong></td><td class='nodesize'>" + fileDetails[i].SIZE + " MB</td><td>" + fileDetails[i].EXT + "</td>" + fileDetails[i].TAG + "</tr>");
fileDelete = function(e) {
var parentRow = jQuery(this).closest('tr')
, fileName = fileDetails[i].KEY
, fileSize = fileDetails[i].SIZE;
ajaxFileDelete(fileName, parentRow, fileSize);
Into the fileDelete function I don't want to use data-filename and data-filesize but when I am going to use fileName = fileDetails[i].KEY or fileSize = fileDetails[i].SIZE its always deleting the first value of the array instead of specific value but with data-attributes it working as expected.
Add i to the <tr> as a data attribute.
refreshFileList = function() {
$("#filedetails tr").remove();
for (var i = 0, j = fileDetails.length; i < j; ++i) {
$("#filedetails").append("<tr data-index='" + i + "'><td><strong>" + fileDetails[i].FILENAME + "</strong></td><td class='nodesize'>" + fileDetails[i].SIZE + " MB</td><td>" + fileDetails[i].EXT + "</td>" + fileDetails[i].TAG + "</tr>");
fileDelete = function(e) {
var parentRow = jQuery(this).closest('tr')
, i = parentRow.data('index')
, fileName = fileDetails[i].KEY
, fileSize = fileDetails[i].SIZE;
ajaxFileDelete(fileName, parentRow, fileSize);
This is my jsp code where I am trying to push some data in javaScript array.
int proListSize = proList.size();
ProfileDAO proDAO = null;
for(int i = 0, j=1; i < proListSize; i++){
proDAO = (ProfileDAO)proList.get(i);%>
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + <%= proDAO.getCode()%>);
<%} %>
And this is the function where I am trying to use it by using pop function.
function GenDemographicTag() {
var ptag = "<!-- Begin "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n" ;
var t = "";
if (WhiteTagLabelDomain) {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+WhiteTagLabelDomainTrim+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
} else {
ptag += "<iframe src=\"http://"+cdnName+"/jsc/"+folderName+"/dm.html?";
ptag += "n="+networkId+";";
for(var i = 0;i< entireArray.length;i++){
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString.split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString.split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString.split(':')[2];
t = "";
if ( $("proElementEnable_"+rightSide) && $("proElementEnable_"+leftSide).checked) {
if ( middle == "1") {
if ( $("zip").value.length <= 0) {
t = "0";
} else {
t = $("zip").value;
} else if ( $("targetList_"+rightSide) && $("targetList_"+rightSide).length > 0 && $("targetList_"+rightSide).options[0].value != "-1") {
t = makeProelementList($("targetList_"+rightSide));
ptag += leftSide+"=" + t+ ";";
proDAO = null;
ptag += "\" frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=\"no\" allowTransparency=\"true\" width=1 height=1>\n</iframe>\n<!-- end "+networkNameToUpperCase+" -->\n";
document.forms[0].tag.value = ptag;
Basically I am trying to get the data from proList and store it in javaScript array(entireArray)...so that I can use in the javascript function..but after doing the above I get a javaScript error as follow:
entireArray.push(3 + ":"+3 + ":" + d3);
entireArray.push(185 + ":"+5 + ":" + d4);
entireArray.push(2 + ":"+2 + ":" + d2);
entireArray.push(186 + ":"+5 + ":" + d9);
entireArray.push(183 + ":"+5 + ":" + d6);
entireArray.push(184 + ":"+5 + ":" + d7);
entireArray.push(187 + ":"+5 + ":" + da);
entireArray.push(445 + ":"+5 + ":" + db);
Reference Error:d3 is not defined.
what is the exact problem..?
The return type of splice is an ARRAY , so you can try following code
var combinedString = entireArray.splice(1,1);
var rightSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[0];
var middle = combinedString[0].split(':')[1];
var leftSide = combinedString[0].split(':')[2];
d3 should be in quotes. "d3"
You need to put the out of JSP in quotes.
entireArray.push(<%= proDAO.getNetworkmapId()%> + ":"+<%=proDAO.getAssetId()%> + ":" + '<%= proDAO.getCode()%>');