Cannot get onScroll function to fire only once - javascript

I'm pretty new to JavaScript and found myself a little stuck on one seemingly super simple task with an onScroll function.
I have the following code (see below) which is working great. However, it currently fires every time the user scrolls up or down, returning to that particular vertical location on the page. I only want it to fire the first time it is scrolled to after a page load.
Please help!
Big respect and many thanks in advance!
$(window).scroll(function () {
$('#pro1').each(function () {
var topOfWindow = $(window).scrollTop(),
bottomOfWindow = topOfWindow + $(window).height();
var imagePos = $(this).offset().top;
if(imagePos < bottomOfWindow-200 && imagePos >= topOfWindow-500){

You can use the one method. It is the same as the on method, but only fires once per page load. So for your example, it would look like this:
$(window).one("scroll", function()
# Scroll code here
Edit: I think I understand your question better. You want the code to check when you're in that scroll region, but only execute once. So to do that, you first should designate a custom event:
$(window).one("customEvent", function()
And then trigger that event when you want:
if(imagePos < bottomOfWindow-200 && imagePos >= topOfWindow-500)
That way, the class 'bigEntrance2' is only applied once, which is what I think you want.

Well you can use a variable and use it as a flag. The first time the user scrolls once the page loads, you set it to true. After that, you check that variable to avoid doing always the same code.
var alreadyScrolled = false;
$(window).scroll(function () {
if(!alreadyScrolled) {
$('#pro1').each(function () {
var topOfWindow = $(window).scrollTop(),
bottomOfWindow = topOfWindow + $(window).height();
var imagePos = $(this).offset().top;
if(imagePos < bottomOfWindow-200 && imagePos >= topOfWindow-500){
alreadyScrolled = true;


Scroll bottom in JavaScript

I have a working bottom function in JavaScript to detect if the user scrolls at the bottom. However, a problem comes when the user has a strange resolution (like windows scale) or when you zoom. The function is not working anymore and can't detect the bottom.
Here is what I did :
const bottom = - ===;
if (bottom) {
Is there a way to avoid that? Even when you don't zoom, this is not working for people displaying the site on a TV or something like this (like a friend of mine did)
Thanks you
EDIT : I'm applying this on a precise element and I repeat that my solution is working except by unzooming. Unzooming provides float values that made the response not really accurate (it goes from 1 to 50px of difference based on the zoom made)
I use this function (can't take credit as someone else wrote it - sorry for no credit - it was ages ago). Maybe you can adapt this to your use case:
(function($) {
function Utils() {
Utils.prototype = {
constructor: Utils,
isElementInView: function (element, fullyInView) {
var pageTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var pageBottom = pageTop + $(window).height();
var elementTop = $(element).offset().top;
var elementBottom = elementTop + $(element).height();
if (fullyInView === true) {
return ((pageTop < elementTop) && (pageBottom > elementBottom));
} else {
return ((elementTop <= pageBottom) && (elementBottom >= pageTop));
var Utils = new Utils();
//this function tells what to do do when the element is or isnt in view.
//var inView = Utils.isElementInView(el, false); Where FALSE means the element doesnt need to be completely in view / TRUE would mean the element needs to be completely in view
function IsEInView(el) {
var inView = Utils.isElementInView(el, false);
if(inView) {
//console.log('in view');
} else {
//console.log('not in view');
//Check to make sure the element you want to be sure is visible is present on the page
var variableOfYourElement = $('#variableOfYourElement');
//if it is on this page run the function that checks to see if it is partially or fully in view
if( variableOfYourElement.length ) {
//run function on page load
//run function if the element scrolls into view

Why are my animations delayed in Firefox? How can I improve this scroll script?

I'm having troubles getting this code to execute in a timely manner in Firefox. It seems to work just fine in Chrome.
JSFiddle here:
Real live example page I'm working with here:
I'm not sure if I'm leaving something out. I kind of hacked this together from reading a bunch of page-scroll scripts other people have put together. Not sure if this is even the best way for me to do what I'm trying to accomplish (which is to darken the next area until it's somewhat revealed. (I used halfway for this).
Here's my javascript:
var half_object = $(this).position().top + ($(this).outerHeight()/2);
var bottom_window = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height();
var bottom_object = $(this).position().top + $(this).outerHeight();
if(bottom_window > half_object){
else if(bottom_object > $(window).scrollTop()) {
Is there a better way to do this? I tried adding/removing css classes but it invoked some crazy Chrome bug I was not pleased about.
Why does it work so slowly in Firefox?
Start by not having 6 separate jQuery $(this) operations and multiple $(window)! Use temp variables whenever you can to avoid requerying.
$(document).ready(function () {
// window never changes
var $window = $(window);
$window.scroll(function () {
// Window height may have changed between scrolls
var windowHeight = $window.height();
var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
$('.dark').each(function (i) {
var $this = $(this);
var top = $this.position().top;
var outerH = $this.outerHeight();
var half_object = top + (outerH / 2);
var bottom_window = scrollTop + windowHeight;
var bottom_object = top + outerH;
if (bottom_window > half_object) {
'opacity': '1'
}, 200);
} else if (bottom_object > scrollTop) {
'opacity': '.5'
}, 200);
And so on until you do not do anything twice that has an overhead that you do not need to have.
Update: Stop previous animations
The pause was not caused by the speed of the code above, but by not stopping multiple animations. The problem is that scroll fires frequently, so without .stop() animations get queued up and fire one after the other. This made it look much slower that it actually was.
Further optimizations might involve only processing elements that are actually onscreen, but that is pretty pointless given the apparent speed now.
You can cache your variables, which should help slightly:
var $window = $(window);
$window.scroll( function(){
var $this = $(this);
var outerHeight = $this.outerHeight();
var positionTop = $this.position().top;
var half_object = positionTop + (outerHeight/2);
var bottom_window = window.scrollTop() + window.height();
var bottom_object = positionTop + outerHeight;
if(bottom_window > half_object){
$this.animate({'opacity':'1'}, 200);
} else if(bottom_object > window.scrollTop()) {
$this.animate({'opacity':'.5'}, 200);
I realize there is already an accepted answer, but many times it is useful to do something only after the user has stopped scrolling, and not each time the "scroll" event fires. This event can can fire upwards of 50 times per second, leaving you with ~20ms to do what you need to do. This other StackOverflow question shows you how to do something only after scrolling has stopped. As #TrueBlueAussie mentioned in his answer, you would still want to stop any animations that were currently running.

Change url when manually scrolled to an anchor?

By Default, if I have anchors in my website, then the URL on the address bar is changed, when I click on a link (ie.
Is it possible to change the URL in the address bar instantly when I scroll to an anchor? Or have a long document with multiple anchors and the url changes on address bar, when I hit a new anchor?
Try using this jquery plugin: Scrollorama. It has tons of cool features and you can use window.location.hash to update your browsers hash.
Alternatively, you can add a "scroll" event to check when an anchor is reached.
Here is a working fiddle to illustrate the event:
$(function () {
var currentHash = "#initial_hash"
$(document).scroll(function () {
$('.anchor_tags').each(function () {
var top = window.pageYOffset;
var distance = top - $(this).offset().top;
var hash = $(this).attr('href');
// 30 is an arbitrary padding choice,
// if you want a precise check then use distance===0
if (distance < 30 && distance > -30 && currentHash != hash) {
window.location.hash = (hash);
currentHash = hash;
you can use HTML 5 pushstate to change the URL in the address bar
How can I use window.history.pushState 'safely'
Bind a handler to jquery scroll event.
Check if an anchor is currently visible on-screen with this jquery
Use pushstate or set location (probably will cause jumps)
You can bind to the jQuery scroll event ( and on each call of the callback called, check how far on the document the user has scrolled by checking this value: .scrollTop ( and set the anchor by manipulating te location.hash object (
It would be something like this:
// Checks if the passed element is visible on the screen after scrolling
// source:
function isScrolledIntoView(elem) {
var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop();
var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height();
var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top;
var elemBottom = elemTop + $(elem).height();
return ((elemBottom <= docViewBottom) && (elemTop >= docViewTop));
$('#document').scroll(function(e) {
var anchors = $('.anchor');
for (var i = 0; i < anchors.length; ++i) {
if (isScrolledIntoView(anchors[i])){
var href = $(anchors[i]).attr('href');
location.hash = href.slice(href.indexOf('#') + 1);
You could be more precise, if you sort the anchors after selecting them, so that the first visible anchor will be set always.
Plain js version
While researching how to update the URL based off positions of HTML section elements on the screen, I kept finding this thread so I hope this is a good place to post this.
This function loops over the HTML section elements.
function updateFragId() {
var len = sections.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var id = sections[i].id;
Collects the Y scroll position relative to the viewport.
var rect = sections[i].getBoundingClientRect().y;
convert the two arrays into an object
var pageData = {id:id, rect:rect};
set a range for the code to trigger in between. Here it will trigger when the top of the section element is between -200px to 400px
if (pageData.rect > -200 && pageData.rect < 400) {
only run once by making sure the and location.hash dont already match. This stops it from flooding your browser with events.
if (pageData.rect > -100 && pageData.rect < 100) {
if ( !== location.hash.substr(1)) {
fragmentId =;
} else {
window.addEventListener('scroll', updateFragId);
I use a debouncer on this block of code with another block to set the active link. But this is just how to track the # anchors.
I think you need to do something like this. Not tried in action
var myElements = $("div.anchor"); // You target anchors
$(window).scroll(function(e) {
var scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop();
myElements.each(function(el,i) {
if ($(this).offset().top > scrollTop && $(myElements[i+1]).offset().top < scrollTop) {
location.hash =;

scroll then snap to top

Just wondering if anyone has an idea as to how I might re-create a nav bar style that I saw a while ago, I just found the site I saw it on, but am not sure how they might have gotten there. Basically want it to scroll with the page then lock to the top...
Just do a quick "view source" on and you'll see this:
window.onscroll = function () {
if (!docked && (menu.offsetTop - scrollTop() < 0)) { = 0; = 'fixed';
menu.className = 'docked';
docked = true;
} else if (docked && scrollTop() <= init) { = 'absolute'; = init + 'px';
menu.className = menu.className.replace('docked', '');
docked = false;
They're binding to the onscroll event for the window, this event is triggered when the window scrolls. The docked flag is set to true when the menu is "locked" to the top of the page, the menu is set to position:fixed at the same time that that flag is set to true. The rest is just some simple "are we about to scroll the menu off the page" and "are we about back where we started" position checking logic.
You have to be careful with onscroll events though, they can fire a lot in rapid succession so your handler needs to be pretty quick and should precompute as much as possible.
In jQuery, it would look pretty much the same:
$(window).scroll(function() {
// Pretty much the same as what's on
You see this sort of thing quite often with the "floating almost fixed position vertical toolbar" things such as those on
mu is too short answer is working, I'm just posting this to give you the jquery script!
var docked = false;
var menu = $('#menu');
var init = menu.offset().top;
if (!docked && (menu.offset().top - $("body").scrollTop() < 0))
position : "fixed",
top: 0,
docked = true;
else if(docked && $("body").scrollTop() <= init)
position : "absolute",
top: init + 'px',
docked = false;
Mu's answer got me far. I tried my luck with replicationg's approach but ran into issues on browser resizing and zooming. Took me a while to find out how to react to that properly and how to reset the initial position (init) without jQuery or any other library.
Find a preview on JSFiddle:
So here's the plain JavaScript code in detail, just in case JSFiddle refuses to work.
Reusable scroll-then-snap menu class
Here's a reusable version. I put the scrolling checks into a class because the helper methods involved cluttered my main namespace:
var windowScrollTop = function () {
return window.pageYOffset;
var Menu = (function (scrollOffset) {
var Menu = function () {
this.element = document.getElementById('nav');
this.docked = false;
this.initialOffsetTop = 0;
Menu.prototype = {
offsetTop: function () {
return this.element.offsetTop;
resetInitialOffsetTop: function () {
this.initialOffsetTop = this.offsetTop();
dock: function () {
this.element.className = 'docked';
this.docked = true;
undock: function () {
this.element.className = this.element.className.replace('docked', '');
this.docked = false;
toggleDock: function () {
if (this.docked === false && (this.offsetTop() - scrollOffset() < 0)) {
} else if (this.docked === true && (scrollOffset() <= this.initialOffsetTop)) {
return Menu;
var menu = new Menu();
window.onscroll = function () {
Handle zoom/page resize events
var updateMenuTop = function () {
// Shortly dock to reset the initial Y-offset
// If appropriate, undock again based on the new value
var zoomListeners = [updateMenuTop];
var w = window,
d = document,
e = d.documentElement,
g = d.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
var lastWidth = 0;
function pollZoomFireEvent() {
var widthNow = w.innerWidth || e.clientWidth || g.clientWidth;
if (lastWidth == widthNow) {
lastWidth = widthNow;
// Length changed, user must have zoomed, invoke listeners.
for (i = zoomListeners.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
setInterval(pollZoomFireEvent, 100);
Sounds like an application of Jquery ScrollTop and some manipulation of CSS properties of the navbar element. So for example, under certain scroll conditions the navbar element is changed from absolute positioning with calculated co-ordinates to fixed positioning.
The effect you describe would usually start with some type of animation, like in TheDeveloper's answer. Default animations typically slide an element around by changing its position over time or fade an element in/out by changing its opacity, etc.
Getting the "bouce back" or "snap to" effect usually involves easing. All major frameworks have some form of easing available. It's all about personal preference; you can't really go wrong with any of them.
jQuery has easing plugins that you could use with the .animate() function, or you can use jQueryUI.
MooTools has easing built in to the FX class of the core library.
Yahoo's YUI also has easing built in.
If you can remember what site it was, you could always visit it again and take a look at their source to see what framework and effect was used.

infinite-scroll jquery plugin

I am trying to set up infinite-scroll on a site I am developing with Coldfusion, I am new to javascript and jquery so I am having some issues wrapping my head around all of this. Do I need to have pagination on my site in order to use the infinite-scroll plugin, or is there a way to do it with out it?
You do not need infinite scroll plug-in for this. To detect when scroll reaches end of page, with jQuery you can do
$(window).scroll(function () {
if ($(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 10) {
//Add something at the end of the page
Demo on JsFiddle
I'm using Hussein's answer with AJAX requests. I modified the code to trigger at 300px instead of 10px, but it started causing my appends to multiply before the AJAX request was finished since the scroll call triggers much more frequently in a 300px range than a 10px range.
To fix this, I added a trigger that would be flipped on successful AJAX load. My code looks more like this:
var scrollLoad = true;
$(window).scroll(function () {
if (scrollLoad && $(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - $(window).height() - 300) {
scrollLoad = false;
//Add something at the end of the page
then in my AJAX response, I set scrollLoad to true.
I built on top of Hussein's little example here to make a jQuery widget. It supports localStorage to temporarily save appended results and it has pause functionality to stop the appending every so often, requiring a click to continue.
Give it a try:
alert('end of page');
Some one asked for explanation so here is the explanation
here $(document).height()-->is the height of the entire document.In most cases, this is equal to the element of the current document.
$(window).height()-->is the height of the window (browser) means height of whatever you are seeing on browser.
$(window).scrollTop()-->The Element.scrollTop property gets or sets the number of pixels that the content of an element is scrolled upward. An element's scrollTop is a measurement of the distance of an element's top to its topmost visible content. When an element content does not generate a vertical scrollbar, then its scrollTop value defaults to 0.
add $(window).scrollTop() with $(window).height() now check whether the result is equal to your documnet height or not. if it is equal means you reached at the end.we are adding 100 too because i want to check before the 100 pixels from the bottom of document(note <= in condition)
please correct me if i am wrong
I had same problem but didn't find suitable plugin for my need. so I wrote following code. this code appends template to element by getting data with ajax and pagination.
for detecting when user scrolls to bottom of div I used this condition:
var t = $("#infiniteContent").offset().top;
var h = $("#infiniteContent").height();
var ws = $(window).scrollTop();
var dh = $(document).height();
var wh = $(window).height();
if (dh - (wh + ws) < dh - (h + t)) {
//now you are at bottom of #infiniteContent element
$.getJSON("", { _page: 1, _limit:3 }, function (jsonre) {
function appendTemplate(jsonre, pageNumber){
//instead of this code you can use a templating plugin like "Mustache"
for(var i =0; i<jsonre.length; i++){
$("#infiniteContent").append("<div class='item'><h2>"+jsonre[i].name+"</h2><p>"+jsonre[i].body+"</p></div>");
if (jsonre.length) {
$("#infiniteContent").attr("data-page", parseInt(pageNumber)+1);
$(window).on("scroll", initScroll);
//scroll event will not trigger if window size is greater than or equal to document size
var dh = $(document).height() , wh = $(window).height();
else {
$("#infiniteContent").attr("data-page", "");
function initScroll() {
var t = $("#infiniteContent").offset().top;
var h = $("#infiniteContent").height();
var ws = $(window).scrollTop();
var dh = $(document).height();
var wh = $(window).height();
if (dh - (wh + ws) < dh - (h + t)) {
var p = $("#infiniteContent").attr("data-page");
if (p) {
$.getJSON("", { _page: p, _limit:3 }, function (jsonre) {
appendTemplate(jsonre, p);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="infiniteContent"></div>
If you have a scrollable element, like a div with scroll overflow, but no scrollable document/page, you can take this way.
$(function () {
var s = $(".your-scrollable-element");
var list = $("#your-table-list");
/* On element scroll */
s.scroll(function () {
/* The scroll top plus element height equals to table height */
if ((s.scrollTop() + s.height()) == list.height()) {
/* you code */
I wrote this function using Hussein and Nick's ideas, but I wanted it to use promises for the callback. I also wanted the infinite scrolling area to be on a fixed div and not just the window if the div is sent into the options object. There is an example of that in my second link below. I suggest using a promise library like Q if you want to support older browsers. The cb method may or may not be a promise and it will work regardless.
It is used like so:
<div id="feed"></div>
var infScroll = infiniteScroll({
cb: function () {
return doSomethingPossiblyAnAJAXPromise();
If you want the feed to temporarily stop you can return false in the cb method. Useful if you have hit the end of the feed. It can be be started again by calling the infiniteScroll's returned object method 'setShouldLoad' and passing in true and example to go along with the above code.
The function for infinite scrolling is this
function infiniteScroll (options) {
// these options can be overwritten by the sent in options
var defaultOptions = {
binder: $(window), // parent scrollable element
loadSpot: 300, //
feedContainer: $("#feed"), // container
cb: function () { },
options = $.extend(defaultOptions, options);
options.shouldLoad = true;
var returnedOptions = {
setShouldLoad: function (bool) { options.shouldLoad = bool; if(bool) { scrollHandler(); } },
function scrollHandler () {
var scrollTop = options.binder.scrollTop();
var height = options.binder[0].innerHeight || options.binder.height();
if (options.shouldLoad && scrollTop >= (options.binder[0].scrollHeight || $(document).height()) - height - options.loadSpot) {
options.shouldLoad = false;
if(typeof options.cb === "function") {
new Promise(function (resolve) {resolve();}).then(function() { return options.cb(); }).then(function (isNotFinished) {
if(typeof isNotFinished === "boolean") {
options.shouldLoad = isNotFinished;
return returnedOptions;
1 feed example with window as scroller
2 feed example with feed as scroller

