Displaying 3 dimensional arrays in correct order PHP - javascript

So I have dynamically created form with Jquery and after sending this form. I want to retrive it in correct order which I got myself confused in doing.
The problem is when you add multiple spells to a champion let's say 3 and delete middle one it will description and 'change' won't show up here is the code responsible for retriving variables from those arrays:
foreach($_POST['champion'] as $champion){
$NumberOfStats[$ChampionNumber+1] =0;}
foreach($_POST['GeneralChangeDescription'][$ChampionNumber] as $indexGeneral=>$GeneralChangeDescription){
$GeneralChangeDescriptions[$ChampionNumber+1][$indexGeneral+1] = $GeneralChangeDescription;
$NumberOfStats[$ChampionNumber+1] = count($_POST['GeneralChangeDescription'][$ChampionNumber]);
foreach($_POST['change'][$ChampionNumber] as $indexSpell=>$change){
$SpellIcon[$ChampionNumber+1][$indexSpell+1] = $change;
$SpellTitle[$ChampionNumber+1][$indexSpell+1] = $_POST['championSpell'][$ChampionNumber][$indexSpell];
$NumberOfSpellsChampion[$ChampionNumber+1] =count($_POST['change'][$ChampionNumber]);
foreach($_POST['SpellDescription'][$ChampionNumber][$indexSpell] as $indexChange=>$SpellDescription){
echo $ChampionNumber;
$ChampionNumberSpellNumber[$ChampionNumber+1][$indexSpell+1] =count($_POST['SpellDescription'][$ChampionNumber][$indexSpell]);
$championArray[$ChampionNumber] = $champion;
Here is JSfiddle with dynamic form http://jsfiddle.net/e2fk9793/
Here is an explanation how those arrays work http://imgur.com/DUsBgGz
The third foreach array is the one that is not working (Notice: Undefined offset: 2)


Angular Devextreme - Get total number of rows on current page

In my Angular App, I have a requirement to display total number of rows on current page in pagination section. But currently Devextreme grid row count returns total row count irrespective of page.
Below is my code :-
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="5"> </dxo-paging>
infoText="Displaying {0} - {2} of {1} "
Below screenshot :-
Now i have only 5 rows in the grid but it shows 11 which is the total row count which i have received from database. Please advise.
If i understand correctly, you want to show 1-5 on the first page, 6-10 on the second page and so on. You can achieve that by binding a function to the [infoText] property and customize the text output. This is not found in the official documentation but it works.
<dxo-paging [pageSize]="5"> </dxo-paging>
infoText(currentPageNumber, totalPageCount, totalRowCount) {
const myPageSize = 5; // use global variable instead and bind it to dxo-paging
const from = +currentPageNumber * myPageSize - (myPageSize - 1);
const to = +currentPageNumber * myPageSize;
return `Displaying ${from}-${to}`;

Laravel 8-Can i add data into form inputs without JavaScript?

I got data from Restapi and These data obtained controller class . I want to insert, update, delete data with buttons on click button. I want to use 4 button in same tab so I need to do them dynamically. Can I do it without using JavaScript ?
my getHost function:
public function getHost(){
$api= new ApiAuthController();
$response = Http::withHeaders($headers)->post($url,[
$decode=json_decode( $response->getBody());
return view('pages.host',$data);

Sorting alphabetically in JQuery with two groups

I've got a todo list. Each row has a star icon that you can click, exactly like gmail. The difference here is that if you click a star it should sort to the top (higher priority), but also re-sort within the starred group by ascending alpha. Unstarred items sort below, also sorted by ascending alpha. Everything is working as expected except for the alpha sorting. Below is the sort function where I'm doing that. I've verified that everything works below except the //sort the arrays by alpha bit...
Sort fail:
function sortTasks(currList) {
var starredTasks = [];
var unstarredTasks = [];
//create arrays
if ($(this).children('img.star').attr('src') == "images/star_checked.gif") {
} else {
//sort the arrays by alpha
starredTasks.sort( function(a,b){ ($(a).children('p.task-name').text().toUpperCase() > $(b).children('p.task-name').text().toUpperCase()) ? 1 : -1;});
unstarredTasks.sort( function(a,b){ ($(a).children('p.task-name').text().toUpperCase() > $(b).children('p.task-name').text().toUpperCase()) ? 1 : -1;});
//draw rows starred first, unstarred second
for (i=0; i < starredTasks.length; i++) {
for (i=0; i < unstarredTasks.length; i++) {
This array has been populated with the task rows in the order they were originally drawn. The data renders fine, but basically stays in the same order.
Example task row:
<div id="task-container" class="container">
<form name="enter-task" method="post" action="">
<input id="new-task" name="new-task" type="text" autofocus>
<h2 id="today">today</h2>
<ul id="today-list">
<li id="457" class="task">
<img class="star" src="images/star_checked.gif">
<p class="task-name" contenteditable>buy milk</p>
<p class="task-date"> - Wednesday</p>
<h2 id="tomorrow">tomorrow</h2>
<ul id="tomorrow-list">
<h2 id="future">future</h2>
<ul id="future-list">
<h2 id="whenever">whenever</h2>
<ul id="whenever-list">
Each item in the starredTasks array is an entire task row. I'm assuming that $(a) is the same level as $(li)?
and here's the function that triggers the sort:
$('body').on('click', 'img.star', function(){
var thisList = '#' + $(this).parent('li').parent('ul').attr('id');
if ($(this).attr('src') == 'images/star_checked.gif') {
$(this).attr('src', 'images/star_unchecked.gif');
} else {
$(this).attr('src', 'images/star_checked.gif');
Also, I doubt it's worth mentioning, but the data is stored in mySQL and prepopulated via php.
I wasn't sure of a way to use .sort() directly on the $('li') without splitting it into separate arrays...
Anybody see my goof?
I don't see where you're adding the sorted list back into the DOM. If you're not, then that's the problem. Sorting an array of elements doesn't update the DOM at all.
Furthermore, your sorting is very expensive. It's better to map an array of objects that have the elements paired with the actual values to sort.
Finally, you appear to be using the same ID multiple times on a page. That's just wrong. it may work with jQuery's .children(selector) filter, but it's still wrong. You need to change that.
Here I map an array of objects that contain a text property holding the text to sort and a task property that holds the element.
I changed p#task-name to p.task-name, so you should change that to class="task-name" on the elements.
Then I do the sort using .localeCompare(), which returns a numeric value.
Finally, the .forEach() loop appends the elements to the DOM.
var data = starredTasks.map(function(t) {
return { task: t,
text: $(t).children('p.task-name').text().toUpperCase()
}).sort(function(obj_a, obj_b) {
}).forEach(function(obj) {
This assumes starredTasks is an actual Array. If it's a jQuery object, then do starredTasks.toArray().map(func....
The original_container represents a jQuery object that is the direct parent of the task elements.

Change content of a div based on an array within an array

Pastebin of index.html: http://pastebin.com/kdKFqTxe
Just copy and paste that and run it (this works but with some broken img links & no css).
With regards to the pastebin, just click on a node, and then click the first broken image below the video. What should happen is a dialogue box should appear with links to articles (from tubeArray). All relevant code is pasted below.
I'm trying to dynamically change the contents of a div when I click an image. The image has it's respective id (the first index in the inner array) within the first inner array there's another array (index 3). I want to populate my div (id="articleLinks") with those links using JQuery when the image is clicked.
JavaScript & JQuery:
The tube array. *Note: the first index of each element in tubeArray is the ID & the news articles aren't linked to anything particular. Only interested in tubeArray[0] & tubeArray[4]
var tubeArray = [
['UQ', -27.495134, 153.013502, "http://www.youtube.com/embed/uZ2SWWDt8Wg",
["example.com", "Brisbane students protest university fee hikes"],
["example.com", "Angry protests over UQ student union election"],
['New York', 40.715520, -74.002036, "http://www.youtube.com/embed/JG0wmXyi-Mw",
["example.com" , "NY taxpayers’ risky Wall Street bet: Why the comptroller race matters"]
['To The Skies', 47.09399, 15.40548, "http://www.youtube.com/embed/tfEjTgUmeWw",
["example.com","Battle for Kobane intensifies as Islamic State uses car bombs, Syrian fighters execute captives"],
["example.com","Jihadists take heavy losses in battle for Syria's Kobane"]
['Fallujah', 33.101509, 44.047308, "http://www.youtube.com/embed/V2EOMzZsTrE",
["example.com","Video captures family cat saving California boy from dog attack"],
["example.com","Fines of £20,000 for dogs that chase the postman"]
A for loop which goes through each element in tubeArray then assigns id to the first index. Also an image that calls the function myFunctionId which takes the parameter this.id.
for (i = 0; i < tubeArray.length; i++) {
var id = tubeArray[i][0];
//other code
'<img src="img.png" onclick="myFunctionId(this.id);" id="' + id + '">' +
//other code
function myFunctionId (id) {
journal = id;
alert(journal) //just a test
//I want to search through tubeArray with the id and find the matching inner array.
//I then want to loop through the innerArray and append to my html a link using JQuery.
$('#articleLinks').append("<a href='"+innerArray[0]+"'>"+innerArray[1]+'</a>'); // use CSS to break lines
<div id="articleLinks">
Example Link<br>
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've tried to simplify & cut out as much as I can so it's readable.
try this...
function myFunctionId (id) {
tubeArray.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry[0]==id) {
$('#articleLinks').append("<a href='"+innerArray[0]+"'>"+innerArray[1]+'</a>'); // use CSS to break lines
it makes it look like this for me... you're gonna have to handle that encoding issue. with the apostrophe. there are a lot of ways to handle it...
so.... if it was me... which it's not. but if it was... i would use an associative array instead of a numerically indexed one because it's easier to read the code and understand what you're using and where and how and things and stuff.
tubeArray = {
'UQ' : { 'location': [-27.495134, 153.013502],
'youtube': "example.com/embed/uZ2SWWDt8Wg",
'articles': [["example.com/queensland/brisbane-students-protest-university-fee-hikes-20140521-zrk8o.html", "Brisbane students protest university fee hikes"],
["example.com/content/2012/s3578878.htm", "Angry protests over UQ student union election"], ]
'New York': { 'location': [0.715520, -74.002036],
'youtube': "example.com/embed/JG0wmXyi-Mw",
'articles': [["example.com/2014/10/19/ny-taxpayers-risky-wall-street-bet-why-the-comptroller-race-matters/" , "NY taxpayers’ risky Wall Street bet: Why the comptroller race matters"]],

delete row(s) from ng-grid table from button

I have a table with ng-grid, and the problem is that i'm not sure how to collect the selected row(s) id or variable to pass into my delete function.
here is a quick mockup of what i'm trying to do
the following code is from my html, a clickable delete button that takes in 2 parameters, the array of checkbox ids and the index at the corresponding table. This delete method was obtained from this tutorial : http://alexpotrykus.com/blog/2013/12/07/angularjs-with-rails-4-part-1/
<div class="btn-group">
<button class="my-btn btn-default button-row-provider-medical-services" ng-click="deleteProviderMedicalService([], $index)">Delete</button>
<div class="gridStyle ngGridTable" ng-grid="gridOptions">
The following code grabs the json data from a url, queries it and returns it. It also contains the delete function that gets called from the controller in the html page.
app.factory('ProviderMedicalService', ['$resource', function($resource) {
function ProviderMedicalService() {
this.service = $resource('/api/provider_medical_services/:providerMedicalServiceId', {providerMedicalServiceId: '#id'});
ProviderMedicalService.prototype.all = function() {
return this.service.query();
ProviderMedicalService.prototype.delete = function(providerId) {
this.service.remove({providerMedicalServiceId: providerId});
return new ProviderMedicalService;
The following is my controller(not everything, just the most important bits). $scope.provider_medical_services gets the json data and puts it into the ng-grid gridOptions.
After reading the ng-grid docs, i must somehow pass the checkbox ids from the selectedItems array and pass it into html doc to the delete function. Or, i'm just doing this completely wrong, as i hacked this together. Solutions and suggestions are greatly appreciated
(function() {
app.controller('ModalDemoCtrl', ['$scope', 'ProviderMedicalService', '$resource', '$modal', function($scope, ProviderMedicalService, $resource, $modal) {
var checkBoxCellTemplate = '<div class="ngSelectionCell"><input tabindex="-1" class="ngSelectionCheckbox" type="checkbox" ng-checked="row.selected" /></div>';
$scope.provider_medical_services = ProviderMedicalService.all();
$scope.deleteProviderMedicalService = function(ids,idx) {
$scope.provider_medical_services.splice(idx, 1);
return ProviderMedicalService.delete(ids);
$scope.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
cellTemplate: checkBoxCellTemplate,
showSelectionCheckbox: true
field: 'name',
displayName: 'CPT Code/Description'
field: 'cash_price',
displayName: 'Cash Price'
field: 'average_price',
displayName: 'Average Price'
data: 'provider_medical_services',
selectedItems: []
i think the easiest option is pass an (array index) as data-id to your dom, which u can pick it from there.
{{$index}} is a variable you can use in ng-repeat
======= ignore what i said above, since i normaly writes my own custom stuff ======
I just had a look at ng-grid, i took their example. i've added a delete all selected function, as well as someone elses delete current row function ( these is pure angular way ) to see the code, hover over the top right corner < edit in jsbin >
Honestsly i don't like it this way, you would be better off use something like lodash to manage your arrays and do your own custom grid. Using foreach to find the row index isn't good performance.
In their doc, it says you can change the row template, and which you should, so you can add the {{index}} to that row, and filter your data through that index rather which is a little bit better. anyway beware of deleting cells after you have filter your table.
I don't quite get much your question, but you can access to selectedItems of ng-grid as following: $scope.gridOptions.$gridScope.selectedItems (see ng-grid API for more information, but technically this array holds the list of selected items in multiple mode - or only one item in single mode)
For your case, the deleteAll() function could be someething like this:
$scope.deleteAll = function() {
$scope.myData = [];
The delete() function which delete selected items can be:
$scope.delete = function() {
$.each($scope.gridOptions.$gridScope.selectedItems, function(index, selectedItem) {
//remove the selected item from 'myData' - it is 2-ways binding to any modification to myData will be reflected in ng-grid table
//you could check by either name or unique id of item

