Highcharts design advice - dual-x-axis stacked column chart - javascript

I have a fairly complicated chart I'm trying to design in Highcharts. It is dual-x-axis stacked column chart. Curious if anyone has had luck with these sorts of charts in Highcharts.
It has dual X-axes and a single y-axis, and has stacked columns too.


One legend, multiple charts Chart JS

I have two pie charts with different data but same labels and background colors. How can I create a standalone legend (a legend without a chart) using ChartJS so that the legend corresponds to both the pie charts at the same time?
I tried creating a pie chart with the data array set to an array of 0s. However, that causes an empty pie chart to be generated, which takes up a lot of space; so that's a no go.
Any help would be deeply appreciated.

Chart.js multiple doughnut charts above pie chart

Is it possible to create doughnut chart above pie chart with chart.js jquery.
See, here is the example in image which i want to achieve with pie chart and doughnut chart.
check out: https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/issues/797 they are describing your chart. It sounds like it can be done in v2.0. Possible duplicate for this stackoverflow question which also explores what you are trying: Chart.js - Multiple Doughnut Charts on same Canvas

stacked area chart in d3js

I want to create stacked area chart with d3js.
But the only example I am able to find on d3 site is this `http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/3885211
I am not able to understand How I can plot date vs sales from this graph.
Sales on yaxis and date on xAxis.
If any body have some other example please point it to me

Highcharts 'Stacked' graph with chart type as 'area' to be smoother

I have a requirement to have Stacked graph with chart type area and not areaspline. But I don't want the tips of graph to be pointed and rather a bit smoother.
Is it possible with API?

Jquery Flot Pie Chart Legend Formatting

I am currenly working ith jquery.flot pie charts and i can't find solution to this problem.
I currently have this kind of display for pie chart and it's legend:
What i would like to achieve is to somehow connect the labels with the part of the pie chart that it is linked to. It should look similar to this:
Any help is appreciated!

