JavaScript .children HTML collection length issues when looping - javascript

I'm attempting to loop through an HTMLCollection produced from JavaScript's .children property using the following code:
var articles = data.children;
var newsGrid = document.getElementById('js-news__grid');
for (var i = 0; i < articles.length; i++) {
The data variable is a fragment of a successful XHR. When I run the loop, it only appends the first child and the loop ends, and when running console.log(articles); before the loop, it shows 2 HTML elements (like it should) but only has a length of 1. If I remove the loop and run console.log(articles); it shows the 2 HTML elements like before, BUT it now has a length of 2.
I've left out my XHR code for the sake of simplicity and due to the fact that the HTMLCollection that is produced from data.children looks correct. Here are the log messages:
[article.news__item, article.news__item]
0: article.news__item
1: article.news__item
length: 2
__proto__: HTMLCollection
[article.news__item, article.news__item]
0: article.news__item
length: 1
__proto__: HTMLCollection

The problem is .children is a live collection, which will get updated as you move each child out of the container.
In your case, there are 2 children for data so articles.length is 2 when the loop is started, but after the first iteration you have relocated the first child which means the articles object is now contains only 1 element and i is 2 now the loop condition i < articles.length fails.
So one easy solution is to use a reverse loop
var articles = data.children;
var newsGrid = document.getElementById('js-news__grid');
for (var i = articles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Another solution will be is to convert articles to a normal array
var articles = [];
Another approach as suggested by RobG is
var articles = data.children;
var newsGrid = document.getElementById('js-news__grid');
while (articles.length) {


How to access the currently iterated array value in a loop?

Current attempt using an array of objects with properties:
The objective:
I want to automatically fill out emails on behalf of ~30 different people. The form fields are always consistent, but the values I'm filling in will change on an email-to-email basis. I'm using TagUI to do this.
My old code (last code box below) successfully filled out each form by assigning each line in the .csv to a separate array BUT failed to iterate through the values of a specific column within the .csv. Please see the text above the last code box below for further explanation.
Now I'm starting again, this time aiming to create an array of objects (representing each email being sent) with properties (representing each field to be filled within each email).
Here's what I've got so far:
// Using TagUI for browser automation
// Set up the arrays to be used later
emails = []
// Load in the 'db.csv' file
// Link to .csv:
csv_file = 'db.csv'
load '+csv_file+' to csv_lines
// Split the string variable "lines" into an array of individual lines
lines = csv_lines.split('\n')
// Split the individual lines up into individual properties
for (i=0; i < lines.length; i++)
emails[i].name = properties[1].trim()
emails[i].recipients = properties[2].trim()
properties = lines[i].split(',')
EDIT: The below code has been put on the back burner as I attempt to solve this another way. Solutions are still welcome.
I'm having trouble triggering my for loop (the last one in the code below).
My goal for the for loop in question, in plain English, is as follows: Repeat the below code X times, where X is determined by the current iteration of the total_images array.
So if the total_images array looks like this:
[Total Images, 2, 3, 4, 5]
And the parent for loop is on its third iteration, then this for loop should dictate that the following code is executed 4 times.
I'm using TagUI (, so there many be some non-Javascript code here.
wait 3s
// Setting up all the arrays that the .csv will load
array_campaign = []
array_subject = []
array_teaser = []
array_recipients = []
array_exclude = []
array_img1src = []
array_img1alt = []
array_img1url = []
array_img2src = []
array_img2alt = []
array_img2url = []
array_img3src = []
array_img3alt = []
array_img3url = []
array_img4src = []
array_img4alt = []
array_img4url = []
total_images = []
// Load in the 'db.csv' file
csv_file = 'db.csv'
load '+csv_file+' to lines
// Chop up the .csv data into individual pieces
// NOTE: Make sure the [#] corresponds to .csv column
// Reminder: Numbers start at 0
array_lines = lines.split('\n')
for (n=0; n<array_lines.length; n++)
items = array_lines[n].split(',')
array_campaign[n] = items[1].trim()
array_recipients[n] = items[2].trim()
array_exclude[n] = items[3].trim()
array_subject[n] = items[4].trim()
array_teaser[n] = items[5].trim()
array_img1src[n] = items[6].trim()
array_img1alt[n] = items[7].trim()
array_img1url[n] = items[8].trim()
array_img2src[n] = items[9].trim()
array_img2alt[n] = items[10].trim()
array_img2url[n] = items[11].trim()
array_img3src[n] = items[12].trim()
array_img3alt[n] = items[13].trim()
array_img3url[n] = items[14].trim()
array_img4src[n] = items[15].trim()
array_img4alt[n] = items[16].trim()
array_img4url[n] = items[17].trim()
total_images[n] = items[18].trim()
for (i=1; i < array_campaign.length; i++)
echo "This is a campaign entry."
wait 2s
// This is the problem loop that's being skipped
blocks = total_images[i]
for (image_blocks=0; image_blocks < blocks; image_blocks++)
hover vis1_3.png
click visClone.png
This is the most coding I've ever done, so if you could point me in the right direction and explain like I'm a beginner it would be much appreciated.
Look like the only reason make your last loop being skipped is that total_images[i] is undefined, which is used for the loop condition. I believe that the value of i at that moment is equal to array_campaign.length from the previous loop, which is actually out of array range.
Here're some example codes:
const arr = [0, 1, 2];
const length = arr.length; // the length is 3, but the last index of this array is 2 (count from 0)
for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
// output:
// 0
// 1
// 2
console.log(i); // i at this moment is 3, which is = arr.length and made the above loop exit
console.log(arr[i]); // => undefined, because the last index of the above array is 2, so if you reference to an un-existed element of an array, it will return undefined.
"run the following code X times, where X is determined by the value of total_images[i]" - so, if I understand your question correctly, you can use nested loops to do this:
for (i=1; i < array_campaign.length; i++)
echo "This is a campaign entry."
wait 2s
// nested loop, the number of iteration is based on the value i of outside loop
for (j=0; j < total_images[i]; j++) {
// do something here
My old code should have worked. I opened up the .csv file in notepad and noticed there were SEVERAL extra commas interfering with the last column of data, throwing everything for a loop.
Did some searching and apparently this is a common thing. Beware!
I created TagUI but I don't check Stack Overflow for user queries and issues. Try raising issue directly at GitHub next time -
Looks like you found the solution! Yes, if the CSV file contains incorrect number of columns (some rows with more columns than others), it will lead to error when trying to work on it from your automation script. It looks like the extra commas cause extra columns and broke your code.

JavaScript - Looping array less than I should

I'm trying to loop an array which contains a list of elements returned by ClassName, but I can't loop all of them, because of the next situation:
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('class');
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var theClass = list[i].className; //once got list[i].
theClass = theClass.replace('class', '');
list[i].className = theClass; //twice got list[i].
If the size of the list is = 4, I just can loop two times, because I'm getting twice each position per loop. Do you know what I can do and why it happens? Thank you.
The data structure returned by getElementsByClassName is Array-like and dynamic based on the DOM. Once you replace the class on the list item in question, you end up losing an item per iteration.
To fix this, you can take a copy of the returned values first before operating on them, or work backwards.
Take a copy:
var list = document.getElementByClassName('class')
var realList = []
Array.prototype.push.apply(realList, list)
for (var i = 0; i < realList.length; i++) {
// do changes as you have already
Working backwards:
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('class')
for (i=list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// do changes to list[i]
Another poster briefly mentioned a while loop which also works, but then their answer disappeared (I don't want to take credit for this!):
var list = document.getElementsByClassName('class')
while (list.length != 0) {
// do changes to list[0]
If you write out what happens in your initial code, you can see the problem more clearly:
Iteration 1: i=0, list=[a,b,c,d], length = 4, list[i]=a
Iteration 2: i=1, list=[b,c,d], length = 3, list[i]=c
Before Iteration 3: list=[b,d], i=2, length = 2, loop breaks
Now writing out what happens when using the reverse loop:
Iteration 1: i=3, list=[a,b,c,d], length = 4, list[i]=d
Iteration 2: i=2, list=[a,b,c], length = 3, list[i]=c
Iteration 3: i=1, list=[a,b], length = 2, list[i]=b
Iteration 4: i=0, list=[a], length = 1, list[i]=a
All these solutions are variations on this solution of avoiding using i to reference the middle parts of the array-like result value of getElementsByClassName so that the dynamic nature of it is dealt with.

JavaScript remove all elements with name

I am trying to use JavaScript to remove all the elements with a certian name, but it is only removing the first one.
My code is:
var ele= document.getElementsByName("javascriptaudio");
for(var i=0;i<ele.length;i++)
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
I don't have enough rep to comment on Álvaro G. Vicario. The reason that it works is that the element is removed from ele when it is removed from the DOM. Weird.
The following code should work equally well:
var ele= document.getElementsByName("javascriptaudio");
len = ele.length;
parentNode = ele[0].parentNode;
for(var i=0; i<len; i++)
Try removing them backwards:
var ele = document.getElementsByName("javascriptaudio");
for(var i=ele.length-1;i>=0;i--)
The problem is that removing elements from ele shifts indexes: if you have 5 items (0 to 4) and remove item 0 you then have 4 items ranging from 0 to 3 (4 becomes 3, 3 becomes 2, etc.); you should then remove item 0 but your i variable has already incremented to 1.
you need to save length of array outside the loop because it is evaluated with each pass if you place it inside loop criteria. That way you will have correct amount of iterations. Furthermore you need to delete first item in loop each time because with each pass you lose 1 item so you will be outside of range at the end of process.
var ele = document.getElementsByName("javascriptaudio");
var elementsCount = ele.length;
for(var i=0;i<ele.length;i++){
Try the following jQuery code:

Getting th ChildNodes from an object variable

I've ran into a small snag with my code - below is my code:
var actionsAllowed = $(packet).find('actionsAllowed');
This returns to me the following in the firebug console:
Clicking "actionsAllowed" takes me into the packet and to the correct section, where I see the two listed actions.
I can expand the object and eventually see the following:
NodeList[ActionOne, ActionTwo]
NodeListPrototype { item=item(), iterator=iterator()}
So under the NodeList I see the correct actions.
The issue I am having is that I don't know how to get those actions out of there and listed or even just have them available as separate variables.
My attempt at getting then logging each child:
function getActionsAllowed() {
var children = actionsAllowed.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
Problem is, ".childNodes" keeps returning as "undefined".
Is there another, better way to do this? Or is this correct but I've made a mistake?
Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Gary Shergill
working code for just one result:
var currentState = $(packet).find('currentState').text();
var actionsBanned = $(packet).find('actionsBanned').text();
Updated code to:
$(packet).find('actionsAllowed').each(function () {
var children = this.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
var action = children[i].nodeName
This works =) It logs each action one by one, so it's working. Just a matter of choosing how to change the console.log() to something more useful (need to define each one seperately...).
Will create a new thread if I have trouble and link it from here.
(my related thread: Returning Arrays and ChildNodes)
You can always extract the DOM nodes from the jQuery object using toArray or get.
var actionsAllowed = $(packet).find('actionsAllowed').get();
But that's generally not necessary since the jQuery object itself implements an extensive API to manipulate the nodes.
E.g. looping over the nodes
$(packet).find('actionsAllowed').each(function () {
//looping over childnodes
$(this).children().each(function () {
If you just want to children of actionsAllowed nodes directly, you can also do:
$(packet).find('actionsAllowed > *').each(function () {

delete specific xml node Javascript

My xml file is like:
it contains different 'object' nodes and in different objects there are different parameters one is deleted parameter.
I want to delete the all 'object' nodes that contains the deleted parameter 1.
This is the code that deletes the node object which has a parameter node deleted =1:
for(var count=0; count<5;count++){
var y=x.getElementsByTagName("deleted")[count]; //Find that nodes arent
if(y.textContent == "1") {
var z=y.parentNode; //delete the node from the parent.
Xml2String1= new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(x);
Your loop is incorrect:
for(var x1=0; x1<5;x1++){
var y=x.getElementsByTagName("deleted")[x1];
Your loop runs for 5 iterations without regard for the number of <deleted> elements are found. Each time through the loop you search again and get a new NodeList/HTMLCollection of the remaining <deleted> elements, but your loop counter is incremented regardless.
Try this instead:
var deletedNodesList = x.getElementsByTagName("deleted");
var nodesToDelete = [];
for (var index = 0; index < deletedNodes.length ; index += 1)
var node = deletedNodes[index];
if (node.textContent == "1")
nodesToDelete.push( node.parentNode ); //delete the node from the parent
nodesToDelete.forEach( function() { x.removeChild(this); } );
Note that, per the documentation on MDN, the NodeList is a live collection, so don't modify it while you are processing it.
I second raam86's recommendation to use sane (meaningful) variable names. Meaningful variable names make it easier to understand the code, which makes it easier to write correct code and to resolve problems in incorrect code.

