multiple svg images in one file breaks text - javascript

I have a web app that uses SVG files to map various sorts of data onto our underlying experimental dataset. Each SVG file represents a mapping of one type of data to the experimental dataset and, in most of the pages on the site, they are displayed one at a time, with the various nodes carrying tooltips to make the maps more informative and links to associated data.
I would like to add a page where maps can be compared side-by-side, which means having multiple self-contained SVG's all on the same page. When I do this, however, the files seem to step on each others' toes in that only the first SVG on the page displays the correct text in the labels and axes. The rest appear to inherit the alphabet used in the first image, leaving the axes and labels garbled and nonsensical.
The snippet below shows how I am currently embedding the SVG's in the page. The object blocks are loaded up with SVG content via javascript/ajax when the user chooses a map on a dropdown menu. Everything functions correctly except for the noted problem with the SVG text.
<object id="map" name="map" class="compBuild" width=800 height=460></object>
$(document).on("change", ".db_field", function(e) {
var tmp ="_");
var field = "map_" + tmp[1];
// getSvgUrl just makes a Jquery AJAX call to obtain the location of
// the SVG file.
Maybe not obvious from the code given, but what actually happens on the page is that the menus and object blocks are dynamically generated, so the actual drop-downs and object blocks are addressed as mapSelect_X map_X, where X is a number appended when the block is created. (code not shown for the sake of brevity!)
I am wondering if there is a workaround for this as I would rather not convert the SVG files to images, since I would lose the functionality in the SVG's. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Check that there are no duplicate id attributes in the two SVGs. ids must be unique on the page, otherwise any SVG features that use id references (like <use>, gradients etc) can't be trusted to point to the right thing.
Since Chrome and FF handle duplicate ids differently, a quick way to check this is the cause would be to see if the two browsers render the two-svg page differently.


HTML print out several SVG defined as String variables

In my current project I need to print out one (or several) SVG graphics which are stored in different string variables. Each SVG must be printed out in a different page. How can I achieve that?
The reasons why I have SVG graphics as string variables is the following:
A 3pp library internally manages a drawing model and shows it in a HTML canvas. The drawing model can contain several pages (depending on the size of the model) but only one is shown in the canvas.
This 3pp library is able to return a JS string with the SVG graphic of the current page being shown.
A MUST of my application is to modify each SVG string to include a table with information.
Finally I must print each SVG (page) in a different page (paper sheet).
The option I've thought about is:
Place the contents of each string SVG in a new 'printable' HTML element and Use Window.print together with CSS printable options to print only those new elements.
However, this seems to be a very big 'workaround' and I don't know in advance if this could work.
Does anybody have better ideas? Any experiences?

SVG problems with Google Chrome

I have been making a simple website with AngularJS and D3JS and created a custom circle mesh library (very crude). It all works fine in Firefox but it doesn't work in Chrome. The website is up at . In my homepage I have this circle mesh thing that displays the circles. But when I transition (directly) to another page with this circle mesh (programmming page) it starts behaving differently. And when I go from programming to home it starts to ignore the clipPath on the first two images (two probably because of the two images in the programming page). The svg is identical (I checked only the first three 'a' tags with the images and the first three clipPaths) to the correct svg that was there first... I don't know what happens.
This is a screenshot just after first loading the page
This is a screenshot after coming from the programming page
As you can see the clipPath is still in the svg and "shown" by Chrome but is not actually used (or is ignored).
Please help, I have no idea why it happens and why it's no problem for Firefox
I'll make an educated guess and say it's because your programming page is reusing ids "#clippath0" and "#clippath1". Because it's a single page site and you are replacing the parts of the DOM that contain those references, perhaps there is a bug in Chrome where it getting confused over what they point to.
Try using different sets of ids for each page and see if that fixes it. Maybe you could add different prefixes for each page (eg "#homeclippath0" and "#programmingclippath0").
It does seem like a bug in Chrome though. Perhaps you might want to report it.

Load saved svg shapes and access them through javascript

I am trying to draw svg shapes, add events(click, drag etc.) and properties to the shapes and save them to server from my web application. I also want to load these saved shapes from the server and access their events and properties from my web application.
My Problems are:
A. I can not load a previously saved svg shape while I am drawing new ones at the same time. I am trying to load saved svg blocks by using .html(). I have tried using append also with same results.
In this JSFiddle link I have tried to create a similar scenario. Once you click Load Annotation Button, an svg block renders. But it erases the previous element.
B. Before loading the saved annotations, if you click the existing line, you will find that the element is being selected (alert message with the id of element). But after you add saved annotations to the svg block, you cannot find the elements by clicking on them.
there must be something I am doing wrong. Can you point it out please?

Interactive directed graphs with SVG and Javascript

I have to add some interactive features to SVG directed graphs.
So far the graphs I want to show are generated from a dot file and rendered as SVG. I'd like to know if there is some easy way to add interactivity (Maybe with Javascript) to such SVG documents.
What I need is to display some information when the mouse goes over a node and to make it possible to compare two nodes.
Since my models are generated automatically I would prefer to keep the dot-generated SVG and put on it additional information with a separate Javascript.
I have an example with inline SVG. The difference between this SVG and what you have is that the one in my demo has id attributes for nodes and things. I did get this SVG from the graphviz website.
(Click on the "Hello" node)
When I get a chance to upload an SVG on my server, I will try accessing SVG from an embed element. I can't do it on JSFiddle do to same domain policy in browsers.
This page may also be of help. It shows some of the scripting capabilities of SVG, although for all of the examples, the script is in the SVG itself.

Automatic multi-page multi-column flowing text with QtWebkit (HTML/CSS/JS -> PDF)

I have some HTML documents that are converted to PDF, using software that renders using QtWebkit (not sure which version).
Currently, the documents have specific tags to split into columns and pages - so whenever the wording changes, it is a manual time-consuming process to move these tags so that the columns and pages fit.
Can anyone provide a way to have text auto-wrapped into the next column/page (as appropriate) when it reaches the bottom of the current container?
Any HTML, CSS or JS supported by QtWebkit is ok (assuming it works in the PDF converter).
(I have tested the webkit-column-* in CSS3 and it appears QtWebkit does not support this.)
To make things more exciting, it also needs to:
- put a header at the top of each page, with page X of Y numbering;
- if an odd number of pages, add a blank page at the end (with no header);
- have the ability to say "don't break inside this block" or "don't break after this header"
I have put some quick example initial markup and target markup to help explain what I'm trying to do.
(The actual documents are far more complicated than that, but I need a simple proof-of-concept before I attack the real ones.)
Any suggestions?
I've got a partially working solution using Aaron's "filling up" suggestion - I'll post more details in a bit.
Create a document with a single page and all the text in a single column. Use JavaScript to cut the text into parts.
Use pixel coordinates to locate the paragraph/element that doesn't fit anymore. Move it and everything below to the next col. If a "page" already has two "col" divs, start a new page.
After all pages have been created, count and number the pages. Fix even/odd stuff, etc.
Will take some time but it's automatic.
Another approach would be to add all the content to a "source" div and move items to the col div until it's full and repeat with the next col.
Have a look at Prototype or jQuery; they should give you lots of tools to move stuff around in the document.
[EDIT] Instead of only relying on jQuery functions, I suggest to create one or two objects which keep track of the current page and the current column, etc. These give you stable foundations to stand on from which you can fire the helper methods.

