Interactive directed graphs with SVG and Javascript - javascript

I have to add some interactive features to SVG directed graphs.
So far the graphs I want to show are generated from a dot file and rendered as SVG. I'd like to know if there is some easy way to add interactivity (Maybe with Javascript) to such SVG documents.
What I need is to display some information when the mouse goes over a node and to make it possible to compare two nodes.
Since my models are generated automatically I would prefer to keep the dot-generated SVG and put on it additional information with a separate Javascript.

I have an example with inline SVG. The difference between this SVG and what you have is that the one in my demo has id attributes for nodes and things. I did get this SVG from the graphviz website.
(Click on the "Hello" node)
When I get a chance to upload an SVG on my server, I will try accessing SVG from an embed element. I can't do it on JSFiddle do to same domain policy in browsers.
This page may also be of help. It shows some of the scripting capabilities of SVG, although for all of the examples, the script is in the SVG itself.


Load svg from file using JavaScript

I have searched the web but the answers showing embedding the SVG into the HTML using <object>, <img>, etc. What I want to do is open a large SVG file that contains lots of images, find the image I need, and show only that image on the page. How can I do that?
File structure is:
A few steps:
Use the Fetch API to get the image data.
Use a DOM parser to parse the XML into a document.
Find the SVG subset you want. (You didn't show us your XML, but this is likely as simple as document.querySelector().)
Create an SVG element. (This is actually a bit tricky due to the namespace. See also: JavaScript createElementNS and SVG)
Append it to the relevant element on your page.
hello damn i think you can add svg in your html code and run code but you cant font-size svg in css you can use width and height in svg to big font-size ok under

multiple svg images in one file breaks text

I have a web app that uses SVG files to map various sorts of data onto our underlying experimental dataset. Each SVG file represents a mapping of one type of data to the experimental dataset and, in most of the pages on the site, they are displayed one at a time, with the various nodes carrying tooltips to make the maps more informative and links to associated data.
I would like to add a page where maps can be compared side-by-side, which means having multiple self-contained SVG's all on the same page. When I do this, however, the files seem to step on each others' toes in that only the first SVG on the page displays the correct text in the labels and axes. The rest appear to inherit the alphabet used in the first image, leaving the axes and labels garbled and nonsensical.
The snippet below shows how I am currently embedding the SVG's in the page. The object blocks are loaded up with SVG content via javascript/ajax when the user chooses a map on a dropdown menu. Everything functions correctly except for the noted problem with the SVG text.
<object id="map" name="map" class="compBuild" width=800 height=460></object>
$(document).on("change", ".db_field", function(e) {
var tmp ="_");
var field = "map_" + tmp[1];
// getSvgUrl just makes a Jquery AJAX call to obtain the location of
// the SVG file.
Maybe not obvious from the code given, but what actually happens on the page is that the menus and object blocks are dynamically generated, so the actual drop-downs and object blocks are addressed as mapSelect_X map_X, where X is a number appended when the block is created. (code not shown for the sake of brevity!)
I am wondering if there is a workaround for this as I would rather not convert the SVG files to images, since I would lose the functionality in the SVG's. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Check that there are no duplicate id attributes in the two SVGs. ids must be unique on the page, otherwise any SVG features that use id references (like <use>, gradients etc) can't be trusted to point to the right thing.
Since Chrome and FF handle duplicate ids differently, a quick way to check this is the cause would be to see if the two browsers render the two-svg page differently.

manipulate .svg file using javascript

This is my first time working with SVG files and I wasn't able to google the answer for this question. I have a .svg illustration created from Adobe Illustrator. I want to load this image into a web page and be able to manipulate it with javascript. Is there a javascript library that allows me to do this? The library has to work on current mobile devices. Fantasy code that illustrates what I'm trying to do:
<img src="pic.svg" id="pic"/>
$('#pic').move(x, y)
I know you can manipulate DOM elements like this using javascript, but will the svg image be scaled without distortion? Also, I think SVG has other fancy transformations that javascript doesn't normally support. Ideally, I'd want to use those too.
If you incorporate your SVG graphics with <img>, you'll be able to do exactly the same stuff as with any other image format - no more and no less. (The only benefit might be that you can change width/height without losing crispness.)
If you want to transform or otherwise change any elements of the SVG itself, it's a good idea to make the SVG inline. Maybe this answer helps. If your SVG was generated by Illustrator, cleaning the SVG might drastically decrease the file size and make it more friendly for JavaScript manipulation.
If you stick with <img>, you can still use CSS3 transforms (see the specs for an exhaustive description).

Pre-Drawing Raphael screens, save them to file and load at runtime

I´m new to Raphael and would like to do some basic questions on how to architect my app:
I need to draw models on a visual graphical editor and save them to files (I call them screens). At runtime, I need to load these screens and animate them from server data using Ajax.
Using SVG I can load data using this simple command:
<object id="svgobject" type="image/svg+xml" data=".\svg\svgfilename.svg"></object>
Also, on SVG, we can use some graphical visual editors and that´s all we need to built the screens. The rest if javascript code to get element ids and change their attributes at runtime based on ajax call to get server data.
As SVG is not supported on old browser, one natural choice is to go for Raphael, but I don´t know if there is visual graphic editor that support Raphael scripting language and how to save/load these scripts at runtime.
So, What would be the best approach to visual edit my models, save them to a file and load at realtime using Raphael ?
Ian's answer is one solution. The other way of doing this is to convert SVG documents to a data structure that Raphael can understand.
For relatively simple SVG images you can use svg2path. It converts SVG files (or svg from a URL) to paths that can be loaded into Raphael. From the documentation, running the following on the command line:
svg2path some.svg
generates a path file called some.path that can be loaded in Raphael (presumably using the paper.path() method).
It's available on github and npm.
You could use a plugin like or to get you started maybe. I think you may need to do some extra work to cope with groups and Raphael.
Edit to clarify, I'm not sure from your other comments what you mean by Raphael Mode from a graphic editor. You can just the graphic as a straight SVG and import. I'm not sure why there needs to support Raphael scripting.
The VectorEditorJS is a nice starting point for you.Look into editor.js to build or rebuild your own functionality over it.Here's a demo.
The SVGEdit demo has got code to save the vector as an svg.You can look into the code.

Is it possible to use webkit css masks with SVG without an external file?

Webkit allows the use of an external SVG file as a mask for any HTML element. Ie:
<img src="kate.png" style="-webkit-mask-image: url(circle.svg)">
Resulting in:
(More information here:
Does anyone know if there's a way to do it without an external SVG file? More specifically, can it be done with SVG generated from javascript?
Well, two years have passed since I asked this question and the browser landscape changed a lot. Here's an example of exactly what I wanted to do, which works only in Firefox for now:
As you can see there's a div with id chameleon which has the following style:
<div id="chameleon" style="clip-path:url(#clip1); -webkit-mask-box-image: url(mask.png);">
#clip1 points to a clipPath element inside an inline SVG element which links to a shape.
<clipPath id="clip1"><use xlink:href="#shape1"/></clipPath>
So now it's doable in Firefox.
Thanks #mart3ll for the practical example!
I'm not sure about the WebKit specific extension but Mozilla allow you to apply SVG effects like masks and filters on HTML elements. These can be defined in external files or directly in the markup. See this post. This isn't in any spec at the moment, but the SVG and CSS working groups are working together to spec this approach. See the Working Group's page (although only filters, not masks are mentioned explicitly there).
You can usually link to something in SVG by including the id of the element in the url value (e.g. url(#someID)). You could try generating the SVG via JS, giving it an id and inject it into the document and see if it works. There is no spec as it is a WebKit extension so it is hard to say without trying it out.
Yes I believe it's possible. Recently I used PHP to generate the SVG file.
Here is an example that I made:
Also check out

