Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined - javascript

I'm trying to make a for-loop base on my array
var lists = [ "a", "b", "c", "d" ];
for ( i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
// console.log(lists[i]);
$(".sa-report-btn-"+lists[i] ).click(function () {
$(".sa-hide-btn-"+lists[i]).click(function () {
Am I doing it correctly ? I got Uncaught ReferenceError: i is not defined
Can I concat each loop with my jQuery selector like this --> $(".sa-hide-"+lists[i]) ? just curious ...

First off, it sounds like you're using strict mode — good! It's saved you from falling prey to The Horror of Implicit Globals.
There are two issues with the code.
The first one is that you're missing the declaration for i. You need to add var i; above the loop, e.g:
var i;
for ( i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
// ...
for (var i = 0; i < lists.length; i++) {
Note, though, that even in that latter example, the i variable is function-wide, not limited to the for loop.
The second one is more subtle, and is outlined in this question and its answers: Your click handlers will have an enduring reference to the i variable, not a copy of it as of where they were created. So when they run in response to a click, they'll see i as the value lists.length (the value it has when the loop has finished).
In your case, it's really easy to fix (and you don't have to declare i anymore): Remove the loop entirely, and replace it with Array#forEach or jQuery.each:
lists.forEach(function(list) {
$(".sa-report-btn-" + list).click(function () {
$(".sa-hide-" + list).removeClass("hidden");
$(".sa-report-" + list).addClass("hidden");
$(".sa-hide-btn-" + list).click(function () {
$(".sa-hide-" + list).addClass("hidden");
$(".sa-report-" + list).removeClass("hidden");
If you need to support really old browsers, you can either shim Array#forEach (which was added in 2009, as part of ECMAScript5), or you can use $.each (jQuery.each) instead:
$.each(lists, function(index, list) {
// Note addition ------^
$(".sa-report-btn-" + list).click(function () {
$(".sa-hide-" + list).removeClass("hidden");
$(".sa-report-" + list).addClass("hidden");
$(".sa-hide-btn-" + list).click(function () {
$(".sa-hide-" + list).addClass("hidden");
$(".sa-report-" + list).removeClass("hidden");
Note that we don't actually use index anywhere in our callback, but we have to specify it because $.each calls our callback with the index as the first argument, and the value as the second. (Which is why I prefer Array#forEach.) So we have to accept two arguments, with the one we want being the second one.


Adding onlick event to multiple elements with params

I am dynamically creating a table of elements and storing them in an array. The following may seem like an absolute nightmare but this is how I have decided to sort it. My problem now comes to the addEventListener where I want to add an onclick event connected to PlayMusic(). I have tried a simple .onclick = and left out the function(){} but then the PlayMusic() gets executed immediately. Having the function(){} in there, when I click on one of these elements the first param (i) is the "last number used" (aka 22 out of 21 elements). How would I go about making sure each of these onclicks has the correct index in their params?
var thetable = document.getElementById("mustable");
for(var i=0; i<fullists.length-1; i++)
fullists[i][2] = [];
fullists[i][3] = [];
for(var j=0; j<fullists[i][1].length; j++)
var row = thetable.insertRow();
fullists[i][2][j] = row.insertCell();
fullists[i][2][j].className = "musentry";
var header = fullists[i][0].substring(0,fullists[i][0].lastIndexOf("."));
if(fullists[i][1][j][1] != undefined)
var title = fullists[i][1][j][1];
var title = fullists[i][1][j][0].substring(fullists[i][1][j][0].lastIndexOf("/"));
fullists[i][2][j].innerHTML = header + "<br /><b>" + title + "</b>";
fullists[i][2][j].addEventListener("click",function() { PlayMusic(i,j); },false);
fullists[i][3][j] = 0;
The issue is that by the time the function executes, i already has a different value because the loop already continued executing. If you change your loop to use let i instead of var i (same for j) it will work, because let in the for iterator variable has a special behavior where it actually creates another copy of the variable scoped to the inside of the loop on every iteration, so that copy won't change.
Another way, which is basically the same thing but done explicitly: Store it inside another block-scoped variable first. E.g. const i2 = i and then use i2 inside the function () {}. Same for j.
Alternatively, write .addEventListener(..., PlayMusic.bind(null, i, j)). With bind you can create a new function from a function, where a this and arguments are already bound to it. Since the binding happens immediately and thereby captures the current values of i and j, that solves it too.

how to loop array of functions and execute one at a time onclick

var index=0;
function canvasp() {
var array_of_functions = [canvaspoint,canvaspoint1];
array_of_functions[index++]('a string');
<button onclick="canvasp()">Next</button>
here in this code i have created a array containing two functions and increment the array onclick..on clicking the button the first function executes and if clicked again the second function executes but still the op of first function remains..i need only one function to execute on click and increment to second hiding the first..i tried of using for loop but not working can anybody help
chk this fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/karthikchandran/hrvs4fzd/1/
If you want a subsequent click to undo the effect of the previous function, you need a function that knows how to do that. The simplest thing is to include that in your array (which you should move outside the canvasp function, btw):
var index=0;
var array_of_functions = [
function(str) {
undoCanvasPoint(str/* if needed */);
function canvasp() {
if (index < array_of_functions.length) {
array_of_functions[index++]('a string');
A more complex solution would have an array of objects with do and undo properties, and use pre-increment instead of post-increment:
var index=-1;
var array_of_functions = [
"do": canvaspoint,
"undo": undoCanvaspoint
"do": canvaspoint1,
"undo": undoCanvaspoint1
function canvasp() {
if (index >= 0) {
array_of_functions[index]["undo"]('a string if needed');
if (index < array_of_functions.length) {
array_of_functions[index++]["do"]('a string');
Side note: I'm putting do in quotes to be friendly to older JavaScript engines; current engines are in line with the current specification, which doesn't have a problem with keywords as property names provided they're unambiguously property names. (And then I do the same for undo just for consistency.)

Number value wrong in event bound through a for loop

var rows = document.getElementsByClassName('row');
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
$(rows[i]).click(function () {
alert('I am line number ' + i);
how would I get actual line number for each row ? since all I get when I trigger click event on an even row, upper bound value is alerted (i.e: rows.length = 7, i would be 6 for each row clicked).
The problem is that upon click event is triggered, the i variable was already changed by the loop iteration. Theoretically you can use closure to make things working, i.e.
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
(function(i) {
$(rows[i]).click(function() {
alert("I am line number " + i);
Practically, if you use jQuery (as I understood from the code), it is easier to use :even selector:
$(".row:even").click(function() {
alert("I am line number " + $(".row").index(this));
The reason you're getting the wrong number is that the event handler functions you're creating get an enduring reference to the i variable, not a copy of it as of when they're created.
The way to solve it is to have the handler close over something that won't change. Here are three ways to do that, the first is specific to jQuery (it looks like you're using jQuery):
jQuery's each
It looks like you're using jQuery, in which case you can use its each to get an index to use that won't change:
var rows = $(".row");
rows.each(function(index) {
if (index % 2 === 0) {
$(this).click(function() {
alert('I am line number ' + index);
Now, the event handler function closes over the index argument of the call to the function we give each, and since that index argument never changes, you see the right number in the alert.
Use a builder function
(Non-jQuery) You can solve this with a builder function:
var rows = document.getElementsByClassName('row');
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length; i < l; i++) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
function buildHandler(index) {
return function () {
alert('I am line number ' + index);
Here, the event handler function closes over the index argument in buildHandler, and since that index argument never changes, you see the right number in the alert.
(Non-jQuery) You can also use ES5's forEach function (which is one of the ES5 features you can shim on a pre-ES5 environment) to solve this:
var rows = document.getElementsByClassName('row');
Array.prototype.forEach.call(rows, function(row, index) {
if (index % 2 === 0) {
$(row).click(function () {
alert('I am line number ' + index);
This works the same way as the two above, by closing over index, which doesn't change.

Javascript: How to modify global variables within functions?

Below is the code I'm working on. I'm wondering why, when I change the variable ttt in the function, the changes do not stay outside of the function? I've declared it as var ttt = new Array; at the very top.
Also, why can't I use the variable i in the function?
client.on('connection', function()
var sss;
var aaa;
for (i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
ttt[i] = 0;
for (i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++)
client.getMatchHistory(434582, function(err, result)
sss = JSON.stringify(result);
var myObject = eval('(' + sss + ')');
console.log (myObject.object.data[i].object.value);
for (i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
console.log ("Record" + i + " Successes: " + ttt[i]);
As you pointed out, there are two separate problems with your code, and they're both somewhat related. First, ttt is being modified globally. The problem is that you're checking for the modifications before they happen. I suspect that client.getMatchHistory() is making an asynchronous call. There's no guarantee that all the asynchronous operations in the second for loop will be done executing by the time you execute the third for loop, where you read the array.
The second problem is one of scope, but it's not global scope that's your problem. Since client.getMatchHistory() is asynchronous, the callbacks will be called once the loop is done executing. Once the loop's done executing i will have a value of 10. Likely this is not what you intended. You need to create a callback generating function, that takes the value of i, and returns a function that can be used as a callback. Like this:
function make_callback(i) {
return function(err, result) {
// The body of your callback in here
And then you should use it like this in the body of the loop:
client.getMatchHistory(434582, make_callback(i))
This will capture the value of i in the current iteration and the generated callback will use that value when executed. That should fix your problem with i.
First of all, all globals variables are effectively 'window' object fields, so you can use window.ttt to be sure you are using global variables instead of local. This code should work, so did you try it in developer tool? what does debugger say about presence of such variable?
As for variable i: sure, you can use it, but it better to use it locally, defining 'var i;' on the top of the function to not spoil global namespace.
The client.getMatchHistory probably asynchronous request, you expect that after loop, you will have filled ttt array, to acheive this you have to make a handler which run after last loop step:
var afterloop=function() {
for (var i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
console.log ("Record" + i + " Successes: " + ttt[i]);
for (var i = 0 ; i < 120 ; i++)
ttt[i] = 0;
var i_final=0;
for (var i = 0 ; i < 9 ; i++)
var i=i; //localise i
client.getMatchHistory(434582, function(err, result)
sss = JSON.stringify(result);
var myObject = eval('(' + sss + ')');
console.log (myObject.object.data[i].object.value);
if (i_final>8) {afterloop();}
in the sample, i_final counts done requests, they can be done in random order, due to async, so you can't refer to i when deciding to run afterloop() , when i_final count to more than last executed request, you run function that should be executed after last request is done.
Note: please use global vars as less as possible, in your code you used global i without any reason

JS Hint - don't make functions within a loop

I can not get around JSHint's error message. Here is the loop I am using:
for (i = 0; i < Collection.length; i += 4) {
items : Collection.slice(i, i + 4).map(function(item) {
return {
id: item[0],
title: item[1],
You can just move the function outside the loop and pass a reference to it to map:
function mapCallback(item) {
return {
id : item[0],
title : item[1],
for (i = 0; i < Collection.length; i += 4) {
items: Collection.slice(i, i + 4).map(mapCallback)
Alternatively, you can use a JSHint directive to ignore function expressions inside loops. Just put this at the top of the file in question:
/*jshint loopfunc: true */
Declaring a function in a loop is messy, and potentially error prone. Instead, define the function once, and then enter the loop.
var objMaker = function(item) {
return {
id : item[0],
title : item[1],
for (i = 0; i < Collection.length; i += 4) {
items : Collection.slice(i, i + 4).map(objMaker)
People say "Declaring a function in a loop is messy and potentially error-prone", but functions within loops is what directly instructed in, for example, Array.prototype.forEach method. Just because the word "function" should theoretically mean defining it anew in every forEach call it does not mean it is actually defined each time by the Javascript engine.
The same goes for outer loops since engines have "lazy" processing of instructions. They are not going to redefine the whole forEach/Map/etc construct-instruction anew if nothing really changed about it, they will just feed new arguments to it.
The times of ancient JS engines which were clueless about such simple things as well as of code context are long gone. And yet we are getting this ancient warning which was conceived when functions were not yet capable of being passed as arguments as in the cases of forEach or Map.

