Why do I have differences with AJAX hosted local vs remote? - javascript

I guess part of my answer relates to "same-origin" but I'm not still not absolutely clear on when it applies and when not (or why it works in one instance, but is not a solution in other cases).
I am using latest jQuery, jQuery mobile and Apache/MySQL/PHP stacks. Client is either Windows 7/Firefox 38, or iPad/PhoneGap.
My AWS hosted php code serves the following to help resolve "same origin":
$http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");
The Phone Gap version of my app works as expected, retrieving data from my AWS server and rendering the data it has retrieved.
Calling the exact same code from my laptop browser fails. Why?
If I copy/paste the AJAX URL into my browser, it correctly pulls the JSON data from AWS.
In an effort to resolve, I dump output to console.log. The jQuery AJAX "error" section gets called instead of the "success" portion. The same "error" result occurs if I call the index.html file (which calls JS) using File Open within Firefox, or if I call the locally apache hosted index.html file, jQuery ajax jumps to "error" section.
So if my phonegap app works, but my laptop does not, why? I mean, I see my app being akin to the laptop web browser. They both in effect have a different origin than my web server so I would expect either both work, or both fail.
If someone can help clarify it would be great - I have twice spent time chasing a problem that only exists in my dev environment but works just fine in production - its frustrating!
Thanks all in advance

Have you white listed domain in your phonegap config ?
Access to google.com:
<access origin="http://google.com" />
__ reading it should improve : https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer/issues/169 __


Angular GET request error, but only on safari iOS

I'm building a website using WordPress as a backend, and AngularJS as the frontend. I'm using the WordPress JSON API to get my data to the front-end.
The problem
I'm using AngularJS to get my data from the WordPress JSON API. I have created the following service:
this.getPage = function ( slug ) {
return $http.get('wordpress/api/get_page/?slug=' + slug)
I use this service in my controller to get the current page like this:
.success(function ( data ) {
$scope.page = data.page;
.error( function () {
This is working fine in all browsers, except for Safari on iOS. On Safari on iOS I get the following response when I log the error arguments:
This is the safari debugger which showed when I connected my iPhone to my Mac. The error response which I get is error code 0..
What I have tried so far
I have set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" in the .htaccess file, but this doesn't seem to work. The request is done on the same domain with a relative URL, so I don't think that this is the problem.
So, does anyone know why this is not working on Safari (iOS)?
Some extra information as requested:
I'm pretty sure that this is due to the fact that Safari is the only browser that has the policy of blocking "3rd party cookies and other website data" by default. Actually, this issue shouldn't be exclusive of Safari iOS, it should also happen with Safari on your OSX. I'm pretty sure that if it's not happening in your MacBook is because one day you changed the default settings of the "Privacy".
You can try this, open Safari, go to "preferences" and under the tab "Pricacy" check if you have the option: "Block cookies and other website data" set to "From third parties and advertisers". This is the first, and the default option in the modern versions of Safari.
In your MacBook it will look like this:
And in iOS it will look like this:
Just to confirm that this is in fact what's causing your issue: change this setting to "Never", clear the cache and try to reproduce that problem again. I'm quite confident that you won't be able to reproduce it.
Now, if you set it back to "Block cookies and other website data: From third parties and advertisers" and you first clear the cache, you will have that problem again (with either iOS or OSX). After you've confirmed that this is the cause of your problem, set this setting back to "From third parties and advertisers", so that you can reproduce and address the problem with the default settings.
Bare in mind that every time that you want to re-test this issue you will be better off clearing the cache of Safary. Otherwise it could happen that Safari decides that the site serving the API can be trusted and you won't be able to reproduce the issue. So, just to be sure, clear the cache every time that you test this.
I believe that the root of this problem is that Safari wants to make sure that the user has had a direct interaction with the page that it's serving the "3rd party content" before the main page loads that content.
I would need to know more about your project in order to suggest an "optimal" solution. For instance: will the final app be integrated under the same domain as the API? Because if that's the case, you shouldn't have that issue when you go to production. I mean, if the app that you are developing will be hosted under: http://whatever.yourDomain.org and the API is going to be part of that same domain (yourDomain.org), then you shouldn't have that issue at all in production.
On the other hand, if you need to have have the API hosted under a different domain, then you will have to find a way to "trick" Safari. Have a look at this:
Safari 3rd party cookie iframe trick no longer working?
And this:
I hope that this helps.

405 error not allowed whereas I have javascript error [duplicate]

I am trying to host an ASP.NET MVC4 web application with IIS 7.5. When debugging the app everything works fine (I'm assuming this is because of Windows Authentication).
However, when I publish the app and browse to it I get a 405 Method not allowed error:
POST http://localhost/ 405 (Method Not Allowed)
i.(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
From what I've been reading this is either a problem with the Handler Mappings in IIS or some configuration is needed in the web.config. Either way, I have not found the correct solution.
Could anyone tell me what my web.config should include to all POSTS? And/or how to set up the correct Handler mapping in IIS, as I am new to web development and find the number of options a bit overwhelming.
The piece of javascript that throws the error is the following:
$.post("/", { latitude: locLat, longitude: locLon, username: $('#onlineUsers').attr('itemid') });
A 405 is thrown by IIS when an HTTP verb(GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,etc.) is requested and is not supported/disallowed by the designated handler.
You'll need to open the IIS manager -> Default Web Site -> Handler Mappings (Or the handler mappings specific to your web-application)
In here you'll need to play with the handler mappings as one of them is not allowing "POST" verbs.
As you are not posting to any specific page (.aspx, .ashx, etc.), it will be difficult to identify the exact handler that is causing you issues.
Handlers of interest may be:
ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit /64bit
Once you identify the handler your request is being routed to, double click it to open the dialogue.
From there click "Request Restrictions" then "Verbs"
Make sure the appropriate verb is present in the text area.
As I mentioned before, I'm not sure which handler is handling your request as you are not posting to any particular page (you may have URL re-writing in place that is routing your request appropriately).
If the above fails, you may need to check if WebDAV Publishing is installed and remove it (restart required).
Maybe you should modify your post'URl format like this:
some users here are having shared hosting and not dedicated servers, so they might not be able to get access to the IIS control panel..
this is my case and here is what I found..
I have my web application on the root directory created through Godaddy control panel.. and the POST request is acknowledged ..
then I used the FileZilla to create a testing folder for my jquery ..( notice i used FileZilla , so the web application and hence the IIS of GoDaddy is not aware that I wanted this folder to be part of my we application )
then whenever I test this jQuery on this testing folder.. I get that error [405 Method not allowed]..
the solution was extremely simple :
I moved my testing page out of that testing folder created by FileZilla and located it inside a folder that was created through Godaddy control panel ( in this case the IIS will be aware that this page is part of my web application :) )
Hope that will help those on Shared hosting

javascript failing with permission denied error message

I have a classic ASP web page that used to work... but the network guys have made a lot of changes including moving the app to winodws 2008 server running iis 7.5. We also upgraded to IE 9.
I'm getting a Permission denied error message when I try to click on the following link:
<a href=javascript:window.parent.ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806','cmboSearchType','D',false)>
But other links like the following one work just fine:
<a href="javascript:ElementContent('SearchCriteria','OBJECT=321402.EV806', 'cmboSearchType','D',false)">
The difference is that the link that is failing is in an iframe. I noticed on other posts, it makes a difference whether or not the iframe content is coming from another domain.
In my case, it's not. But I am getting data from another server by doing the following...
set objhttp = Server.CreateObject("winhttp.winhttprequest.5.1")
objhttp.open "get", strURL
and then i change the actual html that i get back ... add some hyperlinks etc. Then i save it to a file on my local server. (saved as *.html files)
Then when my page is loading, i look for the specific html file and load it into the iframe.
I know some group policy options in IE have changed... and i'm looking into those changes. but the fact that one javascript link works makes me wonder whether the problem lies somewhere else...???
any suggestions would be appreciated.
You could try with Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP instead of WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.
See differences between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP and WinHttp.WinHttpRequest? for the difference between Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.
On this exellent site about ASP you get plenty of codesamples on how to use Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP which is the most recent of the two:
About the IE9 issue: connect a pc with an older IE or another browser to test if the browser that is the culprit. Also in IE9 (or better in Firefox/Firebug) use the development tools (F12) and watch the console for errors while the contents of the iFrame load.
Your method to get dynamic pages is not efficient i'm afraid, ASP itself can do that and you could use eg a div instead of an iframe and replace the contents with what you get from the request. I will need to see more code to give better advice.

Hosting phono (jquery softphone plugin) dependencies locally?

This may be too obscure a question, but perhaps someone can spot what I'm doing wrong.
Phono (jquery plugin for javascript/flash-based softphone built on top of Tropo/Voxeo) loads a couple of dependencies from the phono.com servers. Namely,
I would very much like to avoid loading these dependencies from an external server (for obvious reasons) and going by this thread on their forums (which I can't register for because it appears every possible username has been "taken") , it should be possible to host them locally.
Here's a prettified source for the main jquery plugin. Maybe I'm just bad at looking, but I could not find a commented, un-minified version either in their full SDK or on github.
So after changing
base_path: "http://s.phono.com/deps/flensed/1.0/"
swf: "http://s.phono.com/releases/" + Phono.version + "/plugins/audio/phono.audio.swf"
... all dependencies seem to load just fine, phono successfully grabs a session ID and chats by SIP appear to be working. When I try to dial out or call the session id/SIP, however, I get a javascript error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'start' of null
referring to line 770 : h.start().
this.$flash.play(g, j); appears to return null or undefined. I suck at javascript and can't figure out why.
EDIT - if anyone would be so adventurous as to try this out, you can just grab their "kitchen sink" demo and slap it up on a server without much hassle.
Okay -- this is ridiculous and I'm an idiot for not catching it sooner.
Flash was trying to load the ringtones off my server at the URL that requires authentication. Unfortunately, flash is not a user with a valid session. Hence, flash was grabbing big handful of nothing. Sorry.
You can download the PhonoSDK and all of the samples (including the kitchen sink demo) and run it on your localhost. Here's the link: http://s.phono.com/releases/PhonoSDK-0.2.zip. It's open source, do you can also fork/contribute to the project as well - https://github.com/phono
I just tried it using Apache on my localhost it worked without editing anything.

Javascript debugging difficult as browser doesn't refresh the scripts!

I'm trying to debug a Javascript written in the Mootools framework. Right now I am developing a web application on top of Rails and my webserver is the rails s that boots WEBrick.
When I modify a particular tree.js file thats called with in one a mootools init script,
require: {
css: [MUI.path.plugins + 'tree/css/style.css'],
js: [MUI.path.plugins + 'tree/scripts/tree.js'],
onload: function(){
if (buildTree) buildTree('tree1');
the changes are not loaded as the headers being sent to the client are Last Modified: 10 July, 2010..... which is obviously not true since I just modified the file.
How do I get rid of this annoying caching. If I go directly to the script in my browser (Chrome) it doesn't show the changes until I hit refresh, but this doesn't fix my problem when I go back to my application and hit refresh, it still loads the pre-modified script.
This has happen to me also in FF, I think it is a cache header sent by the server or the browser itself.
Anyway a simple way to avoid this problem while in development is adding a random param to the file name of the script.
instead of calling 'tree/scripts/tree.js' use 'tree/scripts/tree.js?'+random that should invalidate all caches.
As frisco says, adding a random number in development does the trick but you will likely find that the problem still affects you production. You want to push new JavaScript changes to your users but can't until their browsers stop caching the file. In order to do this, just get the files mtime and add that as the random string. This will only change when the file is modified and so the JavaScript will be loaded from cache if it has not been changed or it will be loaded from the server, if it has.
PHP has the function filemtime but as I'm not familiar with Ruby, I'm afraid I can't help you further in that direction (sorry!). However, this answer seems to accomplish what you want.
Try the Ctrl+F5 trick. To avoid hitting browser cache.
More info here:
What requests do browsers' "F5" and "Ctrl + F5" refreshes generate?

