405 error not allowed whereas I have javascript error [duplicate] - javascript

I am trying to host an ASP.NET MVC4 web application with IIS 7.5. When debugging the app everything works fine (I'm assuming this is because of Windows Authentication).
However, when I publish the app and browse to it I get a 405 Method not allowed error:
POST http://localhost/ 405 (Method Not Allowed)
i.(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
From what I've been reading this is either a problem with the Handler Mappings in IIS or some configuration is needed in the web.config. Either way, I have not found the correct solution.
Could anyone tell me what my web.config should include to all POSTS? And/or how to set up the correct Handler mapping in IIS, as I am new to web development and find the number of options a bit overwhelming.
The piece of javascript that throws the error is the following:
$.post("/", { latitude: locLat, longitude: locLon, username: $('#onlineUsers').attr('itemid') });

A 405 is thrown by IIS when an HTTP verb(GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,HEAD,etc.) is requested and is not supported/disallowed by the designated handler.
You'll need to open the IIS manager -> Default Web Site -> Handler Mappings (Or the handler mappings specific to your web-application)
In here you'll need to play with the handler mappings as one of them is not allowing "POST" verbs.
As you are not posting to any specific page (.aspx, .ashx, etc.), it will be difficult to identify the exact handler that is causing you issues.
Handlers of interest may be:
ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_32bit /64bit
Once you identify the handler your request is being routed to, double click it to open the dialogue.
From there click "Request Restrictions" then "Verbs"
Make sure the appropriate verb is present in the text area.
As I mentioned before, I'm not sure which handler is handling your request as you are not posting to any particular page (you may have URL re-writing in place that is routing your request appropriately).
If the above fails, you may need to check if WebDAV Publishing is installed and remove it (restart required).

Maybe you should modify your post'URl format like this:

some users here are having shared hosting and not dedicated servers, so they might not be able to get access to the IIS control panel..
this is my case and here is what I found..
I have my web application on the root directory created through Godaddy control panel.. and the POST request is acknowledged ..
then I used the FileZilla to create a testing folder for my jquery ..( notice i used FileZilla , so the web application and hence the IIS of GoDaddy is not aware that I wanted this folder to be part of my we application )
then whenever I test this jQuery on this testing folder.. I get that error [405 Method not allowed]..
the solution was extremely simple :
I moved my testing page out of that testing folder created by FileZilla and located it inside a folder that was created through Godaddy control panel ( in this case the IIS will be aware that this page is part of my web application :) )
Hope that will help those on Shared hosting


adding cache file .appcache stops jquery ajax call

I have published a website on azure which usues jquery ajax calls to fetch the data from azure hosted database.
Now my question is this flow is working fine unless and until i add ".appcache" file in it for caching the files locally so that the website can work offline as well. After adding this file it stops working and shows me an error like
net::ERR_FAILED $jquery-1.11.2.js:9659
send $jquery-1.11.2.js:9659
jQuery.extend.ajax $jquery-1.11.2.js:9210
loginservice $authentication.js:94
(anonymous function) $authentication.js:81
clicking on "jquery-1.11.2.js:9659" redirects me to this line in jquery:
xhr.send( ( options.hasContent && options.data ) || null );
can somebody please guide me how does this works? how can use caching and jquery together?
I imagine that the url you are trying to access via jQuery is not one that is listed in the CACHE section of your cache manifest. Remember that, when using appcache, all requests load from the cache and not the server. If a resource isn't cached, you'll get net::ERR_FAILED.
The one exception is for resources listed in the NETWORK section of the file. Try adding the following to your cache manifest:
Try again, and see if the error resolves itself.
This and this are excellent resources.

Why do I have differences with AJAX hosted local vs remote?

I guess part of my answer relates to "same-origin" but I'm not still not absolutely clear on when it applies and when not (or why it works in one instance, but is not a solution in other cases).
I am using latest jQuery, jQuery mobile and Apache/MySQL/PHP stacks. Client is either Windows 7/Firefox 38, or iPad/PhoneGap.
My AWS hosted php code serves the following to help resolve "same origin":
$http_origin = $_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'];
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $http_origin");
The Phone Gap version of my app works as expected, retrieving data from my AWS server and rendering the data it has retrieved.
Calling the exact same code from my laptop browser fails. Why?
If I copy/paste the AJAX URL into my browser, it correctly pulls the JSON data from AWS.
In an effort to resolve, I dump output to console.log. The jQuery AJAX "error" section gets called instead of the "success" portion. The same "error" result occurs if I call the index.html file (which calls JS) using File Open within Firefox, or if I call the locally apache hosted index.html file, jQuery ajax jumps to "error" section.
So if my phonegap app works, but my laptop does not, why? I mean, I see my app being akin to the laptop web browser. They both in effect have a different origin than my web server so I would expect either both work, or both fail.
If someone can help clarify it would be great - I have twice spent time chasing a problem that only exists in my dev environment but works just fine in production - its frustrating!
Thanks all in advance
Have you white listed domain in your phonegap config ?
Access to google.com:
<access origin="http://google.com" />
__ reading it should improve : https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-app-developer/issues/169 __

DOM exception error 11 on swapCache()

I am playing with an application cache and having problems with the swapCache function.
I have created the world's simplest cache manifest file:
# Timestamp: 2013-03-01 11:28:49
Running the application for the 1st time gives me this in the console:
Creating Application Cache with manifest http://blah_blah/offline.appcache
Application Cache Checking event
Application Cache Downloading event
Application Cache Progress event (0 of 1) http://blah_blah/media/myImage.png
Application Cache Progress event (1 of 1)
Application Cache Cached event
All well so far. Then I swap out the image and change the timestamp in the manifest file and get the following:
Adding master entry to Application Cache with manifest http://blah_blah/offline.appcache
Application Cache Downloading event
Application Cache Progress event (0 of 2) http://blah_blah/media/myImage.png
Application Cache Progress event (1 of 2) http://blah_blah/Widget/?invoke=myWidgetFunctionName
Application Cache Progress event (2 of 2)
Application Cache UpdateReady event
At which point the applicationCache.swapCache() function is called giving me a DOM exception 11 error.
MIME types all correctly configured on the webserver.
Anyone got any ideas / can point me in the right direction?
(I have read all the commonly linked appcache stuff online and can't see what am I doing wrong)
As I mentioned in the comments below, setting the expires headers on my web server for *.appcache files to expire immediately seems to have it working although I am still getting the DOM exception error(!?). I found the following blog entry which may help:
Possible Fix for Offline App Cache INVALIDSTATEERR
...but I have no idea how to set the MIME types client side. My google-Fu skillz have deserted me. Anyone?
I had the same issue. For a while I just disabled the cache if the browser was not chrome, but then I decided to try again, setting the mime-type as suggested. Firefox no longer throws an exception when I call swapCache(), and the whole refreshing process now works as expected. The mime-type has to be set server-side since the request isn't initiated from your web page, but the browser, so you have no control over how it reads the response. You have a couple options here. If you are using apache or IIS, you can do as koko suggested. If you are using a framework that handles routing for you and you configure the mapping of URLs to responses, such as rails or a python wsgi server, then you can typically set the content type manually. Here is my snippet of what I am using in my Python app using Bottle.py (WSGI based):
#bottle.route(r"/<path:re:.+\.(manifest|appcache)>", auth=False)
def serve_cache_manifest(path):
return bottle.static_file(path, SITE_DIR)
#bottle.route(r"/<path:re:.+\.(manifest|appcache)>", auth=False)
def serve_cache_manifest(path):
return bottle.static_file(path, SITE_DIR, mimetype='text/cache-manifest')
Bottle comes with a utility function that handles returning static files that I am using. It has an optional parameter to set the mime-type.
tl;dr If you can't add the mime-type to your server configuration, you can almost always set it in your server side code (if you have
I would suggest trying to comment out the catchall NETWORK whitelist.
# *
The * would seem to require network access for all file, according to
I commented out all NETWORK entries for now for a simple web application of mine and it works well.

jQuery ajax on internal network (phonegap android)

I am working on a phonegap application which runs simple ajax requests to a rendered website, pulls down the html and reskins content locally.
A requirement is that websites on an internal network can be requested. I have connections via global ip addresses working fine, but cannot get the ajax to work on internal networks.
For example connecting to a 10.0.0.xx address will always fail. The device is connected to the same network and I can access the websites on the internal network fine in browser.
Is there any way around this?
Make sure you modified your domain whitelist file correctly to allow external access.
For more information about domain whitelist, check the online doc: http://docs.phonegap.com/en/2.1.0/guide_whitelist_index.md.html#Domain%20Whitelist%20Guide
Hope this helps. Let me know if this works for after modifying your domain whitelist file.
Example of domain whitelist configuration for iOS:
Open your file Cordova.plist and check that you made the following:
1 - Set OpenAllWhitelistURLsInWebView to YES
2 - Right click on ExternalHosts -> Add Row
3 - Set the String value of your new added row to *, so you should have your new line look like this:
Item0 String *
Normally, you would replace * with the external URL you want provide access to. But, to make sure that the problem really comes from the whitelist, we will use *.

'Sys is undefined' error javascript error

I've tried every solution I've found through Google, and I'm currently at a loss.
I have several projects which were created for .Net 2.0 and IIS6 Server 2003 32 bit, and are being migrated to IIS7 Server 2008 64 bit (I'm new to both IIS7 and Server '08). Right now any page that utilizes .Net AJAX is getting this 'Sys is undefined error' after migration. When I view source and try to view any *.axd file, I get a 404.
I've checked that my web.config has all the appropriate sections., with all "Version" attributes set to 1.0.61025.0 since I'm not currently upgrading from .Net 2.0. The Virtual Directories are created as applications, and the App Pool is set to .Net 2.0 Integrated.
I've checked that the *.axd Handler Mappings are there and set to "Unspecified Path Type". Also there are the appropriate *_AppService.axd and ScriptResource.axd mappings.
I'm not making any custom javascript references to Sys.
I've already tried repairing/reinstalling .Net on the server, and running aspnet_regiis via the command line.
I've also tried creating "blank" WebResource.axd and ScriptResource.axd files to put them in the project. While they eliminate the 'Sys is undefined' error, it also breaks functionality within any page looking for that file.
Do I have any other options? Did I miss something else, or did I make a mistake in the steps I've already taken? Any insight you guys could provide is much appreciated. Thanks!
Removing the ScriptResource.axd Handler mapping resolved my problem once.
Also we had done this at that time,
<modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"></modules>
Hope that helps you out (^.^)

