What I want to do is add a custom script in package.json file that should run always before start and build scripts.
Things I want to do in my custom script:
Copy the favicon.ico file from /favicons/${process.env.REACT_APP_BRAND}.ico into /public, in order to overwrite the default one
Do a symlink from /src/assets/${process.env.REACT_APP_BRAND} to /src/assets/brand, in order to import images inside code without doing things like dynamic imports (which works but I think it's not their purpose)
I'm a bit lost with the structure of this custom script, and programming languange (its shell, but I'm on MacOS, so, it's better do it in node?)
Thank you.
Would any Webpack config experts out there be able to tell me why I can't extract my css into the dist folder when running npm run build?
Repo is here: https://github.com/damodog/webpack4-boilerplate
Further info
To summarise, I've been working through the Webpack Guide docs and everything was going well. js and css was getting injected into my index.html file via <link> and <script> tags respectively. I've installed various loaders, plugins etc and split my configs out into common (shared), dev and prod files (as per the docs) and life was good.
I happened to make some tweaks which included looking at code splitting dynamic imports, adding aliases for paths, moving js into js folder etc and noticed when I ran a build npm run build all of a sudden my css wasn't getting added to the dist folder. I reverted my trial changes for the dynamic import stuff and tried reverting the other changes but am still getting the same issue. Annoyingly I hadn't added git at this point so didn't have a clear picture of the 'tweaks' I'd made to locate what I'd changed.
What happens
When I run my watch task npm start the styles.scss file (imported into the main index.js file) get's compiled into css and the resulting app.css file gets injected into the index.html page when viewed in my local host. All gravy.
<link href="css/app.css" rel="stylesheet">
When I run npm run build the css file should get copied over dist folder, a hash id should get added and the css should be minified. This was working (like I said above) and I could see the css file in the build steps (see first Asset below. Btw disregard the difference in js bundled files here compared to the next screenshot. This was when I was playing with code splitting).
Now when I run this the css isn't bundled up (see below).
I think it could be something to do with mini-css-extract-plugin but I've configured this as per the docs using the advanced configuration example (I've split their example out which is in one config file as I have separate config files for dev and prod).
I literally cannot see why this is happening.
Help me SO readers. You're my only help...
I cloned your repo and experimented with it. In your package.json, you've set: sideEffects: false. This causes the imported stylesheets to be lost in the process of tree shaking. This is described in the docs:
A "side effect" is defined as code that performs a special behavior
when imported, other than exposing one or more exports. An example of
this are polyfills, which affect the global scope and usually do not
provide an export.
Note that any imported file is subject to tree shaking. This means if
you use something like css-loader in your project and import a CSS
file, it needs to be added to the side effect list so it will not be
unintentionally dropped in production mode
So change your side effects in package.json to "sideEffects: ["./src/scss/styles.scss"] and it will be output to the destination folder when in production mode.
Attempting to wrap my head around Ember.js.
Seems I understand the complex things, but miss out on the little things.
How would one go about adding an example.js file?
For simplicity, let's say the example.js file only contains:
console.log("example is alive in console");
This should display "example is alive in console" within the browser console.
I have tried:
adding app.import('vendor/javascripts/example.js'); within ember-cli-build.js and adding <script src="{{rootURL}}vendor/javascripts/example.js"></script> to index.html
Console is showing
ⓧ GET http://localhost:4200/vendor/javascripts/example.js
DEBUG: -------------------------------
DEBUG: Ember : 2.11.3
DEBUG: Ember Data : 2.12.1
DEBUG: jQuery : 3.2.1
DEBUG: -------------------------------
ⓧ GET http://localhost:4200/vendor/javascripts/example.js
All of the answers I have found stated that just adding custom.js to vendor file works. Sadly, I am missing something.
When modifying ember-cli-build.js you MUST RESTART the ember server manually. The livereload server will not pick up the changes.
This works for me when I don't nest assets in the /vendor directory. The ember-cli build process bundles JS files in /vendor into a single vendor.js file, which you can see linked in app/index.html. So place your example.js file at the root of /vendor, and then add the import to ember-cli-build.js:
Now when you start the server, your code from example.js should execute, since it will be included in assets/vendor.js.
Firstly, Ember.js has Convention Over Configuration approach, and your URL can do a lot of things than a normal HTML website.
Whatever you may want to do with your custom.js file it is not ember way of having it as a path. You need routes for navigation across the app. Although routes do much more than navigation. You specify the structure of your app that a user can browse through using Router's map function in app/router.js file.
However if you want to include custome.js file in your app, and have custom.js do some set of tasks for your app. You can simply go ahead and create a directory with any name, javascript for instance inside app directory. Have your javascript files placed inside it. Then you can import these files as simply as referencing any other files in ember:
import customObject from 'yourApp/javascript/custom.js';
Here, your custom.js should be exporting customObject.
Do read the guides if you want to learn more. And the API docs if you actually want to learn more.
Note: At the time of writing this answer current ember-cli version is #2.12.0
First time setting up a Yeoman app. I think I understand how bower works... but my app seems to be having trouble finding jquery.js (and perhaps other libraries).
The console message is
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) [localhost]/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js
which seems pretty straightforward... it's not linking up properly (duh). I went back into the directory structure of my app, and it looks like there are two /bower_components/ folders.
One of the folders (the one outside of the /app/ directory) only has a jquery folder. The other one (inside the /app/ directory) has all of my libraries and goodies (coffee-script, jquery, ember, etc...).
First: Are there supposed to be two /bower_components/ folders (one for production and one for local perhaps)?
Second: How can I get my app to grab the js from the correct folder?
Please unmark as duplicate. I already saw that question. My .bowerrc file is pointing to the correct directory.
"directory": "app/bower_components"
You likely have a global .bowerrc. Check for one in ~/, which specifies:
"directory": "bower_components"
Get rid of that file and see if it helps!
When creating static apps I often start a new Rails app. This makes quite some things easier, like compilation (Coffeescript, SCSS), minimization (JS, CSS) and browser limitations (the page is being served from localhost:3000 so external sources can be loaded etc.).
At the end I want to export the app so I can put it online. Then I just need the HTML+CSS+JS. One can go and pluck the files out manually, but there probably is an easier way for this.
So: is there a tool that stores the compiled, minimized HTML+CSS+JS files from a Rails app?
If you just want to basically copy the website as it will be rendered by rails (and there is no need for server side code execution), you could just mirror the rails-website using
wget --page-requisites --convert-links http://URL-to-Start
However, this will only download those files that are referenced from the entry URL, so you might need to run it on all sub-URLs individually.
Source: Download a working local copy of a webpage
Agree with Screenmutt. I've tried a couple of the ones mentioned but have had most success with:
Does pretty much everything you are asking for and let's you export to static HTML.
gem install middleman
create project:
middleman init my_new_project (or even better with template --template=html5)
run in local server for live edits:
bundle exec middleman
dump static code:
bundle exec middleman build
Perhaps you can 'scrape' the HTML from the localhost serving it?
There seem to be some tools for downloading sites in general... You can probably limit them to download resources from localhost:3000 only.
UPDATE: Here's another tutorial that might help Use Rails 3.1 for Static Sites
This is not a common usage. You might be able to extract all the static pages by manually caching everything.
I would recommend taking a look at some alternatives.
I'm sorry that this isn't a good answer, but to be honest... You are using Rails for something that it was never intended to do. There are much better ways of making static sites.
Also, a static site is not an "app". :)
All you have to do is switch to Rails production mode locally so that assets are combined and minified. Then all you have to do is view source for the HTML, CSS, and JS. This should only take a few seconds.
So the steps are
config.assets.compress = true in development.rb
view the app locally
view source, copy and paste into an index.html file
click on compressed CSS and JS form source and save those relative to your index.html making sure they link correctly
You can use Wget (as it's already mentioned). I would go with:
wget --mirror --convert-links --adjust-extension --page-requisites --no-parent http://www.yourdomain.com
Yo can also use Httrack.
Be sure when you set Httrack you exclude all external websites with scripts so you don't download f.e. Google Analytics js files or Adsense or Facebook scripts. In Httrack, you exclude it in Preferences with:
-*.googlesyndication.com/* -*.facebook.net/* -*.google-analytics.com/*
After you are done you still need to rewrite all links because they will point at .../some-page/index.html You need .../some-page/. This solves Dynamic to Static Script.
You shouldn't serve them from rails or do anything that binds your static files to being served from rails. You may one day decide to serve your app from a CDN.
One big tip would be to look at using AMD (async module definition), which would allow you to specify your JS file dependencies. Then you can use require.js and r.js(a tool that crawl and compile your dependencies in you precompile step). That would work for your JS.
For CSS, you could use sass or less. You'd include 1 file at the end of the day on your page, but the compilation process would involve merging your CSS files together. Once again this can be done at the pre-compile step.
There are gems out there that show take your assets and pass them over to something like S3, this answer and others like it would help: Is there a way to asset pipeline assets to s3 when pushing to heroku? ; however, that isn't necessary when you are first starting.
I did it with a Rake task that would fetch each of the Rails routes one at a time. It needed a bit of jiggery pokery to handle the fact that you might have conflicting routes - e.g. wget would fetch /objects as a file called "objects" but then when you want to fetch /objects/4 it would overwrite that file with a folder called "objects" with a nested file called "4". So I move each downloaded page to "index.html" inside a directory with the same name.
Here's my code, which I out in lib/tasks/export.rake:
def adjust_paths(path)
text = File.read(path)
new_contents = text.gsub(/("|\.\.\/)(assets|packs)\//, "\\1../\\2/")
new_contents = new_contents.gsub("http://localhost:3020", "")
File.write(path, new_contents)
namespace :static do
desc 'Generate static site in ./out/ directory'
task :export => [
] do
out_prefix = "dist"
paths = Rails.application.routes.routes.map do |route|
end.uniq.reject { |p| p.starts_with?("/rails") || p == "/cable" || p == "/assets" }
paths = paths.map { |p| p.sub("(.:format)", "") }
paths.sort_by(&:length).each do |path|
if path.include?(":id")
# You'll have to use your own method for deciding which ids to use
ids = ["1", "2", "3", "4"]
ids = [""]
ids.each do |id|
id_path = path.sub(":id", id)
`wget -P #{out_prefix} -nH -p -k http://localhost:3020#{id_path}`
if id_path != "/"
file_path = "#{out_prefix}#{id_path}"
FileUtils.mv(file_path, "#{file_path}.tmp", force: true)
result = FileUtils.mv("#{file_path}.tmp", "#{file_path}/index.html", force: true)
puts "Moving #{id_path} to #{id_path}/index.html: #{result}"
# Will then need to relativise all of the asset paths, since we've moved it
# stop the server when we're done
desc 'Start a Rails server in the static Rails.env on port 3020'
task :start_rails_server do
`RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1,RAILS_ENV=static rails s -p 3020 -d`
desc 'Stop Rails server'
task :stop_rails_server do
`cat tmp/pids/server.pid | xargs -I {} kill {}`
Then you can just do bundle exec rake static:export