Show all dropzone errors instead of one at a time [duplicate] - javascript

I have this HTML:
<div class="region-list" id="region_North_America">
<strong>North America</strong>
and want to add more divs after the strong element to result:
<div class="region-list" id="region_North_America">
<strong>North America</strong>
<div> ... </div>
<div> ... </div>
<div> ... </div>
I am trying this:
var row_str = '<div>content here</div>';
$('#region_North_America div:last').html(row_str);
However, there is no change to the html. This is probably so since there is no div within the element selected.
I know that the js is making it to this code because I can print the content of row_str to the console.
So, how can I get to the end of that container element to add the new items?

using append().

$("<div>content here</div>").appendTo("#region_North_America");
To create the element on the fly, and place it in the document.
Using the appendTo method.

Your code will just place html in the last div within #region_North_America. Use the append function.


I want to add html tag without ending tag

I want to add html tag without ending tag like that <div class="bottom-widget"> . For that I use jQuery prepend() method but full tag was added by this !
Html Markup -
<div class="widget">
<h2>this is content 1</h2>
Javascript Code :
$(".widget").prepend('<div class="bottom-widget">');
Perhaps you are looking for wrapInner function.
And you code will be:
$(".wrapInner").wrapInner("<div class='bottom-widget'>");
I assume you need correct html so after this opening tag you will have another with closing one. For this reason you can use jQuery wrapInner function (
First extract(or create) the element you want to be wrapped in your bottom-widget element, than create bottom-widget element and insert above-mentioned element into it.
$(".widget").prepend("<div class='bottom-widget'></div>");
<script src=""></script>
<div class="widget">
<h2>this is content 1</h2>

get code between divs

Using jquery, is there a way to capture all the code between two divs?
For example; using the code below, if Show info is clicked than the code between the ws-css-table divs should be retrieved, i.e.
<div class="ws-css-table-tr"><div class="ws-css-table-td">A</div>... <div class="ws-css-table-td">D</div></div>
should be put into a text variable.
Here is a fiddle for the current code.
Thanks for any help.
<div class="ws-css-table">
<div class="ws-css-table-tr">
<div class="ws-css-table-td">A</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-td">B</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-tr">
<div class="ws-css-table-td">C</div>
<div class="ws-css-table-td">D</div>
<div class='show_div_info'>Show info</div>
alert ("info?")
Here's the classic javascript and a single liner technique using innerHTML:
var children = $(".ws-css-table").html();
Do you mean to capture the elements inside the table and do something with it later?
var table = $(".ws-css-table");
// Do something
Do you mean to capture the literal code inside the table? Say hello to the html() function:
var table = $(".ws-css-table").html();
// Do something
Do you mean to capture the actual text inside the table? Say hello to the text() function:
var table = $(".ws-css-table").text();
// Do something
The more practical one would be the first one, since you will be able to use it to manipulate the elements inside as you need.
Second one just grabs the actual code, perhaps you need it to show off your awesome skills.
The last one will print the text, neat if you use it to parse or log what you have thus far done.
How did that help?

How to create a dijit/Dialog for a specific HTML Div and use Div's elements as its content?

Learning from, I know how to create dijit/Dialog widget programmatically and dynamically. But now I need to update the implementation of a form within our application which has many inputs. I want to create a dijit/Dialog for the specific DIV, and hope its div elements will be this dialog's elements. How is it possible?
Please try the following code. This code, will remove your div node from it's parent. div will be moved into body tag.
var myDialog=new dijit.Dialog(
title:"Dialog Title",
Hope this helps you. Thanks!
If you surround your with the HTML that will create a Dialog, it should work.
For example, if your code is:
... some HTML ...
then consider coding:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Dialog" data-dojo-id="myDialog" title="MyTitle">
... some HTML ...

How to get a div which is removed from the DOM when it's parent has been made .empty()?

I have a div in a HTML file
"<div id="abc" hidden="hidden">
<div id="statIndicator">
<span id="imgInd" class="status-indicator-border">
<img src="../../LibSrc/SharedResources/IMG/loading-trace.gif" />
</span><span id="messageIndicator">Updating Plots...</span>
I insert the statIndicator div in another div using append.
so that div becomes
<div id="parentDiv">
<div id="statIndicator">
<span id="imgInd" class="status-indicator-border">
<img src="../../LibSrc/SharedResources/IMG/loading-trace.gif" />
</span><span id="messageIndicator">Updating Plots...</span>
On refresh I write $('#parentDiv').empty() it deletes whatever is inside the 'parentDiv'.
But when I try to append statIndicator using $('#statIndicator'), it return "[]", though I have the 'statIndicator' div in Html.
Is there a way in which I can get the 'statIndicator' div?
No. $.empty() deletes the contents, so your "statIndicator" div no longer exists at all.
Just remove it from "parentDiv" before you call $.empty(). Either store it in a variable or put it back where it started, in "abc".
I think jquery.append() moves the selected elements without making a copy. So you can explicitly create a copy using the .clone() method and append it's result. Something like:
$('#abc #statIndicator').clone().appendTo('#parentDiv');
This is creating a copy and then appending it at the new location.
Once you do this there will be two divs with the same id, so it will be a good idea to always reference the statIndicator's parent container in your selectors.
You can use .detach() function if you want only parentDiv to be removed

image overwriting existing html objects

i tried to generate img tag with javascript
(when clicked on link, image is created)
The problem is that when the image is generated, all other objects(other images or text) are overwritten and i cannot reach them anymore
i have something like
in html
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>
It should work, unless picturetag is breaking the html.
<div id="bigger">
<div id="picturediv"></div>
<div id="div for some other stuff"></div>
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML="<img src='"+pictureLocation+"'>";
Assigning the innerHTML indeed "overwrites" any previous content of the element.
To append the image to the existing contents have:
document.getElementById("picturediv").innerHTML += picturetag;
Assuming picturetag contains valid HTML - if no luck please post more code especially what is picturetag and how it's created.
Try something like this:
That will append the image to the div

