convert time to to 12 hour by manipulate string - javascript

"2015-06-23 14:00:00"
I tried to format above date time into 12 hour base but stuck in somewhere.
function formatDate(raw_date){
var right = raw_date.substring(10, 0);
var hours = ((right[0].substring(2,0) + 11) % 12 + 1);
var min = raw_date.substring(14,16);
var suffix = right[1] >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
right[1] = ((right[1] + 11) % 12 + 1) + suffix;
return hours + ':' + min + ' ' + suffix;
Can someone help? My desired output is "23/06/2015 02:00 PM"

Try this:
function formatDate(raw_date) {
var right = new Date(raw_date);
var currentHours = right.getHours();
var timeOfDay = (currentHours < 12) ? "AM" : "PM";
if (currentHours > 12) {
currentHours -= 12;
return (right.getDate() + '/' + right.getMonth()+ '/' + right.getFullYear() +" "+ currentHours+ ":"+right.getMinutes() + timeOfDay);
alert(formatDate("2015-06-23 14:00:00"));

Solution based on your code:
function formatDate(raw_date){
var year = raw_date.substring(0,4);
var month = raw_date.substring(5,7);
var day = raw_date.substring(8,10);
var right = raw_date.substring(10);
var hours = ((right.substring(0,3))% 12 );
var min = raw_date.substring(14,16);
var suffix = right.substring(0,3) >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
return day + "/"+month+"/"+year+" "+hours + ':' + min + ' ' + suffix;

You should follow a simple flow.
Try to break down the input -> convert them _> and then sum them up:
function formatDate(raw_date){
var right = raw_date.substring(0, 10);
var year=right.substring(0,4);
var month=right.substring(5,7);
var day=right.substring(8,10);
var left=raw_date.substring(11, raw_date.length);
var hours = left.substring(0,2);
var suffix = hours >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
if(hours<10) hours='0'+hours;
var min = left.substring(3,5);
left=hours+":"+min+" "+suffix;
return right + ' ' + left;


How to format database datetime in javascript?

I have a datetime value gotten from an SQLServer database table:
Using javascript, I want to format the date as follow:
16/08/2016 17:00:00
I have used the code below:
$scope.FormatDate = function (value) {
if (value !== null && typeof (value) !== 'undefined') {
var date = new Date(value);
var returnStr = date.getDate() + "/" + date.getMonth() + 1 + "/" + date.getFullYear();
return returnStr;
} else {
return value;
The result from the sample resource is:
I want your help to get the output result as: "16/08/2016 17:00:00"
If all you want to do is format it then you don't need to create an actual date object, you can do a simple string replace using a regex to grab the individual parts, as per this simple demo:
var value = "2016-08-16T17:00:00Z";
console.log(value.replace(/(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T([^Z]+)Z/,"$3/$2/$1 $4"));
In the context of your function:
$scope.FormatDate = function (value) {
if (value !== null && typeof (value) !== 'undefined') {
return value.replace(/(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T([^Z]+)Z/,"$3/$2/$1 $4");
} else {
return value;
Another solution:
var parsed = Date.parse("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z"),
date = new Date(parsed),
day = date.getUTCDate(),
month = date.getUTCMonth() + 1,
year = date.getUTCFullYear(),
hour = date.getUTCHours(),
minute = date.getUTCMinutes(),
second = date.getUTCSeconds(),
dateStr = "";
day = day < 10 ? "0" + day : day;
month = month < 10 ? "0" + month : month;
hour = hour < 10 ? "0" + hour : hour;
minute = minute < 10 ? "0" + minute : minute;
second = second < 10 ? "0" + second : second;
dateStr = day + "/" + month + "/" + year + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
Updated: The old code may change across countries, because they have different local date/time format, so I have updated to format it explicitly.
Try this
function formatDate(date)
var hours = date.getHours();
var minutes = date.getMinutes();
var seconds = date.getSeconds();
minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0'+minutes : minutes;
seconds = seconds < 10 ? '0'+seconds : seconds;
var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ':' +seconds ;
return date.getMonth()+1 + "/" + date.getDate() + "/" + date.getFullYear() + " " + strTime;
You can use this library to format the date as you desire with implementing some logic.
Just work with the function parameter value and use moment.
const date = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").date();
const month = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").month();
const hour = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").hour();
const year = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").year();
const minute = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").minute();
const sec = moment("2016-08-16T17:00:00Z").second();
// implementing some logic
console.log('' + date + '/' + month + '/' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + minute + ':' + sec);
here is the fiddle:

Displaying the time in 12hr format

I need your help
If the code below is able to get the date in my requested format of: dd/mm/yyyy
How do I go about getting the time in a 12hr format ie. 13:53 is 1:53pm
Thank you
<script type="text/javascript">
function test() {
var d = new Date(),
m = d.getMonth() + 1,
xdate = [d.getDate(), (m < 10) ? '0' + m : m, d.getFullYear()].join('/');
var t = d.format("h:mm ss");
alert("the date is:" + xdate + "time is:" + t)
Demo jsFiddle
var d = new Date();
alert("the date is: " + d.toLocaleDateString() + "time is: " + d.toLocaleTimeString());
Note: these functions aren't exactly cross browser supported
Use this:
var d = new Date(),
m = d.getMonth()+1,
x = [d.getDate(), (m < 10) ? '0' + m : m, d.getFullYear()].join('/'),
y = d.toLocaleTimeString().replace(/([\d]+:[\d]{2})(:[\d]{2})(.*)/, "$1$3")
alert(x +" "+ y)
Taken from:
How do you display javascript datetime in 12 hour AM/PM format?
It is not that difficult. Try this one out :
var formatTime = (function () {
function addZero(num) {
return (num >= 0 && num < 10) ? "0" + num : num + "";
return function (dt) {
var formatted = '';
if (dt) {
var hours24 = dt.getHours();
var hours = ((hours24 + 11) % 12) + 1;
formatted = [formatted, [addZero(hours), addZero(dt.getMinutes())].join(":"), hours24 > 11 ? "pm" : "am"].join(" ");
return formatted;
console.log(formatTime(new Date()));
Find the working fiddle here :

javascript Date Object how long ago

I'm trying to show how long ago a video was uploaded, i cant seem to get the hours and minutes Date Object Methods to work in this script. I'm working of a script called YouMax 2.0 and i have been editing the function getDateDiff, i have come up with this edit of the function. Thank you for any help on this.
function getDateDiff(timestamp) {
if (null === timestamp || timestamp === "" || timestamp === "undefined") return "?";
var splitDate = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[0]).split('-');
var splitTime = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[1]).split(':');
var d1 = new Date();
var d1Y = d1.getFullYear();
var d2Y = parseInt(splitDate[0], 10);
var d1M = d1.getMonth() + 1;
var d2M = parseInt(splitDate[1], 10);
var d1D = d1.getDate();
var d2D = parseInt(splitDate[2], 10);
var d1H = d1.getHours();
var d2H = parseInt(splitTime[0], 10);
var d1T = d1.getMinutes();
var d2T = parseInt(splitTime[1], 10);
var diffInMinutes = (d1T + 59 * d1H + 23) - (d2T + 59 * d2H + 23);
if (diffInMinutes <= 1) return "1 Minute";
else if (diffInMinutes <= 59) return diffInMinutes + " Minutes";
var diffInHours = (d1H + 23 * d1M) - (d2H + 23 * d1M);
if (diffInHours <= 1) return "1 Hour";
else if (diffInHours < 23) return diffInHours + " Hours";
var diffInDays = (d1D + 30 * d1M + 12 * d1Y) - (d2D + 30 * d2M + 12 * d2Y);
if (diffInDays < 7) return diffInDays + " days";
else if (diffInDays > 7 && diffInDays < 14) return "1 week";
else if (diffInDays >= 14 && diffInDays < 30) return Math.floor(diffInDays / 7) + " weeks";
var diffInMonths = (d1M + 12 * d1Y) - (d2M + 12 * d2Y);
if (diffInMonths <= 1) return "1 month";
else if (diffInMonths < 12) return diffInMonths + " months";
var diffInYears = Math.floor(diffInMonths / 12);
if (diffInYears <= 1) return "1 year";
else if (diffInYears < 12) return diffInYears + " years";
my new function only returns minutes and other and wont update to change of day
I assume you are fetching the timestamp from a mysql database. This was also answered here. The top answer is in php but it is not really different from Javascript. I do suggest using php for this however.
you can see that your splitting was not correct...
this is working fine..
var splitDate = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[0]).split('-');
var splitTime = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[1]).split(':');
var splitTime1 = ((splitTime[2].toString().split('Z'))[0]).split('.');
splitDate[0] = Year;
splitDate[1] = Month;
splitDate[2] = Day;
splitTime[0] = Hours;
splitTime[1] = Minutes;
splitTime1[0] = Seconds;
splitTime1[1] = MilliSeconds;
you can now perform what ever you want to..

Clock and date javascript

Im creating a JS clock/date. I previously got the time to work perfectly then I decided to add more onto my clock (date). Right now I cant figure why it isn't working. If anyone could give me tip or idea how to fix it, I would greatly appreciate it.
function timedate()
var currentTime = new Date();
var hours = currentTime.getHours();
var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes();
var dn="PM"
var d = currentTime.getDate(); <--
var day = (d < 10) ? '0' + d : d;
var m = currentTime.getMonth() + 1; <--
var month = (m < 10) ? '0' + m : m;
var yy = currentTime.getYear(); <--
var year = (yy < 1000) ? yy + 1900 : yy;
if (hours<12)
if (hours>12)
if (hours==0)
if (minutes<=9)
var clocklocation = document.getElementById('timedate');
clocklocation.innerHTML = "" +hours+":"+minutes+dn+""+day + "/" + month + "/" + year;
setTimeout("timedate()", 1000);
Your code works, it is just not visible because you do not have seconds showing
Also change
setTimeout("timedate()", 1000);
setTimeout(timedate, 1000);
because it is not recommended
and remove the <--
Make sure it runs onload or after the tag you want to show it in
Alternatively remove the line and change
const pad = num => ("0" + num).slice(-2);
const timedate = () => {
const currentTime = new Date();
let hours = currentTime.getHours();
const minutes = pad(currentTime.getMinutes());
const seconds = pad(currentTime.getSeconds());
const d = currentTime.getDate();
const day = pad(d);
const month = pad(currentTime.getMonth() + 1);
const yy = currentTime.getFullYear();
let dn = "PM"
if (hours <= 12) dn = "AM";
if (hours >= 12) hours -= 12;
if (hours == 0) hours = 12;
hours = pad(hours);
document.getElementById('timedate').innerHTML = "" +
hours + ":" +
minutes + ":" +
seconds + dn + " " +
day + "/" + month + "/" + yy;
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
setInterval(timedate, 1000);
<span id="timedate"></span>
If you set the timeout with setTimeout(timedate, 1000) instead of your current magic string version, it works1.
1 I took the liberty of adding seconds to your code as well, to make it obvious that the clock updates. Of course, you also need to remove <-- from your code.

Get local Date string and time string

I am trying to get the LocaleDateString and the LocaleTimeString which that would be toLocaleString() but LocaleString gives you GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) which I wouldn't it to be shown.
Can I use something like:
timestamp = (new Date()).toLocaleDateString()+toLocaleTimeString();
Thanks alot
You can use the local date string as is, just fiddle the hours, minutes and seconds.
This example pads single digits with leading 0's and adjusts the hours for am/pm.
function timenow() {
var now = new Date(),
ampm = 'am',
h = now.getHours(),
m = now.getMinutes(),
s = now.getSeconds();
if (h >= 12) {
if (h > 12) h -= 12;
ampm = 'pm';
if (m < 10) m = '0' + m;
if (s < 10) s = '0' + s;
return now.toLocaleDateString() + ' ' + h + ':' + m + ':' + s + ' ' + ampm;
If you build up the string using vanilla methods, it will do locale (and TZ) conversion automatically.
var dNow = new Date();
var s = ( dNow.getMonth() + 1 ) + '/' + dNow.getDate() + '/' + dNow.getFullYear() + ' ' + dNow.getHours() + ':' + dNow.getMinutes();

