I'm trying to show how long ago a video was uploaded, i cant seem to get the hours and minutes Date Object Methods to work in this script. I'm working of a script called YouMax 2.0 and i have been editing the function getDateDiff, i have come up with this edit of the function. Thank you for any help on this.
function getDateDiff(timestamp) {
if (null === timestamp || timestamp === "" || timestamp === "undefined") return "?";
var splitDate = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[0]).split('-');
var splitTime = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[1]).split(':');
var d1 = new Date();
var d1Y = d1.getFullYear();
var d2Y = parseInt(splitDate[0], 10);
var d1M = d1.getMonth() + 1;
var d2M = parseInt(splitDate[1], 10);
var d1D = d1.getDate();
var d2D = parseInt(splitDate[2], 10);
var d1H = d1.getHours();
var d2H = parseInt(splitTime[0], 10);
var d1T = d1.getMinutes();
var d2T = parseInt(splitTime[1], 10);
var diffInMinutes = (d1T + 59 * d1H + 23) - (d2T + 59 * d2H + 23);
if (diffInMinutes <= 1) return "1 Minute";
else if (diffInMinutes <= 59) return diffInMinutes + " Minutes";
var diffInHours = (d1H + 23 * d1M) - (d2H + 23 * d1M);
if (diffInHours <= 1) return "1 Hour";
else if (diffInHours < 23) return diffInHours + " Hours";
var diffInDays = (d1D + 30 * d1M + 12 * d1Y) - (d2D + 30 * d2M + 12 * d2Y);
if (diffInDays < 7) return diffInDays + " days";
else if (diffInDays > 7 && diffInDays < 14) return "1 week";
else if (diffInDays >= 14 && diffInDays < 30) return Math.floor(diffInDays / 7) + " weeks";
var diffInMonths = (d1M + 12 * d1Y) - (d2M + 12 * d2Y);
if (diffInMonths <= 1) return "1 month";
else if (diffInMonths < 12) return diffInMonths + " months";
var diffInYears = Math.floor(diffInMonths / 12);
if (diffInYears <= 1) return "1 year";
else if (diffInYears < 12) return diffInYears + " years";
my new function only returns minutes and other and wont update to change of day
I assume you are fetching the timestamp from a mysql database. This was also answered here. The top answer is in php but it is not really different from Javascript. I do suggest using php for this however.
you can see that your splitting was not correct...
this is working fine..
var splitDate = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[0]).split('-');
var splitTime = ((timestamp.toString().split('T'))[1]).split(':');
var splitTime1 = ((splitTime[2].toString().split('Z'))[0]).split('.');
splitDate[0] = Year;
splitDate[1] = Month;
splitDate[2] = Day;
splitTime[0] = Hours;
splitTime[1] = Minutes;
splitTime1[0] = Seconds;
splitTime1[1] = MilliSeconds;
you can now perform what ever you want to..
I have this script which display Gregorian-Hijri date:
var fixd = document.getElementById('date');
function isGregLeapYear(year) {
return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;
function gregToFixed(year, month, day) {
var a = Math.floor((year - 1) / 4);
var b = Math.floor((year - 1) / 100);
var c = Math.floor((year - 1) / 400);
var d = Math.floor((367 * month - 362) / 12);
if (month <= 2)
e = 0;
else if (month > 2 && isGregLeapYear(year))
e = -1;
e = -2;
return 1 - 1 + 365 * (year - 1) + a - b + c + d + e + day;
function Hijri(year, month, day) {
this.year = year;
this.month = month;
this.day = day;
this.toFixed = hijriToFixed;
this.toString = hijriToString;
function hijriToFixed() {
return this.day + Math.ceil(29.5 * (this.month - 1)) + (this.year - 1) * 354 +
Math.floor((3 + 11 * this.year) / 30) + 227015 - 1;
function hijriToString() {
var months = new Array("محرم", "صفر", "ربيع الأول", "ربيع الثانى", "جمادى الأولى", "جمادى الثانية", "رجب", "شعبان", "رمضان", "شوال", "ذو القعدة", "ذو الحجة");
return this.day + " " + months[this.month - 1] + " " + this.year;
function fixedToHijri(f) {
var i = new Hijri(1100, 1, 1);
i.year = Math.floor((30 * (f - 227015) + 10646) / 10631);
var i2 = new Hijri(i.year, 1, 1);
var m = Math.ceil((f - 29 - i2.toFixed()) / 29.5) + 1;
i.month = Math.min(m, 12);
i2.year = i.year;
i2.month = i.month;
i2.day = 1;
i.day = f - i2.toFixed() + 1;
return i;
var tod = new Date();
var weekday = new Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السبت");
var monthname = new Array("يناير", "فبراير", "مارس", "ابريل", "ماي", "جوان", "جويلية", "أوت", "سبتمبر", "أكتوبر", "نوفمبر", "ديسمبر");
var y = tod.getFullYear();
var m = tod.getMonth();
var d = tod.getDate();
var dow = tod.getDay();
document.write(weekday[dow] + " " + d + " " + monthname[m] + " " + y);
fixd = gregToFixed(y, m, d);
var h = new Hijri(1421, 11, 28);
h = fixedToHijri(fixd);
document.write(" / " + h.toString() + " ");
<li id="date"></li>
I want to use it in <li> tag
and if it is possible to display the date in two different positions at the same time at the same page
actually I am not familiar with java script so I don't know how to modify this script and then call it by id or whatever in html tag
any help please
This is really an extended comment.
The code can be considerably reduced by using the ca option with either toLocaleString or Intl.DateTimeFormat to set the calendar for formatted dates. It can also be used to set the language, e.g.
let d = new Date();
let options = {
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
weekday: 'long'
'Gregorian English: ' + d.toLocaleString('en-u-ca-gergory', options) + '\n' +
'Hijri English : ' + d.toLocaleString('en-u-ca-islamic', options) + '\n' +
'Hijri Arabic : ' + d.toLocaleString('ar-u-ca-islamic', options)
You can also use the formatToParts method to get the various parts and order or format them any way you wish.
You can set something like an attribute to any element that needs the date and then assign the innerHTML of that element.
This is all your code except I moved the 'loose' parts into a function that returns the finished date. Then this line
.forEach(el => el.innerHTML = getTheDate())
says find all elements with the attribute display-date and insert the results of the date function in them
window.addEventListener('load', () => {
document.querySelectorAll('[display-date]').forEach(el => el.innerHTML = getTheDate())
function isGregLeapYear(year) {
return year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0;
function gregToFixed(year, month, day) {
var a = Math.floor((year - 1) / 4);
var b = Math.floor((year - 1) / 100);
var c = Math.floor((year - 1) / 400);
var d = Math.floor((367 * month - 362) / 12);
if (month <= 2)
e = 0;
else if (month > 2 && isGregLeapYear(year))
e = -1;
e = -2;
return 1 - 1 + 365 * (year - 1) + a - b + c + d + e + day;
function Hijri(year, month, day) {
this.year = year;
this.month = month;
this.day = day;
this.toFixed = hijriToFixed;
this.toString = hijriToString;
function hijriToFixed() {
return this.day + Math.ceil(29.5 * (this.month - 1)) + (this.year - 1) * 354 +
Math.floor((3 + 11 * this.year) / 30) + 227015 - 1;
function hijriToString() {
var months = new Array("محرم", "صفر", "ربيع الأول", "ربيع الثانى", "جمادى الأولى", "جمادى الثانية", "رجب", "شعبان", "رمضان", "شوال", "ذو القعدة", "ذو الحجة");
return this.day + " " + months[this.month - 1] + " " + this.year;
function fixedToHijri(f) {
var i = new Hijri(1100, 1, 1);
i.year = Math.floor((30 * (f - 227015) + 10646) / 10631);
var i2 = new Hijri(i.year, 1, 1);
var m = Math.ceil((f - 29 - i2.toFixed()) / 29.5) + 1;
i.month = Math.min(m, 12);
i2.year = i.year;
i2.month = i.month;
i2.day = 1;
i.day = f - i2.toFixed() + 1;
return i;
function getTheDate() {
var tod = new Date();
var weekday = new Array("الأحد", "الإثنين", "الثلاثاء", "الأربعاء", "الخميس", "الجمعة", "السبت");
var monthname = new Array("يناير", "فبراير", "مارس", "ابريل", "ماي", "جوان", "جويلية", "أوت", "سبتمبر", "أكتوبر", "نوفمبر", "ديسمبر");
var y = tod.getFullYear();
var m = tod.getMonth();
var d = tod.getDate();
var dow = tod.getDay();
let d1 = (weekday[dow] + " " + d + " " + monthname[m] + " " + y);
fixd = gregToFixed(y, m, d);
var h = new Hijri(1421, 11, 28);
h = fixedToHijri(fixd);
let d2 = " / " + h.toString() + " ";
return d1 + d2;
<li display-date class="date"></li>
<h3 display-date></h3>
<p>Todays date is <span display-date></span></p>
I have a countdown script that enables me to see how much time there is left until a specific date and time in any given timezone. The script has improved alot from its original state (Much thanks to this community) but it still has some flaws.
The script is currently only able to countdown to a specific hour (Like 2015/12/12 18:00) but NOT to a specific minute (Like 2015/12/12 18:25).
I would like to be able to also specify any given minute of the hour (var minute), but I dont know how. Would greatly apreciate if anyone could help me out.
Edit: The timezone variable (var tz) must be taken into account.
Edit2: Solved the issue I got with the first answer, with this: toDate.setMinutes(minutes-(tz*60));
Full script below:
////////// CONFIGURE THE COUNTDOWN SCRIPT HERE //////////////////
var month = '11'; // '*' for next month, '0' for this month or 1 through 12 for the month
var day = '10'; // Offset for day of month day or + day
var hour = 14; // 0 through 23 for the hours of the day
var tz = -5; // Offset for your timezone in hours from UTC
var lab = 'tzcd'; // The id of the page entry where the timezone countdown is to show
function start() {displayTZCountDown(setTZCountDown(year,month,day,hour,tz),lab);}
// ** The start function can be changed if required **
window.onload = start;
////////// DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS LINE //////////////////
function setTZCountDown(year,month,day,hour,tz)
// props to Luke Woodward at Stackoverflow
var now = new Date();
var countdownToYear = now.getFullYear();
var countdownToMonth = now.getMonth();
var countdownToDay = now.getDate();
if (month === '*') {
countdownToMonth += 1;
} else if (month > 0) {
if (month <= now.getMonth()) {
countdownToYear += 1;
countdownToMonth = month - 1;
if (day.substr(0,1) === '+') {
var day1 = parseInt(day.substr(1), 10);
countdownToDay += day1;
} else {
countdownToDay = day;
var toDate = new Date(countdownToYear, countdownToMonth, countdownToDay);
// props to Luke Woodward at Stackoverflow^
var fromDate = new Date();
fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() + fromDate.getTimezoneOffset());
var diffDate = new Date(0);
diffDate.setMilliseconds(toDate - fromDate);
return Math.floor(diffDate.valueOf()/1000);
function displayTZCountDown(countdown,tzcd)
if (countdown < 0) document.getElementById(tzcd).innerHTML = "<li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>day</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>hours</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>minutes</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>seconds</span></li>";
else {var secs = countdown % 60;
if (secs < 10) secs = '0'+secs;
var countdown1 = (countdown - secs) / 60;
var mins = countdown1 % 60;
if (mins < 10) mins = '0'+mins;
countdown1 = (countdown1 - mins) / 60;
var hours = countdown1 % 24;
var days = (countdown1 - hours) / 24;
document.getElementById(tzcd).innerHTML = "<li>" + days + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>day" + (days == 1 ? '' : 's') + '</span></li>' + "<li>" + hours + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>hours</span></li> " + "<li>" + mins + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>minutes</span></li>" +"<li>"+secs+ "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>seconds</span></li>";
I wasn't able to test it but this should be it:
////////// CONFIGURE THE COUNTDOWN SCRIPT HERE //////////////////
var month = '11'; // '*' for next month, '0' for this month or 1 through 12 for the month
var day = '10'; // Offset for day of month day or + day
var hour = 14; // 0 through 23 for the hours of the day
var tz = -5; // Offset for your timezone in hours from UTC
var minutes = '10';
var lab = 'tzcd'; // The id of the page entry where the timezone countdown is to show
function start() {displayTZCountDown(setTZCountDown(year,month,day,hour,tz),lab);}
// ** The start function can be changed if required **
window.onload = start;
////////// DO NOT EDIT PAST THIS LINE //////////////////
function setTZCountDown(year,month,day,hour,tz)
// props to Luke Woodward at Stackoverflow
var now = new Date();
var countdownToYear = now.getFullYear();
var countdownToMonth = now.getMonth();
var countdownToDay = now.getDate();
if (month === '*') {
countdownToMonth += 1;
} else if (month > 0) {
if (month <= now.getMonth()) {
countdownToYear += 1;
countdownToMonth = month - 1;
if (day.substr(0,1) === '+') {
var day1 = parseInt(day.substr(1), 10);
countdownToDay += day1;
} else {
countdownToDay = day;
var toDate = new Date(countdownToYear, countdownToMonth, countdownToDay);
// props to Luke Woodward at Stackoverflow^
var fromDate = new Date();
fromDate.setMinutes(fromDate.getMinutes() + fromDate.getTimezoneOffset());
var diffDate = new Date(0);
diffDate.setMilliseconds(toDate - fromDate);
return Math.floor(diffDate.valueOf()/1000);
function displayTZCountDown(countdown,tzcd)
if (countdown < 0) document.getElementById(tzcd).innerHTML = "<li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>day</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>hours</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>minutes</span></li><li>0<br><span class='tzcd-format'>seconds</span></li>";
else {var secs = countdown % 60;
if (secs < 10) secs = '0'+secs;
var countdown1 = (countdown - secs) / 60;
var mins = countdown1 % 60;
if (mins < 10) mins = '0'+mins;
countdown1 = (countdown1 - mins) / 60;
var hours = countdown1 % 24;
var days = (countdown1 - hours) / 24;
document.getElementById(tzcd).innerHTML = "<li>" + days + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>day" + (days == 1 ? '' : 's') + '</span></li>' + "<li>" + hours + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>hours</span></li> " + "<li>" + mins + "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>minutes</span></li>" +"<li>"+secs+ "<br><span class='tzcd-format'>seconds</span></li>";
"2015-06-23 14:00:00"
I tried to format above date time into 12 hour base but stuck in somewhere.
function formatDate(raw_date){
var right = raw_date.substring(10, 0);
var hours = ((right[0].substring(2,0) + 11) % 12 + 1);
var min = raw_date.substring(14,16);
var suffix = right[1] >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
right[1] = ((right[1] + 11) % 12 + 1) + suffix;
return hours + ':' + min + ' ' + suffix;
Can someone help? My desired output is "23/06/2015 02:00 PM"
Try this:
function formatDate(raw_date) {
var right = new Date(raw_date);
var currentHours = right.getHours();
var timeOfDay = (currentHours < 12) ? "AM" : "PM";
if (currentHours > 12) {
currentHours -= 12;
return (right.getDate() + '/' + right.getMonth()+ '/' + right.getFullYear() +" "+ currentHours+ ":"+right.getMinutes() + timeOfDay);
alert(formatDate("2015-06-23 14:00:00"));
Solution based on your code:
function formatDate(raw_date){
var year = raw_date.substring(0,4);
var month = raw_date.substring(5,7);
var day = raw_date.substring(8,10);
var right = raw_date.substring(10);
var hours = ((right.substring(0,3))% 12 );
var min = raw_date.substring(14,16);
var suffix = right.substring(0,3) >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
return day + "/"+month+"/"+year+" "+hours + ':' + min + ' ' + suffix;
You should follow a simple flow.
Try to break down the input -> convert them _> and then sum them up:
function formatDate(raw_date){
var right = raw_date.substring(0, 10);
var year=right.substring(0,4);
var month=right.substring(5,7);
var day=right.substring(8,10);
var left=raw_date.substring(11, raw_date.length);
var hours = left.substring(0,2);
var suffix = hours >= 12 ? "PM":"AM";
if(hours<10) hours='0'+hours;
var min = left.substring(3,5);
left=hours+":"+min+" "+suffix;
return right + ' ' + left;
I am trying to get Days,hours from two dates.I searched for the solution and try some code like below but none of them returns the correct days with hours like 2 days ,3 hours.My fields values are like :
d1 = '2014-10-09 08:10:56';
d2 ='2014-11-09 10:10:56';
var dateDiff = function ( d1, d2 ) {
var diff = Math.abs(d1 - d2);
if (Math.floor(diff/86400000)) {
return Math.floor(diff/86400000) + " days";
} else if (Math.floor(diff/3600000)) {
return Math.floor(diff/3600000) + " hours";
} else if (Math.floor(diff/60000)) {
return Math.floor(diff/60000) + " minutes";
} else {
return "< 1 minute";
function DateDiff(date1, date2) {
var msMinute = 60*1000,
msDay = 60*60*24*1000,
c = new Date(), /* now */
d = new Date(c.getTime() + msDay - msMinute);
return Math.floor(((date2 - date1) % msDay) / msMinute) + ' full minutes between'; //Convert values days and return value
what am i doing wrong.Any help thanks
Have you converted d1, d2 to Date object before calling the function dateDiff? Because if you haven't, this line var diff = Math.abs(d1 - d2); won't work as expected.
I'am assuming your d1 and d2 are in "Y-m-d H:S:M" format, try this:
function parseDate(str){
var tmp = str.split(' ');
var d = tmp[0].split('-');
var t = tmp[1].split(':');
return new Date(d[0], d[1]-1, d[2], t[0], t[1], t[2]);
function dateDiff(d1, d2){
d1 = parseDate(d1);
d2 = parseDate(d2);
// ...
// Your code continues
I wish I could make it simpler... But this seems to work.
var d1 = '2014-10-09 08:10:58',
d2 ='2015-10-09 08:10:50';
function getDateFromString(str) {
var regexDate = /([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})/,
values = regexDate.exec(str);
return new Date(values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5], values[6]);
function daysInMonth(month,year) {
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
function dateDiff(d1,d2){
if (d1.getTime() > d2.getTime()) {
var oldD1 = d1;
d1 = d2;
d2 = oldD1;
var yearDiff = d2.getFullYear() - d1.getFullYear(),
monthDiff = d2.getMonth() - d1.getMonth(),
dayDiff = d2.getDate() - d1.getDate(),
hourDiff = d2.getHours() - d1.getHours(),
minDiff = d2.getMinutes() - d1.getMinutes(),
secDiff = d2.getSeconds() - d1.getSeconds();
if (secDiff < 0) {
secDiff = 60 + secDiff;
if (minDiff < 0) {
minDiff = 60 + minDiff;
if (hourDiff < 0) {
hourDiff = 24 + hourDiff;
if (dayDiff < 0) {
var days = daysInMonth(date2.getMonth(), date2.getFullYear());
dayDiff = days + dayDiff;
if (monthDiff < 0) {
monthDiff = 12 + monthDiff;
var diff = yearDiff > 0 ? yearDiff + " years " : "";
diff += monthDiff > 0 ? monthDiff + " months " : "";
diff += dayDiff > 0 ? dayDiff + " days " : "";
diff += hourDiff > 0 ? hourDiff + " hours " : "";
diff += minDiff > 0 ? minDiff + " minutes " : "";
diff += secDiff > 0 ? secDiff + " seconds " : "";
return diff;
var date1 = getDateFromString(d1),
date2 = getDateFromString(d2)
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML += date1 + "<br />" + date2;
document.getElementById('test').innerHTML += "<br />" + dateDiff(date1, date2);
console.log(dateDiff(date1, date2));
See JSFiddle
It works in all browsers.
Try this - >
d1 = '2014-10-09 08:10:56';
d2 = '2014-11-09 10:10:56';
var diff = dateDiff(d1,d2);
function splitDate(d1){
var dSplit = d1.split(' ');
d = dSplit[0] + 'T' + dSplit[1];
return d;
function dateDiff(d1,d2){
d1 = splitDate(d1);
d2 = splitDate(d2);
var date1 = new Date(d1);
var date2 = new Date(d2);
var dateDiff = new Date(date2 - date1);
var diff = "Month " + dateDiff.getMonth() + ", Days " + dateDiff.getDay() + ", Hours " + dateDiff.getHours();
return diff;
I am assuming you want the difference between 2 dates.
var dateDiff = function(d1/*String*/, d2/*String*/){
var date1 = new Date(d1);
var date2 = new Date(d2);
var result = {
var diff = date1-date2;
result.negative = true;
result.milliseconds = diff%1000;
result.seconds = diff%60;
result.minutes = diff%60;
result.hours = diff%24;
result.days= diff/=24;
//And so on
return result;
I'm not sure if I really understood but I think this is what you want : http://jsfiddle.net/OxyDesign/927n0L34/
var difference = toDaysAndHours('2014-10-09 08:10:56','2014-11-09 10:10:56');
function toDaysAndHours(d1,d2){
var dif, hours, days, difString = '';
d1 = new Date(d1);
d2 = new Date(d2);
dif = Math.abs(d1 - d2);
hours = (dif/(1000*60*60)).toFixed(0);
days = (hours/24).toFixed(0);
hours = hours - days*24;
difString = days+' days, '+hours+' hours';
return difString;
In the first function you are using strings not dates. to properly initialize a date use the constructor, as in:
d1 = new Date('2014-10-09 08:10:56')
d2 = new Date('2014-11-09 10:10:56')
Then on d1 and d2 you can use all of the get*/set* methods specified here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_obj_date.asp
While I got distracted writing the answer, I see others have said similar things, but I will add this:
The data object approach is good for understanding things, but if you want to save time use http://momentjs.com/ or a similar module to save time and mistakes.
I have a question, how can I change time from 24hr format to 12, the easiest way, in javascript or Jquery .
This is what I have :
TempDate = $.datepicker.formatDate('MM dd, yy', TempDate);
var ChangeDate = TempDate + " " + TradeTime;
now TradeTime= 15:59 , but I wanna be 3:59PM
What is the easiest way , or can I use datapicker or to force this format in the same time with date.
I'm afraid you will just have to do it manually, quick n dirty, for now ;)
function to12Hrs(strHrs, strMin) {
var hrs = Number(strHrs);
var min = Number(strMin);
var ampm = "am";
if(isNaN(hrs) || isNaN(min) || hrs > 23 || hrs < 0) {
throw ("Invalid Date " + str24Hrs);
if(hrs >= 12) {
hrs = (hrs - 12) || 12;
ampm = "pm";
var strHr = (hrs < 10) ? "0".concat(hrs) : hrs;
var strMin = (min < 10) ? "0".concat(min) : min;
return (strHr + ":" + strMin + ampm);
var arr = "12:30".split(":");
alert(to12Hrs(arr[0], arr[1])); // 12:30pm
arr = "11:00".split(":");
alert(to12Hrs(arr[0], arr[1])); // 11:00am
arr = "02:00".split(":");
alert(to12Hrs(arr[0], arr[1])); // 02:00am
arr = "20:00".split(":");
alert(to12Hrs(arr[0], arr[1])); // 08:00pm
This helped me :
TradeTime = ("" + TradeTime).split(":",2);
if (TradeTime[0] < 12)
a_p = "AM";
a_p = "PM";
if (TradeTime[0] == 0)
TradeTime[0] = 12;
if (TradeTime[0] > 12)
TradeTime[0] = TradeTime[0] - 12;