Replace only part of text in jQuery function - javascript

I'm using this solution for replace a list of emojies:
var emojies = ["smile", "smiley", "grin", "joy"];
var emojiRegex = new RegExp(":("+ emojies.join("|") +"):","g");
$.fn.toEmoji = function(){
return this.each(function() {
this.innerHTML = this.innerText.replace(emojiRegex,function(fullmatch,match){
return '<span class="emoji '+match.toLowerCase()+'"></span>';
//And use like
$(".content div").toEmoji();
But this replace all the content div (this.innerHTML...), however, there is no way I do it and just replace the :emoji: and not all the text?
Because, if the text has a break line, for ex:
How are you?
Will replace for:
Hi! How are you?
In addition to other problems... So, how to do?

The problem is you are reading from the DIV as innerText which will not include the HTML tags like <br/>. Instead, you can read from the DIV with innerHTML like so:
$.fn.toEmoji = function(){
return this.each(function() {
this.innerHTML = this.innerHTML.replace(emojiRegex,function(fullmatch,match){
return '<span class="emoji '+match.toLowerCase()+'"></span>';
Note this.innerHTML.replace instead of this.innerText.replace!
JSFiddle: (inspect HTML after clicking button to see spans are present -- looks like blank space)


Function does not work on second occurence?

I am trying to change the color of multiple texts to a certain color by using this code:
var search = "bar";
$("div:contains('"+search+"')").each(function () {
var regex = new RegExp(search,'gi');
$(this).html($(this).text().replace(regex, "<span class='red'>"+search+"</span>"));
However, the code does not work a second time, and I am not sure why--it only changes the newest occurrence of the code.
Here is a JSFiddle using it twice where it is only changing the 2nd occurrence:
Could someone explain why it does not work on the 2nd occurrence?
Could someone explain why it does not work on the 2nd occurrence?
By calling .text() you are removing all the HTML markup, including the <span>s you just inserted.
This is the markup after the first replacement:
<div id="foo">this is a new <span class='red'>bar</span></div>
$(this).text() will return the string "this is a new bar", in which replace "new" with a <span> ("this is a <span class='red'>new</span> bar") and set it as new content of the element.
In order to do this right, you'd have to iterate over all text node descendants of the element instead, and process them individually. See Highlight a word with jQuery for an implementation.
It was easy to fix your jsfiddle. Simply replace both .text() with .html() & you'll see that it highlights new & both bars in red.
jQuery's .text() method will strip all markup each time that it's used, but what you want to do is use .html() to simply change the markup which is already in the DOM.
$(document).ready(function () {
var search = "bar";
$("div:contains('"+search+"')").each(function () {
var regex = new RegExp(search,'gi');
$(this).html($(this).html().replace(regex, "<span class='red'>"+search+"</span>"));
search = "new";
$("div:contains('"+search+"')").each(function () {
var regex = new RegExp(search,'gi');
$(this).html($(this).html().replace(regex, "<span class='red'>"+search+"</span>"));
Here is another way of doing it that will allow you to continue using text if you wish
function formatWord(content, term, className){
return content.replace(new RegExp(term, 'g'), '<span class="'+className+'">'+term+'</span>');
$(document).ready(function () {
var content = $('#foo').text();
var change1 = formatWord(content, 'bar', 'red'),
change2 = formatWord(change1, 'foo', 'red');
Use $(this).html() instead of $(this).text(), as $.fn.text() strips off all the html tags, so are the <span class="red">foo</span> stripped off to foo.
But let's say that you apply same highlight multiple times for foo, then I would suggest that you should create a class similar to this to do highlighting
var Highlighter = function ($el, initialArray) {
this._array = initialArray || [];
this.$el = $el;
this.highlight = function (word) {
if (this.array.indexOf(word) < 0) {
function highlightArray() {
var search;
// first remove all highlighting
this.$el.find("span[data-highlight]").each(function () {
var html = this.innerHTML;
this.outerHTML = html;
// highlight all here
for (var i = 0; i < this._array.length; i += 1) {
search = this._array[i];
this.$el.find("div:contains('"+search+"')").each(function () {
var regex = new RegExp(search,'gi');
$(this).html($(this).html().replace(regex, "<span data-highlight='"+search+"' class='red'>"+search+"</span>"));
var highlighter = new HighLighter();

Making a part of an uploaded text file as clickable using javascript

I uploaded one file using javascript. I want to make some parts of the text file as highlighted as well as clickable. For example: I want to make all the "hello" in the uploaded file as clickable and highlighted.
I am able to highlight the text as i have used button tag and changed its background and border property in css but I am unable to do an onclick action when the button is clicked.
I tried it like this:
var sel_data=$("#sel").text(); // for taking the text file in avariable
var str='hello';
//making the regular expression of str
var re = new RegExp(str,"g");
//For replacing the 'str' by highlighted and clickable 'str'
var re_str="<button class='highlight' id='ty' onclick='alertfunc()' value="+str+">"+str+"</button>"
//replacement of 'str' by highlighted and clickable 'str'
var rep_data=sel_data.replace(re,re_str);
//function to be executed when the button will get clicked
function alertfunc() {
I also tried it like this
var str='hello'
var re_str="<button class='highlight' id='ty' value="+str+">"+str+"</button>"
or like this
var button = document.getElementById("ty");
button.onclick = function(){
But none of them is working , Please suggest
I referred the above examples by this link: Html make text clickable without making it a hyperlink
There are just a few things wrong here.
First, execute this code on document ready :
// code
Then, update the actual html in the DOM :
//replacement of 'str' by highlighted and clickable 'str'
var rep_data=sel_data.replace(re,re_str);
$("#sel").html(sel_data); // here
And use event delegation for the click :
$("#sel").on('click', '.highlight', function(){
This is done by using jQuery library and the ready snippet :contains.
Here is the code you need:
jQuery.fn.highlight = function (str, className) {
var regex = new RegExp(str, "gi");
return this.each(function () {
$(this).contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType == 3 && regex.test(this.nodeValue);
}).replaceWith(function() {
return (this.nodeValue || "").replace(regex, function(match) {
return "<span class=\"" + className + "\">" + match + "</span>";
Using this snippet will lead the words "hello" to be wrapped around a span with class of your choice.
Now to call this function all you need to do is:
$(".testHighlight *").highlight("hello", "highlight");
Ofcourse you have to setup the .testHighlight class with CSS to be something like:
.testHighlight {
To make them clickable you can do it easily with jQuery:
You can check more on this snippet here.

JQuery replace html element contents if ID begins with prefix

I am looking to move or copy the contents of an HTML element. This has been asked before and I can get innerHTML() or Jquery's html() method to work, but I am trying to automate it.
If an element's ID begins with 'rep_', replace the contents of the element after the underscore.
<div id="rep_target">
Hello World.
would replace:
<div id="target">
Hrm it doesn't seem to work..
I've tried:
$(document).ready(function() {
$('[id^="rep_"]').html(function() {
$(this).replaceAll($(this).replace('rep_', ''));
$(document).ready(function() {
$('[id^="rep_"]').each(function() {
$(this).replace('rep_', '').html($(this));
Neither seem to work, however, this does work, only manual:
var target = document.getElementById('rep_target').innerHTML;
document.getElementById('target').innerHTML = target;
Related, but this is only text.
JQuery replace all text for element containing string in id
You have two basic options for the first part: replace with an HTML string, or replace with actual elements.
Option #1: HTML
Option #2: Elements
If you have no preference, the latter option is better, as the browser won't have to re-construct all the DOM bits (whenever the browser turns HTML in to elements, it takes work and thus affects performance; option #2 avoids that work by not making the browser create any new elements).
That should cover replacing the insides. You also want to change the ID of the element, and that has only one way (that I know)
var $this = $(this)
$this.attr($this.attr('id').replace('rep_', ''));
So, putting it all together, something like:
$('[id^="rep_"]').each(function() {
var $this = $(this)
// Get the ID without the "rep_" part
var nonRepId = $this.attr('id').replace('rep_', '');
// Clear the nonRep element, then add all of the rep element's children to it
$('#' + nonRepId).empty().append($this.children());
// Alternatively you could also do:
// $('#' + nonRepId).html($this.html());
// Change the ID
// If you're done with with the repId element, you may want to delete it:
// $this.remove();
should do the trick. Hope that helps.
Get the id using the attr method, remove the prefix, create a selector from it, get the HTML code from the element, and return it from the function:
$('[id^="rep_"]').html(function() {
var id = $(this).attr('id');
id = id.replace('rep_', '');
var selector = '#' + id;
return $(selector).html();
Or simply:
$('[id^="rep_"]').html(function() {
return $('#' + $(this).attr('id').replace('rep_', '')).html();
From my question, my understanding is that you want to replace the id by removing the re-_ prefix and then change the content of that div. This script will do that.
$(document).ready(function() {
var items= $('[id^="rep_"]');
var item=$(this);
var currentid=item.attr("id");
var newId= currentid.substring(4,currentid.length);
item.attr("id",newId).html("This does not work");
alert("newid : "+newId);
Working Sample :

Replace text with HTML element

How can I replace a specific text with HTML objects?
var text = "some text to replace here.... text text text";
var element = $('<img src="image">').event().something...
function ReplaceWithObject(textSource, textToReplace, objectToReplace);
So I want to get this:
"some text to replace < img src...etc >.... text text text"
And I would like manipulate the object element without call again $() method.
I solved.
thanx #kasdega, i made a new script based in your script, because in your script i can't modify the "element" after replace.
This is the script:
$(document).ready(function() {
var text = "some text to replace here.... text text text";
var element = $('<img />');
text = text.split('here');
I didnt know that append method accept multiples elements.
That is the idea, only need to automate for multiple replacements
thanx to all, and here the jsfiddle
do a split on the text you want to replace then use the array indexes 0 and 1...something like:
function ReplaceWithObject(textSource, textToReplace, objectToReplace) {
var strings = textSource.split(textToReplace);
if(strings.length >= 2) {
return strings[0] + objectToReplace.outerHTML() + strings[1];
return "";
UPDATE: I found another SO post Get selected element's outer HTML that pointed me to a tiny jquery plugin that helps here.
I believe this jsfiddle has what you want. outerHTML is the tiny jquery plugin I included in the JSFiddle.
You can also use replace which will reduce some code:
function ReplaceWithObject(textSource, textToReplace, objectToReplace) {
return textSource.replace(textToReplace, objectToReplace.outerHTML());
function textToObj (text,obj,$src){
var className = "placeholder-"+text;
$src.html($src.html().replace(text,"<div class='"+className+"'></div>"));
you can use $(selector).outerHtml to get the html string of an element
You can replace the html directly:
$(selector).html(function(i,o) {
return o.replace('old_html','new_html');

Read more/less without stripping Html tags in JavaScript

I want to implement readmore/less feature. i.e I will be having html content and I am going to show first few characters from that content and there will be a read more link in front of it. I am currently using this code :
var txtToHide= input.substring(length);
var textToShow= input.substring(0, length);
var html = textToShow+ '<span class="readmore"> … </span>'
+ ('<span class="readmore">' + txtToHide+ '</span>');
html = html + '<a id="read-more" title="More" href="#">More</a>';
Above input is the input string and length is the length of string to be displayed initially.
There is an issue with this code, suppose if I want to strip 20 characters from this string:
"Hello <a href='#'>test</a> output", the html tags are coming between and it will mess up the page if strip it partially. What I want here is that if html tags are falling between the range it should cover the full tag i.e I need the output here to be "Hello <a href='#'>test</a>" . How can I do this
Why not just hide the hidden part of the content instead of adding it later? I usually just use a display: none for hidden content and have it set to display: block when the read more is clicked..
I'm sorry I didn't read the question good enough.
This should work though:
<div id="test">
This links to google
<strong>and</strong> some random text to make it a little bit longer!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var max_length = 21;
var text_to_display = "";
var index = 0;
var full_contents = $("#test").contents();
// loop through contents, stop after maxlength is reached
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if ($(this).text().length + text_to_display.length < max_length) {
text_to_display += $(this).text();
} else {
return false;
// second loop removes unwanted content
$("#test").contents().each(function(i) {
if (i > index) {
return true;
// add link to show the full text
$('read more...').click(
This can be accomplished quite easilly using jQuery
<div id="test">This is a link to google</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
Good luck!
You stated that the html tags would become an issue, so why not remove in the string conversion and replace with plain text, then on the Show More click, Toggle plain + Html
var Contents = $('#post p'); //Object
var Plain = Contents.text(); //truncate this
//Hide the texts to Contents
var PlainContainer = $("<div>").addClass("Plain_Container").val(Plain)
//Add PlainContainer div after
var $('.show_hide').click(function(){
$(Plain_Container).remove(); //Delete it
Contents.Show(); //Show the orginal
$(this).remove(); //Remove the link
return false; //e.PreventDefault() :)
This way using the text() function will convert html tags to there values and remove the tag itself, all you have to do is toggle them :)
Note: The code above is not guaranteed to work and is provided as example only.

