how can i use require(""); in javascript - javascript

i want to use a plugin in Firefox that it is in this. in this plugin tutorial use require function, and it is: require("sdk/preferences/service");
but i get error that require is not defined. so i search and download requireJS. but when attach this i get error module name sdk/preference/service has not been loaded yet from context. use require([]).
so i use require(["sdk/preferences/service"],function(pref){}); but in function i can't use pref and get error script error sdk/preferences/service
so how can i use require function?
or a HTML example that use require function and it works correctly?

The code you found was for use in a Firefox extension. You’re not writing a Firefox extension, you’re using a web page, so you can’t use that code. There’s no drop-in replacement; you’ll have to find something else.


Ignore not declared variables (TypeScript)

I am creating a WebExtension using TypeScript which is later compiled to JavaScript.
My extension depends on one of the APIs the browser (Firefox) offers, specifically the extension API. As an example, I use the getURL() method, which is called like this:
Of course, TypeScript gives an error "Cannot find name 'browser'". This prevents me from fully compiling the code. I would like to know if there is any way to bypass this. Preferably not only at compile level, but also at the linting level.
I have tried:
Defining browser at the beginning as var browser: any;: breaks the API.
Compiling with --noEmit, --noEmitOnErrors: irrelevant, still complains.
Any suggestions?
If you want to let Typescript know that the variable exists but not actually emit any code for it you can use declare
declare var browser: any;

OpenUI5 Error when loading DateTimeInput

While creating a simple MVC app with xmlviews in OpenUI5, i have run into an error.
I load OpenUI5 as it is mentioned in their getting started guide:
<script id='sap-ui-bootstrap' type='text/javascript'
Then load an xmlview:
var starterPage = sap.ui.xmlview("starterPage");
My problem is that when I include a DateTimeInput in my starterPage xmlview the loading fails with the following:
Error: found in negative cache: 'sap/m/DateTimeInput.js' from Error: failed to load 'sap/ui/thirdparty/mobiscroll/js/mobiscroll-core.js' from ./sap/ui/thirdparty/mobiscroll/js/mobiscroll-core.js: 0 - NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI: Access to restricted URI denied
Does anybody have an idea?
I think there is either something wrong with your view definition, or possibly your network permissions. I created a simple jsbin example (,console,output) that I think does essentially what you described and it seems to work fine for me. In attempting to simplify the problem I omitted the use of the XML view and simply directly instantiated the DateTimeInput in javascript. If my jsbin example works for you then I'd recommend you post more of your code so we can see what might need to be changed. If that doesn't work then I suspect you need a local system administrator to help you with the problem.
If you run a simple Openui5 probably it has just a controller. The mentioned error happens when you tried to use a third party library and it's not implemented correctly. just check out the controller files be sure that there is no third party library included.
The DateTimeInput what you used has a dependency and the dependency files are not found.
May could be better to use this control

jQuery variable name appended with a large number

I often see in my code I am loading from my company's media central that jQuery is not available in the console normally. (No $ and jQuery)
But sometimes, to those elements to which jQuery is attached, it has a long number with it.
What is the purpose of doing this? Security?
Also, jQuery is sometimes available directly in the console, but only with the above numbers.
I am therefore unable to debug my apps in console, where I need to query using jQuery.
However, in the JavaScript code, jQuery is perfectly being used as $ and jQuery. So I apply a break-point and export as window.jQuery = jQuery.
Is this a proper way to debug the app, when jQuery is obfuscated?
For eg., check this URL the app is calling. It seems that the URL knows what is the number appended to jQuery. How do I come to know of the same number while debugging? Any lights on what is going on?
It's a callback id automatically generated by jQuery. See the documentation for jsonpCallback.
It is preferable to let jQuery generate a unique name as it'll make it easier to manage the requests and provide callbacks and error handling.
It seems that you are confusing two different variables. You can make a quick test on this website : Click "run demo", open Chrome's console, type "jQuery" in order to retrieve the callback's name, then perform this simple comparison :
jQuery16409391013463027775_1379048051365 === jQuery // false
That said, the fact that the variables named "$" and "jQuery" are not available in your case may be due to a specific implementation. One possibility could be the use of jQuery.noConflict() which allows either to customize the name used as a reference to jQuery, or to completely remove all references to jQuery from the global scope (window), so there is no way to access it in the console.

Rails/Javascript selectors won't find elements

I am in the process of installing the asset pipeline into an older rails app. I am getting some really strange results though. I can see that the page is rendering all of the css and the jquery that is in the app/assets directory but its having a hard time interacting with the html.
For instance if i inspect the page and in the console call $("html").html(); to try grab all the html it returns TypeError: Cannot call method 'html' of null same when trying to grab any element that is being rendered? but the page is there. if i call jQuery it will return fine. so its not like it jQuery isnt there.
$ is just a shorthand way of writing jQuery. If the latter works but the former doesn't, then another script in your pipeline is probably conflicting with jQuery and trying to use the $ symbol for something else.
Are you using any other plugins or libraries that might be trying to use $? Or have you accidentally overwritten it yourself by writing $ = (something) anywhere? Without more information it's hard to know where the problem is exactly.
If all else fails you can just stick to using jQuery() for all your calls. In your external script file you could also circumvent this by passing the jQuery object to a wrapper function, e.g.:
(function ($) {
$('div').append('You can use $ here without having to worry about conflict.');

Javascript HTML5 FileAPI: Uncaught ReferenceError: utils is not defined

I can't find this anywhere, and no one else has this problem that I know of.
I'm using the code straight off and I can't get it to work at all.
Here's the jsfiddle I've been using to test it out
The example is not a complete, working example. It calls hypothetical library functions. You will need to implement them or not use them.

