Javascript self made pow with modulo - javascript

I got this code written in JavaScript, but it returns wrong number for large input.
It should calculate the base to the exponent(ex) power with modulo(mo).
I wrote equivalent code in C and is working. Please can someone tell me what is wrong.
Try to test Fermat's theorem for modulo 10^9 +7.
function powFun(base, ex, mo) {
var r;
if(ex === 0)
return 1;
else if(ex % 2 === 0) {
r = powFun(base, ex/2, mo) % mo ;
return (r * r) % mo;
return (base * powFun(base, ex - 1, mo)) % mo;

The overflow is occurring in this line:
return (r * r) % mo;
Refer to the answers to this question for some simple algorithms to implement a*a mod n without overflow. I've adapted one of the answers to Javascript below:
function addmod(x, y, n)
// Precondition: x<n, y<n
// If it will overflow, use alternative calculation
if (x + y <= x) x = x - (n - y) % n;
else x = (x + y) % n;
return x;
function sqrmod(a, n)
var b;
var sum = 0;
// Make sure original number is less than n
a = a % n;
// Use double and add algorithm to calculate a*a mod n
for (b = a; b != 0; b >>= 1) {
if (b & 1) {
sum = addmod(sum, a, n);
a = addmod(a, a, n);
return sum;
function powFun(base, ex, mo) {
var r;
if(ex === 0)
return 1;
else if(ex % 2 === 0) {
r = powFun(base, ex/2, mo) % mo ;
// return (r * r) % mo;
return sqrmod(r, mo);
return (base * powFun(base, ex - 1, mo)) % mo;
result = powFun(4, 1000000006, 1000000007);
To support even bigger numbers, use a library that supports large integers.


Using bitwise operators with large numbers in javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Bitshift in javascript
(4 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am writing a Javascript version of this Microsoft string decoding algorithm and its failing on large numbers. This seems to be because of sizing (int / long) issues. If I step through the code in C# I see that the JS implementation fails on this line
n |= (b & 31) << k;
This happens when the values are (and the C# result is 240518168576)
(39 & 31) << 35
If I play around with these values in C# I can replicate the JS issue if b is an int. And If I set b to be long it works correctly.
So then I checked the max size of a JS number, and compared it to the C# long result
240518168576 < Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = true
So.. I can see that there is some kind of number size issue happening but do not know how to force JS to treat this number as a long.
Full JS code:
private getPointsFromEncodedString(encodedLine: string): number[][] {
const EncodingString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-";
var points: number[][] = [];
if (!encodedLine) {
return points;
var index = 0;
var xsum = 0;
var ysum = 0;
while (index < encodedLine.length) {
var n = 0;
var k = 0;
while (true) {
if (index >= encodedLine.length) {
return points;
var b = EncodingString.indexOf(encodedLine[index++]);
if (b == -1) {
return points;
n |= (b & 31) << k;
k += 5;
if (b < 32) {
var diagonal = ((Math.sqrt(8 * n + 5) - 1) / 2);
n -= diagonal * (diagonal + 1) / 2;
var ny = n;
var nx = diagonal - ny;
nx = (nx >> 1) ^ -(nx & 1);
ny = (ny >> 1) ^ -(ny & 1);
xsum += nx;
ysum += ny;
points.push([ysum * 0.000001, xsum * 0.000001]);
return points;
Expected input output:
Encoded string
Decoded points:
35.89431, -110.72522
35.89393, -110.72578
35.89374, -110.72606
35.89337, -110.72662
Bitwise operators treat their operands as a sequence of 32 bits
(zeroes and ones), rather than as decimal, hexadecimal, or octal
numbers. For example, the decimal number nine has a binary
representation of 1001. Bitwise operators perform their operations on
such binary representations, but they return standard JavaScript
numerical values.
(39 & 31) << 35 tries to shift 35 bits when there only 32
Bitwise Operators
To solve this problem you could use BigInt to perform those operations and then downcast it back to Number
Number((39n & 31n) << 35n)
You can try this:
function getPointsFromEncodedString(encodedLine) {
const EncodingString = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-";
var points = [];
if (!encodedLine) {
return points;
var index = 0;
var xsum = 0;
var ysum = 0;
while (index < encodedLine.length) {
var n = 0n;
var k = 0n;
while (true) {
if (index >= encodedLine.length) {
return points;
var b = EncodingString.indexOf(encodedLine[index++]);
if (b === -1) {
return points;
n |= (b & 31n) << k;
k += 5n;
if (b < 32n) {
var diagonal = ((Math.sqrt(8 * Number(n) + 5) - 1) / 2);
n -= diagonal * (diagonal + 1) / 2;
var ny = n;
var nx = diagonal - ny;
nx = (nx >> 1) ^ -(nx & 1);
ny = (ny >> 1) ^ -(ny & 1);
xsum += Number(nx);
ysum += Number(ny);
points.push([ysum * 0.000001, xsum * 0.000001]);
return points;

How to find nth Fibonacci number using Javascript with O(n) complexity

Trying really hard to figure out how to solve this problem. The problem being finding nth number of Fibonacci with O(n) complexity using javascript.
I found a lot of great articles how to solve this using C++ or Python, but every time I try to implement the same logic I end up in a Maximum call stack size exceeded.
Example code in Python
MAX = 1000
# Create an array for memoization
f = [0] * MAX
# Returns n'th fuibonacci number using table f[]
def fib(n) :
# Base cases
if (n == 0) :
return 0
if (n == 1 or n == 2) :
f[n] = 1
return (f[n])
# If fib(n) is already computed
if (f[n]) :
return f[n]
if( n & 1) :
k = (n + 1) // 2
else :
k = n // 2
# Applyting above formula [Note value n&1 is 1
# if n is odd, else 0.
if((n & 1) ) :
f[n] = (fib(k) * fib(k) + fib(k-1) * fib(k-1))
else :
f[n] = (2*fib(k-1) + fib(k))*fib(k)
return f[n]
// # Driver code
// n = 9
// print(fib(n))
Then trying to port this to Javascript
const MAX = 1000;
let f = Array(MAX).fill(0);
let k;
const fib = (n) => {
if (n == 0) {
return 0;
if (n == 1 || n == 2) {
f[n] = 1;
return f[n]
if (f[n]) {
return f[n]
if (n & 1) {
k = Math.floor(((n + 1) / 2))
} else {
k = Math.floor(n / 2)
if ((n & 1)) {
f[n] = (fib(k) * fib(k) + fib(k-1) * fib(k-1))
} else {
f[n] = (2*fib(k-1) + fib(k))*fib(k)
return f[n]
That obviously doesn't work. In Javascript this ends up in an infinite loops. So how would you solve this using Javascript?
Thanks in advance
you can iterate from bottom to top (like tail recursion):
var fib_tail = function(n){
if(n == 0)
return 0;
if(n == 1 || n == 2)
return 1;
var prev_1 = 1, prev_2 = 1, current;
// O(n)
for(var i = 3; i <= n; i++)
current = prev_1 + prev_2;
prev_1 = prev_2;
prev_2 = current;
return current;
The problem is related to scope of the k variable. It must be inside of the function:
const fib = (n) => {
let k;
You can find far more good implementations here list
fibonacci number in O(n) time and O(1) space complexity:
function fib(n) {
let prev = 0, next =1;
if(n < 0)
throw 'not a valid value';
if(n === prev || n === next)
return n;
while(n >= 2) {
[prev, next] = [next, prev+next];
return next;
Just use two variables and a loop that counts down the number provided.
function fib(n){
let [a, b] = [0, 1];
while (--n > 0) {
[a, b] = [b, a+b];
return b;
Here's a simpler way to go about it, using either iterative or recursive methods:
function FibSmartRecursive(n, a = 0, b = 1) {
return n > 1 ? FibSmartRecursive(n-1, b, a+b) : a;
function FibIterative(n) {
if (n < 2)
return n;
var a = 0, b = 1, c = 1;
while (--n > 1) {
a = b;
b = c;
c = a + b;
return c;
function FibMemoization(n, seenIt = {}) {//could use [] as well here
if (n < 2)
return n;
if (seenIt[n])
return seenIt[n];
return seenIt[n] = FibMemoization(n-1, seenIt) + FibMemoization(n-2, seenIt);
console.log(FibMemoization(25)); //75025
console.log(FibIterative(25)); //75025
console.log(FibSmartRecursive(25)); //75025
You can solve this problem without recursion using loops, runtime O(n):
function nthFibo(n) {
// Return the n-th number in the Fibonacci Sequence
const fibSeq = [0, 1]
if (n < 3) return seq[n - 1]
let i = 1
while (i < n - 1) {
seq.push(seq[i - 1] + seq[i])
i += 1
return seq.slice(-1)[0]
// Using Recursion
const fib = (n) => {
if (n <= 2) return 1;
return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);
console.log(fib(4)) // 3
console.log(fib(10)) // 55
console.log(fib(28)) // 317811
console.log(fib(35)) // 9227465

How to convert this O(n^2) algorithm to O(n)?
My goal is to devise a function that finds number pairs (a, b) which satisfy the equation a * b == sum(1, 2, 3 ..., n-2, n-1, n) - a - b.
The following code finds all the pairs, but is too slow and times out. I have seen in the comments for this challenge that the algorithm needs to have O(n) complexity to pass. How is this done?
function removeNb (n) {
if(n===1) return null;
let sum = (n * (n+1))/2;
let retArr = [];
let a = n;
while( a !== 0){
let b = n;
while( b !== 0){
if(b != a && a*b == ((sum - b) - a) ){
retArr.sort( (a,b) => a[0] - b[0]);
return retArr;
Thanks to all for the assistance! Here is my final solution:
function removeNb (n) {
let retArr = [];
let a = 1;
let b = 0;
let sumN = (n * (n+1))/2;
while( a <= n){
b = parseInt((sumN - a) / (a + 1));
if( b < n && a*b == ((sumN - b) - a) )
return retArr;
I think my main issue was an (embarrassing) error with my algebra when I attempted to solve for b. Here are the proper steps for anyone wondering:
a*b = sum(1 to n) - a - b
ab + b = sumN - a
b(a + 1) = sumN - a
b = (sumN - a) / (a + 1)
You can solve for b and get: b = (sum - a)/(a + 1) (given a != -1)
Now iterate over a once -> O(n)
let n = 100;
let sumOfNum = n => {
return (n * (n + 1)) / 2;
let sum = sumOfNum(n);
let response = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= 26; i++) {
let s = (sum - i) / (i + 1);
if (s % 1 == 0 && s * i == sum - s - i && s <= n) {
response.push([s, i]);
// this is O(N) time complexity
Here's an implementation:
function removeNb(n){
var sum = (1 + n) * n / 2;
var candidates = [];
// O(n)
for(var y = n; y >= 1; y--){
x = (-y + sum) / (y + 1);
* Since there are infinite real solutions,
* we only record the integer solutions that
* are 1 <= x <= n.
if(x % 1 == 0 && 1 <= x && x <= n)
// Assuming .push is O(1)
candidates.push([x, y]);
// Output is guaranteed to be sorted because
// y is iterated from large to small.
return candidates;
From your question, it also states that
Within that sequence, he chooses two numbers, a and b.
However it does not mention that a and b are unique numbers, so a check is not included in the code.
As explained in other answers, it is possible to make a O(n) algorithm solving for b. Moreover, given the symmetry of solution -- if (a,b) is a solution, also (b,a) is -- it is also possible to save some iterations adding a couple of solutions at a time. To know how many iterations are required, let us note that b > a if and only if a < -1+sqrt(1+sum). To prove it:
(sum-a)/(a+1) > a ; sum-a > a^2+a ; sum > a^2+2a ; a^2+2a-sum < 0 ; a_1 < a < a_2
where a_1 and a_2 comes from 2-degree equation solution:
a_1 = -1-sqrt(1+sum) ; a_2 = -1+sqrt(1+sum)
Since a_1 < 0 and a > 0, finally we proved that b > a if and only if a < a_2.
Therefore we can avoid iterations after -1+sqrt(1+sum).
A working example:
function removeNb (n) {
if(n===1) return null;
let sum = (n * (n+1))/2;
let retArr = [];
for(let a=1;a<Math.round(Math.sqrt(1+sum));++a) {
if((sum-a)%(a+1)===0) {
let b=(sum-a)/(a+1);
if(a!==b && b<=n) retArr.push([a,b],[b,a]);
retArr.sort( (a,b) => a[0] - b[0]);
return retArr;
However, with this implementation we still need the final sort. To avoid it, we can note that b=(sum-a)/(a+1) is a decreasing function of a (derive it to prove). Therefore we can build retArr concatenating two arrays, one adding elements to the end (push), one adding elements at the beginning (unshift). A working example follows:
function removeNb (n) {
if(n===1) return null;
let sum = (n * (n+1))/2;
let retArr = [];
let retArr2 = [];
for(let a=1;a<Math.round(Math.sqrt(1+sum));++a) {
if((sum-a)%(a+1)===0) {
let b=(sum-a)/(a+1);
if(a!==b && b<=n) {
retArr2.unshift([b,a]); // b>a and b decreases with a
retArr=retArr.concat(retArr2); // the final array is ordered in the 1st component
return retArr;
As a non-native speaker, I would say that the phrase from the reference "all (a, b) which are the possible removed numbers in the sequence 1 to n" implies a!=b,
so I added this constraint.

how to fix the while loop?

function div(num) {
while (num <= 9) {
var a = (num - (num % 10));
var b = (a / 10)
var c = 0
var digits = num.toString().split("")
for (i = digits.length - 1; i > 2; i--) {
c = digits[i]
num = b - (c * 2);
return num;
My code is supposed to take the number and get the last digit and subtract it from the rest of the number, and repeat the process until the answer is lesser or equal to 9. I made a while loop but I keep on getting the number I started with. What is wrong and how do I fix it?
Edit :
It is supposed to multiply the last digit by 2 and then subtract it from the rest of the number and then repeat the process until the answer is less than or equal to 9
while (num<=9)
This should be
while (num>=9)
As of now, the while loop will be executed only for a number that is less than 9.
Use while(num >= 9) instead of while(num <= 9).
function div(num) {
while (num >= 9) {
var a = (num - (num % 10));
var b = (a / 10)
var c = 0
var digits = num.toString().split("")
for (i = digits.length - 1; i > 2; i--) {
c = digits[i]
num = b - (c * 2);
return num;

How to avoid this bad for loop?

I'm trying to loop through a big number (6 billion to be exact), but I can't because my computer freezes. How can I work my way around this. I'm supposed to find the largest prime factor of 600851475143.
function prime(n) {
if (n === 1 || n === 2) return false;
if (n % 2 === 0 || n % 3 === 0) return false;
return true;
var n = 600851475143;
for (var i = 1, c = []; i < n; i++) {
if ((n % i === 0) && prime(i)) {
I'm done with it yet. I'm storing the primes in an array.
Your prime() function doesn't do what the name says it should. There are many efficient ways of factoring primes, try this one for example:
var x = 600851475143;
var i = 2;
var sk;
while(i <= x)
while (x % i == 0)
sk = i;
x = x / i;
Output: 6857
This page has another (view source) function for factoring.
That prime function doesn't returns prime numbers only, but all those positive integers that aren't 1 or divisible by 2 and 3.
Let's see the whole algorhythm again. First of all, notice that you don't need to iterate through n, you can stop at its square root (think about it).
var divs = [];
if (!(n & 1)) { // Checking if n is even, using faster bit operators
while (!(n & 1)) n >>= 1;
var d = 3, l = Math.sqrt(n);
while (d < l) {
if (!(n % d)) {
while (!(n % d)) n /= d;
l = Math.sqrt(n);
d += 2; // No even numbers except 2 are prime, so we skip them
if (n !== 1) divs.push(n);
Now divs[divs.length - 1] contains your largest prime divisor of n, and divs all the prime factors.

