How do I remove a dynamically added element after 5 seconds? - javascript

I'm making a simple game where users should click flies to remove them from the screen. The user should not click the cat when it drops, and I'm hoping to make the cat gif disappear (remove itself from the DOM) after 5 seconds.
I apologize if this has been answered before. I'm having a hard time solving this as my experience is very limited. This is my first question/post ever. Thanks for any and all feedback :)!
if (($('.square').eq(i)).has(".cat")){
}, 5000);
^this is the code I tried to write... the .square class are the squares that make up the table like grid of divs... and the .cat class refers to an image dropped.
The problem is multiple cats can be dropped on the screen at the same time.
I need the page to recognize when a cat is dropped, set a timeout for 5 seconds when that occurs, and then remove that particular cat from the page after 5 seconds.
Thanks for the help :)!
var randomize = function (x) {return Math.floor(Math.random()*x)};
var startFunk = function(){
$('.square:empty')[randomize(($('.square:empty').length))].innerHTML = dropArray[randomize(dropArray.length)];
}, 500);

May help
if ($(this).find('.cat').length > 0){
$(this).find('.cat').delay(5000).fadeOut(0, function(){
// change ..^... with img

var startFunk = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
var sqr = $('.square:empty')[randomize(($('.square:empty').length))];
sqr.innerHTML = dropArray[randomize(dropArray.length)];
}, 500);
And get rid of the $('.square').each(function(i){... part.


How to evenly time fading transitions?

so I'm trying to create a simple slide show from scratch, and so far I was able to get full screen images to fade out and fade in infinetly, but for some odd reason using setInterval(function(){fade(var)}, 3500);didn't work, maybe someone can explain why the first and last images took way longer than 3,5 seconds to fade. Meanwhile, I was trying to solve that problem by implementing a callback function in the fade(). My example has four images, and they start fading out until it reaches image one, then don't fade out image one and start fading back in image two until image 4, and do this forever, here is my recent attempt to implement a callback function:
var i = 4;
fade(i, fade);
var fadeIN = false;
function fade(objectID, callbackfn){
var fadeTime = 3500;
if(i === 1) {
fadeIN = true;
if(i === 4){
fadeIN = false;
But that is not working, it fades out image 4, image 3 and stops on image 2. Maybe there is a way to evenly time the fading transitions using the setIntervel(), if so can someone tell me how? Appreciate any help.
Here is a JSFiddle to the code: it is not working tho.
Here is the doc for .fadeOut()
There is an optional argument complete:
A function to call once the animation is complete.
Put the next animation in there, they too take a complete (callback) function.
$("#id").fadeOut(fadeTime, function() {
// code to execute after animation complete
You need to do it properly with javascript. Easy way fails after last element.
So here is my solution. Can it be improved further, I think yes.. But it does work now. And is future proof to some extent.
I cleaned up css and changed html structure a little.
$(document).ready(function () {
$(window).resize(function () {
function startSlides() {
var fadeTime = 1000,
delay = 1300,
i = 0,
slides = $("#hero-slider > .slide"),
len = slides.length;
var pF = $('<div class="slide">'), pB = pF.clone();
pF.attr('id', slides.eq(i).attr('id'));
setInterval(fadeThisIn, fadeTime + delay);
function fadeThisIn() {
pB.attr('id', pF.attr('id'));
i = ++i % len;
pF.hide().attr('id', slides.eq(i).attr('id')).fadeIn(fadeTime);
function realTimeHeight() {
var altura = $(window).height();
$("#hero-slider").css("height", altura);

Simple loop for images

I'm trying to build a simple image slider (but using a fade effect). Every two seconds, the image should change to another image. At the end, it should call repeat_sponsor() again, to start over, so it becomes a loop.
I've written this (highly ineffective) code for 5 images. Turns out I'm going to need it for around 50 images. My editor just freezes when I add too much code.
I've tried using while-loops, but I just can't figure it out how to do this the right way.
Anyone who can help me with this?
function repeat_sponsor()
$("#sponsor1").fadeIn("slow", function() {
setTimeout(function(){$("#sponsor2").fadeIn("slow", function() {
setTimeout(function(){$("#sponsor3").fadeIn("slow", function() {
setTimeout(function(){$("#sponsor4").fadeIn("slow", function() {
setTimeout(function(){$("#sponsor5").fadeIn("slow", ...
(function (){
var cnt = 50; //set to the last one...
var max=50;
function show() {
$("#sponsor" + cnt).fadeOut("slow"); //if you want the fadeout to be done before showing next, put the following code in the complete callback
if(cnt>max) {
$("#sponsor" + cnt).fadeIn("slow");
window.setTimeout(show, 2000);
But the real issue is the fact you are loading tons of images from the start. You will be better off changing it so you only have a small subset of images and change the source.
You should use some sort of for loop and a class for hiding the images. and add a max value that if checks out resets c & i
var i=0;
var c=1;
function repeat_sponsor()
$("#sponsor"+c).fadeIn("slow", function() {
window.setTimeout(repeat_sponsor(), 3000);
Just run a function every two seconds with setInterval and appropriately target your different sponsor divs:
var i = 1;
var max = 50;
setInterval(function() {
// Could target all other sponsor images with a class "sponsor"
// Execute code on the target
$("#sponsor" + i).fadeIn();
if (i === max) {
i = 0;
}, 2000);

How to use fadeOut jQuery property with Javascript Text Snippet <- fadeOut api
I'm trying to learn Javascript and I've been playing with a snippet I found on Codepen.
I'm having trouble trying to get the random text array snippet to have the text fadeOut when it transitions away to another text object. Right now, the array cycles through and randomly selects a string from the array using the Math.Random function (5*1) and it fades in each time a new text object loads in, however I want it to fade out and I don't think I'm utilizing the .fadeOut property properly. How can I get it so that the text fadesOut, so the text does fadeIn fadeOut, instead of fadeIn, insta kill?
var textTimer;
var inTransition = false;
function startTimer() {
textTimer = setTimeout(changeTitle, 3500);
var titleNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
function changeTitle() {
var titleArray = [
var tempTitleLength = titleArray.length - 1;
if (inTransition == false) {
inTransition = true;
if (titleNumber > tempTitleLength){
titleNumber = 0
$('.text').css({opacity: '0'});
opacity: 1
}, 1500, function() {
inTransition = false;
Thanks! :D
The HTML is pretty straight forward
<div class="text"></div>
Multiple problems:
$('.text').css({opacity: '0'});
You are already removing the text in html('') without fading out,
setting css opacity to 0 without any delay, setting html new text without any animation.
There is a syntax error also startTimer.() I guess is typo.
Remove first 2 lines and set new text after fade out is done.
You also need to wait for fadeOut to finish before doing fadeIn.
So, sequence: fadeOut, set new text, fadeIn.
Like this:
$('.text').fadeOut(1500, function () {
$('.text').fadeIn(1500, function () {
inTransition = false;
You have syntax errors in your code: you have startTimer.() should be startTimer() and you did not close your startTimer function with a }. I corrected this for you and set up a sample JSFiddle for you review. Seems to be working otherwise.
Here is the sample JSFiddle: CLICK HERE
Here's what I think you're going for--
Set initial text.
Fade out your text.
Change the text.
Fade in the new text.
Wait a while, then return to step 2.
I would drop all the transition flags and use the optional callback functions that are fired when fadeOut and fadeIn complete to move from step to step, e.g.
$('.text').fadeOut(1000, function() {
Just fire that off on a timer that is 1500 milliseconds + the time you want the text to be fully visible.

show and hide with delays on a loop but no animation

I have a jsfiddle for this
The problem is, I am trying to create a script that ones a button is clicked flashes an image (car lights) on and off for a period of time. It works fine, but in IE8 since the lights are png the animation for it is causing a black background and border as it blinks on and off. So I trying to duplicate the same thing, but without using animation.
In my jsfiddle, the first function for the first click div represents what i am trying to do without animation, but it is not repeating. The code:
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
}, 1000);
The 2nd function is the one I already created that does work, but it has the animation:
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
$(".twoP").fadeIn(1000, function () {
Keep in mind that the jsfiddle is just a simple mock not using images. I am just looking for the functionality in which i can incorporate this. I appreciate your time in helping me with this.
instead of setTimeout() use setInterval() and clearInterval() like this:
var interval = setInterval(function(){
}, 1000);
//*after a number of time or loop
setInterval() "Loop" throught the function it is given every number of millisecond you pass it. and clearInterval() stop the "Loop".
I'd do it like this :
$('.oneD, .twoD').on('click', function(){
for (var i=0; i<9; i++)
$('.'+this.className.replace('D', 'P')).delay(1000).show(0)
This uses a selector for both elements and the same event handler, then swaps out the D for a P in the showing and hiding.
As for using delay() and making this work, hide() and show() will work just as the animated jQuery methods if a value for the duration is passed, even if that value is zero.
Fiddle here:
var i;
i = 0;
function loopFlash(){
if(i < 10){ // flash 5 times (1 on 1 off = 2 cycles)
var flashing = setTimeout(loopFlash,500);
Yet another solution for you.
No Animation - with single interval
With animation - pure jQuery
var noAnimationHandler = function() {
setInterval(function() {
var $el = $('.oneP');
$el[$":visible") ? "hide" : "show"]();
}, 800);
var animationHanddler = function() {
$('.twoP').fadeIn(300, function() {
$(this).delay(150).fadeOut(300, animationHanddler);

Fixing the animation properties

I am doing some research at the moment into creating a new maths game for primary school children where divs from 0-9 appear at random inside a container.
A question is given at the beginning. Something like, multiples of 20. The user will then have to click on the correct ones, and they will then be counted at the end and a score will be given.
I have just changed the speed in which the divs appear so that they appear for longer and more than one at a time to make the game easier for younger children.
I used "fadeIn" like so..
$('#' + id).animate({
top: newY,
left: newX
}, 'slow', function() {}).fadeIn(2000);
My problem is that now when I shoot the correct or incorrect number the animation is very glitchy and I cannot figure out why.
Fiddle: (See version 5 to see what it was like before)
Inside startplay(), control the concurrency when calling scramble() , I do it with a global var named window.cont, so I replaced your following call:
play = setInterval(scramble, 1800);
for this one:
play = setInterval(function() {
if (window.cont){
window.cont = false;
}, 1000);
The var window.cont needs to be set globally at the start of your code, like so:
var miss = 0;
var hit = 0;
var target = $("#target");
window.cont = true;
So with window.cont you now can control that animations are executed one after another, without overlapping, like so:
top: newY,
left: newX
}).fadeIn(2000, function() {
setTimeout(function() {
$('#' + id).slideUp('fast');
window.cont = true;
}, 1500);
See working demo

