Init a function into a specific div - javascript

I have this code
var wrapper = {
init: function (elemClass) {
this.className = elemClass || '.full-description';
wrapElems: function () {
var $lines = $(this.className),
holder = [];
$lines.each(function (i, item) {
if (holder.length === 2) {
$(holder).wrapAll('<div class="w-row" />');
holder.length = 0;
$(holder).wrapAll('<div class="w-row" />');
I want to init the wrapper into a specific div, I try this
var init = wrapper.init();
It does not work.
Thanks for the help

you can append like this


Convert script for working with multiple instances

Lets see this script, that it's a simple carrousel
$script = {
init: function(){
heros: function (time) {
var t;
var $hero = $('.hero');
var $images = $('.hero > div');
$'current', 0);
var $bullets = $('<div>').addClass('bullets');
for ( var i = 0; i<$images.length; i++ ) {
var $item = $('<span>');
$item.on('click', function () {
play( $(this).index() );
if(i==0) { $item.addClass('active') }
$bullets.append( $item );
var play = function (current) {
if(current==undefined) {
current = $'current');
var nextMargin;
if ( (current+1) == $images.length ) {
nextMargin = 0 ;
} else {
nextMargin = (current + 1 )*100;
$'current', (current + 1));
$images.eq(0).css('marginLeft', -nextMargin + '%');
t = setTimeout(play, time);
t = setTimeout(play, time);
The thing is that it works great, but only if there's just one .hero element.. if there are multiple the bullets mix up and it doesn't respect the .length
I know that option one should be rewrite it again, but Does anyone of you sees a quick fix that would make it reusable?
A single fiddle:
A multiple fiddle:
I tried:
Defining a previous function, that is called on init
preheros: function(time) {
var self = this;
self.heros($(this), time);
And editing The begining of heros:
heros: function ($hero, time) {
var t;
/*var $hero = $('.hero');*/
var $images = $hero.find('>div');
but no success...
any idea?
GOD, it's $('.hero').each not $('.heros').each it was working!
The easiest way to do this is to isolate context for each .hero component by using $(selector).each function. Slightly corrected your fiddle
function apply($hero, time){
var t;
var $images = $hero.children('div');
//all your logic here...
$script = {
init: function () {
heros: function (time) {
apply($(this), time);

jQuery change opacity of non-matching items

I have the following jquery which has been created with the help of a SO member in a previous question...
var filters = [];
function filterList () {
var classes = '.' + filters.join('.');
if (classes.length > 1) {
function removeFilter(ele) {
var len = filters.length,
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (filters[i] === ele) {
idx = i;
filters.splice(idx, 1);
function addFilter(ele) {
if (ele) {
var selectIt = (function () {
var lastSelect;
return (function (ele) {
if (lastSelect) {
lastSelect = ele;
$('.selector').on('change', function (e) {
var val = $(this).val();
$('.mybuttons a').on('click', function (e) {
var el = $(this),
col ='col');
if (el.hasClass('active')) {
} else {
I am now trying to modify the code so that when an option is selected, all of the non-matching terms have reduced opacity.
When the page is initially loaded all items should have full opacity until one of the items is selected.
I have tried adding an extra class but can't work out how to have it removed when items are de-selected.
Is this what you're looking to do?
function filterList () {
var classes = '.' + filters.join('.');
$('.test').css('opacity', '.5');
if (classes.length > 1) {
$(classes).addClass('main').css('opacity', '1');
} else {
$('.test').css('opacity', '1');

jQuery JsTree version 3+ plugin DND

Where can I get information after drag:
Target element
Where was the moving element included (inside, after, before)
ad1) I found target element like this:
$(document).on('dnd_stop.vakata', function (e, data) {
var t = $(;
ad2) I do not know
In version 1+ I found it like this:
$("#tree").bind("move_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
var idMoveElement = data.rslt.o.attr('id');
var idTargetElement = data.rslt.r.attr('id');
var where = data.rslt.p;
pretty easy... but in version 3+ I do not know.
Can you help me?
Thank you.
My solution:
$('#tree_structure').bind('move_node.jstree', function (e, data) {
if(data.parent !== '#') {
var infoAfterDnd = getTargetElementAndWhere(data);
if(infoAfterDnd .target.length > 0 && infoAfterDnd.where !== '') {
getTargetElementAndWhere = function(data) {
var where = '';
var $parent = $('#' + data.parent);
var $target = $('li:nth-child(' + data.position + ')', $parent);
if($target.length > 0)
where = 'after';
else {
where = 'inside';
$target = $parent;
return { where: where, target: $target };

Why function(document) doesn't work in separate file?

I have an HTML file and this contain JavaScript code and works fine, but when I decided put the JS code in different file and call from the HTML file, doesn't work. Why?
The JS code is like this:
(function (document) {
var toggleDocumentationMenu = function () {
var navBtn = document.querySelector('.main-nav1');
var navList = document.querySelector('.main-nav2');
var navIsOpenedClass = 'nav-is-opened';
var navListIsOpened = false;
navBtn.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (!navListIsOpened) {
addClass(navList, navIsOpenedClass);
navListIsOpened = true;
} else {
removeClass(navList, navIsOpenedClass);
navListIsOpened = false;
var toggleMainNav = function () {
var documentationItem = document.querySelector('.main-nav3');
var documentationLink = document.querySelector('.main-nav3 > .main-sub-nav');
var documentationIsOpenedClass = 'subnav-is-opened';
var documentationIsOpened = false;
if (documentationLink) {
documentationLink.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (!documentationIsOpened) {
documentationIsOpened = true;
addClass(documentationItem, documentationIsOpenedClass);
} else {
documentationIsOpened = false;
removeClass(documentationItem, documentationIsOpenedClass);
var isTouch = function () {
return ('ontouchstart' in window) ||
window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch;
var addClass = function (element, className) {
if (!element) {
element.className = element.className.replace(/\s+$/gi, '') + ' ' + className;
var removeClass = function (element, className) {
if (!element) {
element.className = element.className.replace(className, '');
I read it's possible that works if I put like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// the javascript code here
But it still doesn't working.
Now I wonder, It's possible this code works fine in separate file?

Accessing a function within a function from outside in javascript

I have a nested function that I want to call from outside.
var _Config = "";
var tourvar;
function runtour() {
if (_Config.length != 0) {
tourvar = $(function () {
var config = _Config,
autoplay = false,
step = 0,
total_steps = config.length;
$('#activatetour').live('click', startTour);
function startTour() {
function showTooltip() {
function proceed() {
$(document).ready(function () {
I was hoping to call it by tourvar.showTooltip(); but I seem to be wrong :) How can I make showTooltip() available from outside the function?
since my previous answer was really a hot headed one, I decided to delete it and provide you with another one:
var _Config = "";
var tourvar;
// Module pattern
(function() {
// private variables
var _config, autoplay, showtime, step, total_steps;
var startTour = function() { };
var showTooltip = function() { };
// Tour object constructor
function Tour(config) {
_config = config;
autoplay = false;
step = 0;
total_steps = _config.length;
// Provide the user with the object methods
this.startTour = startTour;
this.showTooltip = showTooltip;
// now you create your tour
if (_Config.length != 0) {
tourvar = new Tour(_Config);
function proceed() {
$(document).ready(function () {
function outerFunction() {
window.mynestedfunction = function() {

