jQuery JsTree version 3+ plugin DND - javascript

Where can I get information after drag:
Target element
Where was the moving element included (inside, after, before)
ad1) I found target element like this:
$(document).on('dnd_stop.vakata', function (e, data) {
var t = $(data.event.target);
ad2) I do not know
In version 1+ I found it like this:
$("#tree").bind("move_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
var idMoveElement = data.rslt.o.attr('id');
var idTargetElement = data.rslt.r.attr('id');
var where = data.rslt.p;
pretty easy... but in version 3+ I do not know.
Can you help me?
Thank you.

My solution:
$('#tree_structure').bind('move_node.jstree', function (e, data) {
if(data.parent !== '#') {
var infoAfterDnd = getTargetElementAndWhere(data);
if(infoAfterDnd .target.length > 0 && infoAfterDnd.where !== '') {
getTargetElementAndWhere = function(data) {
var where = '';
var $parent = $('#' + data.parent);
var $target = $('li:nth-child(' + data.position + ')', $parent);
if($target.length > 0)
where = 'after';
else {
where = 'inside';
$target = $parent;
return { where: where, target: $target };


Open new tab onclick table row - plugin

I use a plugin so when I click on a table row it goes to that url. Now this works fine but I would like it to open as a new tab. I know that " window.open('urlhere','_blank');" opens the url into a new tab but I cant figure out where I should put it. Does anyone know how or has experience with this plugin?
Plugin I use : https://github.com/DeOldSax/clickable-tr-jquery
Plugin code:
(function ( $ ) {
var disableClickClass = 'disable-row-click';
var defaults = {};
var settings;
$.fn.clickableTable = function( options ) {
settings = $.extend( defaults, options);
var rows = this.find('tr[data-href], tr[data-event]');
rows.css("cursor", "pointer");
rows.find("td." + disableClickClass).css("cursor", "default");
return this;
function addClickEvent(rows) {
rows.click(function(e) {
if (notClickable(e)) {
var dataEvent = $(this).data("event");
if ( dataEvent ) {
if (settings && settings[dataEvent]) {
settings[dataEvent].call( this, e );
} else {
var fun = window[dataEvent];
if ( typeof fun === "function" ) {
fun.call( this, e );
var dataHref = $(this).data("href");
if ( dataHref ) {
var isRemote = $(this).data("remote");
var id = "uniquy-id-id";
var aTag = buildATag(id, dataHref, isRemote);
function notClickable(e) {
var target = $(e.target);
return e.target.localName == 'a' ||
e.target.localName == 'button' ||
target.hasClass(disableClickClass) ||
function buildATag(id, dataHref, isRemote) {
var a = $('<a></a>');
a.css('display', 'none');
a.attr('data-remote', isRemote);
a.attr('href', dataHref);
a.attr('id', id);
return a;
}( jQuery ));
Just use this code: jsFiddle
var $href = $(this).data("href");
Exclude the last td Element: jsFiddle
var $href = $(this).data("href");
$("tr > td:last-child").click(function(event){

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find(...).once is not a function in bootstrap/js/bootstrap.js?

I have installed bootstrap theme for building responsive theme then I installed jquery_update module as documentation in theme project and everything seems ok expect below js error appears in inspect elements console:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).find(...).once is not a function in
Any one please can help me?
this is the bootstrap.js:
* #file
* bootstrap.js
* Provides general enhancements and fixes to Bootstrap's JS files.
var Drupal = Drupal || {};
(function($, Drupal){
"use strict";
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrap = {
attach: function(context) {
// Provide some Bootstrap tab/Drupal integration.
$(context).find('.tabbable').once('bootstrap-tabs', function () {
var $wrapper = $(this);
var $tabs = $wrapper.find('.nav-tabs');
var $content = $wrapper.find('.tab-content');
var borderRadius = parseInt($content.css('borderBottomRightRadius'), 10);
var bootstrapTabResize = function() {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left') || $wrapper.hasClass('tabs-right')) {
$content.css('min-height', $tabs.outerHeight());
// Add min-height on content for left and right tabs.
// Detect tab switch.
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left') || $wrapper.hasClass('tabs-right')) {
$tabs.on('shown.bs.tab', 'a[data-toggle="tab"]', function (e) {
if ($wrapper.hasClass('tabs-left')) {
if ($(e.target).parent().is(':first-child')) {
$content.css('borderTopLeftRadius', '0');
else {
$content.css('borderTopLeftRadius', borderRadius + 'px');
else {
if ($(e.target).parent().is(':first-child')) {
$content.css('borderTopRightRadius', '0');
else {
$content.css('borderTopRightRadius', borderRadius + 'px');
* Bootstrap Popovers.
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapPopovers = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
if (settings.bootstrap && settings.bootstrap.popoverEnabled) {
var elements = $(context).find('[data-toggle="popover"]').toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
var options = $.extend(true, {}, settings.bootstrap.popoverOptions, $element.data());
* Bootstrap Tooltips.
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapTooltips = {
attach: function (context, settings) {
if (settings.bootstrap && settings.bootstrap.tooltipEnabled) {
var elements = $(context).find('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
var options = $.extend(true, {}, settings.bootstrap.tooltipOptions, $element.data());
* Anchor fixes.
var $scrollableElement = $();
Drupal.behaviors.bootstrapAnchors = {
attach: function(context, settings) {
var i, elements = ['html', 'body'];
if (!$scrollableElement.length) {
for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
var $element = $(elements[i]);
if ($element.scrollTop() > 0) {
$scrollableElement = $element;
else {
if ($element.scrollTop() > 0) {
$scrollableElement = $element;
if (!settings.bootstrap || !settings.bootstrap.anchorsFix) {
var anchors = $(context).find('a').toArray();
for (i = 0; i < anchors.length; i++) {
if (!anchors[i].scrollTo) {
$scrollableElement.once('bootstrap-anchors', function () {
$scrollableElement.on('click.bootstrap-anchors', 'a[href*="#"]:not([data-toggle],[data-target])', function(e) {
bootstrapAnchor: function (element) {
element.validAnchor = element.nodeName === 'A' && (location.hostname === element.hostname || !element.hostname) && element.hash.replace(/#/,'').length;
element.scrollTo = function(event) {
var attr = 'id';
var $target = $(element.hash);
if (!$target.length) {
attr = 'name';
$target = $('[name="' + element.hash.replace('#', '') + '"');
var offset = $target.offset().top - parseInt($scrollableElement.css('paddingTop'), 10) - parseInt($scrollableElement.css('marginTop'), 10);
if (this.validAnchor && $target.length && offset > 0) {
if (event) {
var $fakeAnchor = $('<div/>')
.attr(attr, $target.attr(attr))
position: 'absolute',
top: offset + 'px',
zIndex: -1000
var complete = function () {
location.hash = element.hash;
$target.attr(attr, element.hash.replace('#', ''));
if (Drupal.settings.bootstrap.anchorsSmoothScrolling) {
$scrollableElement.animate({ scrollTop: offset, avoidTransforms: true }, 400, complete);
else {
})(jQuery, Drupal);
I have same issue and my solution is exclude bootstrap.js on my custom theme.
also you can alter bootstrap.js
Maybe The problem is because of two version ov jquery load on your page, inspect your javascript and if there is two version of jquery, let one exist and remove another.
In my case, there are 2 jquery files (core, theme). I removed it from theme. it works perfectly fine.

Init a function into a specific div

I have this code
var wrapper = {
init: function (elemClass) {
this.className = elemClass || '.full-description';
wrapElems: function () {
var $lines = $(this.className),
holder = [];
$lines.each(function (i, item) {
if (holder.length === 2) {
$(holder).wrapAll('<div class="w-row" />');
holder.length = 0;
$(holder).wrapAll('<div class="w-row" />');
I want to init the wrapper into a specific div, I try this
var init = wrapper.init();
It does not work.
Thanks for the help
you can append like this

Why function(document) doesn't work in separate file?

I have an HTML file and this contain JavaScript code and works fine, but when I decided put the JS code in different file and call from the HTML file, doesn't work. Why?
The JS code is like this:
(function (document) {
var toggleDocumentationMenu = function () {
var navBtn = document.querySelector('.main-nav1');
var navList = document.querySelector('.main-nav2');
var navIsOpenedClass = 'nav-is-opened';
var navListIsOpened = false;
navBtn.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (!navListIsOpened) {
addClass(navList, navIsOpenedClass);
navListIsOpened = true;
} else {
removeClass(navList, navIsOpenedClass);
navListIsOpened = false;
var toggleMainNav = function () {
var documentationItem = document.querySelector('.main-nav3');
var documentationLink = document.querySelector('.main-nav3 > .main-sub-nav');
var documentationIsOpenedClass = 'subnav-is-opened';
var documentationIsOpened = false;
if (documentationLink) {
documentationLink.addEventListener('click', function (event) {
if (!documentationIsOpened) {
documentationIsOpened = true;
addClass(documentationItem, documentationIsOpenedClass);
} else {
documentationIsOpened = false;
removeClass(documentationItem, documentationIsOpenedClass);
var isTouch = function () {
return ('ontouchstart' in window) ||
window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch;
var addClass = function (element, className) {
if (!element) {
element.className = element.className.replace(/\s+$/gi, '') + ' ' + className;
var removeClass = function (element, className) {
if (!element) {
element.className = element.className.replace(className, '');
I read it's possible that works if I put like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
// the javascript code here
But it still doesn't working.
Now I wonder, It's possible this code works fine in separate file?

According to jQuery my custom function in not a function

Error message (Last line):
$("select").selectList is not a
(function( $ ){
$.fn.selectList = function(options) {
var settings = {
'buttonClass' : 'custom-select',
'buttonTextClass' : 'custom-select-status',
'buttonIconClass' : 'custom-select-button-icon',
'menuClass' : 'custom-select-menu',
'menuClassHidden' : 'custom-select-menu-hidden'
$('body').click(function() {
$('.' + settings.menuClass).each(function() {
return this.each(function() {
if (options) {
$.extend(settings, options);
var $this = $(this).hide(),
$menu = $('<ul></ul>').addClass(settings.menuClass)
optionsTexts = new Array(),
$this.find('option').each(function(idx) {
var $opt = $(this);
if ($opt.is(':selected')) {
currIdx = idx;
optionsTexts[idx] = $opt.text();
for (var i = 0; i < optionsTexts.length; i++) {
var $item = $('<li></li>'),
$link = $('' + optionsTexts[i] + '');
if (i == currIdx) {
$link.click(function() {
var linkIdx = $link.parent().parent().find('li').index($link.parent());
$this.find('option').eq(linkIdx).attr('selected', 'selected');
$menu.prev().find('.' + settings.buttonTextClass).text($link.text());
if ($menu.hasClass(settings.menuClassHidden)) {
} else {
.html('<span class="'+ settings.buttonTextClass + '">'+ optionsTexts[currIdx] +'</span><span class="' + settings.buttonIconClass + '"></span>')
.click(function() {
? $menu.removeClass(settings.menuClassHidden)
: $menu.addClass(settings.menuClassHidden);
return false;
$(document).ready(function() {
if (! $('.section-admin').length > 0) {
Could somebody help?
This works perfect.
See an working example here: Custom jQuery works
Please check if somewhere, somehow you're not initializing jQuery twice. See this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33054683/1712145

