Append elements into different containers depending on conditions with D3 - javascript

I have an array, looking as simple as
var labels = ['label 1', 'label2', ..., 'label n']
Now if I want to put them as visual elements in the chart, I can do like this:
var legendItem = legendArea
.attr({class: 'legend-element'});
legendArea becomes a parent for all the labels now. But, I have a more complex scenario, where I need to put labels not in legendArea directly but create a wrapper g element first inside legendArea, which will then contain a set of labels, depending on some criteria that I get from each label.
As a result, I will have a number of g elements with a set of labels inside of them, one can have 5, another can have 8, any number, as they are not spread evenly.
What I see now, is I need to run a loop through all labels array elements, check if current labels conforms to criteria, create a new wrapper element if needed and then append. But this solution seems to be not D3-style, as in most cases it's possible to do functional style code with D3, not for..loop.
I suspect I can do something more custom here, something like:
var legendItem = legendArea
// Do some unknown D3 magic here to create a new wrapper element and append the label to it.
.attr({class: 'legend-element'});
Please advise on how to do it in D3 fashion.

I would get a list of categories, use that as data for the g elements, and then add the rest with filters:
var cats = svg.selectAll("g").data(categories)
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(10," + ((i+1) * 30) + ")"; });
.data(function(d) { return data.filter(function(e) { return e.category == d; }); })
.text(function(d) { return d.label; });
This works similar to nested selections, except that the nesting isn't in the data itself (although you can modify the data structures for that as well), but by referencing different data structures.
The first block of code simply adds a g element for each category. The second block of code does a nested selection (and is hence able to reference the data bound to the g element just before). In the .data() function, we take all the data and filter out the items that match the current category. The rest is bog-standard D3 again.
Complete demo here.


D3: Separating data exit/remove/merge from drawing of elements

I am drawing some complex interactive SVGs with D3 v4 and running into some problems. My goals are:
Each data element corresponds to a group with multiple SVG shape elements (e.g. <g><circle></circle><circle></circle></g>)
The multiple SVG shape elements have to be drawn in a certain order (because they overlap)
Certain shape elements are updated without data elements being added or removed (e.g. when clicking on a shape, change the shape color)
I am running into trouble because the .data() -> .exit().remove() -> .enter() -> .merge() process requires a specific order and that order conflicts with the necessary draw order as well as the ability to update styles on the fly. This is what I started with, which does not work because of draw order:
function updateGraph() {
let eachNodeG = allNodesG
.data(graphData._nodes, function (d) {
return d._id;
let eachNodeGEnter = eachNodeG.enter()
.attr("class", "eachNodeG")
.classed('interactivecircle', true)
.on('click', function (d) {...})
let eachNodeG = eachNodeGEnter
.style('fill', function (d) {...}) //this is here b/c it needs to change
// when data change (without them being added/removed)
// this must be separate because the background circle needs to change even
// when nodes are not added and removed; but this doesn't work here because
// the circle needs to be in the background
.classed('bgcircle', true)
I thought maybe I could separate the data update process from the data drawing process entirely, by doing enter() exit() merge() just on the groups containing the data and then drawing everything afterward. But here I run into a different problem: either I remove and re-add all of the shapes on every update (which makes double-clicking difficult and seems like a waste of processing power), or I have to figure out some way to update only the shapes that have changed. Does it using the remove and re-add method looks like this:
// add/remove individual groups based on updated data
let eachNodeG = allNodesG
let eachNodeGEnter = eachNodeG.enter()
.attr("class", "eachNodeG")
eachNodeG = eachNodeGEnter
// draw (or remove and re-draw) elements within individual groups
.classed('bgcircle', true)
.classed('interactivecircle', true)
.style('fill', function (d) {...})
Is there a better way to draw the shapes in order while keeping them updateable?
You could use selection.raise or selection.lower to move circles after they have been created.

Basic d3: why can you select things that don't exist yet?

I've been learning about d3, and I'm a bit confused about selecting. Consider the following example:
Specifically, let's look at this line:
var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d.x; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d.y; })
.attr("r", 8)
.style("fill", function(d, i) { return fill(i & 3); })
.style("stroke", function(d, i) { return d3.rgb(fill(i & 3)).darker(2); })
.on("mousedown", function() { d3.event.stopPropagation(); });
In the documentation it says, "A selection is an array of elements pulled from the current document." I interpret this to mean that svg.selectAll(.node) creates an array of elements of class .node pulled from the current document, but as far as I can tell there are no such elements! Unless I'm confused - and I'm almost certain that I am - the only place in the document where something is given the class "node" is after the selection has already occurred (when we write .attr("class", "node")).
So what is going on here? What does svg.selectAll(".node") actually select?
Although, at first sight, this may look like a simple and silly question, the answer to it is probably the most important one for everyone trying to do some serious work with D3.js. Always keep in mind, that D3.js is all about binding data to some DOM structure and providing the means of keeping your data and the document in sync.
Your statement does exactly that:
Select all elements having class node. This may very well return an empty selection, as it is in your case, but it will still be a d3.selection.
Bind data to this selection. Based on the above mentioned selection this will, on a per-element basis, compute a join checking if the new data is a) not yet bound to this selection, b) has been bound before, or c) was bound before but is not included in the new data any more. Depending on the result of this check the selection will be divided into an enter, an update, or an exit selection, respectively.
Because your selection was empty in the first place. All data will end up in the enter selection which is retrieved by calling selection.enter().
You are now able to append your new elements corresponding to the newly bound data by calling selection.append() on the enter selection.
Have a look at the excellent article Thinking with Joins by Mike Bostock for a more in-depth explanation of what is going on.

How to bind d3 generated HTML elements to scope?

I am generating nodes in d3 in an angular directive, and I would like the classes of the nodes to be bound dynamically to an element in my scope. Below is a general outline of what I would like to do:
return {
restrict: 'EA',
link: function(scope,element,attrs){
var node = d3.selectAll('.node')
This is pseudocode, but essentially d3 is generating these nodes/circles, and I want the class of these circles to depend on the value of an element within the scope. So, if at any point in time I modify the, it should affect the node's class. Using the approach shown above, however, does not work. I have tried modifying the, but the classes of the nodes are unaffected.
How can I dynamically bind a d3 generated element to scope? I don't want to redraw nodes whenever the scope is modified. I simply want their classes to be binded to the scope.
Add a watch around scope.selected in your link function then wrap your d3 drawing code in a function and call that method when the watch fires.
(BTW a fiddle is always easier to deal with when asking questions)
You might want to read up on the General update pattern for D3 too
It will both make life easier and your updates faster if you get to grips with the various stages a D3 documents lifecycle has.
function update(data) {
// Join new data with old elements, if any.
var text = svg.selectAll("text")
// Update old elements as needed.
text.attr("class", "update");
// Create new elements as needed.
.attr("class", "enter")
.attr("x", function(d, i) { return i * 32; })
.attr("dy", ".35em");
// Appending to the enter selection expands the update selection to include
// entering elements; so, operations on the update selection after appending to
// the enter selection will apply to both entering and updating nodes.
text.text(function(d) { return d; });
// Remove old elements as needed.

d3: confusion about selectAll() when creating new elements

I am new to d3 and am using 'Interactive Data Visualization for the Web' by Scott Murray (which is great btw) to get me started. Now everything I saw so far works as described but something got me confused when looking at the procedure to create a new element. Simple example (from Scott Murray):
The name "circle" is used for the selectAll which returns an empty selection (which is ok as I learned). Then circles are appended by putting the same name into the .append. Great!
Now what got me confused was what happens when you want to do the same thing again. So you have a second dataset and want to generate new circles in the same way. Using the same code just replacing the dataset will obviously not work as the selectAll("circle") will not return an empty selection anymore. So I played around and found out that I can use any name in the selectAll and even leave it empty like this: selectAll()
Scott Murrays examples always just use one type (circle, text, etc.) per dataset. Finally I found in the official examples something like
.attr ...
.attr ...
Now my question: How is this entry in selectAll("ENTRY") really used? Can it be utilized later to again reference those elements in any way or is it really just a dummy name which can be chosen in any way and just needs to return an empty selection? I could not find this entry anywhere in the resulting DOM or object structure anymore.
Thank you for de-confusing me.
What you put in the selectAll() call before the call to .data() really only matters if you're changing/updating what's displayed. Imagine that you have a number of circles already and you want to change their positions. The coordinates are determined by the data, so initially you would do something like
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d; });
Now your new data has the same number of elements, but different coordinates. To update the circle positions, all you need to do is
.attr("cx", function(d) { return d; })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return d; });
What happens is that D3 matches the elements in newData to the existing circles (what you selected in selectAll). This way you don't need to append the circles again (they are there already after all), but only update their coordinates.
Note that in the first call, you didn't technically need to select circles. It is good practice to do so however just to make clear what you're trying to do and to avoid issues with accidentally selecting other elements.
You can find more on this update pattern here for example.

Adding and Removing Nodes in D3js Force Graph

I am loading json from database and creating a json file which loads fine. Now I don't know which steps to take for making the nodes responsive in a Force-Directed Graph. I need to remove and add new nodes and their links.
How can I make this more dynamic or update it without resetting the whole visualization?
I have seen this question a couple of times not being answered so I hope someone can post and give a guide.
Adding nodes/links to my D3 force graph was very confusing until I better understood the way I was adding the initial set of nodes.
Assuming a <g> is what you'd like to use for your nodes:
// Select the element where you'd like to create the force layout
var el ="#svg");
// This should not select anything
// Because it's being compared to the data in force.nodes()
// Calling `.enter()` below returns the difference in nodes between
// the current selection and force.nodes(). At this point, there are
// no nodes in the selection, so `.enter()` should return
// all of the nodes in force.nodes()
// Create the nodes
.classed("manipulateYourNewNode", true);
Now let's make that function that will add a node to the layout once the graph has been initialized!
newNodeData is an object with the data you'd like to use for your new node.
connectToMe is a string containing the unique id of a node you'd like to connect your new node to.
function createNode (newNodeData, connectToMe) {
.data(force.nodes(), function(datum, index) { return index })
The function given as the optional second argument in .data() is run once for each node in the selection and again for each node in force.nodes(), matching them up based on the returned value. If no function is supplied, a fallback function is invoked, which returns the index (as above).
However, there's most likely going to be a dispute between the index of your new selection (I believe the order is random) and the order in force.nodes(). Instead you'll most likely need the function to return a property that is unique to each node.
This time, .enter() will only return the node you're trying to add as newData because no key was found for it by the second argument of .data().
.insert("g", "#svg")
.classed("manipulatYourNewNode", true);
The function createLink (defined below) creates a link between your new node and your node of choice.
Additionally, the d3js API states that force.start() should be called after updating the layout.
Note: Calling force.stop() at the very beginning of my function was a huge help for me when I was first trying to figure out how to add nodes and links to my graph.
function createLink (from, to) {
var source = "g#" + from ).datum(),
target = "g#" + to ).datum(),
newLink = {
source: source,
target: target,
value: 1
The code below works under the assumptions that:
#links is the wrapper element that contains all of your link elements
Your links are represented as <line> elements:"#links")
You can see an example of how to append new nodes and relationships here:
Getting rid of nodes and relationships is slightly trickier, but you can see the process here:

