How to get the image url of cocos2d-js Sprite? - javascript

I have a Sprite created from the code:
var mysprite = new cc.Sprite(theURLofimage);
Now, At some point in my code, I wanted to get the "theURLofimage" of the above sprite.
var req_url = mysprite.texture.url;
returns me the required url in the browser. However, it returns undefined in the native code(or jsb, so to say). When I log "mysprite.texture", it returns me [object texture2D] but I cannot view the content of the object in the Cocos IDE console.
Is there anyway to get the required url form the sprite? or what are the alternatives?

I'd have to take a look at the API docs to see if there's a better way, but you could just put it manually:
var mysprite = new cc.Sprite(theURLofimage);
mysprite.url = theURLofimage;
Then you could always get it from there.


Display generated Google Map image on a web page

I am using Google Apps Script to create a page, on which I would like to embed maps. The maps themselves would be static, but the map could be different depending on other parameters (it’s a genealogy page, and I’d like to display a map of birth and death locations, and maybe some other map points, based on a selected individual).
Using Google’s Maps service, I know that I can create a map, with a couple points built in.
Function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois') // markers would be based on a passed parm; this is just test data
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
// *** This is where I am looking for some guidance
return(); // obviously, I'm not returning a blank for real
Within the map class, there are a number of things I can do with it at this point.
I could create a URL, and pass that back. That appears to require an API account, which at this point, I do not have (and ideally, would like to avoid, but maybe I’ll have to do that). It also appears that I will run into CORB issues with that, which I think is beyond my knowledge (so if that’s the solution, I’ll be back for more guidance).
I could create a blob as an image, and pass that back to my page. I have tried this using a few different examples I have found while researching this.
Server Side
function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois')
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
var mapImage = map.getAs("image/png");
// OR
// var mapImage = map.getBlob();
Page side
<div id=”mapDiv”></div>
$(function() {;
function displayMap(mapImage) {
var binaryData = [];
var mapURL = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(binaryData, {type: "image/png"}))
var mapIMG = "<img src=\'" + mapURL + "\'>"
The page calls getMapImage() on the server, and the return data is sent as a parm to displayMap().
var mapIMG ends up resolving to <img src='blob:'> This version doesn't create any errors in the console, which other options I tried did. But on the page, I'm just getting the standard 16x16 image not found icon.
I’ve tried a few other things based on what I’ve come across in researching this, but don’t want to litter this post with all sorts of different code snippets. I’ve tried a lot of things, but clearly not the right thing yet.
What’s the best / correct (dare I ask, simplest) way to build a map with Google’s Map class, and then serve it to a web page?
EDIT: I added a little more detail on how the server and page interact, in response to Tanaike's question.
Modification points:
I think that in your script, Blob is returned from Google Apps Script to Javascript using Unfortunately, in the current stage, Blob data cannot be directly sent from from Google Apps Script to Javascript. I think that this might be the reason of your issue.
In this case, I would like to propose to directly create the data URL at the Google Apps Script side. When your script is modified, it becomes as follows.
Modified script:
Google Apps Script side:
function getMapImage() {
var map = Maps.newStaticMap()
.setSize(600, 400)
.addMarker('Chicago, Illinois')
.addMarker('Pocatello, Idaho');
var blob = map.getAs("image/png"); // or map.getBlob()
var dataUrl = `data:image/png;base64,${Utilities.base64Encode(blob.getBytes())}`;
return dataUrl;
Javascript side:
$(function() {;
function displayMap(mapURL) {
var mapIMG = "<img src=\'" + mapURL + "\'>"
In your Javascript side, $(function() {;} is not enclosed by ). Please be careful this.
In my environment, when I saw <div id=”mapDiv”></div>, this double quote ” couldn't be used. So if in your environment, an error occurs by <div id=”mapDiv”></div>, please modify ” to " like <div id="mapDiv"></div>.

handling new image file value is undefined in javascript

Working on a small guestbook posting site as part of a course however I've run into a little problem I cannot figure out.
Using a buttion to open file selection, to select an image and then process this file using the data url and create a key from the date.
However, during getting the file my data variable remains undefined all the way through and never receives the information it needs to show the image. and I'm unable to figure out the cause.
Below are the relevant parts.
function addPhotoClick() {
var inputElement = document.querySelector("#image input");;
function processFile(event) {
var data =;
var key = "diary" +;
addImageEntry(key, data);
function initalize(){
var addPhotoButton = document.querySelector("#image button");
addPhotoButton.addEventListener("click", addPhotoClick);
Any help would be appreciated.
Try accessing file through image_field_id.files[0] instead of event. According to this, every browser which supports HTML5 should support this property.
Btw not sure if you need a button here, <input type="file"> should create one automatically.
And always add related HTML, please, it's not 100% clear how it looks like.

Show photos stored in device on a nativescript android app

I'm making an android app with nativescript, I'm using couchbase as database and i need to store a reference to photos taken with the camera-module for thumbnails of items, and display those photos inside a ListView.
I've searched multiple tutorials about using the camera module and displaying the image using ImageSource class, and they work when i use fromAsset passing the object returned by cameraModule.takePicture, but not when i use fromFile passing the path in the same object ( property), as it seems it only works within the application folder.
cameraModule.takePicture().then((picture) => {
let myImage = page.getViewById("image-test");
let source = new imageSource.ImageSource();
// This works
source.fromAsset(picture).then(source => {
myImage.imageSource = source;
// This doesn't
source.fromFile( => {
myImage.imageSource = source;
What would be the best way to store the reference and recreate the imageSource? Can i store the whole imageAsset object in couchbase? Or what would be the right way to create an imageSource whit that path?
Well i don't know what i was doing wrong, it seems to work fine with the path returned in the picture object.
The only thing i changed was the asynchronous method fromFile for the synchronous one loadFromFile, but maybe my mistake was somewhere else.

How to use location object to parse URL without redirecting the page in javascript?

The browser has a very efficient URL parser that let you get location.href, hash, query, etc from the current URL. I'd like to use it instead of coding something using regexes.
If you set location.href or do location.replace(url), the page gets redirected in Chrome. I tried to get the prototype of location in this browser, but I can't find location.prototype. There is a location.__proto__ which is described as the Location class in the js console, but I can't find a way to instantiate it. Plus, I need a cross browser solution and __proto__ is not available in IE.
If it's not possible, don't give me a regex alternative, just tell me the hard truth, provided you can back it up with evidences.
Yes, it's very much possible! If you create a new a object, you can use the location fields without redirecting the browser.
For instance:
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = ""
You can now access .hash, .pathname, .host, and all the other location goodies!
> console.log(;
I wrote a generalized version of the wonderful Mahmoud solution:
var parseUrl = (function(){
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = "<a></a>";
return function(url){
div.firstChild.href = url;
div.innerHTML = div.innerHTML;
return div.firstChild;
It works that way:
var url = parseUrl('');
var url = zerobin.parseUrl('');
The parseUrl code is a bit complicated because IE requires the link HTML code to be processed by its HTML parser if you want it to parse the URL. So we create a closure in which we store a <div> with a <a> as child (avoid recreating it a each call), and when we need URL parsing, we just take the HTML of div, and inject it back to itself, forcing IE to parse it.

Loaded data truncated when using nsIFileInputStream & nsIConverterInputStream

I'm working on a project (BrowserIO - go to browserio dot googlecode dot com if you want to check out the code and work on it. Help welcome!) in which I'm using Firefox's nsIFileInputStream in tandem with nsIConverterInputStream, per their example (, but only a portion of the full data is being loaded. The code is:
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
var data = "";
var fstream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
var cstream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIConverterInputStream);
fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0);
cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 0, 0); // you can use another encoding here if you wish
var str = {};
cstream.readString(-1, str); // read the whole file and put it in str.value
data = str.value;
cstream.close(); // this closes fstream
If you want to see this behavior, checkout the code from the BrowserIO project page, and use Firebug to set a breakpoint at the data = str.value; line in file_io.js. Then select a text file from the list, and click the "Open" button. In Firebug, in the watch panel set a watch for str.value. Look at the file... It should be truncated, unless it's really short.
For reference, the code above is the main body of the openFile() function in trunk/scripts/file_io.js.
Anybody have any clue what's happening with this?
See nsIConverterInputStream; basically, -1 doesn't mean "give me everything" but rather "give me the default amount", which the docs claim is 8192.
More generally, if you want to exhaust the contents of an input stream, you have to loop until it's empty. Nothing in any of the stream contracts guarantees that the amount of data returned by a call is the entirety of the contents of the stream; it could even return less than it has immediately available if it wanted.
I discovered how to do the file read without converting, to avoid issues from not knowing the file encoding type. The answer is to use nsIScriptableInputStream with nsIFileInputStream:
var sstream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptableInputStream);
fstream.init(file, 0x01, 0004, 0);
data =;

