How to show content based on the URL? - javascript

unfortunately, I have no idea how you call this and had no success finding an answer to my question. Basically, I have built a JS application where the user enters a name and the application will then fetch and process data from an API based on that name.
What I want to do now is that if someone goes to, the data will be fetched/processed for NAME. I know how it works with PHP (xxx.php?name=NAME) but if possible I don't want to use PHP here.
Thank you!

The easiest way to do this is by using URL Rewrite. This does not require any coding in JS or server-side language. This can be done on most server softwares but the method is different depending on what server (IIS, Apache, nginx, etc.) you're using.
Here's an article about URL Rewriting to help you get started.

For JavaScript you could use the location object.
var url = window.location.href;
var param = url.replace('', '');
Look at Backbone routers for a more organised way of handling params in JavaScript.


HTML download counter without PHP

I'm wondering if it's possible to make a download counter without the use of php. I have been told it's possible but cannot find anywhere that has helped me.
I am trying to save the counts to text file on the server. I cannot use php as my server does not allow the use of it. I have tried javascript but can't seem to get anything working. Any suggestions or guidance would be appreciated!
The server allows, html, javascript, and css.
PHP is the most common server language available on hosting services, if your server does not allow it, it's possible you can't use any language at all on the server side.
Let's assume you can't use any language on the server side, then there is two possible actions.
use a third party server where you can save your data.
save locally your data using javascript.
Using a 3rd party service might be complex to implement and you need to learn a bit about cross origin request. You will need to add a few javascript librairies and understand a lots of concept so I'll just go with the easy one.
You browser have a localStorage wich can be access through Javascrip
[!] Know that this will be save only on your browser therefore other users or session will not have access to the counter.
// get the saved value or zero if not found
var count = localStorage.getItem('so-demo') || 0;
// increment the value by 1
// save the value
localStorage.setItem('so-demo', count);
// show the actual value
document.getElementById('theValue').innerHTML = count
<div id="theValue">localStorage is not allowed on stack overflow but works elsewhere</div>
The similar question had already been raised, check out this topic
The way suggested with Google Analytics out there is quite a good idea

JavaScript GET to retrieve one variable

I haven't really written any javascript but am building an iOS application that will utilize JavaScriptCore's framework to read a javascript code to get a variable. What I'm looking to do is set up a GET (I think) so that I can retrieve JSON data from a url and then pull a specific string from the JSON data. Within the GET method, I'll need to add credentials and one parameter. What is the best practice to do this?
As per Rory's statement above the server you are requesting the json data from must either be on the same domain as your Application/Js code or support the CORS headers.
If the above is true, then you can either use JQUery as suggested above, or for a more minimalist approach the W3Schools has a tutorial on basic Ajax.

How do I transform a regular url into a variable?

If i have, how can I transform that into a variable and process it, without using get vars? What should I google in the first place?
The idea is to create a dynamic page structure where that part of the url will populate variables in the page and be used to return dynamic page specific queries.
Is there a framework I can use that has a way to handle this easily?
If I use javascript for this, how should I handle it to not return any 404 errors but rather just pull a templating page and then use that part of the url for developing of the page?
Thank you!
Here is how you parse the path of a url in PHP
$url = "";
var_dump(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH));
If i have, how can I transform that into a variable and process it, without using get vars? What should I google in the first place?
That's simply getting the current URL and parsing it. (Which are pretty well covered in the linked questions).
You do need to get the server to execute the PHP first. This question about the front controller pattern explains that.
If I use javascript for this, how should I handle it to not return any 404 errors but rather just pull a templating page and then use that part of the url for developing of the page?
Assuming you mean client-side JavaScript: You can't.
JavaScript runs in the context of a webpage.
Get page from server
Parse HTML document
Run JavaScript that page says to run
If you 404 at step 1 then everything stops and no JS runs.
The correct terminology is vanity URLs. They are static urls that behave like dynamic urls. Dynamic urls are urls with queries which is not what we want here.
This tutorial will help.
The solution is trough the .htaccess rules as i expected.
The rest is basic php/db queries.
I still do not know of a web app framework that makes this trivial to implement, but there must be.
Here is the tutorial

How to obtain the full url of an Angular view in Global.asax

In an ASP.NET MVC application, there is Request.Url to access the url in Global.asax.
But for an Angular application where an url is like http://domain/#/home. The Request.Url we obtained from Application_BeginRequest or Application_EndRequest are http://domain/. The Angular routes are not included.
It is reasonable because those routes are added at the client side. But is it possible to get the value of the true url in the MVC server side?
Just picked Matteo's answer as the correct one. Let me clarify a bit.
I have been trying this for one purpose: rewrite my url.
In the past, I used to check Request.ApplicationPath and manipulate url with string functions or built-in tools like VirtualPathUtility.
The need for the hash part is valid because the query string parameters are appended there. For example, I have a url like this:
http://[domain]/#/pay/cancel?paymentId=[some guid]
The conventional wisdom brought me to Global.asax to access those query parameters. I find none. Everything behind the hash tag is conveniently ignored.
So the correct way is to handle that part of url in the client side code. I am using ui-router. So for url rewrite/redirect, use stateProvider.when(oldUrl, newUrl);. To access query parameters, use $state.params.
Lesson learned: think clearly and approach different problem with different mindset.
There is no way, as the "hash" part of an url is not really part of the url. Have you ever used anchors in a page to create an index? The concept is the same.
Anyway I can't possibly imagine how the hash part could be useful server side. My guess is that you think it's useful because you're approaching a problem the wrong way.
If you complement your question with more details, like what you're trying to achieve, it's very possible we can provide you with an appropriate solution.

Special URL for language selection?

Just a simple question, I was wondering why some websites have something like "?lang=EN" in their URL after selecting a language? Is it because their html file or folder containing it is named "?lang=EN", or some other code that does this? I'd like to set the URL like that for my website (has 2 languages). Currently I have folder structure like this:
Language selection: D:/media/index.html
EN site: D:/media/en/index.html
CN site: D:/media/cn/index.html
Files for the website: D:/media/site
First of all, anything after the file extension ( .html ) is a server side function.
The ? is a function for PHP and adds variables to the super global GET array ( in the form: ?variable=value&variable2=value2 ) that is directed to from another page and from that point many things can be done with the data.
Sites that use the ?lang=EN are probably programmed to print out the chunks of text needed on the single page in the places and languages required. Though it is possible using this method to redirect to a language specific directory.
Hope this helps :)
That's because they often have a content management system where the content isn't stored in files necessarily, but in a database. The lang=en is a GET variable from the URL that they retrieve in, for example, PHP, to display the correct content. In your case, however, you can just redirect the user if they click EN or CN to the appropriate locations, in your case, /en/index.html and /cn/index.html.
The url you see at the address bar, whatever comes after "?" is called "QueryString" and with libraries on the server side (based on the developing platform that website is made on) you can access the values. For instance the value of "lang" can be equal to "EN" or "CN" etc.
By the way you can have some http handlers to rewrite the requested url and get your parameters through the url that physically doesn't exists. Like the one you mentioned, "". I myself prefer this way but as you requested you should use some server side libraries to access the query string values and choose the language of the content you wanna send to client.
Also as one solution that once I used, you can also use some translation service (like client libraries and call it at client side with jquery or even javascript and translate all the texts on page load. Although it's damn fast in action, it has some issues you will see.
Hope it helps.
PHP uses $_GET to get value from variables from the URL.It gets the value from that LANG variable and then it selects all from a file where are stored all the words in different languages or from the database
You don't need to copy every file and then translate it.
Search for php dynamic pages tutorial in your case. I found THIS.
P.S. PHP is one from many ways to do this.

