Ember-Data: Intended usage pattern of DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin - javascript

I've got a backend, that let's me read data asynchronously, but enforces embedding of certain child data (in lieu of transactions).
When using DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin with ...
serialize: 'records',
deserialize: 'ids'
... (which should be the right thing to do given this backend) I've still got two questions.
(1) http://emberjs.com/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html is very explicit, that DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin shouldn't be mixed with async:true. From what I understand, the problem would be mixing async:true with embedded reading, not writing. On the other hand the documentation doesn't differentiate. Am I good with mixing async:true with above configuration (and is the documantion missing this case), or what is it that I am missing about async:true and writing?
(2) In my backend when deleting the parent, all children are delete as well. Deleting should be just one call for the parent. How do I do this on the ember end? I want to delete the parent and all children in the store, send one REST request and the success/failure of this request should be authoritative for all those records. Yet, the DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin doesn't seem to help me in any way in that direction. Am I on my own, or what am I missing?

As far as your first question goes, I think you are good with mixing async:true and the EmbeddedRecordsMixin for your case. See this blog post and my example js-bin
As for 2, EmbeddedRecordsMixin leaves you on your own for that. But if you look at the code, all it does is push the records into the store when extracting them, so to reverse it all you should have to do is unload those records from the store. I'd keep a reference to the child records, then on a successful delete of the parent, clean up the children with record.unload(). Same example js-bin

To answer number (1) for anybody who may stumble upon this question later on: Encouraged by Kori John Roys' answer I've submitted a pull request to ember data to clearify the documentation. It was accepted, therefore now on the documentation only warns to mix async: true with embedded reading.


js / vue app doing CRUD, how can I track what needs updating?

I'm working on a vue app that uses vuex and gets objects from an api. The tables have paging and fetch batches of objects from the api, sometimes including related entities as nested objects. The UI allows some editing via inputs in a table, and adds via modals.
When the user wants to save all changes, I have a problem: how do I know what to patch via the api?
Idea 1: capture every change on every input and mark the object being edited as dirty
Idea 2: make a deep copy of the data after the fetch, and do a deep comparison to find out what's dirty
Idea 3: this is my question: please tell me that idea 3 exists and it's better than 1 or 2!
If the answer isn't idea 3, I'm really hoping it's not idea 1. There are so many inputs to attach change handlers to, and if the user edits something, then re-edits back to its original value, I'll have marked something dirty that really isn't.
The deep copy / deep compare at least isolates the problem to two places in code, but my sense is that there must be a better way. If this is the answer (also hoping not), do I build the deep copy / deep compare myself, or is there a package for it?
It looks like you have the final state on the UI and want to persist it on the server. Instead of sending over the delta - I would just send over the full final state and overwrite whatever there was on server side
So if you have user settings - instead of sending what settings were toggled - just send over the "this is what the new set of settings is"
Heavy stuff needs to be done on the server rather than the client most of the time. So I'll follow the answer given by Asad. You're not supposed to make huge objects diffs, it's 2022 so we need to think about performance.
Of course, it also depends of your app, what this is all about. Maybe your API guy is opposed to it for a specific reason (not only related to performance). Setup a meeting with your team/PO and check what is feasible.
You can always make something on your side too, looping on all inputs should be feasible without manually doing that yourself.
TLDR: this needs to be a discussion in your company with your very specific constrains/limitations. All "reasonable solutions" are already listed and you will probably not be able to go further because those kind of "opinion based" questions are not allowed anyway on SO.

Rest api design with relational data

So this question is less of a problem I have and more of a question about how I should go about implementing something.
lets imagine for example I have a User and a Resource, and a User can have multiple Resource but a Resource can have only 1 User. How should you go about creating api endpoints for interacting with this data?
should it be something like
// POST /api/users/resource (to create a resource)
or something like
// POST /api/resource
thats just one example, but there is a lot of questions like that, that come to mind when im thinking about this.
it would be nice if someone who knew what is the right approach (or just a good approach) would give an example on how you would structure api endpoints with relational data like this.
any and all help is appreciated thanks!
I would go with the latter one. The reason for doing that would be the endpoint /api/resource does not bind us to create resources with respect to the user. Down the line in future, we could create resources for Supplier (a hypothetical example). Thus having better flexibility and not needing to change the endpoint for Supplier.
Part of the point of REST is that the server's implementation of a resource is hidden behind the uniform interface. In a sense, you aren't supposed to be able to tell from the resource identifiers whether or not you are dealing with "relational data".
Which is freeing (because you get to design the best possible resource model for your needs); but also leads to analysis-paralysis, because the lack of constraints means that you have many options to choose from.
POST /api/users/resource
POST /api/resource
Both of these are fine. The machines are perfectly happy to carry either message. If you wanted to implement an API that supported both options, that would also be OK.
So how do we choose?
The answer to this really has two parts. The first relates to understanding resources, which are really just generalizations of documents. When we ask for a document on the web, one of the things that can happen is that the document can be cached. If we are sending a message that we expect to modify a document, then we probably want caches to invalidated previously cached versions of the document.
And the primary key used to identified cached documents? The URI.
In the case where we are sending a message to a server to save a new document, and we expect the server to choose its own identifier for its copy of the new document, then one logical choice of request target is the resource that is the index of documents on the server.
This is why you will normally see CreateItem operations implemented as POST handlers on a Collection resource - if the item is successfully added, we want to invalidate previously cached responses to GET /collection.
Do you have to do it that way? No, you do not - it's a "trade off"; you weigh the costs and benefits of the options, and choose one. If you wanted to instead have a separate resource for the CreateItem operation, that's OK too.
The second part of the answer relates to the URI - having decided which document should be handling the requests, what spelling should we use for the identifier of that document.
And, once again, the machines don't care very much. It needs to be RFC 3986 compliant, and you'll save yourself a lot of bother if you choose a spelling that works well with URI Templates, but that still leaves you with a lot of freedom.
The usual answer? Think about the people, who they are, and what they are doing when they are looking at a URI. You've got visitors looking at a browser history, and writers trying to document the API, and operators reading through access logs trying to understand the underlying traffic patterns. Pick a spelling that's going to be helpful to the people you care about.

REST API Ajax simultaneously requests

Is it wrong to make multiple ajax simultaneously requests to different endpoints of a REST API that end up modifying the same resource?
Note: each endpoint will modify different properties.
For example, let's assume that one endpoint modifies some properties for an order, like order_date and amount and another endpoint set's the link between the same order and a customer by changing the customer_id value from the orders table (I know that maybe this is not the best example, all these updates can be done with one endpoint).
Thanks in advance!
This is totally a requirements based question. It is generally a bad idea to have a single resource be changed by multiple processes, but this ONLY matters if there is a consistency relationship between the data. Consider some of the following questions:
If one or more of the AJAX calls fails does will that break your application? If it will, then yes, this is a bad idea. Will your application carry on regardless of what data you have at any given time? If so, then no this doesn't matter.
Take some time to figure out what dependencies you have between your data calls and you will get your answer.
what you are describing is not a shared resource even if it is stored in the same object because you are modifying different properties however take great care when using same object. if your requests to the server depends on the properties that are modified by the other request.
in general its not a good idea to use the same object to store data that is modified by more than one asynchronous function even if the properties are different. it makes your code confusing and harder to maintain since you have to manually coordinate your function calls to prevent race condition.
there are better ways to manage your asynchronous code using Promises or Observables
It's a bad idea in general. But if your code is small and you can manage it then you can do it though its not recommended.
In the long run, it will cause you many problems confusion, maintaining code, consistency etc.
And if in any case another developer has to manage your code, It will be more confusing and tough for him.
In programming always keep things flexible and think in long run. Your requirements can change in future , what will you do then? write the whole program again? This is one thing , you also want to avoid.

Can I make Rails' CookieStore use JSON under the hood?

I feel like it should be obvious doing this from reading the documentation, but maybe somebody can save me some time. We are using Ruby's CookieStore, and we want to share the cookie with another server that is part of our website which is using WCF. We're already b64-decoding the cookie and we are able to validate the signature (by means of sharing the secret token), all of that is great... but of course the session object is marshalled as a Ruby object, and it's not clear what is the best way to proceed. We could probably have the WCF application make a call to Ruby and have it unmarshal the object and write it out as JSON, but that seems like it will add an unnecessary layer of complexity to the WCF server.
What I'd really like to do is maybe subclass CookieStore, so that instead of just b64 encoding the session object, it writes the object to JSON and then b64's it. (And does the reverse on the way back in, of course) That way, the session token is completely portable, I don't have to worry about Ruby version mismatches, etc. But I'm having trouble figuring out where to do that. I thought it would be obvious if I pulled up the source for cookie_store.rb, but it's not (at least not to me). Anybody want to point me in the right direction?
(Anticipating a related objection: Why the hell do we have two separate servers that need to be so intimately coordinated that they share the session cookie? The short answer: Deadlines.)
Update: So from reading the code, I found that when the MessageVerifier class gets initialized, it looks to see if there is an option for :serializer, and if not it uses Marshal by default. There is already a class called JSON that fulfills the same contract, so if I could just pass that in, I'd be golden.
Unfortunately, the initialize function for CookieStore very specifically only grabs the :digest option to pass along as the options to MessageVerifier. I don't see an easy way around this... If I could get it to just pass along that :serializer option to the verifier_for call, then achieving what I want would literally be as simple as adding :serializer => JSON to my session_store.rb.
Update 2: A co-worker found this, which appears to be exactly what I want. I haven't gotten it to work yet, though... getting a (bah-dump) stack overflow. Will update once again if I find anything worthy of note, but I think that link solves my problem.

What's a clean way to handle ajax success callbacks through a chain of object methods?

So, I'm trying to improve my javascript skills and get into using objects more (and correctly), so please bear with me, here.
So, take this example: http://jsfiddle.net/rootyb/mhYbw/
Here, I have a separate method for each of the following:
Loading the ajax data
Using the loaded ajax data
Obviously, I have to wait until the load is completed before I use the data, so I'm accessing it as a callback.
As I have it now, it works. I don't like adding the initData callback directly into the loadData method, though. What if I want to load data and do something to it before I use it? What if I have more methods to run when processing the data? Chaining this way would get unreadable pretty quickly, IMO.
What's a better, more modular way of doing this?
I'd prefer something that doesn't rely on jQuery (if there even is a magical jQuery way), for the sake of learning.
(Also, I'm sure I'm doing some other things horribly in this example. Please feel free to point out other mistakes I'm making, too. I'm going through Douglas Crockford's Javascript - The Good Parts, and even for a rank amateur, it's made a lot of sense, but I still haven't wrapped my head around it all)
I don't see a lot that should be different. I made an updated version of the fiddle here.
A few points I have changed though:
Use the var keyword for local variables e.g., self.
Don't add a temporary state as an object's state e.g., ajaxData, since you are likely to use it only once.
Encapsulate as much as possible: Instead of calling loadData with the object ajaxURL, let the object decide from which URL it should load its data.
One last remark: Don't try to meet requirements you don't have yet, even if they might come up in the future (I'm referring to your "What if...?" questions). If you try, you will most likely find out that you either don't need that functionality, or the requirements are slightly different from what you expected them to be in the past. If you have a new requirement, you can always refactor your model to meet them. So, design for change, but not for potential change.

