How to merge the below arrays in javascript? - javascript

I have two arrays and I want to join them
function test()
var arr1 = [
{"id":1,"name":"Michale Sharma","gender":"Male","age":25,"salary":10000},
{"id":2,"name":"Sunil Das","gender":"Male","age":24,"salary":5000},{"id":3,"name":"Robin Pandey","gender":"Male","age":35,"salary":45000},{"id":4,"name":"Mona Singh","gender":"Female","age":27,"salary":12000}
var arr2 = [
var res = Pack(arr1,arr2);
function Pack()
var args = [];
return args;
I am expecting the output as
[{"Employees":[{"id":1,"name":"Michale Sharma","gender":"Male","age":25,"salary":10000},{"id":2,"name":"Sunil Das","gender":"Male","age":24,"salary":5000},{"id":3,"name":"Robin Pandey","gender":"Male","age":35,"salary":45000},{"id":4,"name":"Mona Singh","gender":"Female","age":27,"salary":12000}],"Departments":[{"Deptid":1,"Deptname":"IT"},{"Deptid":2,"Deptname":"HR"},{"Deptid":3,"Deptname":"HW"},{"Deptid":4,"Deptname":"SW"}]}]
But not able to. How to do it?
I have already tried with Concat() function of Javascript but it didn't helped.
N.B.~ As it can be assumed that there can be variable number of arrays in the Pack function.

Couldn't you do something like:
var newArray = [ { "Employees": arr1, "Departments": arr2 } ]

Try this:
var arr1 = [
{"id":1,"name":"Michale Sharma","gender":"Male","age":25,"salary":10000},
{"id":2,"name":"Sunil Das","gender":"Male","age":24,"salary":5000},{"id":3,"name":"Robin Pandey","gender":"Male","age":35,"salary":45000},{"id":4,"name":"Mona Singh","gender":"Female","age":27,"salary":12000}
var arr2 = [
var json = {};
var jsonArr = [];
json.Employees = arr1;
json.Department = arr2;

From the expected JSON, what you need is neither "merging", nor "concatenation". You want to put an array inside an object.
What you want is below:
var output = [{
"Employees": arr1,
"Department": arr2
Note that output is an array according to your expectation. Why you need an array is something I dont understand.

Ok, so i put a little fiddle together for you, Here
Most of your code stays the same, except I added this to your test function:
var myObjToMerge = [{Employees:[]},{Departments:[]}];
var res = Pack(myObjToMerge,arr1,arr2);
You need to give 'Pack' some object to merge the arrays to, so I created an arbritary array of objects modeled after your example. Note that this array of objects can come from anywhere and this method doesn't require it to be known ahead of time like some of the other examples.
Then I changed the 'Pack' function:
function Pack()
var objToMerge = arguments[0];
for(var i = 0;i<objToMerge.length;i++)
if(arguments.length > i+1)
var firstProperty = Object.keys(objToMerge[i])[0];
objToMerge[i][firstProperty]= arguments[i+1];
return objToMerge;
The idea here is that 'Pack' grabs the first argument, your object to merge the remaining arguments into. I would suggest using function parameters, but that is your call.
Then, I iterate through the objects in the objToMerge array (there are two objects: Employees and Departments).
I assume that the remaining items in arguments is in the correct order and I grab the next item in arguments and assign to to the first property in the object I am currently looped in.
The line:
var firstProperty = Object.keys(objToMerge[i])[0];
Will return the string value of the first property in an object. We then use this to set the next array in arguments to that property:
objToMerge[i][firstProperty]= arguments[i+1];
there are a great deal of assumptions here and ways to improve, but you can see that it works in the fiddle and you can improve upon it as needed.

function test() {
var arr1 = {"Employees" : [
{"id":1,"name":"Michale Sharma","gender":"Male","age":25,"salary":10000},
{"id":2,"name":"Sunil Das","gender":"Male","age":24,"salary":5000},{"id":3,"name":"Robin Pandey","gender":"Male","age":35,"salary":45000},{"id":4,"name":"Mona Singh","gender":"Female","age":27,"salary":12000}
var arr2 = {"Departments":[
var res = Pack(arr1,arr2);
function Pack()
var results = [];
return results;


How to iterate over objects in an array?

I have an array object as mentioned below;
var myArray=[{dateformat:"apr1", score:1},{dateformat:"apr2",score:2},{dateformat:"apr3",score:3}];
I would like to extract the values of dateformat into a separate array, e.g.:
var dateArray=["apr1","apr2","apr3"];
var score=[1,2,3];
I am using a for loop to extract the index but I'm not able to get the values.
Use map to iterate over the initial array objects and return the item you want.
var myArray=[{dateformat:"apr1", score:1},{dateformat:"apr2",score:2},{dateformat:"apr3",score:3}];
var dateArray ={return obj.dateformat;}),
score ={return obj.score});
Here's the answer as a simple loop.
var dateArray = new Array(myArray.length);
for(var i = 0; i < myArray.length; ++i) {
var value = myArray[i];
var dateValue = value.dateformat;
dateArray[i] = dateValue;
You can accomplish the same using the map function:
var dateArray = { return value.dateformat; });
Create the empty arrays, and use forEach with an argument of 'element' (which represents each object in the array) and push esch of the properties of each object into the required array.
var dateArray=[];
var score=[];
var myArray=[
{dateformat:"apr1", score:1},
myArray.forEach(function(element) {
console.log(dateArray); //gives ["apr1","apr2","apr3"]
console.log(score); //gives ["1","2","3"]
You could use a single loop approach of the given array and iterate the keys and push the values to the wanted arrays.
var myArray = [{ dateformat: "apr1", score: 1 }, { dateformat: "apr2", score: 2 }, { dateformat: "apr3", score: 3 }],
dateArray = [],
score = [];
myArray.forEach(function (target, keys) {
return function(a) {
keys.forEach(function(k, i) {
}([dateArray, score], ['dateformat', 'score']));
If only you don't want to hard code the variables, you could use Array#forEach and Object.keys to store each unique key values inside e.g. array.
Note: It doesn't matter how many keys do you have in your objects, following solution will always return you the right output. Mind that you don't even have to initially declare new variables.
var myArray = [{dateformat:"apr1", score:1},{dateformat:"apr2",score:2},{dateformat:"apr3",score:3}],
obj = {};
myArray.forEach(v => Object.keys(v).forEach(function(c) {
(obj[c] || (obj[c] = [])).push(v[c]);

How can I push an object into an array?

I know it's simple, but I don't get it.
I have this code:
// My object
const nieto = {
label: "Title",
value: "Ramones"
let nietos = [];
If I do this I'll get a simple array:
["Title", "Ramones"]
I need to create the following:
[{"01":"Title", "02": "Ramones"}]
How can I use push() to add the object into the nietos array?
You have to create an object. Assign the values to the object. Then push it into the array:
var nietos = [];
var obj = {};
obj["01"] = nieto.label;
obj["02"] = nieto.value;
Create an array of object like this:
var nietos = [];
nietos.push({"01": nieto.label, "02": nieto.value});
return nietos;
First you create the object inside of the push method and then return the newly created array.
can be done like this too.
// our object array
let data_array = [];
// our object
let my_object = {};
// load data into object = "stack";
my_object.age = 20;
my_object.hair_color = "red";
my_object.eye_color = "green";
// push the object to Array
Using destructuring assignment (ES6)
const nieto = {label: 'title', value: 'ramones' }
const modifiedObj = {01: nieto.label, 02: nieto.value}
let array = [
{03: 'asd', 04: 'asd'},
{05: 'asd', 06: 'asd'}
// push the modified object to the first index of the array
array = [modifiedObj, ...array]
If you'd like to push the modified object to the last index of the array just change the destructured array ...array to the front.
array = [...array, modifiedObj]
Well, ["Title", "Ramones"] is an array of strings. But [{"01":"Title", "02", "Ramones"}] is an array of object.
If you are willing to push properties or value into one object, you need to access that object and then push data into that.
nietos[indexNumber].yourProperty=yourValue; in real application:
nietos[0].02 = "Ramones";
If your array of object is already empty, make sure it has at least one object, or that object in which you are going to push data to.
Let's say, our array is myArray[], so this is now empty array, the JS engine does not know what type of data does it have, not string, not object, not number nothing. So, we are going to push an object (maybe empty object) into that array. myArray.push({}), or myArray.push({""}).
This will push an empty object into myArray which will have an index number 0, so your exact object is now myArray[0]
Then push property and value into that like this:
myArray[0].property = value;
//in your case:
myArray[0]["01"] = "value";
I'm not really sure, but you can try some like this:
var pack = function( arr ) {
var length = arr.length,
result = {},
for ( i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
result[ ( i < 10 ? '0' : '' ) + ( i + 1 ) ] = arr[ i ];
return result;
pack( [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ] ); //{01: "one", 02: "two", 03: "three"}
The below solution is more straight-forward. All you have to do is define one simple function that can "CREATE" the object from the two given items. Then simply apply this function to TWO arrays having elements for which you want to create object and save in resultArray.
var arr1 = ['01','02','03'];
var arr2 = ['item-1','item-2','item-3'];
resultArray = [];
for (var j=0; j<arr1.length; j++) {
resultArray[j] = new makeArray(arr1[j], arr2[j]);
function makeArray(first,second) {
this.first = first;
this.second = second;
This solution can be used when you have more than 2 properties in any object.
const nieto = {
label: "Title",
value: "Ramones"
let nietos = [];
let xyz = Object.entries(nieto)
i[0] = `${(j+1).toLocaleString("en-US", {
minimumIntegerDigits: 2,
useGrouping: false,

Returning only certain properties from an array of objects in Javascript [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
From an array of objects, extract value of a property as array
(24 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
If I have an object such that
var object = function(key,text)
this.key = key;
this.text = text;
And create an array of these objects
var objArray = [];
objArray[0] = new object('key1','blank');
objArray[1] = new object('key2','exampletext');
objArray[2] = new object('key3','moretext');
is there a way that I can retrieve only one of the properties of all of the objects in the array? For example:
var keyArray = objArray["key"];
The above example doesn't return set keyArray to anything, but I was hoping it would be set to something like this:
keyArray = [
Does anyone know of a way to do this without iterating through the objArray and manually copying each key property to the key array?
This is easily done with the function:
var keyArray = { return item["key"]; });
If you are going to do this often, you could write a function that abstracts away the map:
function pluck(array, key) {
return { return item[key]; });
In fact, the Underscore library has a built-in function called pluck that does exactly that.
var object = function(key,text) {
this.key = key;
this.text = text;
var objArray = [];
objArray[0] = new object('key1','blank');
objArray[1] = new object('key2','exampletext');
objArray[2] = new object('key3','moretext');
var keys =,i) {
return o.key;
console.log(keys); // ["key1", "key2", "key3"]
JS Bin Example
Note that older browsers may not support map but you can easily do this with a for loop:
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < objArray.length; i++) {
JS Bin Example
You would want to do something like this: (obj) { return obj.key; });
Here is a JSFiddle to demo:
If you need older browser support, you can use your own method:
JSFiddle demo:
function map (arr, func) {
var i = arr.length;
arr = arr.slice();
while (i--) arr[i] = func(arr[i]);
return arr;
Well something has to iterate through the elements of the array. You can use .map() to make it look nice:
var keys = { return o.key; });
You could make a function to generate a function to retrieve a particular key:
function plucker(prop) {
return function(o) {
return o[prop];
var keys ="key"));
Really "objArray" is an array that have 3 objects inside, if you want list of keys, you can try this:
var keys = [];
for(a in objArray) {
You have in var keys, the three keys.
Hope that helps! :)

jquery json .. sort data array custom list .. how?

I want sort values ​​by array Another
for example
var objName = [{id:1, name:"one"},{id:2, name:"two"}, {id:3, name:"three"}];
var sortById = [1,3,2];
I want this output in that order
1 one
3 three
2 two
Stuff objName elements into a hash (i.e. object) indexed by id, then map the sortById array onto the hash values.
Exact code left as an exercise for the reader.
sorted=new Array()
for(var id_index=0;id_index<sortById.length;id_index++)
for(var obj_index=0;obj_index<objName.length;obj_index++){
if (objName[obj_index].id===sortById[id_index]) sorted.push(objName[obj_index])
//now sorted is the new sorted array. if you want to overwrite the original object:
Supposing that the length of both arrays are the same you can first create a hash:
var objName = [{id:1, name:"one"},{id:2, name:"two"}, {id:3, name:"three"}];
var myHash = {};
for(var i = 0; i<objName.length;i++){
myHash[objName[i].id] = objName[i];
Once you have this hash, you can loop over your keys array and get the values out:
var sortById = [1,3,2];
var sortedArray = [];
for(var i = 0; i<sortById.length;i++){
Something clear and readable (subjective, probably not for everyone):
var result = [];
sortById.forEach(function(id) {
result = result.concat(objName.filter(function(i) {
return == id;
Implemented just for fun.
Warning: O(n^2)
PS: I agree it would be better just give the recipe without the code, but as soon as there are already community members provided the copy-paste solutionы I decided to provide at least a nice looking one.

What kind of array is this in JavaScript?

I have an array that looks like this:
var locationsArray = [['title1','description1','12'],['title2','description2','7'],['title3','description3','57']];
I can't figure out what type of array this is. More importantly, I'm gonna have to create one based on the info there. So, if the number on the end is greater than 10 then create a brand new array in the same exact style, but only with the title and description.
var newArray = [];
// just a guess
//add to my newArray like this : ['title1','description1'],['title3','description3']
How can I do it?
Try like below,
var newArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < locationsArray.length; i++) {
if (parseInt(locationsArray[i][2], 10) > 10) {
newArray.push([locationsArray[i][0], locationsArray[i][1]]);
It's an array of arrays, also known as a 2-dimensional array. Each index contains its own array that has its own set of indexes.
For instance, if I retrieve locationsArray[0] I get ['title1','description1','12']. If I needed to get the title from the first array, I can access it by locationsArray[0][0] to get 'title1'.
Completing your example:
var newArray = [];
// just a guess
newArray.push( [ locationsArray[0][0], locationsArray[0][1] ] );
throw that in a loop and you're good to go.
It's an array of arrays of strings.
Each time there is this : [], it defines an array, and the content can be anything (such as another array, in your case).
So, if we take the following example :
var myArray = ["string", "string2", ["string3-1", "string3-2"]];
The values would be as such :
myArray[0] == "string"
myArray[1] == "string2"
myArray[2][0] == "string3-1"
myArray[2][1] == "string3-2"
There can be as many levels of depth as your RAM can handle.
locationsArray is an array of arrays. The first [] operator indexes into the main array (e.g. locationsArray[0] = ['title1','description1','12']) while a second [] operation indexes into the array that the first index pointed to (e.g. locationsArray[0][1] = 'description1').
Your newArray looks like it needs to be the same thing.
It's an array of array.
var newArray = [];
var locationsArray = [
for(i = 0; i < locationsArray.length; i++) {
if (locationsArray[i][2] > 10) {
newArray .push([locationsArray[i][0], locationsArray[i][1]]);
console.log(newArray );

