getting single objects out of $angularfire/$firebase - javascript

I am trying to follow a tutorial on which uses angularfire (angularjs firebase) except it uses stuff like $firebase.$asObject and such, which is now obsolete. I tried to look at the documentation as well as some other SOF questions, and I finally found something that worked, but it looks ugly and seems quite inefficient since the only way I found for it to work is to iterate through all the objects in an array returned from the database. This array holds all the users which are registered. This is how I got it to work, but can someone tell me the correct way to do it, because this does not seem like it should be it.
var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL);
var auth = firebaseAuth(ref);
var ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL + 'users/');
var stuff = firebaseArray(ref);
ref.on('value', function(snapshot) {
if(snapshot.val() !== null) {
var keys = Object.keys(snapshot.val());
for(var key in keys){
if(authUser.uid === snapshot.val()[keys[key]].registeredUser){
rootScope.currentUser = snapshot.val()[keys[key]];
} else {
console.log('location does not exist');
var user = firebaseObject(ref);
rootScope.currentUser = user;
} else {
rootScope.currentUser = '';
Here is what my firebase forge looks like:
Thank you in advance!

It is usually helpful to store user data like proposed in
You need to use the unique ID as the key for the user object, so you don't have to iterate over all users to search for it. The unique ID is part of the auth data, see


How to use multiple callbacks when looping data

I'm trying to get HTML form data, loop it through, change it a bit and insert it to database. I have tried like below app.js.
How can I make callbacks so that formdata what I have modified is available for .create function?
I have searched from everywhere and I always end up in dead end and undefined variable somehow.
//Find the day where to save
Day.findById(, function(err, day) {
if (err) {
} else {
// Search function to find data with _id
function ingredientIdQuery(reqBodyId) {
var ingQuery = Ingredient.find({_id:reqBodyId});
return dbQuery;
// This loops through HTML formdata and formats it for mongoose model
for (var i = 0; i < req.body.amount.length; i++) {
if (req.body.amount[i] !== "") {
var amount = Number(req.body.amount[i]);
var singleMealTempObj = {};
singleMealTempObj.amount = amount;
var _id =[i];
var query = ingredientIdQuery(_id);
// Executing the query for the data I need with id
query.exec(function(err, ingr){
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
} else {
singleMealTempObj.ingredient = ingr[0];
// This inserts data into day
Meal.create(singleMealTempArr, function(err, singleMealObject) {
if (err) {
} else {
res.redirect("/day/" + day._id + "/dayshow");
Thanks for reply and notices! While I was trying to do everything to get this work I missed those few things like declaring variables. Sorry for that. I threw the towel in to the cage at this point.
flow goes like this:
User sends HTML form data to app.js which is inside object of two arrays (id[] and amount[]). Amount array needs to be looped through if it has value other than 0. Same index id array value is used to fetch data from database. This data what is found from database with id from id[] is used with same index amount[] and it should be saved to mongo.
I can get the values from HTML form ok. but I have tried to make a search in Mongo in a for loop (query.exec in the code) I get the data ok. When I log the data outside the database query, variable is undefined.
I hope this clarifys a bit what I'm trying to achieve.
I'll continue this later... :)
I guess issue originates because of this function.
function ingredientIdQuery(reqBodyId) {
var ingQuery = Ingredient.find({_id:reqBodyId});
return dbQuery;
Is find function asynchronous or synchronous?
Also you are returning dbQuery but dbQuery does not seem to be changed inside the function.
Couple I noticed that may fix this:
You never define singleMealTempArr, so when you try to push data to it, you are gonna run into problems.
Your ingredientIdQuery function returns dbquery - which also isn't defined. You actually call it ingQuery. Even so...are you positive that this will return the data that you want?
// lets loop through all the form fields in req.body.amount
for (var i = 0; i < req.body.amount.length; i++) {
// keep going unless the form field is empty
if (req.body.amount[i] !== "") {
// assign all the form fields to the following vars
var amount = Number(req.body.amount[i]);
var singleMealTempObj = {};
singleMealTempObj.amount = amount;
var _id =[i];
var query = ingredientIdQuery(_id);
// we are executing the ingredientIdQuery(_id), better
// double-check that this query returns the result we are
// looking for!
query.exec(function(err, ingr){
if(err) {
return console.log(err);
} else {
singleMealTempObj.ingredient = ingr[0];
// now that we've gone through and mapped all the form
// data we can assign it to the singleMealTempArr
// WOOPS! Looks like we forgot to assign it!

Using idb instead of localStorage

I'm following the Progressive Web App lab from Google and it says that it's using localStorage for simplicity but that we should change it to idb.
Basically, we want to store a list of cities to display their weather information.
I tried using plain idb following the info here but I think I'm too new to this and I couldn't get any of this. Am I supposed to do:
const dbPromise ='keyval-store', 1, upgradeDB => {
and would keyval be the name of my variable where I would use keyval.get() or keyval.set() to get and store values?
I decided to move on to the simpler idbKeyval, I'm doing:
app.saveSelectedCities = function() {
var selectedCities = JSON.stringify(app.selectedCities);
instead of the localStorage example:
app.saveSelectedCities = function() {
var selectedCities = JSON.stringify(app.selectedCities);
localStorage.selectedCities = selectedCities;
app.selectedCities = idbKeyval.keys().then(keys => console.log(keys)).catch(err => console.log('It failed!', err));
instead of the localStorage example:
app.selectedCities = localStorage.selectedCities;
But my app is not loading any data, and in the developer tools console, I get:
app.js:314 Uncaught ReferenceError: idbKeyval is not defined(…)
I'm sure I'm missing something trivial but these are my first steps with javascript and the likes, so please, any help with any of the points touched here would be greatly appreciated!
Given the error you're seeing, it looks like you've forgotten to include the idb-keyval library.
I too was going through this, and wanted it to work with localForage. Took a bit, because I'm new to it too, but here is what I used for the save and load functions which made it all work.
// TODO add saveSelectedCities function here
// Save list of cities to localStorage
app.saveSelectedCities = function() {
var selectedCities = JSON.stringify(app.selectedCities);
localforage.setItem('selectedCities', selectedCities);
//localStorage.selectedCities = selectedCities;
localforage.getItem('selectedCities').then(function(cityList) {
app.selectedCities = cityList;
app.selectedCities.forEach(function(city) {
app.getForecast(city.key, city.label);
}).catch(function(err) {
app.selectedCities = [
{key: initialWeatherForecast.key, label: initialWeatherForecast.label}

LocalStorage strategy for user and message data

I am looking for a simple strategy to store user data, as well as messages. I was thinking of using different key values like some random token (Ynjk_nkjSNKJN) for users and some real ids (1,2,3) for messages.
Has anyone ever had that problem?
The reason is that I would like to keep localStorage always up to date with new messages from the server, but users should not be deleted during an update.
You can handle "tables" in localStorage this way:
//columns should be an array of column literals
function createTable(tableName, columns) {
db[tableName] = {rows: {}, columns: columns};
function insertInto(tableName, row, id) {
var newRow = {};
for (var columnName in row) {
if (db[tableName].columns.indexOf(columnName) === -1) {
//invalid column
return false;
newRow[columnName] = row[columnName];
db[tableName].rows[id] = newRow;
return true;
function getIDs(tableName, where) {
var IDs = [];
for (var id in db[tableName].rows) {
if (where(db[tableName].rows[id])) {
return IDs;
function update(tableName, where, what) {
what(tableName, getIDs(tableName, where));
function deleteRecord(tableName, where) {
var removeIDs = getIDs(tableName, where);
for (var id in removeIDs) {
//Could be done by regexes, but I am not fluent with them and I am lazy to check them out
delete db[tableName].rows[removeIDs[id]];
function select(tableName, where) {
var IDs = getIDs(tableName, where);
var result = {};
for (var id in db[tableName].rows) {
result[id] = db[tableName].rows[id];
return result;
function dropTable(tableName) {
delete db[tableName];
You probably see that this is only a minimalistic implementation, but with the same approach you can implement altering, joins, grouping and so on. My focus here was just to illustrate how you can create a database. Let's go to the next step, storing the database into localStorage:
localStorage.setItem("db", JSON.stringify(db));
You will need to be able to convert back the local storage item to object, especially because you want to reuse your database even after reload. Let's see how you should initialize db:
var db = !!localStorage.getItem("db") ? angular.fromJson(localStorage.getItem("db")) : {};
Localstorage is a key-value store, which stores everything in string format. So, the messages will be identified by one key (e.g. "messages") and the users another key (e.g. "users").
Then you need to create 2 (angular) services one for the messages and one for the users. Both will interface with localstorage (using the respective keys) and will perform the operations that you want.
If you provide us with more information then we could help you a bit more.

AngularJS and Restangular, trying to convert update method to API

I'm trying to convert my basic crud operations into an API that multiple components of my application can use.
I have successfully converted all methods, except the update one because it calls for each property on the object to be declared before the put request can be executed.
$scope.update = function(testimonial, id) {
var data = {
message: testimonial.message
dataService.update(uri, data, $ {
console.log('Successfully updated!');
function(error) {
console.log('Error updating.');
dataService.update = function(uri, data, id) {
var rest =, id);
angular.forEach(data, function(value, key) {
// needs to be in the format below
// rest.key = data.key
// needs to output something like this, depending on what the data is passed
// =;
// rest.message = data.message;
return rest.put();
I tried to describe the problem in the codes comments, but to reiterate I cannot figure out how to generate something like =; without specifying the name property because the update function shouldn't need to know the object properties.
Here is what the update method looked like before I started trying to make it usable by any of my components (this works)
Testimonial.update = function(testimonial, id) {
var rest ='testimonials', id); =;
rest.message = testimonial.message;
return rest.put();
How can I recreate this without any specific properties parameters hard-coded in?
Also, my project has included lo-dash, if that helps, I don't know where to start with this problem. Thanks a ton for any advice!
Try like

Breeze Partial initializer

I have a Single Page Application that is working pretty well so far but I have run into an issue I am unable to figure out. I am using breeze to populate a list of projects to be displayed in a table. There is way more info than what I actually need so I am doing a projection on the data. I want to add a knockout computed onto the entity. So to accomplish this I registered and entity constructor like so...
metadataStore.registerEntityTypeCtor(entityNames.project, function () { this.isPartial = false; }, initializeProject);
The initializeProject function uses some of the values in the project to determine what the values should be for the computed. For example if the Project.Type == "P" then the rowClass should = "Red".
The problem I am having is that all the properties of Project are null except for the ProjNum which happens to be the key. I believe the issue is because I am doing the projection because I have registered other initializers for other types and they work just fine. Is there a way to make this work?
EDIT: I thought I would just add a little more detail for clarification. The values of all the properties are set to knockout observables, when I interrogate the properties using the javascript debugger in Chrome the _latestValue of any of the properties is null. The only property that is set is the ProjNum which is also the entity key.
EDIT2: Here is the client side code that does the projection
var getProjectPartials = function (projectObservable, username, forceRemote) {
var p1 = new breeze.Predicate("ProjManager", "==", username);
var p2 = new breeze.Predicate("ApprovalStatus", "!=", "X");
var p3 = new breeze.Predicate("ApprovalStatus", "!=", "C");
var select = 'ProjNum,Title,Type,ApprovalStatus,CurrentStep,StartDate,ProjTargetDate,CurTargDate';
var isQaUser = cookies.getCookie("IsQaUser");
if (isQaUser == "True") {
p1 = new breeze.Predicate("QAManager", "==", username);
select = select + ',QAManager';
} else {
select = select + ',ProjManager';
var query = entityQuery
if (!forceRemote) {
var p = getLocal(query);
if (p.length > 1) {
return Q.resolve();
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(querySucceeded).fail(queryFailed);
function querySucceeded(data) {
var list = partialMapper.mapDtosToEntities(
if (projectObservable) {
log('Retrieved projects using breeze', data, true);
and the code for the partialMapper.mapDtosToEntities function.
var defaultExtension = { isPartial: true };
function mapDtosToEntities(manager,dtos,entityName,keyName,extendWith) {
function dtoToEntityMapper(dto) {
var keyValue = dto[keyName];
var entity = manager.getEntityByKey(entityName, keyValue);
if (!entity) {
extendWith = $.extend({}, extendWith || defaultExtension);
extendWith[keyName] = keyValue;
entity = manager.createEntity(entityName, extendWith);
mapToEntity(entity, dto);
return entity;
function mapToEntity(entity, dto) {
for (var prop in dto) {
if (dto.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
return entity;
EDIT3: Looks like it was my mistake. I found the error when I looked closer at initializeProject. Below is what the function looked like before i fixed it.
function initializeProject(project) {
project.rowClass = ko.computed(function() {
if (project.Type == "R") {
return "project-list-item info";
} else if (project.Type == "P") {
return "project-list-item error";
return "project-list-item";
the issue was with project.Type I should have used project.Type() since it is an observable. It is a silly mistake that I have made too many times since starting this project.
EDIT4: Inside initializeProject some parts are working and others aren't. When I try to access project.ProjTargetDate() I get null, same with project.StartDate(). Because of the Null value I get an error thrown from the moment library as I am working with these dates to determine when a project is late. I tried removing the select from the client query and the call to the partial entity mapper and when I did that everything worked fine.
You seem to be getting closer. I think a few more guard clauses in your initializeProject method would help and, when working with Knockout, one is constantly battling the issue of parentheses.
Btw, I highly recommend the Knockout Context Debugger plugin for Chrome for diagnosing binding problems.
Try toType()
You're working very hard with your DTO mapping, following along with John's code from his course. Since then there's a new way to get projection data into an entity: add toType(...) to the end of the query like this:
var query = entityQuery
.toType('Project'); // cast to Project
It won't solve everything but you may be able to do away with the dto mapping.
Consider DTOs on the server
I should have pointed this out first. If you're always cutting this data down to size, why not define the client-facing model to suit your client. Create DTO classes of the right shape(s) and project into them on the server before sending data over the wire.
You can also build metadata to match those DTOs so that Project on the client has exactly the properties it should have there ... and no more.
I'm writing about this now. Should have a page on it in a week or so.

