Sails.js: Bootstrap encountered an error - javascript

I have the following code in my /config/bootstrap.js that inserts some dummy data for development.
/* global User */
/* global Category */
var insertDummyUsers = function() {'Inserting dummy users');
var users = [
{ email: '' },
{ email: '' },
{ email: ''}
return User.create(users);
var insertDummyCategories = function() {'Inserting dummy categories');
var categories = [
{ name: 'Furniture' },
{ name: 'Lighting' },
{ name: 'Computers' },
{ name: 'Networking' },
{ name: 'Telecommunications' },
{ name: 'TV & Audio' }
return Category.create(categories);
module.exports.bootstrap = function(cb) {
if (count > 0) {
} else {
// Insert some dummy users
When I lift the app I am getting:
info: Inserting dummy users
info: Inserting dummy categories
error: Bootstrap encountered an error: see(below)
error: [ { name: 'Networking, id: 4, createdAt: ..., updatedAt: ... }]
[... so on]
However I can see that the data is being persisted in the database but the app is not getting lifted.
What's going on here? It really gives no clue.
migrate: is set to drop
The Category model is defined as follows:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string'
/* Associations */
subcategories: {
collection: 'Subcategory',
via: 'parentCategory'

I find this really bizarre, when I edit your create function like below. It works even when the callback function is empty.
I'll have to look a bit more, but this could be a bug that needs to be reported.
return Category.create(categories, function(err, returnModel) {
sails.log.debug('This should work!!! -- Error : ' + err + 'model : ' +
returnModel); });


Search Inside Dropdown with data in tree structure React JS

I have developed a custom component which renders dropdown with a tree like structure inside it and allows the user to search for values inside the dropdown. Somehow the search works only after two levels of the tree structure.
We would be able to search only on the inside of NextJS label. The previous levels do not render results.
My function looks like this:
const searchFunction = (menu: treeData[], searchText: string) => {
debugger; //eslint-disable-line no-debugger
for (let i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
if (menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
return menu[i].name;
} else if (!menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
if (menu[i].children !== undefined) {
return searchFunction(menu[i].children, searchText);
} else {
return 'Not Found';
And My data is like this:
import { treeData } from './DdrTreeDropdown.types';
export const menu: treeData[] = [
name: 'Web Project',
children: [
name: 'NextJS',
children: [
name: 'MongoDB',
name: 'Backend',
children: [
name: 'NodeJS',
name: 'ReactJS',
children: [
name: 'Express',
name: 'mysql',
children: [
name: 'jwt',
name: 'lorem project',
children: [
name: 'Vue Js',
children: [
name: 'Oracle Db',
name: 'JDBC',
children: [
name: 'Java',
name: 'ReactJS',
children: [
name: 'Express',
name: 'mysql',
children: [
name: 'jwt',
The sandbox link of the component is here:
I haven't looked at the context that this is used in, so apologies if I'm missing something about how this is supposed to work. I've assumed that you can call setFound after running this function based on whether it finds anything or not and that it only needs to return one value. But hopefully this helps.
const menu = [{"name":"Web Project","children":[{"name":"NextJS","children":[{"name":"MongoDB"},{"name":"Backend","children":[{"name":"NodeJS"}]}]},{"name":"ReactJS","children":[{"name":"Express"},{"name":"mysql","children":[{"name":"jwt"}]}]}]},{"name":"lorem project","children":[{"name":"Vue Js","children":[{"name":"Oracle Db"},{"name":"JDBC","children":[{"name":"Java"}]}]},{"name":"ReactJS","children":[{"name":"Express"},{"name":"mysql","children":[{"name":"jwt"}]}]}]}];
const searchFunction = (menu, searchText) => {
let result;
for(let i = 0; i < menu.length; i++) {
if(menu[i].name.includes(searchText)) {
return menu[i].name;
} else if(menu[i].children !== undefined) {
result = searchFunction(menu[i].children, searchText);
if(result) return result;
return null;
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'NextJS'));
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'jwt'));
console.log(searchFunction(menu, 'foo'));
Looking at why the current version doesn't work, I think it goes something like this:
Let's take 'jwt' as the searchText.
We start in the 'Web Project' object, the name does not match, so we go to the else if block (BTW, we can never reach the else block as the else if condition is the opposite of the if condition).
The 'Web Project' object does have children so we will return from the new call to searchFunction; notice that 'lorem project' can never be reached as we will (regardless of the result) return the value of searchFunction and skip the rest of the loop.
Inside of our new and subsequent calls to searchFunction the same is going to happen until we find either a matching item or an item without children.
If we get to an item without children the the loop will successfully carry on to the siblings of the item.
If it doesn't find a match or an item with children it will exit the for loop and return undefined up the chain to the caller of the initial searchFunction.

Information isn't being passed to an array via Mongoose, can't work out why

Apologies if this has been answered before, I have checked other answers and can't work it out from those.
I have a set of information that I would like placed into an array named "teamDetails". Here is the relevant /post item from server.js:'/create', (req, res) => {
console.log('Post command received');
//We need to push the variable below, 'teamDetails', as an object into an array of the same name
var teamDetailsObj = {
// Modified for Postman
var newTeam = new Team({
"data.added": new Date(),
}); => {
console.log("This is " +;
console.log("This is teamDetailsObj: " + teamDetailsObj);;
var teamId =;
res.render('success.hbs', {teamId});
console.log("Team Added - " + teamId);
}, (e) => {
Here is my team.js model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ObjectID = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId;
var Mixed = mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed;
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var Team = mongoose.model('Team', {
data: {
entry: {
type: String,
default: "USER.INPUT"
added: {
type: Date,
default: Date.Now
teamDetails: [
teamName: {
type: String,
trim: true,
required: true,
default: "First Team"
teamNameShort: {
type: String,
trim: true,
uppercase: true,
maxlength: 3,
required: true
teamFounded: {
type: Number,
maxlength: 4
teamHomeCity: {
type: String
module.exports = {Team};
Lastly, the sample data I'm trying to inject via Postman:
"data": {
"entry": "Postman.Entry",
"teamDetails": [
"teamName": "Test Teamname",
"teamNameShort": "TTN",
"teamFounded": "1986",
"teamHome": "London",
"players": [
"player1Name": "Test Player 1",
"player1Position": "Forward",
"player1Nationality": "GBR"
"player2Name": "Test Player 2",
"player2Position": "Defender",
"player2Nationality": "UKR"
"player3Name": "Test Player 3",
"player3Position": "Goaltender",
"player3Nationality": "IRL",
"captain": true
"coachingStaff": {
"headCoach": "Derp McHerpson",
"teamManager": "Plarp McFlarplarp"
(Disregard the players section, it's another kettle of fish)
As a result of using my code above, the resulting entry for teamDetails is just an empty array. I just can't get my code to push the teamDetailsObj into it.
Any help anyone can provide is appreciated.
It looks like you add teamObjDetails AFTER saving it with ... )
I'm not a lot familiar with Mongoose but I don't see how could the team details could be present if not added before saving.
Let me know if it changes something !
A. G

Merge the object using typescript

In my angular application i am having the data as follows,
forEachArrayOne = [
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
forEachArrayTwo = [
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
newObj: any = {};
ngOnInit() {
this.forEachArrayOne.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.forEachArrayTwo.forEach(element => {
this.newObj = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObj, ...this.newObj });
In my real application, the above is the structure so kindly help me to achieve the expected result in the same way..
The working demo which has the above structure.
Here console.log(this.newObj) gives the last object,
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
but i want to combine both and need the result exactly like the below..
titleOne: "objectOne",
{ id: 1, name: "userOne" },
{ id: 2, name: "userTwo" },
{ id: 3, name: "userThree" }
titleTwo: "ObjectTwo",
{ id: 1, name: "userFour" },
{ id: 2, name: "userFive" },
{ id: 3, name: "userSix" }
Kindly help me to achieve the above result.. If i am wrong in anywhere kindly correct with the working example please..
You're assigning both values to this.newObj, so it just overwrites the first object.
Also, there is no need for your loop. It doesn't add anything.
Instead, you can do:
this.newObjA = { titleOne: "objectOne", dataOne: this.forEachArrayOne };
this.newObjB = { titleTwo: "objectTwo", dataTwo: this.forEachArrayTwo };
console.log({ ...this.newObjA, ...this.newObjB });
Having spoken to you regarding your requirements, I can see a different solution.
Before calling componentData, you need to make sure you have the full data. To do this, we can use forkJoin to join the benchmark requests, and the project requests into one Observable. We can then subscribe to that Observable to get the results for both.
The code would look something like this:
createComponent() {
let benchmarks, projects;
let form = this.productBenchMarkingForm[0];
if (form.benchmarking && form.project) {
benchmarks = form.benchmarking.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
projects = form.project.filter(x => x.optionsUrl)
.map(element => this.getOptions(element));
forkJoin(benchmarks), // Join all the benchmark requests into 1 Observable
forkJoin(projects) // Join all the project requests into 1 Observable
).subscribe(res => {
this.componentData({ component: NgiProductComponent, inputs: { config: AppConfig, injectData: { action: "add", titleProject: "project", dataProject: this.productBenchMarkingForm[0] } } });
getOptions(element) {
return this.appService.getRest(element.optionsUrl).pipe(
map((res: any) => {
this.dataForOptions =;
element.options =;
return element;
Here is an example in Stackblitz that logs the data to the console

Not able to read the below data as per requirement ( in java script)

query:'Select email from table',
useLegacySql: false
}).then(function (rows) {
function setValue(value) {
someVar = value;
The output in console is this-:
[ [ { email: '' },
{ email: '' },
{ email: '' },
{ email: '' } ] ]
And i want the output like:
How to access some someVar to get the below output??
Please help me to solve this

Angularjs array of nested objects from array

I have an array of position and nested user objects like so:
position: {
title: Developer,
user: { name: Albert }
position: {
title: CEO,
user: { name: Smith }
How do I get an array of [user, user] with Angularjs?
Assuming this is pseudo-code (as it's missing a few { and } and you'd need variables called Developer, Albert, CEO & Smith - I've fixed these in the working example) you can use
var arr = [{
Position0: {
title: Developer,
user: { name: Albert }
Position1 : {
title: CEO,
user: { name: Smith }
var result =, idx) {
return val["Position" + idx];
Working Example
I just tried this code, and works ...
var positions, users;
users = [];
positions = [
title: 'Developer',
user: { name: 'Albert' }
title: 'CEO',
user: { name: 'Smith' }
angular.forEach(positions, function(position) {
Firstly this thing does not need angularjs.
The way you can do that is using for each loop:
var users = [];
var positions = [{
Position0: {
title: 'Developer',
user: { name: 'Albert' }
Position1 : {
title: 'CEO',
user: { name: 'Smith' }
for(var i =0; i< positions.length; i++){
for(var j in positions[i]){ //used to loop on object properties
if(positions[i].hasOwnProperty(j)){ //checking if the property is not inherited
if(positions[i][j].user){ //checking if the property exist, then only will push it to array, so that array doesnot have undefined values
users array will have the users.
Use angular.forEach():
var arr1=[]
var arr=[
position: {
title: Developer,
user: { name: Albert }
position: {
title: CEO,
user: { name: Smith }

