create an expensive synchronous task, to test UI responsiveness - javascript

So i am trying to figure out how to render images to the browser, without crashing it or making the UI unresponsive. I'm using this code to load (a lot) of thumbnails to the screen, and the goal is to keep the spinner gif spinning in every LI, without glitches, while the images render one by one, inside each LI.
This is the approach i am testing now, but i need some help in simulating expensive operations, like in the commented for loop; this for loop is, i think, too expensive; the setTimeout works fine (emulating the job of a web worker), but i would like to test with some expensive synchronous task;
the for loop totally freezes the app; do you have any other suggestions?
renderThumbnail = function(imageObj){
var li = document.createElement('li');
li.className = 'photo-list-item loading-spinner';
var renderQueue = function(){
renderingThumbnails = true;
(function renderOne(){
var li = thumbnailListItems.shift();
var imageObj = thumbnailRenderQueue.shift();
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 120;
canvas.height = 80;
// setTimeout(function(){
// for(var i = 0; i < 9999999; i++){ 10000*10000; }
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(imageObj.image, 0, 0, 120, 80);
if(thumbnailRenderQueue.length > 0){
} else {
renderingThumbnails = false;
// }, 1000);


Intercept calls to HTML5 canvas element

I have a WEB application, that renders it's entire User Interface in an HTML5 canvas.
Note that I can't change the current application.
Currently, this application is being tested using Selenium.
This is done by simulating a click event at a given location in the browser window.
After the click has been executed, a sleep of 2 seconds is being performed to ensure that the entire UI is ready before moving to the next step.
Due to all the 'wait' statements, testing the application is very slow.
Therefore, I thought it was an idea to intercept all calls to the HTML5 canvas.
That way I can rely on the triggered events to know if the UI is ready to move to the next step.
Assume that I have the following code in my application that renders the canvas.
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvasElement");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
Is there a way to intercept the 'fillRect' event?
I tought something along the lines:
var canvasProxy = document.getElementById("canvasElement");
canvasProxy.addEventListener("getContext", function(event) {
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvasElement");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "green";
ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 100, 100);
Unforuntately this is not working.
I've created a JSFiddle to play with the example.
Amy toughts?
I played a bit around with the JS API and it seems that the following might be working:
// SECTION: Store a reference to all the HTML5 'canvas' element methods.
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._captureStream = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.captureStream;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._getContext = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._toDataURL = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._toBlob = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._transferControlToOffscreen = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.transferControlToOffscreen;
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype._mozGetAsFile = HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.mozGetAsFile;
// SECTION: Patch the HTML5 'canvas' element methods.
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.captureStream = function(frameRate) {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.captureStream');
return this._captureStream(frameRate);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function(contextType, contextAttributes) {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext');
console.log(' contextType: ' + contextType);
return this._getContext(contextType, contextAttributes);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL = function(type, encoderOptions) {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toDataURL');
return this._toDataURL(type, encoderOptions);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob = function(callback, mimeType, qualityArgument) {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.toBlob');
return this._toBlob(callback, mimeType, qualityArgument);
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.transferControlToOffscreen = function() {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.transferControlToOffscreen');
return this._transferControlToOffscreen();
HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.mozGetAsFile = function(name, type) {
console.log('INTERCEPTING: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.mozGetAsFile');
return this._mozGetAsFile(name, type);
Now that I can intercept the calls, I can find out which calls are responsible that draw a button and react accordingly.

HighCharts: How to use reflow to allow auto-resize after changing size

In our Angular app we're using highcarts-ng for our HighCharts implementation.
Here is the Chart Maximize and Minimize function, which works:
function expandChartPanel() {
vm.chartMaxed = !vm.chartMaxed;
viewHeader = ScopeFactory.getScope('viewHeader');
highChart = ScopeFactory.getScope('highChart');
var chart = highChart.chartObject;
var highChartContainer = document.getElementById("highchart-container");
var highChartContainerWidth = document.getElementById('highchart-container').clientWidth;
var highChartContainerHeight = document.getElementById('highchart-container').clientHeight;
var windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
var windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
if (vm.chartMaxed) {
vs.savedWidth = highChartContainerWidth;
vs.savedHeight = highChartContainerHeight;
console.log('savedWidth = ', vs.savedWidth);
console.log('savedHeight = ', vs.savedHeight);
root.chartExpanded = true;
viewHeader.vh.chartExpanded = true;
highChart.highChartMax = true;
highChartContainerHeight = document.getElementById('highchart-container').clientHeight;
windowWidth = window.innerWidth;
windowHeight = window.innerHeight;
highChart.chartConfig.size.width = windowWidth;
highChart.chartConfig.size.height = windowHeight - 220;
chart.setSize(windowWidth, windowHeight - 220);
else {
root.chartExpanded = false;
viewHeader.vh.chartExpanded = false;
highChart.highChartMax = false;
highChart.chartConfig.size.width = vs.savedWidth;
highChart.chartConfig.size.height = vs.savedHeight;
chart.setSize(vs.savedWidth, vs.savedHeight);
Here is the reflow function:
function restoreChartSize() {
if (!vs.chartObject.reflowNow) {
vs.chartObject.reflowNow = vs.chartObject.reflowNow = function() {
this.containerHeight = this.options.chart.height || window.window.HighchartsAdapter.adapterRun(this.renderTo, 'height');
this.containerWidth = this.options.chart.width || window.window.HighchartsAdapter.adapterRun(this.renderTo, 'width');
this.setSize(this.containerWidth, this.containerHeight, true);
this.hasUserSize = null;
This reflow function above, works perfectly in this jsFiddle, but not in our app.
The full Gist file of our HighChartsDirective file.
After clicking Maximize, the chart will expand to the full size of the browser window, but then after dragging to resize the browser window, I call the restoreChartSize function, which activates the reflow.
However the size of the chart does not go to auto-size 100% 100%, it goes back to the previous size of the chart :(
Before Maximize:
After the Maximize function:
Now after resizing the browser window:
window.onresize = function(event) {
console.log('window resizing...');
highChart = ScopeFactory.getScope('highChart');
console.log('highChart.chartConfig = ', highChart.chartConfig);
^ back to the smaller static sizes, not auto-size 100%
You can do this by adding a new method to chart that will manually trigger the reflow like so:
chart.reflowNow = function(){
this.containerHeight = this.options.chart.height || window.window.HighchartsAdapter.adapterRun(this.renderTo, 'height');
this.containerWidth = this.options.chart.width || window.window.HighchartsAdapter.adapterRun(this.renderTo, 'width');
this.setSize(this.containerWidth, this.containerHeight, false);
this.hasUserSize = null;
Then whenever you want to get away from manual resizing using setSize() just call chart.reflow()
Here's an working example: jsFiddle
Reference taken from: github-issue
UPDATE for ng-highcharts users
For doing this when using ng-highcharts library, you can simply pull out the chart object in the controller that has highcharts-ng dependency and add the reflowNow function, like so:
var chart = this.chartConfig.getHighcharts();
chart.reflowreflowNow = function (){ ... }
This is also the recommended way to pull out chart to do custom jobs by author of ng-highcharts as noted here and this fiddle.
I ended up finding an alternative solution to be the only thing I could get working, and it actually was pretty simple and straight forward to do. In case anyone else is looking for a fix for this, here's links to the resources that were useful and solved the issue for me.
You can simply add this to your chart config object, at the same level as the config.series or config.options. The comment references info but the actual solution that worked for me uses $timeout with 0 seconds, here
*For using highcharts-ng obviously
$scope.chartConfigObject = {
// function to trigger reflow in bootstrap containers
// see: and
func: function(chart) {
$timeout(function() {
//The below is an event that will trigger all instances of charts to reflow
}, 0);

Javascript - how to smoothen out ship movement

Im making a basic game
The idea is to learn more about javascript and the canvas
The problem im having is that i bound onkeypress on the body element
it only allows for a single keypress to be picked up at a time
and its not all that smooth - the ship lags for a second before starting its movement
how can i make it that the ship immediatly starts moving in the correct direction
as soon as the keypress happens?
here is my code that controls the keypress event:
function keyPress(e){
//w=119, s = 115, a = 97, d = 100
player[0].ypos -=15;
playerImg.src = 'images/playerUp.png';;
player[0].ypos +=15;
playerImg.src = 'images/playerDown.png';;
playerImg.src = 'images/playerFW.png';;
playerImg.src = 'images/playerFW.png';;
//fire a bullet
//fire a bullet
bullets.push(new init(player[0].xpos+88,player[0].ypos+25));
var gunshot = new Audio('lazer.mp3');;
As #Rob Baille says, listen for keydown rather than keypress events.
Your delay is caused because you're reloading the images with every keypress.
Instead preload all the images just once.
Then set your playerImg to the appropriate image as needed in the key handler.
Also, you repeated images/playerFW.png...was that intentional?
Here's an example of your code refactored using an image preloader:
// image loader
var imageURLs=[]; // put the paths to your images here
var imagesOK=0;
var imgs=[];
function loadAllImages(callback){
for (var i=0; i<imageURLs.length; i++) {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
if (imagesOK>=imageURLs.length ) {
img.onerror=function(){alert("image load failed");}
img.src = imageURLs[i];
function start(){
// All images have been fully pre-loaded
// Allow the game to begin
// Maybe hide the "Play" button until this function is triggered
function keyPress(e){
//w=119, s = 115, a = 97, d = 100
player[0].ypos -=15;
playerImg = imgs[0];;
player[0].ypos +=15;
playerImg = imgs[1];;
playerImg = imgs[2];;
playerImg = imgs[3];;
//fire a bullet
//fire a bullet
bullets.push(new init(player[0].xpos+88,player[0].ypos+25));
var gunshot = new Audio('lazer.mp3');;
Well there are two ways I know on how to approach this. You can update your frames more often or you can use a different key down method. To update your frames faster
var sim_interval = 1 / 40; // number of times per second that we step the animation.
This declares as a variable the number of times per second that we step the animation, as stated above. This next bit of code is how to reder the initial state.
render(); // render the initial state.
interval_callback_id = window.setInterval(step, sim_interval); // set the callback and save the identifier.
Every reder code will be a bit different your function render(){ might be different it is how to uptdate the system. The other way to do a key down method can be found here How to use spacebar and if statements in JS?

How can i play a gif like 9 gag?
I want pause and play a gif,like the 9gag,
how can i do that?
I know I have to use one. Jpg and. Gif but I tried a few things but did not work
I found this function
function is_gif_image(i) {
return /^(?!data:).*\.gif/i.test(i.src);
function freeze_gif(i) {
var c = document.createElement('canvas');
var w = c.width = i.width;
var h = c.height = i.height;
c.getContext('2d').drawImage(i, 0, 0, w, h);
try {
i.src = c.toDataURL("image/gif"); // if possible, retain all css aspects
} catch(e) { // cross-domain -- mimic original with all its tag attributes
for (var j = 0, a; a = i.attributes[j]; j++)
c.setAttribute(, a.value);
i.parentNode.replaceChild(c, i);
function unfreeze_gif(id, src) {
i = document.getElementById(id);
i.src = src;
but i dont know how to use on the HTML
Can someone give me an example? with HTML , CSS E JS (or Jquery) ?
It's just 2 versions of the image: One static JPG, one moving GIF.
Here's a fiddle that mimic the behaviour:
$(".gif-post").on("click", function () {
var $this = $(this);
var img = $this.find("img"); // Find the image element
if (!this.playing) {
this.playing = true; // Set or create a variable
img.attr("src", img.attr("src").replace(".jpg", "a.gif"));
$this.find(".play").hide(); // Hide the overlay
} else {
this.playing = false;
img.attr("src", img.attr("src").replace("a.gif", ".jpg"));
I was actually working on a 9gag clone myself, so i was searching as well for a gif player.
You can use this one:
All you have to do for this one is include the javascript and in the .gif link and add the following class: "freezeframe"
There is also this one:
I haven't used it, but it seems very interesting.

JavaScript waiting until an image is fully loaded before continuing script

I've been looking around a lot of JavaScript answers but I haven't found one that really answers my problem yet. What I'm trying to do is load an image, grab the pixel data, perform an analysis, and then load another image to repeat the process.
My problem is that I can't preload all of the images because this script has to be able to work on large amounts of images and preloading could be too resource heavy. So I'm stuck trying to load a new image each time through a loop, but I'm stuck with a race condition between the image loading and the script drawing it to the canvas's context. At least I'm pretty sure that's what is happening because the script will work fine with the images precached (for example if I refresh after loading the page previously).
As you'll see there are several lines of code commented out because I'm incredibly new to JavaScript and they weren't working the way I thought they would, but I didn't want to forget about them if I needed the functionality later.
This is the snippet of code that I believe is giving rise to the problem:
EDIT: So I got my function to work after following a suggestion
function myFunction(imageURLarray) {
var canvas = document.getElementById('imagecanvas');
console.log("Canvas Grabbed");
if (!canvas || !canvas.getContext) {
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
if (!context || !context.putImageData) {
window.loadedImageCount = 0;
loadImages(context, canvas.width, canvas.height, imageURLarray, 0);
function loadImages(context, width, height, imageURLarray, currentIndex) {
if (imageURLarray.length == 0 || imageURLarray.length == currentIndex) {
return false;
if (typeof currentIndex == 'undefined') {
currentIndex = 0;
var currentimage = new Image();
currentimage.src = imageURLarray[currentIndex];
var tempindex = currentIndex;
currentimage.onload = function(e) {
// Function code here
if (loadedImageCount == imageURLarray.length) {
// Function that happens after all images are loaded here
loadImages(context, width, height, imageURLarray, currentIndex);
Maybe this will help:
currentimage.onload = function(e){
// code, run after image load
If it is necessary to wait for the image to load, the following code will load the next image (currentIndex is your "img" variable):
var loadImages = function(imageURLarray, currentIndex){
if (imageURLarray.length == 0 || imageURLarray.length == currentIndex) return false;
if (typeof currentIndex == 'undefined'){
currentIndex = 0;
// your top code
currentimage.onload = function(e){
// code, run after image load
loadImages(imageURLArray, currentIndex++);
Instead of a "for" loop, use for example this function:
Maybe try this:
Setting onload handler before setting img src will make sure the onload event be fired even the image is cached
var $imgs = $(),i=0;
for (var img = 0; img < imageURLarray.length; img++) {
$imgs = $imgs.add('<img/>');
var fctn = (function fctn(i){
//do some stuff
Actually...a lot of developers are pointing here to detect when images are done loading after a jQuery event..
If you can determine when the event triggers your images to load (for example, adding an Id or class onto the page right before your images begin to load), then you should be able to blend that in with this plug-in on github.
Good Luck!

