Mac Node-webkit menu - javascript

I am trying to create a menu for a mac node-webkit app. I am trying to append a preferences menu item to the first/root menu(app name > about, preferences, etc). I have not been able to figure out how to access the menus that the .createMacBuiltin(); function creates. I have only been able to create a new custom menu. Has anyone figured out how to do this. See Slack's mac app for an example. Here is my code so far.
var gui = require('nw.gui');
// Create menu container
var Menu = new gui.Menu({
type: 'menubar'
Menu.createMacBuiltin("Example App");
new gui.MenuItem({
label: 'Preferences',
click : function () {
gui.Window.get().menu = Menu;
Thanks for the help.

I solved this with the following code. It was just a matter of rooting around and finding the right menu to append or insert to. I used the menu to open a modal that has user preferences in it.
var gui = require('nw.gui');
// Create menu container
var Menu = new gui.Menu({
type: 'menubar'
//initialize default mac menu
// Get the root menu from the default mac menu
var rootMenu = Menu.items[0].submenu;
// Append new item to root menu
new gui.MenuItem({
label: 'Preferences',
click : function () {
// Append Menu to Window
gui.Window.get().menu = Menu;


Dynamically add/hide tabpanel in viewport

This code is executed when clicking on menu item:
var objectTabPanel = Ext.create('App.view.ObjectTabPanel');
var tab = Ext.getCmp('mainTabPanel').add(objectTabPanel);
But if I click on the menu item again, the tabpanel is created again.
How to create a condition? If the tabpanel is created and opened, then switch to it. If the tabpanel is not created and is not open, then create and switch to it.
I want the behavior such as, for example, in SublimeText:
You can use Ext.getCmp('componentID').show():
onObjectsClick: function(item, e, eOpts) {
if(!Ext.getCmp('objectsPanel')) {
var objectsPanel = Ext.create('AMS.view.ObjectsPanel');

Link add-on SDK panel to toolbar button

The add-on SDK attaches panels to widgets as seen here. I would like to achieve the same effect using the add-on SDK with a toolbar button instead.
The toolbar button I'm using is of the type menu-button, which means that the left side is an icon and has an oncommand listener. The right side is a drop-down arrow which shows its contents on click. Here's the code to create such a button with the add-on SDK:
const doc = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow().document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', data.url('resources/hylyt_off.png'));
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
btn.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
if (event.button===0) btnClick();
console.log(TAG+'button clicked');
}, false);
var panel = doc.createElement('panel');
panel.setAttribute('id', 'search-panel');
panel.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
console.log(TAG+'dropdown clicked');
}, false);
var label = doc.createElement('label');
label.setAttribute('control', 'name');
label.setAttribute('value', 'Article List');
var textbox = doc.createElement('textbox');
textbox.setAttribute('id', 'name');
The panel above is not an add-on SDK panel, it's a XUL panel and is severely limited in that it can't be styled with CSS. On top of this, the panel's onCommand listener never fires despite the fact that the btn's onCommand fires as expected. The XUL panel shows itself when I click the dropdown button (as long as it has children), but because I can't access its click handler, I can't just create an add-on SDK panel on click.
So my question is this. Is there a way to access the toolbar button's menu portion's click handler or is there a way to append an add-on SDK panel as a child of a toolbar button?
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of arrow panels. Is there a way to place an HTML file in one rather than having to dynamically create XUL elements? The effect I'm trying to achieve is similar to the Pocket extension, which does one thing when the button part is clicked and another when the arrow is clicked. – willlma 7 hours ago
You have 900+ rep, you should know better. It is common knowledge to create another question topic rather then ask how to do something different in a comment especially after solution acceptance.
Nonetheless, this is what you do to accomplish the Pocket toolbarbutton effect. Based on code supplied by contributor above.
Ask another question and I'll move this there and you can accept my solution there.
var doc = document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', '');
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
var toolbarbuttonPanel = doc.createElement('panel');
toolbarbuttonPanel.setAttribute('id', 'toolbarbutton-panel');
toolbarbuttonPanel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow');
var toolbarbuttonLabel = doc.createElement('label');
toolbarbuttonLabel.setAttribute('value', 'toolbarbutton panel');
var dropmarkerPanel = doc.createElement('panel');
dropmarkerPanel.setAttribute('id', 'dropmarker-panel');
dropmarkerPanel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow');
var dropmarkerLabel = doc.createElement('label');
dropmarkerLabel.setAttribute('value', 'dropmarker panel');
var mainPopupSet = document.querySelector('#mainPopupSet');
btn.addEventListener('click',function(event) {
if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'toolbarbutton') {
} else if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == 'xul:toolbarbutton') {
}, false);
Panels don't have an onCommand method see MDN - Panels Article
You can make your panel stylized, give it type arrow like panel.setAttribute('type', 'arrow') and then to attach to your button. I didn't give it type arrow below.
Heres the working code. Copy paste to scratchpad and set Environment > Browser then run it.
var doc = document; //to put this back in sdk do const doc = require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow().document;
var navBar = doc.getElementById('nav-bar')
var btn = doc.createElement('toolbarbutton');
btn.setAttribute('id', 'hylytit');
btn.setAttribute('type', 'menu-button');
btn.setAttribute('class', 'toolbarbutton-1');
btn.setAttribute('image', ''); //i made this image blank because i dont have the image and im running from scratchpad
btn.setAttribute('orient', 'horizontal');
btn.setAttribute('label', '');
var panel = doc.createElement('panel');
btn.addEventListener('command', function(event) { //moved this below var panel = doc.createElement because panel needs to be crated before we write this function
//if (event.button===0) btnClick();
//console.log(TAG+'button clicked'); //what is TAG? its undefeined for me
}, false);
panel.setAttribute('id', 'search-panel');
panel.addEventListener('command', function(event) {
console.log(TAG+'dropdown clicked'); //what is TAG? its undefeined for me
}, false);
var label = doc.createElement('label');
label.setAttribute('control', 'name');
label.setAttribute('value', 'Article List');
var textbox = doc.createElement('textbox');
textbox.setAttribute('id', 'name');
You can create a Toolbarbutton and Panel using the Addon SDK and some Jetpack modules. Try toolbarwidget-jplib and browser-action-jplib by Rob--W.
You can easy add a button to the toolbar and style the panel whatever you want with css / html:
var badge = require('browserAction').BrowserAction({
default_icon: 'images/icon19.png', // optional
default_title: 'Badge title', // optional; shown in tooltip
default_popup: 'popup.html' // optional

ExtJS: Adding a button to dynamic content odd behavior

I'm using OpenLayers and ExtJS together. In a map, I have popups that appear when you interact with the map. The HTML for the these popups contains a container that I use to create an extjs button with a menu.
When you close the popup or click out of the menu/button, the menus don't disappear. Once the button is clicked to show the menu, it remains visible! To resolve, I can write some code to manually destroy it - but I'm only firing this code on the popup close. Does anyone know why the button w/ menu is acting this way?
I init the button and menu when a popup is created on the map:
Map.popupMenu = new{
id: "ChangesGridContextMenu",
items: [{ .... }]
Map.popupButton = new Ext.Button({
id: "popupActions",
text: "Actions..",
menu: Map.popupMenu
When the popup is closed I destroy the extjs components:
if (Map.popupMenu !== null) {
Map.popupMenu = null;
if (Map.popupButton !== null) {
Map.popupButton = null;

extjs 3 - change menuitems order in menu of a button

I want to change order of the menu items of menu in a button. For example, I have a menu like following:
I add them in this order (menuA, menu3, menu2, menu1). Now i want to move menuA to top (before menu 1) like following:
Any idea/suggestion on how to do this?
Thanks for help in advance.
I am writing an HTA which uses extjs3 and I wanted to implement a recent files menu where if you choose a file from this menu, the chosen file should be moved to the top of the menu. I got it to work by removing all items and then adding new items in the new order
ResktopDeporter.getRecentFilesMenuItems = function() {
var a = [];
Ext.each(ResktopDeporter.recentfiles, function(item, index) {
text: item,
handler: function() {
var parent = this.parentMenu;
var items = ResktopDeporter.getRecentFilesMenuItems();
Ext.each(items, function(item, index) {
return a;
ResktopDeporter.recentfiles is just an array of file paths and saveRecentFiles() writes the list to a cookie.
I guess there is no way to reorder the menu items so for now i just add the menu items in my required order instead of reordering them later.

Is there a dojo enhanced grid example with context menu

I am looking for an example of a dojo enhanced grid that contains a context menu on either a cell or row menu where the cell or row data is accessed. I have managed to create an enhanced grid with a row context menu. I can create a function that captures the event of clicking on the row menu item. However, I am not sure how to access the row data in the context of the menu item handler. I have not seen any example in the tests of the nightly build. Is there an example of this available online?
I had a similar question. I wanted to create a context menu which allowed the user to remove the item that they right clicked on from the datagrid and delete the item from the datastore. Thought it should be pretty simple and with your help and some other sites, I came up with the following code.
var selectedItem; // This has to be declared "globally" outside of any functions
function onRowContextMenuFunc(e) {
selectedItem = e.grid.getItem(e.rowIndex);
function gridRowContextMenu_onClick(e) {
<div dojoType="dijit.Menu" id="grid5_rowMenu" jsId="grid5_rowMenu" style="display: none;">
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem" onClick="gridRowContextMenu_onClick">Delete</div>
<div dojoType="dijit.MenuItem">Cancel</div>
<div id="grid" dojoType="dojox.grid.DataGrid" jsId="grid5" store="store3" structure="layoutStructure" rowsPerPage="40" onRowContextMenu="onRowContextMenuFunc"></div>
Of course, if you were programatically creating your DataGrid, you would just add onRowContextMenu: onRowContextMenuFunc to your declaration.
I figured it out. On the row context menu even, capture the row number into a global. On a click even on the menu item, retrieve the row from the global and then use it to lookup the contents of the row in the grid. I have been using this method and it has worked perfect.
Here's how to access the selected row from the context menu:
// First create a menu object to hold the various menus
var menusObject = {
// headerMenu: new dijit.Menu(),
rowMenu: new dijit.Menu()//,
// cellMenu: new dijit.Menu(),
// selectedRegionMenu: new dijit.Menu()
Add a menu item
menusObject.rowMenu.addChild(new dijit.MenuItem({
label: "Show me data",
onClick: function(e){
Create the grid
var grid = new dojox.grid.EnhancedGrid({
store : store,
structure : layout,
rowsPerPage: 10,
escapeHTMLInData: false,
plugins: {
menus: menusObject
}, 'some are to place');
// Activate message sending from data grid row to menu items
dojo.connect(grid, 'onRowContextMenu', function(e)
// Set the "selectedItem" property of all of the menu items of a menu. This lets you reference the row data!!
var menuChildren = menusObject.rowMenu.getChildren();
for(var i = 0; i<menuChildren.length; i++){
menuChildren[i].selectedRow = this.getItem(e.rowIndex);

