Mouseover and mouseout not working on firefox? - javascript

I want to try image slide show on mouseover and stop on mouse out
Following is my code: but with mouse over mouse out is also calling..its working fine on chrome...
default_image = '';
timer = 0;
var counter = 0;
var selector = jQuery(this);
var pd_id = jQuery(this).attr('id');
var imageArray = jQuery.parseJSON(images);
var product_images= imageArray[pd_id];
default_image = jQuery(this).attr('data-image');
console.log('default-image= ' + default_image);
timer = setInterval(function(){selector.fadeOut("fast", function () {
if (counter === product_images.length) {
counter = 0;
console.log('localhost/product/' + product_images[counter]);
selector.attr('src', 'localhost/product/' + product_images[counter]);
counter = counter+ 1;
}, 2000)});
jQuery('.sales-product-images').on('mouseleave', function() {
console.log('now end');
// var counter = 0;
problem is: "now end" is also printed on mouseover in firefox.Which should not be.

Try this :
jQuery('.sales-product-images').on('mouseout', function() {
console.log('now end');
// var counter = 0;

The problem is likely caused by using mouseover with mouseleave, when it's paired event should be mouseout. The pairings can be seen below.
mouseover / mouseout
$( ".sales-product-images" )
.mouseover(function() {
console.log("mouse over");
.mouseout(function() {
console.log("mouse out");
mouseenter / mouseleave
$( ".sales-product-images" )
.mouseenter(function() {
console.log("mouse enter");
.mouseleave(function() {
console.log("mouse leave");
The above methods are shortcuts for the .on("", function(){}) method.
You could rewrite your javascript as follows:
default_image = '';
timer = 0;
var counter = 0;
var selector = jQuery(this);
var pd_id = jQuery(this).attr('id');
var imageArray = jQuery.parseJSON(images);
var product_images= imageArray[pd_id];
default_image = jQuery(this).attr('data-image');
console.log('default-image= ' + default_image);
timer = setInterval(function(){
selector.fadeOut("fast", function () {
if (counter === product_images.length) {
counter = 0;
console.log('localhost/product/' + product_images[counter]);
selector.attr('src', 'localhost/product/' + product_images[counter]);
counter = counter+ 1;
}, 2000);
}).mouseout(function() {
console.log('now end');
// var counter = 0;


jQuery disable multiple clicks

I'm trying to create a simple JQuery slider, and I'm having trouble with the .on('click') function, if I click the next or prev button too fast it exceeds the value I expect.
var currentSlide = 1;
var $slider = $(".slides");
var slideCount = $slider.children().length;
var slideSpeed = 500;
var slideMarginLeft = -900;
var slideMarginRight = 0;
if(currentSlide > 1){
$slider.animate({marginLeft : slideMarginLeft + 1800} , slideSpeed, function(){
slideMarginLeft +=900;
if(currentSlide < 5){
$slider.animate({marginLeft : slideMarginLeft} , slideSpeed, function(){
slideMarginLeft -=900;
var currentSlide = 1;
var $slider = $(".slides");
var slideCount = $slider.children().length;
var slideSpeed = 500;
var slideMarginLeft = -900;
var slideMarginRight = 0;
function previousClickCallback(animationCallback){
return function(){
if(currentSlide > 1){
$slider.animate({marginLeft : slideMarginLeft + 1800} , slideSpeed, () => {
slideMarginLeft +=900;
} else {
function nextClickCallback(){
return function(){
if(currentSlide < 5){
$slider.animate({marginLeft : slideMarginLeft} , slideSpeed, () => {
slideMarginLeft -=900;
} else {
This should do, click event gets registered only once and once the callback for animation is done then only click event is registered again and that will stop from continuously firing events
Make sure the .next class is assigned to only one button.

Pause autonomous function if user interacts?

I'm trying to make a carousel that runs automatically, but if a user interacts with the controls I want the carousel to reset its timer.
What ive built works to an extent, but if you interact with the control-dot the timer isnt reset so it throws some funny results...
Here's my JS
/* Js for carousel */
$(function() {
var lis = $('.step'),
currentHighlight = 0;
N = 5; // Duration in seconds
setInterval(function() {
currentHighlight = (currentHighlight + 1) % lis.length;
}, N * 1000);
$('.control-dot').on('click', function(e) {
var itemNo = $(this).index() - 1;
You should store interval id in a variable (let intervalId = setInterval(...)) and then use it to restart it.
Here is your updated fiddle:
So that your code will look like:
var duration = 5;
var lis = $('.step'),
currentHighlight = 0;
var intervalId = null;
$(function() {
$('.control-dot').on('click', function(e) {
var itemNo = $(this).index() - 1;
function rerunCarousel() {
if(intervalId) clearInterval(intervalId);
intervalId = null;
function runCarousel() {
intervalId = setInterval(function() {
currentHighlight = (currentHighlight + 1) % lis.length;
}, N * 1000)
Add a variable to stop it.
var stop = false
$(function() {
var lis = $('.step'),
currentHighlight = 0;
N = 5; // Duration in seconds
setInterval(function() {
if (!stop) {
currentHighlight = (currentHighlight + 1) % lis.length;
}, N * 1000);
$('.control-dot').on('click', function(e){
var itemNo = $(this).index() - 1;
stop = !stop

How to return original inner text on mouseleave?

I would like to randomize characters on hover for a specific id.
It works fine on mouse enter but can't get it stop and back to initial text when mouse leave.
Here's the code.
jQuery(function($) {
function text_shuffle() {
"use strict";
var counter = 0, all = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
var $_inter = setInterval(function() {
var text = document.getElementById("text-shuffle");
text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0, counter) + all.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*all.length)) + text.innerHTML.substring(counter+1);
counter = (counter+1)%text.innerHTML.length;
}, 100);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="text-shuffle">Home</div>
Thanks for your help
Use clearInterval to stop the randomize characters, replace the original text when mouse goes out of text.
jQuery(function($) {
function text_shuffle() {
"use strict";
var counter = 0, all = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
$_inter = setInterval(function() {
var text = document.getElementById("text-shuffle");
text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0, counter) + all.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*all.length)) + text.innerHTML.substring(counter+1);
counter = (counter+1)%text.innerHTML.length;
}, 100);
var value, $_inter;
$("#text-shuffle").mouseenter( function(){
value = $(this).html();
<script src=""></script>
<div id="text-shuffle">Home</div>
You need to clear your interval on mouseleave. You haven't called a mouseleave function so your code scrambles the chars inside your div indefinitely.
All I've done was set the interval to a variable and clear the variable on mouseleave.
jQuery(function($) {
all = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
var int;
var counter = 0;
function textShuffle() {
var text = document.getElementById("text-shuffle");
text.innerHTML = text.innerHTML.substring(0, counter) + all.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*all.length)) + text.innerHTML.substring(counter+1);
counter = (counter+1)%text.innerHTML.length;
$("#text-shuffle").hover(function() {
int = setInterval(textShuffle, 100);
}, function () {
document.getElementById("text-shuffle").innerText = "Home";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="text-shuffle">Home</div>
'use strict';
var all = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789',
elem = document.getElementById("text-shuffle"),
orig = elem.innerHTML;
var $_inter;
function text_shuffle()
var counter = 0;
$_inter = setInterval( function()
elem.innerHTML = elem.innerHTML.substring(0, counter) + all.charAt(( Math.random() * all.length ) | 0 ) + elem.innerHTML.substring(counter + 1);
counter = (counter+1) % elem.innerHTML.length;
}, 100);
function clear() { clearInterval( $_inter ); elem.innerHTML = orig };
$("#text-shuffle").hover( text_shuffle, clear )

Execute function IF another function is complete NOT when

I am having trouble creating a slider that pauses on hover, because I execute the animation function again on mouse off, if I flick the mouse over it rapidly (thereby calling the function multiple times) it starts to play up, I would like it so that the function is only called if the other function is complete, otherwise it does not call at all (to avoid queue build up and messy animations)
What's the easiest/best way to do this?
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
//Mouse on
n = 0;
$('.slider').stop(true, false);
}, function() {
//Mouse off
n = 1;
if (fnct == 0) sliderLoop();
//Called in Slide Loop
function animateSlider() {
$('.slider').delay(3000).animate({ marginLeft: -(slide_width * i) }, function() {
var i = 0;
var fnct = 0
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
fnct = 1
if(n == 1) {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
i = 0;
fnct = 0
The slider works fine normally, but if I quickly move my mouse on and off it, then the slider starts jolting back and forth rapidly...been trying to come up with a solution for this for hours now..
Here's what fixed it, works a charm!
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
var t = 0;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
}, function() {
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);
var marginSize = i = 1;
var fnctcmp = 0;
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
marginSize = -(slide_width * i++);
marginSize = i = 1;
$('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: marginSize });
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);

jquery stop image rotation on mouseover, start on mouseout / hover

I have built a jQuery rotator to rotate through 3 divs and loop them. I would like to add the functionality on mouse over to "freeze" the current div and then start again on mouse out.
I've thought about setting a variable to false at the start of the function and setting it true when it's on it's current frame but I've got my self a bit confused.
I've also tried to use the hover function but when using the in and out handlers, I'm confused as to how to stop, restart the animation.
function ImageRotate() {
var CurrentFeature = "#container" + featureNumber;
$(CurrentFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).animate({'top' : '330px'}, 3000);
var featureNumber2 = featureNumber+1;
if ( featureNumber == numberOfFeatures) {featureNumber2 = 1}
var NewFeature = "#container" + featureNumber2;
$(NewFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).animate({'top' : '0px'}, 3000);
var featureNumber3 = featureNumber-1;
if ( featureNumber == 1) {featureNumber3 = numberOfFeatures};
var OldFeature = "#container" + featureNumber3;
$(OldFeature).stop(false, true).delay(4500).css('top' , '-330px');
setTimeout('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; ImageRotate2()', 7500)};
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks, Matt
If you were to add this code:
var timerId = null;
function startRotation() {
if (timerId) {
timerId = setInterval('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; ImageRotate2()', 7500);
function stopRotation() {
if (!timerId) {
timerId = null;
and replace the last line of your code block with a simple call to startRotation();, then you could call stopRotation and startRotation when the mouse hovers over/leaves your element:
$('your-element-selector').hover(stopRotation, startRotation);
It's not clear what you are trying to do with the three divs without seeing the HTML and more code, so I think a basic example might help you better (demo).
<div class="test">image: <span></span></div>
var indx = 0, loop, numberOfFeatures = 5;
function imageRotate(){
if (indx > numberOfFeatures) { indx = 1; }
$('.test span').text(indx);
loop = setTimeout( imageRotate , 1000 );
}, function(){
changed things up a little bit, here is how I ended up doing it. `
var animRun = false;
var rotateHover = false;
function startRotation() {
rotateHover = false;
function stopRotation() {
rotateHover = true;
function ImageRotate() {
if (rotateHover == false){
animRun = true;
var CurrentFeature = "#container" + featureNumber;
$(CurrentFeature).stop(false, true).animate({'top' : '330px'}, featureDuration, function(){animRun = false;});
var featureNumber2 = featureNumber+1;
if ( featureNumber == numberOfFeatures) {featureNumber2 = 1}
var NewFeature = "#container" + featureNumber2;
$(NewFeature).stop(false, true).animate({'top' : '0px'}, featureDuration); /* rotate slide 2 into main frame */
var featureNumber3 = featureNumber-1;
if ( featureNumber == 1) {featureNumber3 = numberOfFeatures};
var OldFeature = "#container" + featureNumber3;
$(OldFeature).stop(false, true).css('top' , '-330px'); /*bring slide 3 to the top*/
setTimeout('if (featureNumber == numberOfFeatures){featureNumber = 1} else {featureNumber++}; if (rotateHover == false){ImageRotate2()};', featureDelay);

