code behind c# - javascript - google map - javascript

help! I have a google map in the master page , moving the map I get the coordinates then
Click asp button through javascript I would update the data in the page content in the code behind c # . this works but it only works the first time , by moving the map again , the button is not clicked more
 this code:
Please wait ...
<asp:Button ID="MapTrigger" name="MapTrigger" runat="server" OnClick="MapTrigger_Click" style="display:none;" />
function OnSuccess(resul_param) {
if (resul_param) {
document.getElementById("currentDate").innerHTML = resul_param[0];
var clickButton = document.getElementById("<%=MapTrigger.ClientID %>");
code behind c#.
protected void MapTrigger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

I solved this way. I have made ​​visible to the entire page ( MasterPage + aspx) button with a global function that I put at the beginning of the aspx page immediately after the tag Content
function InitializeVariables() {
var MapTrigger = null;
if (MapTrigger == null) {
MapTrigger = document.getElementById("");;
now works perfectly.


Why does Page Inspector display unwanted <$A$> tags

I'm using the page inspector debugger in Visual Studio to compete a tutorial on how to use jQuery to display a dialog showing a line of text and a dropdownlist.
In Page Inspector it appears with random , tags around the elements as shown
This doesn't happen when it it debugged in Chrome, IE etc
Has anyone else experienced this before, or have ideas why it might be occurrng. Is this just a 'feature' or the Page Inspector?
The code used to generate this popup is as follows...
This works by pressing the button btnLookAndFeel on page ItemEdit.cshtml which calls the ListingItemController.EditLookAndFeel method, which returns the partial view EditLookAndFeel.cshtml
#section scripts
$(function () {
$('#btnLookAndFeel').click(function () {
{ id: $('#LookAndFeelId').val() },
function (data) { $('#divLookAndFeel').html(data).dialog(); });
public ActionResult EditLookAndFeel(int id)
var list = _lookAndFeelService.List();
ViewBag.LookAndFeelList = new SelectList(list, "Id", "Name", id);
return PartialView();
Please select the Look and Feel: #Html.DropDownList("LookAndFeelList")

Label won't show when label hidden via page load

The desired effect is that on page load the label does not display but when the user clicks the check box the label displays. This small code sample is just a sample to illustrate the issue. The code will always return an object reference exception from javascript when the Visible property of the label is set to false. If that line is commented out, it will execute correctly with no object reference exceptions but the label should be hidden at page load. This application does use master pages which is why were are passing the ClientIDs to the javascript Toggle function.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.chkSelect.Attributes.Add("onClick", "Toggle('" + this.lblAdd.ClientID + "', '" + this.chkSelect.ClientID + "')");
this.lblAdd.Visible = false;
<script type="text/javascript">
function Toggle(lblAdd, chk) {
var ctrlAdd = document.getElementById(lblAdd);
var ctrlChk = document.getElementById(chk);
if (ctrlChk.checked == true) { = 'inline';
else { = 'none';
<asp:Label ID="lblAdd" runat="server" Text="Add" Font-Size="8pt" ForeColor="Blue"> </asp:Label>
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelect" runat="server" Text="Check Box1" /><br />
How can we hide that label in Page_Load so we don't get object reference errors from Internet Explorer?
the Visible property does not render the HTML if set to false, that's why you get a null reference (in other words, ASP.NET's Visible is nothing to do with the display CSS property - it actually toggles whether an element is rendered in the HTML code or not.). Instead assign a CSS class on page load that defines display: none, then remove that class on click with javascript

How to Display the Html content page wise using webview in android?

hi i create simple app to display html page in webview i use the webview and display the page load time like this.
After this Disable the scroll and use the next and previous button to back and forward contain.
So my code is below.
First onCreate display add webview and load the html file.
mainWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
mainWebView.setWebViewClient(new MyWebClient());
mainWebView.setPictureListener(new MyPictureClass());
after use the MyWebclient Class for get the Height and width for mainwebview.
class MyWebClient extends WebViewClient
public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url)
System.err.println("Page Finish Call");
lanscapHeight = protraitHeight = findHeight = mainWebView.getHeight();
System.err.println("Find Height->"+findHeight);
System.err.println("Portait Height->"+protraitHeight);
System.err.println("Landscap Height->"+lanscapHeight);
after this use the myPictureClass to get the webView contain length.
class MyPictureClass implements PictureListener
public void onNewPicture(WebView view, Picture picture)
proTraitContain = mainWebView.getContentHeight();
System.err.println("picture Class Call-->"+proTraitContain);
after this.create button next and previous to display the next and previous use the SimpleOnGestureListener to Detect touch event.
btnNext = (Button) findViewById(;
btnPrev = (Button) findViewById(;
Override touch Method.
public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent event)
if (view == btnNext)
btnClickFlage = true;
} else
btnClickFlage = false;
return false;
implement the SimpleGestureListener class as Below.
class MyGesture extends SimpleOnGestureListener
public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e)
System.err.println("Display Total Contain For Protrait -->"+proTraitContain);
System.err.println("Before Height-->" + findHeight);
if (btnClickFlage)
if (findHeight > (proTraitContain+protraitHeight))
System.err.println("If part In side Flag-->"+findHeight);
mainWebView.scrollTo(0, findHeight);
System.err.println("If part In side Flag-->"+findHeight);
findHeight = protraitHeight;
findHeight = findHeight + protraitHeight;
findHeight = findHeight + protraitHeight;
mainWebView.scrollTo(0, findHeight);
if (findHeight<=0)
System.err.println("Load Previous page");
findHeight = findHeight - protraitHeight;
mainWebView.scrollTo(0, findHeight);
System.err.println("After Height-->" + findHeight);
return true;
but i can't Display the last page of current html page what to do.any solution please's urgent.
i get the content width properly and use the scrollTo method to display but i can't do it.after last page rest of some contain can't display.
Please saw me the any way.
Thank in advance..
Hi Friends Finally i got my question answer.i use the ScrollTo method to scroll the contain and Display next contain of current page.but problem is there webView Display all contain according all time contain display is higher then this current i use the Webview.getScale(); method to Display how much scale use by webview.according to this i use this method and get current contain of webview in and use Display page wise.its finally its work for me..
Name For CalenderOuthenticationDe
Hello You have to put your HTML in res and then in that you have to keep it in raw after then you can access it like this...
You are showing the web page stored in your assets folder or from sd card.
So, My advice is that leave this approach and this way to show the web page to user..
And Edit your HTML files and put Anchor Tags in that...using that the user can traverse through the web page easily. (Example for that)

How to disable/enable timer control using Javascript?

How to disabled/enabled timer control using Javascript?
My code is: (but not working)
function timeroff()
var b = document.getElementById('Timer1');
if (b) {
b.disabled = true;
function timeron() {
var b = document.getElementById('Timer1');
if (b) {
b.disabled = false;
This allows a user to toggle an ASP timer control using ONLY JavaScript.
I'm expanding this, but for now, it's working great ... if I want to disable the timer and not have the update panel refresh while working, it's great, not elegant yet, but it works.
Note, this works with an update panel and a timer named ID=tmrFillAlerts (see below code) ... I'm listing the most basic required ... I took out the CSS and formatting so it would be easier to follow but with all that included, it looks like this ...
The toggles look like this when page loads and you click the user button with timer running ...
Then, after clicking "Turn updates OFF" above, you see this and the timer is stopped ...
You can see the "Turn updates OFF or ON" above are in the code below as ID=lblFlyOutTimerStatus below. Also, the RED ON/OFF ball above is below as ID=lblAlertsTotal.
When the updates are ON ... and you click on the Bell or the Info button, you get a flyout like this thanks to the timer and it is updated every 60 seconds in my case (this shows the bell flyout)
The Code Behind C# ...
// Loads the DataList from the TIMER component
private void udpAlertBar(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// Do whatever you want here on timer tick ...
// Write the last BELL alert time...
lblAlertTime.Text = "Last update time:<br/>" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyy hh:mm:ss tt");
// Load the BELL and INFO icon drop down lists
// Update red alert ballz ....
The ASP page code ...
<asp:UpdatePanel id="udpAlertItemUpdater" runat="server">
<!-- NOTE: The update panel must wrap just this area (UPDpnl kills the javascript for some reason otherwise) -------->
<asp:Label id="lblTimerState" runat="server" Text="on" />
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="toggleUpdateTimer()">
<asp:Label ID="lblFlyOutTimerStatus" runat="server" Text="Turn updates OFF" />
<asp:Timer ID="tmrFillAlerts" runat="server" OnTick="udpAlertBar" Interval="60000" Enabled="true"/>
The JavaScript Code ...
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleUpdateTimer() {
// Gets the timer control on the page named “tmrFillAlerts”
var timerState = $find(“tmrFillAlerts”);
// Gets the label I use for an alert ball on an icon on the page …
var timerStatusRedAlertBall = document.getElementById(‘lblTimerState’);
// Gets the menu item I have on the alert icon that drops down when clicked …
var timerStatusFlyOutLabel = document.getElementById(‘lblFlyOutTimerStatus’);
// Toggle the timer when the menu item is clicked ….
if (timerState.get_enabled() == true) {
stopUpdateTimer(); // NOTE: stop the timer, then disable …
timerStatusRedAlertBall.innerHTML = “OFF”;
timerStatusFlyOutLabel.innerHTML = “Turn Updates ON”;}
else {
timerState.set_enabled(true); // NOTE: Enable the timer, then start ….
timerStatusRedAlertBall.innerHTML = “on”;
timerStatusFlyOutLabel.innerHTML = “Turn Updates OFF”;}
function stopUpdateTimer() {
var timer = $find(“tmrFillAlerts”);
function startUpdateTimer() {
var timer = $find(“tmrFillAlerts”);
I stripped out everything but the relevant items to get it working ... otherwise this would have been ten pages long!!
Works for me in all browsers at present from an IIS 8.5 running .NET ver: 4.0.30319.42000
It's a work in progress, that was quickly done, but found some cool stuff out there I thought I'd share. Hope it helps!
Good luck!!
The following works as long as the timer is not on a Master page because you will get an error stating "The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).]" when you put this javascript in the header of a Master page.
function enableTimer() {
var timer = Sys.Application.findComponent(‘<%= Timer1.ClientID %>’);
function disableTimer() {
var timer = Sys.Application.findComponent(‘<%= Timer1.ClientID %>’);
see: for more details

Smoothing Animation of Collapsible Panels Inside Listviews

I have the following code to smooth animation on a collapsiblepanel, and it works splendidly:
<script type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad(sender, args) {
function smoothAnimation() {
var collPanel = $find(("<%= CollapsiblePanelExtender.ClientID %>"));
collPanel._animation._fps = 30;
collPanel._animation._duration = 0.5;
Now, I also have a listview, separate from the above panel, that has a collapsible panel extender inside each of its items. I would like to apply that "smoothAnimation()" function to each of them, but I don't know how to do that, since databinding gives each item a unique ID.
Does anybody know how to approach this in javascript? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use the OnItemCreated event, and use the following:
protected void ListItems_Created(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
CollapsiblePanelExtender cpe = (CollapsiblePanelExtender)e.Item.FindControl("collapsePanelID");
cpe.Attributes.Add("onload", cpe.ClientID + "._animation._fps = 30;");
cpe.Attributes.Add("onload", cpe.ClientID + "._animation._duration = 0.5;");
This code is untested but it's all you should need to get this working.

